Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

médico de cabecera
header doctor

The phrase 'médico de cabecera' in Spanish directly translates to 'header doctor' in English. However, in context, it refers to your 'primary care physician' or 'family doctor'. This is a medical professional who serves as the first point of contact for a patient and provides ongoing care, attending to a variety of health-related concerns and conducting routine check-ups.

Example sentences with  médico de cabecera
médico de familia
family doctor

The Spanish term 'médico de familia' translates to 'family doctor' in English. In many cultures, a family doctor is a general practitioner who provides healthcare to all members of a family, regardless of their age. The family doctor has a broad range of knowledge and skills that allow them to diagnose and treat a wide variety of health conditions. Their role often encompasses health maintenance, disease prevention, counseling, patient education, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses in a variety of healthcare settings.

Example sentences with  médico de familia
médico de guardia
doctor on duty

The term 'médico de guardia' in Spanish is translated into English as 'doctor on duty'. This term is used to refer to a doctor who is currently on his work shift and is responsible for attending to any emergencies or patients that arrive during his designated period of service. This term is common in hospitals and clinics where various doctors rotate shifts to ensure the availability of medical personnel at all times. In contexts outside the medical field, 'de guardia' can also mean a person who is currently in charge or standing by to attend to any issues or problems that may arise.

Example sentences with  médico de guardia

The Spanish word 'menstruación' translates to 'menstruation' in English. It is a term used in female reproductive health indicating the monthly cycle where the uterine wall sheds its lining, commonly known as a 'period'. In this context, it can be used interchangeably between Spanish and English conversations regarding feminine health. It is considered a medical term by nature, and thus holds the same technical significance in both languages.


The Spanish word 'neumonía' translates to 'pneumonia' in English. It is a noun and refers to a severe lung disease that causes inflammation of the air sacs in one or both lungs. These air sacs may fill with fluid, causing symptoms such as cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. The term is most commonly used in a medical context.

Example sentences with  neumonía

The Spanish word 'neurología' translates to 'neurology' in English. Neurology is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system. It involves the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of conditions and disease involving the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems, including their coverings, blood vessels, and all effector tissue, such as muscle.

Example sentences with  neurología

The word 'oculista' refers to 'oculist' in English. An oculist is a previous term for an ophthalmologist or an eye doctor. They are medical doctors who specialize in eye and vision care. This includes eye exams, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, prescribing medications, and performing eye surgery.

Example sentences with  oculista

The Spanish verb 'operar' translates to 'operate' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as: in medical terms to perform a surgery, in terms of machinery as to run or control, and in mathematical operations. For example, 'El doctor va a operar al paciente' means 'The doctor is going to operate on the patient'. 'Operar una máquina' means to operate a machine and 'Operar con números' means to operate with numbers.

Example sentences with  operar

In Spanish, 'paciente' means 'patient.' This word can be used in several contexts, such as medical or even emotionally. In the medical context, 'paciente' refers to a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment just as in English. However, it is also used to describe a person able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious, just like in English. For example, 'ella es muy paciente cuando se trata de enseñar a los niños' (she is very patient when it comes to teaching children).

Example sentences with  paciente
parto natural
natural birth

The Spanish term 'parto natural' translates to 'natural birth' in English. This is a birthing process where the mother gives birth without the aid of surgical or medical interventions such as caesarian section or use of epidural anesthesia. The process takes place under the principle that childbirth is a natural and normal biological function, and therefore, in most scenarios, can take place without the need for medical procedures or interventions.

parto por cesárea

The Spanish phrase 'parto por cesárea' translates to 'caesarean' in English. In medical context, this phrase refers to a surgical operation in which one or more incisions are made through a mother's abdomen (laparotomy) and uterus (hysterotomy) to deliver one or more babies, or, rarely, to remove a dead fetus. This is usually performed when a vaginal delivery would put the baby's or mother's life or health at risk. The phrase 'parto por cesárea' can also be related to the relevant health-related vocabulary in the discussion of childbirth and maternity healthcare.

parto prematuro
premature birth

The term 'parto prematuro' in Spanish translates to 'premature birth' in English. In medical terms, a premature birth is a birth that takes place more than three weeks before the baby's estimated due date. In other words, a premature birth is one that occurs before the start of the 37th week of pregnancy. Premature babies, especially those born very early, often have complicated medical problems. Typically, the complications of prematurity vary, but the earlier your baby is born, the higher the risk of complications.

pasar una enfermedad
suffer an illness

The Spanish phrase 'pasar una enfermedad' translates to 'suffer an illness' in English. This phrase is composed of three words: 'pasar' (to pass through or suffer), 'una' (an or a), and 'enfermedad' (illness or disease). When combined, they indicate the experience of undergoing or enduring a disease or health condition. It's commonly used in conversations or writings discussing health issues and personal experiences with illness.

Example sentences with  pasar una enfermedad

The word 'pastilla' in Spanish translates to 'pill' in English. It often refers to medicine or supplements that are commonly ingested orally. It's used on a daily basis in pharmacies and health environments. Keep in mind, Spanish medical terms could be important to learn if traveling to Spanish-speaking countries or interacting with Spanish-speaking health professionals.

Example sentences with  pastilla

The Spanish word 'pediatra' translates to 'pediatrician' in English. A pediatrician is a medical doctor specializing in the treatment and care of children's health. They usually handle the health of a child, which includes physical, behavioral, and mental health issues. Pediatricians are proficient in diseases and treatments specific to young and growing bodies, from minor health issues to serious diseases. Hence, 'pediatra' is a very important term in Spanish relating to healthcare professionals.

Example sentences with  pediatra

The term 'pediatría' in Spanish translates to 'pediatrics' in English. It refers to the branch of medicine that involves the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that people be under pediatric care up to the age of 21. A medical doctor who specializes in this area is known as a pediatrician.

Example sentences with  pediatría
pedir cita
make an appointment

The Spanish phrase 'pedir cita' translates to 'make an appointment' in English. This is typically used in a professional context, such as scheduling a meeting, an appointment with a doctor or dentist, or a date with someone. It can also be used to reserve a table in a restaurant. It is composed of the verb 'pedir' which means 'to ask for', and 'cita' which means 'appointment' or 'date'. Therefore, 'pedir cita' could be literally translated as 'ask for an appointment'.

Example sentences with  pedir cita
perder el apetito
losing appetite

The Spanish phrase 'perder el apetito' translates to 'losing appetite' in English. This expression is commonly used to describe a situation where someone does not feel like eating because of various reasons, which could be illness, stress, or lack of appealing food. It's important to understand that this is not necessarily associated with deliberate dieting or fasting.

Example sentences with  perder el apetito
perder el conocimiento
losing knowledge

The Spanish phrase 'perder el conocimiento' does not directly translate to 'losing knowledge' in English. Instead, it is more accurately translated to 'losing consciousness'. This phrase is usually used in a medical or emergency context to describe a person who has fainted or passed out.

Example sentences with  perder el conocimiento
perder el sentido
losing the sense

The Spanish phrase 'perder el sentido' translates to 'losing the sense' in English. This can be used both literally, as in losing one's sense of taste or smell, and metaphorically, as in losing the point or meaning of something. In the latter case, it's often used to describe a situation where something has become so altered from its original form or intent that its original purpose or meaning is no longer evident.

Example sentences with  perder el sentido
perder las ganas de comer
lose the desire to eat

The phrase 'perder las ganas de comer' in Spanish translates to 'lose the desire to eat' in English. This phrase is often used when someone has lost their appetite, they don't feel hungry or they don't want to eat. This can be due to various reasons such as illness, stress, depression or simply not being in the mood for food. It's commonly used in everyday conversation in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  perder las ganas de comer

The Spanish word 'perjudicial' translates to 'harmful' in English. It is an adjective most commonly used to describe something that causes damage or harm. This could refer to a wide range of things, such as substances, actions, or behaviors. Its usage is similar to its English equivalent, and like the term 'harmful', 'perjudicial' often carries a negative connotation.

Example sentences with  perjudicial
personal médico
medical personnel

The term 'Personal médico' in Spanish translates to 'medical personnel' in English. These are professionals in the health care sector who have undergone formal training and education in medicine or healthcare-related fields. They play a crucial role in hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities, providing critical services that include diagnosing and treating illnesses, administering medical procedures and treatments, and giving healthcare advice to patients. This term broadly covers a range of professionals including doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other medical practitioners.

Example sentences with  personal médico
personal sanitario
health personnel

The term 'personal sanitario' in Spanish refers to health personnel in English. This term is primarily used to represent all individuals involved in the health care sector, either directly providing care to patients or indirectly assisting in the provision of care. This can encompass a broad range of roles, including doctors, nurses, technicians, administrators, therapists, and other associated healthcare professionals.

Example sentences with  personal sanitario

The Spanish word 'picar' translates to 'itch' in English. However, its usage is versatile as it can also mean 'to chop' or 'to mince' in the context of cooking. Additionally, it can signify 'to sting' or 'to bite' in case of insects. It could mean 'to peck' when referring to the action of a bird. So, although 'picar' primarily translates to 'itch', its appropriate translation depends on the context in which it's used.

Example sentences with  picar

The Spanish word 'picor' translates to 'itching' in English. It can be used in various contexts to describe a similar sensation of irritation or discomfort that requires scratching. Generally, it's associated with a myriad of conditions like allergies, skin conditions, and insect bites. Hence, it is often found in medical contexts. However, its meaning can extend in colloquial use to describe metaphorical forms of irritation or annoyance.

Example sentences with  picor

The Spanish word 'pomada' translates to 'ointment' in English. In medicine, an ointment is a viscous semisolid preparation that is applied externally to the body. It is used as a treatment or protection of some skin conditions such as minor wounds, burns, rashes, or skin irritation. Just like in English, 'pomada' in Spanish can refer to this pharmaceutical product, illustrating the similarities in use and meaning across both languages.

Example sentences with  pomada
ponerse bien
get better

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse bien' translates to 'get better' in English. This is a common Spanish phrase that is often used to convey someone's wish or expectation for another person's health or situation to improve. It might be used in a situation where someone is ill and you hope they recover, or in a situation that's currently bad but expected to improve.

Example sentences with  ponerse bien
ponerse el termómetro
Put on the thermometer

'Ponerse el termómetro' is a Spanish phrase that means 'put on the thermometer' in English. It is often used in healthcare or medical contexts, indicating the act of placing a thermometer, typically on oneself, to measure body temperature. It might be used when someone is feeling ill and needs to check if they have a fever.

Example sentences with  ponerse el termómetro
ponerse enfermo
Get sick

The Spanish term 'ponerse enfermo' translates to 'get sick' in English. This is a verb phrase commonly used to express the action of starting to feel ill or unwell. It is typically used in the reflexive form, showing that the subject is performing the action upon themselves. For example, 'Me voy a poner enfermo si sigo trabajando tanto.' translates to 'I'm going to get sick if I keep working so much.'

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