Spanish Music and Dance Collection

A collection of Spanish words related to the themes of music and dance.

(compañía de) danza clásica
(partnership) classical dance

(compañía de) danza clásica is a Spanish term that is often translated as '(partnership) classical dance' in English. It is used to describe a group or company of dancers that perform classical dance forms, such as ballet. It can refer to both the collective group of dancers and the actual performances they produce. The inclusion of 'compañía de' emphasizes the organized or partnership nature of the group. This term is often used in contexts related to performing arts, culture, and entertainment.

Example sentences with  (compañía de) danza clásica
(compañía de) danza contemporánea
(company) contemporary dance

The term '(compañía de) danza contemporánea' in Spanish refers to a '(company) contemporary dance'. This usually specifies a body or group dedicated to performing, creating, and fostering contemporary dance, a genre of dance that emerged in the mid-20th century, incorporating elements from many styles of dance. The '(compañía de)' aspect implies organization, collaboration, and teamwork in this artistic endeavor.

Example sentences with  (compañía de) danza contemporánea
(un) musical
(a) musical

(Un) musical is a Spanish term used to indicate a musical show or performance. This term often refers to a genre of drama in which singing and dancing play an essential role, often telling a story. The term is derived from the English word 'musical', and it's used almost universally across the Spanish-speaking world. However, like many cultural terms, the context and usage can vary slightly from region to region, but generally the term '(un) musical' always relates to a show or performance which incorporates music, dancing, and often singing too.

Example sentences with  (un) musical

The Spanish word 'acto' translates to 'act' in English. This could be related to the action or deed done by a person, or it could refer to a segment of a performance or play in the context of theater. Just like in English, the usage of this term in Spanish largely depends on the context.

Example sentences with  acto
to act

The word 'actuar' is a verb in Spanish, it translates to the English verb 'to act'. This word can describe performing actions generally or, more specifically, it can be used to express the act of performing in a play, a film, or any other form of theater or dramatization. Aside from these, 'actuar' can also mean to take action or conduct oneself in response to something.

Example sentences with  actuar
actuar en un auditorio
acting in an auditorium

The phrase 'actuar en un auditorio' is Spanish for 'acting in an auditorium'. This typically refers to the act of performing a play, concert, or some other form of entertainment in a large public venue specifically designed for such types of performances. The key verb here is 'actuar', which can not only refer to the act of performing a role in a play or film, but can also imply taking action in a broader sense.

Example sentences with  actuar en un auditorio
actuar en vivo
perform live

The Spanish term 'actuar en vivo' translates to 'perform live' in English. It's frequently used in the context of live performances, such as concerts, theater, or other live events. When someone is 'actuando en vivo', they are performing live, highlighting the immediacy and authenticity of the performance. This phrase holds a context in the realm of entertainment and arts, where performances are often valued for their live, one-of-a-kind experiences.

Example sentences with  actuar en vivo

The Spanish word 'armonía' translates to 'harmony' in English. It can refer to a pleasing arrangement of parts, congruence, or compatibility in English. In music, 'armonía' means the simultaneous combination of tones, especially when blended into chords pleasing to the ear. It can also denote peace and understanding among individuals or groups. Thus, 'armonía' encapsulates a sense of order, balance, and peace.

Example sentences with  armonía

The word 'bailar' is a verb in Spanish, which translates to 'dance' in English. It is used to describe the activity of moving one's body rhythmically, typically to music and within a particular space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply deriving pleasure from the movement itself. 'Bailar' can also be used in various contexts such as 'bailar la salsa' which means 'to dance salsa'. Please note that conjugation rules apply when using this verb, depending on the tense and subject of the sentence.


The Spanish word 'bailarín' translates to 'dancer' in English. It is a masculine singular noun often used to describe a person who dances professionally or as a hobby. Like other Spanish words, 'bailarín' can change forms to indicate the gender and number of people it's referring to; for example, the feminine singular form is 'bailarina', the masculine plural is 'bailarines', and the feminine plural is 'bailarinas'. It derives from the verb 'bailar', which means 'to dance'.

Example sentences with  bailarín
baile agarrado
dance grabbed

The term 'baile agarrado' comes from Spanish and it is often used to describe a type of dance. The literal translation of 'baile agarrado' is 'dance grabbed', but in English, it's often referred to as a 'partner dance' or 'close dance'. It typically involves two participants who hold or 'grab' each other in a coordinated and rhythmic movement. This dance style can be found in many cultures and is associated with various types of music.

Example sentences with  baile agarrado
baile de salón
Ballroom dance

The Spanish phrase 'baile de salón' translates to 'ballroom dance' in English. It refers to a type of dance that takes place in a large room or hall, which is specially prepared for this purpose. This phrase might be linked with certain types of social or competitive dancing such as tango, salsa, waltz, or cha-cha. These dances are often performed in formal or elegant settings, such as weddings or dance competitions. The phrase 'baile de salón' can also refer to the specific style or techniques used in this type of dance.

Example sentences with  baile de salón

The Spanish word 'balada' does not mean 'bullet' in English. Instead, it translates to 'ballad' which typically refers to a slow, typically sentimental or romantic, song. It also might refer to a kind of slow popular music. For the English equivalent of 'bullet', you would use 'bala' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  balada

The word 'ballet' is the same in both Spanish and English. It refers to a highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary. It originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th and 16th centuries and was later adopted in France. Ballet is often choreographed and performed by trained artists, often accompanied by music. It uses precise, formalized steps, which is why ballet is often considered to be the basis of other high-level dance genres. From formalized court spectacles, it became an independent art form and spread across the world where it continues to contribute significantly to the world of performing arts.

Example sentences with  ballet

Canción is the Spanish term equivalent to 'song'. It refers to a short musical composition with words.

Example sentences with  canción

'Cantante' refers to a person who sings, either as a job or as a hobby. It's a gender-neutral term.

Example sentences with  cantante

Cantar means to sing in Spanish. It can be used when a person or a group of people are singing, whether it's a song, hymn or tune.

Example sentences with  cantar
cantar a todo volumen
singing in full volume

The Spanish phrase 'cantar a todo volumen' translates to 'singing at full volume' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts where someone is singing loudly, typically as loud as they can. It's important to understand the literal translation of each word; 'cantar' means 'to sing', 'a todo' means 'at all' or 'in full', and 'volumen' means 'volume'. Therefore, the phrase 'cantar a todo volumen' can be appreciated for having a clear and direct translation to English.

Example sentences with  cantar a todo volumen
cantar en directo
live singing

The Spanish phrase 'cantar en directo' translates to 'live singing' in English. This phrase is commonly used in relation to performances and concerts, where the vocalist or musician performs their music in real time, face-to-face with their audience. Unlike recorded music, live singing involves direct audience engagement and can convey deeper emotion. 'Cantar en directo' captures the excitement and immediacy of these spontaneous and unedited moments in music.

Example sentences with  cantar en directo
cantar en un auditorio
singing in an auditorium

The phrase 'cantar en un auditorio' in Spanish translates to 'singing in an auditorium' in English. Singing refers to the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, usually in a structured and continuous manner. An auditorium, on the other hand, is a large room or hall where people gather to hear speeches or watch performances. Thus, the phrase 'cantar en un auditorio' entails performing vocal music for an audience in a large room or building designed for such events.

Example sentences with  cantar en un auditorio
cantar en vivo
sing live

The Spanish phrase 'cantar en vivo' translates to 'sing live' in English. This phrase is commonly used to talk about musicians or artists who are performing their song vocally in front of an audience at that very moment, as opposed to delivering a prerecorded performance. 'Cantar' means 'to sing,' 'en' means 'in,' and 'vivo' means 'live.'

Example sentences with  cantar en vivo

The term 'clarinete' in Spanish refers to a musical instrument known as 'clarinet' in English. It is a woodwind instrument with a distinctive, clear tone. Played using a single reed and keys, the clarinet is a versatile instrument known for its wide range of notes. Notably used in orchestras, wind ensembles, and jazz bands, the clarinet is implicitly associated with a variety of musical genres and styles.

Example sentences with  clarinete

The Spanish word 'componer' translates to 'compose' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as composing a song, poem, or a letter. It's derived from the Latin 'componere' which also means 'to put together'. Remember, like many Spanish verbs, 'componer' can change its form depending on the tense and the subject of the sentence.

Example sentences with  componer
componer una canción
compose a song

The Spanish phrase 'componer una canción' translates to 'compose a song' in English. This is typically used when referring to the process of creating a melody or tune, and potentially also lyrics, for a new song. It is an action attributed to songwriters or musicians. In this context, 'componer' means 'to compose', 'una' means 'a', and 'canción' means 'song'.

Example sentences with  componer una canción

The Spanish word 'compositor' translates to 'composer' in English. A composer is an individual who creates music, either by combining sounds or by creating a composition in written form. This can range from creating scores for symphony orchestras to writing songs for popular music genres. The term 'compositor' in Spanish carries the same connotations and is used in a similar context.

Example sentences with  compositor

A Concierto or Concert is a performance given by a musician or group of musicians before a live audience.

Example sentences with  concierto
against bass

The Spanish word 'contrabajo' translates to 'double bass' in English. It is a term used predominantly in music to describe a large, stringed instrument that is played either with a bow or plucked with the fingers. It is often used in orchestras and jazz bands and is the lowest-pitched member of the violin family.

Example sentences with  contrabajo

The Spanish word 'coreografía' translates to 'choreography' in English. Choreography is the art of designing sequences of movements in which motion, form, or both are specified. It is extensively used in various performing arts such as dances and cinema, signifying a detailed plan about each movement and step. Thus, 'coreografía' in Spanish connects with a beautiful aspect of performing arts, encompassing creation, design, and arrangement of dance movements.

Example sentences with  coreografía

Coro translates into 'Chorus'. It's a part of a song that is repeated after each verse, typically with a catchy tune.

Example sentences with  coro

The Spanish word 'cuarteto' translates to 'quartet' in English. A 'quartet' generally refers to a group or set of four people or things. In music, a 'quartet' is a group consisting of four musicians, singers, or performers, or a piece of music designed to be played or sung by four musicians or singers.

Example sentences with  cuarteto
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