Spanish Music and Dance Collection

A collection of Spanish words related to the themes of music and dance.


The word 'soprano' in Spanish also translates to 'soprano' in English. It is a term used in music to describe the highest singing voice in standard usage. More specifically, it refers to a voice type found in opera among female singers, but it is also used as a term within choral music to describe a vocal line or part. The term can additionally be also used to describe instruments with a higher range within groups of similar instruments.

Example sentences with  soprano

The word 'tango' in Spanish is also 'tango' in English. It refers to a type of music and dance that originated from Argentina, which is characterized by its expressive and sensual style. The term also refers to the distinctive rhythm and meter of this music genre. In a broader context, 'tango' can also symbolize the passionate Latin American culture.

Example sentences with  tango

The Spanish word 'tecla' translates to 'key' in English. It can refer to a key on a keyboard, a piano, or another device that has buttons for operations. Additionally, 'tecla' can be part of phrases such as 'tecla de borrado' (delete key) and 'tecla de escape' (escape key), extending its usage beyond the simplistic definition of 'key'.


The term 'teclado' in Spanish translates to 'keyboard' in English. It refers to the input device used to type information into a computer or other electronic device. It contains keys for letters, numbers and special characters, and often includes other function keys as well. The layout can vary, but most keyboards follow the QWERTY design.

tener buena acústica
having good acoustics

The Spanish phrase 'tener buena acústica' translates to 'having good acoustics' in English. The phrase is usually used to describe spaces that allow sound to be heard clearly and distinctly. It might be used to refer to venues such as theaters or concert halls. However, it can also apply to other spaces, such as a room or building, that is designed to control the reflection and absorption of sound effectively.

Example sentences with  tener buena acústica
tener mala acústica
having bad acoustics

The Spanish phrase 'tener mala acústica' translates to 'having bad acoustics' in English. This can refer to an environment or space where sound does not travel well, causing poor quality of sound. It is often used in relation to music venues, theaters, or other places where sound quality is important for the performance or event. For example, in a room with bad acoustics, you may have difficulty hearing someone speaking, or music may sound distorted or unclear.

Example sentences with  tener mala acústica
tener una voz aguda
having an acute voice

The Spanish phrase 'tener una voz aguda' translates to 'having an acute voice' in English. This phrase often pertains to someone who has a high-pitched voice or a voice that is sharp and piercing, possibly even shrill. It is not necessarily pejorative; the context in which it is used will contribute to its exact implication.

Example sentences with  tener una voz aguda
tener una voz grave
having a serious voice

The phrase 'tener una voz grave' in Spanish translates to 'having a serious voice' in English. It is often used to describe someone's voice that is deep, rich, and possibly commanding. This phrase is not typically used to denote seriousness in the sense of gravity or solemnity. Instead, it is more about the depth or resonance of the voice which might be seen as serious because it can come across as authoritative or mature. Learning common phrases such as this one can help in understanding conversational Spanish, as it adds nuance to the dialogue.

Example sentences with  tener una voz grave
tener una voz potente
having a powerful voice

The Spanish phrase 'tener una voz potente' directly translates to 'having a powerful voice' in English. It is a description used to denote someone whose voice commands attention due to its strength, volume, or other qualities that gives it power or influence. Such a phrase could be used to describe a singer, a speaker, or anyone whose voice impacts other people in a powerful way.

Example sentences with  tener una voz potente

The Spanish word 'tenor' translates to 'tenor' in English. In the context of music, a 'tenor' is a type of classical male singing voice whose vocal range is one of the highest of the male voice types. It is used in choral music, opera, and other forms of singing. In a non-musical sense, 'tenor' can refer to the general course, character, or mood of something.

Example sentences with  tenor
tocar (un instrumento)
play (an instrument)

The Spanish verb 'tocar' when used in the context of an instrument, translates to 'play' in English. Thus, 'tocar un instrumento' means 'to play an instrument'. The verb is used to describe the action of producing sound from an instrument. This is similar to how 'play' is used in English in phrases like ‘play the piano’, ‘play the guitar’, etc.

Example sentences with  tocar (un instrumento)
tocar a todo volumen
touch the full volume

'Tocar a todo volumen' does not translate to 'touch the full volume' in English. Rather, it is an idiomatic phrase that translates to 'to play at full volume'. This phrase is specifically used in circumstances where music or sound is being played at its highest or loudest capacity. Consider the statement 'El niño está tocando la música a todo volumen', which translates to 'The boy is playing the music at full volume'.

Example sentences with  tocar a todo volumen
tocar en un auditorio
play in an auditorium

The Spanish term 'tocar en un auditorio' translates to 'play in an auditorium' in English. This phrase may refer to performing music or acting in a play within an auditorium, a large venue often used for performances. The verb 'tocar' can mean to touch, play an instrument, or play a game depending on the context. When combined with 'en un auditorio', it is typically assumed to mean performing some sort of public presentation or show. Thus, 'tocar en un auditorio' encompasses both the act of the performance and the setting where it takes place.

Example sentences with  tocar en un auditorio
tocar en vivo
play live

The Spanish term 'tocar en vivo' translates to 'play live' in English. This phrase is commonly used in musical contexts to refer to performing in real time in front of an audience. Not limited to music, 'tocar en vivo' can also be used in broadcasting situations where a show or event is relayed as it happens rather than being prerecorded.

Example sentences with  tocar en vivo

A trumpet is a brass musical instrument that you play by blowing into it. 'Trompeta' is the Spanish noun for this type of instrument.

Example sentences with  trompeta

Verso stands for 'Verse'. It refers to a group of lines that form a unit in a song or poem.

Example sentences with  verso

'Villancico' is a Spanish word that translates to 'carol' in English. It particularly refers to traditional festive songs sung during the Christmas season, similarly to carols that are sung in English-speaking parts of the world.

Example sentences with  villancico

A violin is a stringed musical instrument which is played with a bow. In Spanish, you call this instrument 'violín', a common noun used in any music context.

Example sentences with  violín

The Spanish word 'violinista' is translated as 'violinist' in English. A violinist is a person who plays the violin. This can refer to someone who does this professionally, as part of a symphony orchestra for example, or someone who plays the violin as a hobby. The term can apply to both males and females. In Spanish, the term 'violín' translates to 'violin', and the suffix '-ista' is similar to the English suffix '-ist', used to designate someone who practices a certain skill.

Example sentences with  violinista

The word 'violonchelo' is a Spanish term that translates to 'cello' in English. It signifies a large stringed instrument of the violin family, with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is known for producing a deep, rich and melodic sound, which is softer and deeper than a violin. A person who plays the 'violonchelo' is called a 'violonchelista'. The word 'violonchelo' may also refer to the music produced by this instrument, particularly in the context of a symphony orchestra or a string quartet. Implicit in the term is a sense of tradition and culture, as the cello or 'violonchelo' holds a prominent place in Western classical music.

Example sentences with  violonchelo
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