Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

ponerse implantes

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse implantes' translates to 'get implants' in English. Usually, it is used in a medical or cosmetic surgery context, where a person decides to have an object, often made of silicone or saline, surgically inserted under the skin to enhance certain physical features or replace a lost one. It can refer to various types of implants, such as breast, dental, or even cochlear implants. The verb 'ponerse' specifically indicates the action of receiving or getting the implant, in contrast with simply having an implant.

Example sentences with  ponerse implantes
ponerse una prótesis
put on a prosthesis

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una prótesis' translates to 'put on a prosthesis' in English. In a medical context, a prosthesis is a device, either external or implanted, that substitutes or supplements a missing or defective part of the body. Therefore, 'ponerse una prótesis' refers to the action of attaching such a device on one's body. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, most commonly in medical and health-related discussions.

Example sentences with  ponerse una prótesis
ponerse una vacuna
Get a vaccine

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una vacuna' translates to 'get a vaccine' in English. It is often used in the context of healthcare and medicine. Generally, it refers to the act of receiving a medicinal preparation, typically injected, that provides immunity against a specific disease. Vaccines are a significant tool in preventative medicine and public health initiatives worldwide.

Example sentences with  ponerse una vacuna
producto para diabéticos
product for diabetics

The phrase 'producto para diabéticos' in Spanish translates to 'product for diabetics' in English. This phrase is often seen on packaging or advertisements for food or medical goods. These products are designed or processed specially to meet the health needs of people with diabetes. They could be items with low or zero sugar content, diabetes-friendly snacks, or specific medical items like insulin or glucose meters.


The term 'prospecto' in the Spanish language translates directly to 'prospect' in English. It is commonly used in contexts where there is a possibility or expectation of something happening in the future. This could be referring to the potential for business opportunities, the likelihood of an event occurring, or the potential performance or success of a person within a particular field. It invokes a sense of anticipation and future possibilities.

Example sentences with  prospecto

Psicólogo is a Spanish term that denotes a professional trained in psychology, usually possessing a degree and responsible for studying and interpreting human behavior, thoughts, emotions, and actions. In English, this professional is known as a psychologist. A psychologist can work in a variety of different contexts, such as counselling, research, education, corporate settings or in the mental health field, offering therapy and support for mental health issues.


The Spanish word 'psicosis' translates to 'psychosis' in English. Psychosis is a serious mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality, often including hallucinations or delusions. People experiencing psychosis may have trouble thinking clearly, managing emotions, making decisions, and relating to others. While the exact cause is often unclear, it can be linked to conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression. Like in English, 'psicosis' in Spanish refers to the same mental health condition.

Example sentences with  psicosis

The word 'psiquiatría' is a noun in Spanish. It's English equivalent is 'psychiatry'. This word is used in the field of medicine and it refers to the study and treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbance, and abnormal behavior. Just like its English equivalent, 'psiquiatría' can be used in different contexts such as clinical psiquiatría, child psiquiatría, etc.

Example sentences with  psiquiatría
operating room

The Spanish word 'quirófano' translates to 'operating room' in English. It is often used in medical contexts to refer to the specific area within a hospital where surgical procedures are performed. These rooms are specially designed and equipped with advanced technology to promote sterilization and enable various types of surgeries to be performed effectively. The term 'quirófano' originates from the Greek words 'cheir' meaning 'hand', and 'ergon' meaning 'work', thus it is literally the place where 'handwork' or 'surgery' occurs.


The Spanish word 'radiografía' translates to 'x-ray' in English. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but with higher energy. X-rays are primarily used in the medical field for imaging purposes to view the internal structure of objects or human body parts. Doctors commonly use radiografías to detect fractures in bones, illnesses in the lungs, and dental problems.

Example sentences with  radiografía

Radiología, a Spanish term that translates to radiology in English, is a branch of medicine that uses radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Often, both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation are used. This area of medicine is divided into two main areas - diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology. Diagnostico radiology concerns with imaging test treatments such as X-rays and MRIS, it aids with the process of diagnosing illnesses. While interventional radiology involves minimally invasive, image-guided treatment of medical conditions that once required open surgery.

Example sentences with  radiología

The Spanish word 'recaída' translates to 'relapsed' in English. This term is commonly used in a medical context where a person, after showing improvement, falls back into a former state, especially one involving ill health. However, it can also be applied metaphorically in various situations. For instance, if a person has made some progress in breaking a certain habit or improving some aspect of personal behavior and then unexpectedly goes back to their old undesired behavior, this is also called a relapse or 'recaída'.

Example sentences with  recaída

The word 'receta' in Spanish translates to 'recipe' in English. A 'receta' can be a set of instructions or guidelines to prepare a particular dish or meal. This includes a list of ingredients required, the cooking methods, steps of preparation, and sometimes even the cooking time or special equipment needed. The term is used extensively in cooking and culinary arts. It may also refer to a prescription given by a doctor in a medical context, but primarily it is associated with food and cooking.

recuperarse de
recover from

'Recuperarse de' in Spanish is a verb phrase that translates to 'recover from' in English. It is commonly used to express the process of getting better after an illness, setback, or difficult situation. Like in English, this term can be used in both a literal and metaphorical context. For instance, one can 'recuperarse de' a physical illness or a challenging life event.

Example sentences with  recuperarse de
reponer fuerzas

The Spanish term 'reponer fuerzas' can be translated directly as 'replenish strength' in English. However, in a more specific context, it is commonly used to imply regaining your energy or strength after exertion, particularly used in the sense of having a meal, rest or sleep to recover your energy. Furthermore, it can be used figuratively to refer to ways different from nutrition to restore your spirit or mental energy. For this reason, a closely related English equivalent would be 'replenishment'.

Example sentences with  reponer fuerzas
reproducción asistida
assisted reproduction

The term 'reproducción asistida' is Spanish for 'assisted reproduction', a field of medicine dedicated to the intervention in normal physical functions to allow for conception, primarily used when there are fertility issues. Methods include in-vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and many others.

revisión anual
Annual review

The Spanish term 'revisión anual' translates to 'annual review' in English. This phrase can be commonly found in workplaces or businesses where the performance of an individual or a system is reviewed on a yearly basis for improvement. 'Revisión' means 'review' in Spanish, indicating an examination or assessment of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary. 'Anual' translates to 'annual' in English, which means happening once every year.

Example sentences with  revisión anual
revisión dental
dental review

The Spanish phrase 'revisión dental' directly translates to 'dental review' in English. It is used in health and medical contexts, specifically referring to the process where a dentist checks an individual's teeth for any issues or anomalies. This includes looking for cavities, gum disease, and other dental health concerns. This concept is important as regular 'revisiones dentales' or 'dental reviews' are a significant part of maintaining one's overall health.

Example sentences with  revisión dental
revisión ginecológica
gynecological exam

The Spanish term 'revisión ginecológica' translates to 'gynecological exam' in English. A 'revisión ginecológica' is a routine medical examination carried out by a gynecologist. This exam generally assesses women's reproductive health. It includes a series of tests and evaluations such as a pap smear, pelvic examination, breast examination, and may involve other procedures designed to identify and prevent potential diseases or abnormalities occurring in the female reproductive system.

Example sentences with  revisión ginecológica
salud débil
weak health

The Spanish phrase 'salud débil' translates into English as 'weak health'. This could be used to refer to someone who is not in good health or who has a fragile condition. It can be used both literally, to refer to physical health, and metaphorically, to refer to other types of wellness or stability that could be considered 'weak'.

Example sentences with  salud débil
salud delicada
delicate health

The term 'salud delicada' in Spanish is directly translated into English as 'delicate health'. It is usually used to describe a person who might be ill or has a recurrent or chronic health condition, requiring special care or attention to prevent further illness or deterioration. This phrase is often used in a polite or considerate context and emphasizes the need for care, showing concern for a person's well-being.

Example sentences with  salud delicada
salud frágil
fragile health

The Spanish term 'salud frágil' translates directly to 'fragile health' in English. This phrase is generally used to describe a state of health that is not strong and can easily deteriorate due to conditions like illness, stress, or lack of care. It can refer to physical, mental, or emotional health. In many cases, 'salud frágil' is used when discussing individuals with chronic conditions, elderly people, or some who need special medical attention or care.

Example sentences with  salud frágil

The Spanish word 'saludable' translates to 'healthy' in English. It is often used to describe food, habits or activities that contribute positively to one's health. This adjective can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as in statements like 'Es importante comer comidas saludables' (It's important to eat healthy meals).

Example sentences with  saludable
seguir un tratamiento
follow a treatment

The Spanish phrase 'seguir un tratamiento' translates to 'follow a treatment' in English. This can be used within a medical context or in everyday conversation. It implies the continuous act of adhering to prescribed instructions, typically referring to medication or some form of therapy. It can also be used broadly to/include any routine or steps to be followed for maintaining or improving health and well-being.

Example sentences with  seguir un tratamiento
Seguridad Social
Social security

The Spanish phrase 'Seguridad Social' translates to 'Social Security' in English. 'Social Security' is a system whereby the state provides monetary assistance to people with an inadequate or no income, particularly the elderly and unemployed. In many countries, it also covers various other types of social insurance, such as disability, unemployment, and health insurance. 'Seguridad Social' has the same meaning in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.

seguro de enfermedad
health insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro de enfermedad' translates to 'health insurance' in English. Health insurance is coverage that pays for medical, surgical, and sometimes dental expenses incurred by the insured. Health insurance can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the care provider directly.

Example sentences with  seguro de enfermedad
seguro médico
Health insurance

The term 'seguro médico' translates to 'health insurance' in English. Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured. Health insurance can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the care provider directly. It is often included in employer benefit packages as a means of enticing quality employees, and the cost of health insurance premiums is often a significant portion of an employee's salary.

seguro privado
Private insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro privado' translates to 'private insurance' in English. It refers to insurance coverages that are not provided or guaranteed by government entities. Private insurance is offered by private companies and it typically falls into broad categories such as health insurance, life insurance, homeowner's insurance, and car insurance. It is called 'private' because it involves contracts between a private individual or entity and an insurance company, rather than a government body.

Example sentences with  seguro privado
seguro público
public insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro público' translates to 'public insurance' in English. This refers to a system where the government provides protection against certain types of loss, such as illness, old age, or unemployment for its citizens. In such a system, the government takes on the role of the insurer and benefits are funded by taxes. This is generally handled by a public agency and is regulated by law, ensuring coverage for all qualifying citizens.

Example sentences with  seguro público
sentir cansancio
feel tired

The Spanish phrase 'sentir cansancio' translates to 'feel tired' in English. It is often used in the context where one is expressing their current physical or mental state. The verb 'sentir' means 'to feel' and 'cansancio' translates to 'tiredness', so together they mean 'to feel tiredness'. This can be used in various sentences depending upon the context, for example, 'Después del ejercicio, siento cansancio' which means 'After exercise, I feel tired'.

Example sentences with  sentir cansancio
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