Spanish Music and Dance Collection

A collection of Spanish words related to the themes of music and dance.

música moderna
Modern music

The term 'música moderna' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'modern music' in English. It is used to describe a broad variety of contemporary and popular music genres that have emerged after the 1950s, ranging from rock, pop, hip-hop to electronic music. This term examines music that is currently in the mainstream or has been recently developed, demonstrating an evolution of different music styles and aesthetic trends over time.

Example sentences with  música moderna
música popular
popular music

The Spanish term 'música popular' translates to 'popular music' in English. It refers to a variety of musical genres that are accessible and enjoyed by a large number of people. This term encompasses many different styles that range from traditional folk music to contemporary pop. It is often characterized by its wide appeal and is commonly heard and shared through various platforms such as radio, television and the internet.

Example sentences with  música popular
música religiosa
religious music

The Spanish term 'música religiosa' translates to English as 'religious music'. It refers to music performed or composed for religious use or through religious influence. It is often used in worship or devotional services and can be part of various religious traditions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and many other faiths.

Example sentences with  música religiosa
música tradicional
traditional music

'Música tradicional' is a Spanish term that translates to 'traditional music' in English. This term often refers to historical, indigenous, or culturally ingrained styles of music found within a given region or population. It includes genres that have been passed down from generation to generation, typically within a specific community or cultural group. Traditional music varies worldwide, reflecting the diverse cultural, social, and historical contexts from which it originates.

Example sentences with  música tradicional

The term 'músico' in Spanish translates to 'musician' in English. A musician is an individual who plays a musical instrument, particularly as a profession, or is musically talented. Musicians can perform solo or as part of a group, band or orchestra. They compose, conduct, or perform music in a variety of genres. This term can be used to describe anyone from classical composers, like Mozart, to modern pop stars, like Justin Bieber. Moreover, 'músico' can be applied to a variety of roles in making music, such as instrumentalists, singers, conductors, bandleaders, arrangers, composers, music educators, music directors or music therapists.

Example sentences with  músico

Nota represents the 'Note' in English. It's a sign which symbolizes the relative duration and pitch of a sound.

Example sentences with  nota
nota (musical)
note (musical)

The Spanish word 'nota (musical)' translates to 'note (musical)' in English. In the context of music, a note is the minimum unit of music that a person can identify. It corresponds to a sound with a particular pitch and duration. Just as in Spanish, these musical notes form the building blocks of music compositions in the English-speaking music world too. So, 'nota (musical)' in Spanish and 'note (musical)' in English share the same meaning in the universal language of music.

Example sentences with  nota (musical)

An orchestra is a large group of musicians playing a variety of musical instruments, especially stringed instruments. The word 'orquesta' in Spanish has the same meaning.

Example sentences with  orquesta
paso (de baile)
step (of dance)

The Spanish term 'paso (de baile)' directly translates to 'step (of dance)' in English. It is commonly used in the context of dancing, where it denotes a particular sequence or manner of movement in dancing. The term 'paso' on its own means 'step' while the portion in the parenthesis, 'de baile', specifies that this step is related to dance. Hence, 'paso (de baile)' would refer to a dance step, a specific way to move in a dance routine.

Example sentences with  paso (de baile)
perder la voz
lose your voice

The given Spanish phrase 'Perder la voz' literally translates to 'lose the voice' in English. In general use, 'Perder la voz' is an expression used when one temporarily loses their ability to speak due to strain or illness affecting the vocal cords. This is similar to the English phrase 'losing one's voice'. The phrase can also be used in a metaphorical sense to describe an inability to express oneself effectively.

Example sentences with  perder la voz

The word 'pianista' is a noun in Spanish. It corresponds to the English word 'pianist'. A 'pianista' is a person who plays the piano. In performing genres, a pianist could be an accompanist, improviser, session musician and it is seen as an essential skill in classical music, musical theatre, jazz, blues, and many other music genres.

Example sentences with  pianista

The piano is a musical instrument with a keyboard. 'Piano' is also a noun in Spanish largely used in any music discussions or instructions.

Example sentences with  piano

The word 'pop' in Spanish also translates to 'pop' in English. It is used in the context of popular music genre named 'pop', which originated in its modern form during the late 1950s. The term is often used interchangeably with the term 'popular music', although the latter describes music that is popular across all genres. In Spanish, you would use 'pop' in the same way, to describe the same style of music.

Example sentences with  pop
quedarse sin voz
to be left without a voice

The Spanish term 'quedarse sin voz' translates to 'to be left without a voice' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a situation where someone loses their ability to speak, either due to a physical condition such as a sore throat, shock, or even due to strong emotions. It could also be used metaphorically to describe a situation where someone is left speechless or unable to express their thoughts or feelings.

Example sentences with  quedarse sin voz

The term 're' itself is quite versatile in Spanish language. While it doesn't have a direct translation in English, it is often used as an intensifier in informal conversations. It could be somewhat equated to words in English like 'very' or 'really.' For instance, 're lindo' would translate to 'really cute.' It is to be noted that the usage of 're' may vary among different regions in the Spanish-speaking world.

Example sentences with  re

The Spanish word 'recital' translates to 'recital' in English. It is typically used to refer to a program of music or dance, or any sequence of poems or other work being read out loud. Just like in English, 'recital' can describe a public performance of something such as a piece of music or poetry. The word 'recital', therefore, is a cognate, where the word has the same meaning and similar pronunciation in both English and Spanish.

representar un musical
represent a musical

The Spanish phrase 'representar un musical' translates to 'represent a musical' in English. It often refers to the process of acting, directing, or producing a musical performance or stage show. This might involve taking on a role within the performance or handling the logistics and creative elements behind the scenes.

Example sentences with  representar un musical
representar una ópera
represent an opera

The phrase 'representar una ópera' in Spanish translates to 'represent an opera' in English. It refers to the action of performing or staging an opera, which involves acting, singing or managing the production. This could be undertaken by an individual or a group, such as a theatre company or an opera troupe, and would involve interpretation of the opera's musical and dramatic elements.

Example sentences with  representar una ópera

Ritmo, which stands for 'Rhythm', is a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.

Example sentences with  ritmo

The word 'salsa' is Spanish, meaning 'sauce' in English. In a more general context, it is used to describe a variety of sauces used in Mexican and Spanish cuisines, including salsa roja (a red sauce) and salsa verde (a green sauce). The term 'salsa' is also widely associated with a popular genre of Latin American music and dance.


The word 'saxofón' in Spanish translates to 'saxophone' in English. A 'saxofón' or 'saxophone' is a musical instrument that is a member of the woodwind family. It's usually made of brass and played with a single-reed mouthpiece. The saxophone is commonly used in classical music, military bands, marching bands and jazz.

Example sentences with  saxofón

The Spanish word 'sílabo' does not translate to 'yeah' in English. It is actually an educational term that refers to a document that outlines a course of study. This document usually includes information on the topics to be covered, the methods of instruction, and the expectations for students to achieve. The equivalent term for 'sílabo' in English is 'syllabus'. Therefore, the correct translation of 'sílabo' is 'syllabus', not 'yeah'.


The Spanish word 'sinfonía' translates to 'symphony' in English. A symphony typically refers to an elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, generally in four movements, with the first being fast, the second slow, the third a 'minuet' or a 'scherzo', and the fourth fast again. The term 'sinfonía' could also be used metaphorically to describe any harmonious and complex event, process, or activity.

Example sentences with  sinfonía

The Spanish word 'sol' translates to 'sun' in English. It is a masculine noun frequently used in various contexts. Some examples include 'el sol brilla' which means 'the sun is shining', and 'el sol está muy caliente hoy' which means 'the sun is very hot today'. The word 'sol' is also used in idiomatic expressions such as 'hace sol' which means 'it's sunny'. Another important thing to notice is that in Spanish, 'el sol' is used more frequently than just 'sol', which is equivalent to 'the sun' in English as opposed to just 'sun'. It is one of the basic terms in Spanish vocabulary, making it essential for any beginner.

Example sentences with  sol

In Spanish, the word 'solista' translates to 'soloist' in English. A 'solista' is an individual who performs alone in a musical or artistic piece. This word is often used in the context of concerts, performances, musical productions and other events where an individual is highlighted for his or her singular performance. The soloist might be a singer, musician, dancer, or other type of performer. Note the use of 'solista' in sentences can vary based on the context of the discussion.

Example sentences with  solista
sonar a todo volumen
sound to full volume

The phrase 'sonar a todo volumen' in Spanish translates to 'sound to full volume' in English. This is commonly used when you want to express that a particular sound or music is being played very loudly. It is an expression that is often used in everyday situations, especially when referring to the volume of music or any audible device or sound source. It may be used to express both positive excitement for the loud music, or annoyance at the loud noise, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  sonar a todo volumen

The word 'sonata' in Spanish is also 'sonata' in English. It typically refers to a type of musical composition, usually in three or four movements, traditionally played on a solo instrument such as a piano. The term was brought into the musical lexicon in the 17th and 18th centuries and its structure typically consists of exposition, development, and recapitulation.

Example sentences with  sonata
sonido armonioso
harmonious sound

The Spanish phrase 'sonido armonioso' translates to 'harmonious sound' in English. This phrase could refer to anything that creates a pleasant, balanced, and melodious sound such as music, singing, or natural sounds like a flowing stream or singing birds. The adjective 'armonioso' implies a sense of pleasing balance or harmony, often related to auditory experiences, while 'sonido' means sound.

Example sentences with  sonido armonioso
sonido ensordecedor
deafening sound

The term 'sonido ensordecedor' in Spanish translates to 'deafening sound' in English. This is often used to describe a sound which is extremely loud and disorienting, and may even cause temporary or permanent hearing loss due to its extreme volume. It can refer to a literal sound, such as the noise made by an explosion or loud machinery, or used metaphorically to describe any overwhelming or overpowering feeling or situation.

Example sentences with  sonido ensordecedor
sonido estridente
loud sound

The Spanish term 'sonido estridente' translates to 'loud sound' in English. It is most commonly used to describe a sound that is piercing or extremely loud. In essence, it describes a sound that is high-pitched or harsh enough to garner significant attention or be extraordinarily noticeable.

Example sentences with  sonido estridente
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