Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

historia clínica
clinical history

The Spanish term 'historia clínica' translates to 'clinical history' in English. Clinical history, in a healthcare context, is a record of relevant information about a patient's past and present health conditions and treatments. It may include details about past illnesses, surgeries, allergies, and medications, as well as family medical history and lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. Having a thorough clinical history can help healthcare professionals identify potential health risks, make accurate diagnoses, and develop effective treatment plans.

Example sentences with  historia clínica

A 'Hospital' is a health care institution where patients receive treatment from specialized medical staff and equipment.

Example sentences with  hospital
hospital de guardia
hospital on call

The Spanish term 'hospital de guardia' translates to 'hospital on call' in English. This refers to a hospital that is ready to provide immediate treatment in emergency situations. It is similar to the concept of an 'emergency department' in English-speaking countries. The phrase is often used in Spanish-speaking regions to refer to facilities that are open around the clock for urgent care cases.

Example sentences with  hospital de guardia

The Spanish term 'hospitalizar' translates to 'hospitalization' in English. It is a verb that originates from the noun 'hospital'. Essentially, it refers to the act or process of admitting a patient to a hospital for treatment. It is typically used in the context of medical and health-related conversation. The term can be applicable for either humans or animals. In a sentence, you could say in Spanish, 'El paciente necesita ser hospitalizado' which translates to, 'The patient needs to be hospitalized' in English.

Example sentences with  hospitalizar

The Spanish word 'incubadora' translates to 'incubator' in English. It can be used in various contexts. In a general or literal sense, it refers to an apparatus used to hatch eggs or grow microorganisms under controlled conditions. For example, in a hospital, a special kind of incubadora is used for newborn infants which provides the right conditions for them to survive and grow. It can be also used metaphorically, as in English, to refer to an environment promoting the development of new ideas, companies, technologies etc.


The Spanish word 'indisposición' translates to 'indisposition' in English. Generally, it refers to a state of being slightly unwell or in poor health. It's often used to describe a minor illness which is not serious in nature, such as a mild cold or a temporary bout of fatigue. However, it can also indicate a lack of willingness or readiness to do something.

Example sentences with  indisposición

The word 'ingerir' in Spanish translates to 'ingest' in English. It is a verb which means to take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing it. It is often used in medical or scientific context, and can also be used more generally to mean consume or intake something.

ingresar en urgencias
emergency admission

The Spanish phrase 'ingresar en urgencias' translates to 'emergency admission' in English. The term is typically used in healthcare settings, referring to the immediate admission of a patient into a hospital due to an urgent or critical medical situation. In a broader context, it implies a sudden or unanticipated need for immediate action or attention.

Example sentences with  ingresar en urgencias

The Spanish word 'inyección' translates to 'injection' in English. It is a noun often used in a medical context. It refers to the act or process of introducing a substance into the body, usually with a needle and syringe. This substance can be a medicine or a vaccination. 'Inyección' can also refer to the act or an instance of injecting, or something that is injected, in a non-medical context as well.

Example sentences with  inyección

The Spanish word 'inyectar' translates to 'inject' in English. It is primarily used in the context of medical or scientific scenarios, usually referring to introducing a substance into the body with a syringe. It can also be used metaphorically to convey the idea of introducing something forcefully or significantly into a situation or context.

Example sentences with  inyectar
ir al hospital
go to the hospital

The Spanish phrase 'ir al hospital' translates into English as 'go to the hospital'. It is an action phrase necessitating movement to a place of medical treatment and care, usually during situations that require immediate medical attention. The verb 'ir', in this context, indicates 'going' or moving towards a certain destination, which in this case is 'hospital', meaning a medical institution.

Example sentences with  ir al hospital
ir al médico
go to the doctor

The Spanish phrase 'ir al médico' when translated into English means 'go to the doctor'. It is often used to express the action of visiting a doctor for a medical consultation or check-up. For example, one might say 'Necesito ir al médico' in Spanish which means 'I need to go to the doctor' in English.

Example sentences with  ir al médico
ir de urgencias
to the emergency room

The Spanish phrase 'ir de urgencias' translates to 'to go to the emergency room' in English. This phrase is often used in situations of immediate and serious health-related problems that require immediate medical attention. It can be seen used in conversation when someone is badly injured or their condition rapidly worsens and they need to be taken to the hospital immediately.


The Spanish term 'jaqueca' translates to 'headache' in English. It is a common term used to refer to a continuous, often severe pain occurring in the head. This could be felt anywhere in the head or neck region. The term is often used in both medical and non-medical contexts. In Spanish communication, you would use 'jaqueca' to express that you or someone else is experiencing a headache.

Example sentences with  jaqueca
llevar una vida sana
to lead a healthy life

The Spanish phrase 'llevar una vida sana' translates into English as 'to lead a healthy life'. This phrase refers to the practice of maintaining a balanced diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep and abstaining from harmful habits such as smoking and excessive drinking. It emphasizes on the importance of taking personal responsibility for one's own health and well-being.

Example sentences with  llevar una vida sana
gambling addiction

The Spanish word 'ludopatía' translates to 'gambling addiction' in English. This term refers to a behavioural disorder wherein an individual develops an intense urge and takes on harmful risks with a persistent and recurrent use of any substance that alters their mood. The subject may continue such behaviour despite harmful negative consequences, which may involve gambling heavily whether they are in a good or bad situation financially. 'Ludopatía' comes from the Latin term 'ludus', which means 'game', and the Greek term 'pathos', which means 'suffering'.

Example sentences with  ludopatía

The Spanish verb 'marearse' translates to 'to get dizzy' in English. It is a reflexive verb which implies the involvement of the subject in the action. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as expressing a spinning sensation in the head, a feeling of unsteadiness, or a state of confusion and disorientation.

Example sentences with  marearse

The Spanish word 'mareos' translates to 'dizziness' in English. It is often used to describe a physical sensation of feeling lightheaded or unsteady, similar to the sensation you might experience when you stand up too quickly. In a medical context, 'mareos' might be used to describe a symptom of certain conditions, such as low blood pressure or dehydration.

Example sentences with  mareos
medicamento agresivo
aggressive medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento agresivo' translates to 'aggressive medicine' in English. This can refer to a strong, potent, or intensely acting medicine, often in the context of treating a serious or aggressive illness. It can also indicate a medicine that has significant side effects or can cause drastic changes in the body.

Example sentences with  medicamento agresivo
medicamento curativo
healing medicine

The term 'medicamento curativo' in Spanish refers to a kind of medicine that possesses or includes properties intended to cure or heal a disease or sickness. It is often used in a context related to medical interventions or treatment paradigms where the focus is on eradicating the illness or repairing the health aberration.

Example sentences with  medicamento curativo
medicamento eficaz
effective medicine

The Spanish phrase 'medicamento eficaz' translates to 'effective medicine' in English. It refers to medicinal drugs, pills, capsules or any other medicinal preparations that work well and successfully produce the desired result of treating or preventing an illness or disease. Not only does it imply beneficial effects but also highlights the reliability and potency of the medicine. It indicates a credible or dependable medicine that could be prescribed or suggested by health experts.

Example sentences with  medicamento eficaz
medicamento fuerte
strong medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento fuerte' translates to 'strong medicine' in English. In a health context, it usually refers to a medicine or drug that has a powerful effect or a high potency. The term could also be used metaphorically in a range of contexts, to mean any form of powerful, potentially transformative intervention.

Example sentences with  medicamento fuerte
medicamento genérico
generic medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento genérico' refers to a type of medicine in English known as 'generic medicine'. A generic medicine is a medication that has exactly the same active ingredients as the original branded medicine and used as their substitute. It is generally sold at significantly lower prices as it does not carry the brand name.

Example sentences with  medicamento genérico
medicamento homeopático
homeopathic medicine

The Spanish phrase 'medicamento homeopático' translates to 'homeopathic medicine' in English. Homeopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that uses small, highly diluted amounts of natural substances to stimulate the body's healing processes. It was developed in the late 18th century and remains popular in many parts of the world today. Increasingly, these treatments are being integrated with traditional medical approaches in holistic and homeopathic clinics.

Example sentences with  medicamento homeopático
medicamento preventivo
Preventive medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento preventivo' translates to 'preventive medicine' in English. This is a branch of medicine engaged with preventing disease instead of treating it. It can include services like disease prevention, screenings, and promoting health. It is not about gearing the body towards diseases, but taking precautions towards the onset of disease.

Example sentences with  medicamento preventivo
medicina alternativa
alternative medicine

The term 'medicina alternativa' in Spanish translates to 'alternative medicine' in English. Alternative medicine includes a variety of health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral-based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being.

Example sentences with  medicina alternativa
medicina deportiva
sports medicine

The Spanish term 'medicina deportiva' translates to 'sports medicine' in English. This is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness, and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise. Doctors in this field often focus on managing injuries that occur from sports activities, and they work closely with physical therapists and other healthcare professionals to ensure the patient's recovery and return to their sports activity. They also place a great emphasis on injury prevention and implement strategies to reduce the risk of injuries in athletes. This field of medicine is multi-disciplinary and it involves various other specialities like cardiology, orthopedics, rehabilitative medicine, amongst many others.

Example sentences with  medicina deportiva
medicina general
General medicine

The Spanish phrase 'medicina general' translates to 'general medicine' in English. This term is often used within the medical field. In general, it refers to the practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. It is the type of medicine that is practiced by doctors who are 'general practitioners'. These are physicians who do not specialize in any particular area of medicine, but provides routine health care mainly in office settings.

Example sentences with  medicina general
medicina natural
natural medicine

The term 'medicina natural' in Spanish directly translates to 'natural medicine' in English. Natural medicine refers to the methods and products used to maintain health and treat disease that do not involve synthetic chemicals, surgery, or other invasive procedures. This can include plants, herbs, dietary supplements, natural foods, sunshine, air, and water, among other things. It is an area that also embraces a preventive approach to health.

Example sentences with  medicina natural
medicina tradicional
Traditional medicine

The term 'medicina tradicional' refers to traditional medicine in English. This pertains to the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, used in the maintenance of health, as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of physical and mental illness. Often used for centuries, these methods may not be supported by modern scientific understanding, but still fulfill an important role in numerous communities around the world.

Example sentences with  medicina tradicional
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