Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

estar mareado
be dizzy

The phrase 'estar mareado' in Spanish translates to 'be dizzy' in English. This is generally used to express a feeling of imbalance or a spinning sensation which can be because of various reasons such as sickness, a fast circular motion, or a sudden movement. In Spanish, it's a condition often accompanied by the verb 'estar' which suggests a temporary state or feeling. A person might use this phrase to describe their health condition at that moment.

estar resfriado
being cold

The phrase 'estar resfriado' in Spanish does not directly translate to 'being cold' in English. Rather, it is used to express the state of 'having a cold' or 'being sick with a cold'. It's important to realize the distinction here, as 'cold' in English can imply two things: the temperature being low or a common illness. In this case, 'estar resfriado' refers to the latter.

Example sentences with  estar resfriado
estar sano
Being healthy

The Spanish phrase 'estar sano' translates to 'being healthy' in English. This phrase can be used to express a person's health condition in a positive manner where 'sano' means 'healthy' and 'estar' is a verb that could mean 'to be', giving a sense of a temporary state, hence 'being healthy'. In context, it is used to describe a person who maintains a good health condition, free from illness or diseases. It can also be used to describe a good health condition resulted from balanced diet and regular exercise.

Example sentences with  estar sano

The Spanish word 'faringitis' translates to 'pharyngitis' in English. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the back of the throat, known as the pharynx. It usually results in a sore throat and fever. Other symptoms may include a runny nose, cough, headache, a hoarse voice, and difficulty swallowing. It is one of the most common conditions that make people seek medical advice.

Example sentences with  faringitis

'Farmacéutico' is an individual who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medical drugs. A 'farmacéutico' also offers advice about health issues, symptoms and medications in response to customer enquiries.

Example sentences with  farmacéutico

The Spanish word 'farmacia' translates to 'pharmacy' in English. A 'farmacia' is a place where medicines are prepared and sold. It's equivalent to a drug store or a chemist's shop in English-speaking countries. Just like in English-speaking countries, 'farmacias' in Spanish-speaking regions can also provide health consultations and sell over-the-counter drugs, among other health-related products.

Example sentences with  farmacia
farmacia de guardia
pharmacy guard

The Spanish phrase 'farmacia de guardia' does not directly translate to 'pharmacy guard' in English. Rather, it refers to a 'duty pharmacy' or '24-hour pharmacy'. These are pharmacies that are open during non-business hours, including nights, weekends and public holidays, providing a crucial service for people who need medicines or healthcare advice during these times.

Example sentences with  farmacia de guardia

The word 'fecundación' in Spanish translates to 'fertilization' in English. This process, in biological terms, refers to the action or process of fertilizing an egg, female animal, or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.

fecundación in vitro
in vitro fertilization

The Spanish phrase 'fecundación in vitro' translates to 'in vitro fertilization' in English. This is a medical procedure performed by fertility specialists, which involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside of the body, in a laboratory. The fertilized egg, or embryo, is then transferred to the woman’s uterus with the aim of establishing a successful pregnancy.

fiebre alta
high fever

The Spanish phrase 'fiebre alta' translates into English as 'high fever'. It is a commonly used term in medical situations or when discussing health and wellness. A 'fiebre alta' refers to a higher than usual body temperature, most often due to illness such as an infection or other medical condition. This phrase is used in Spanish-speaking countries to describe a symptom of being ill, typically when the body temperature is significantly above the average normal of around 98.6°F or 37°C.

Example sentences with  fiebre alta
fiebre baja
Low fever

The Spanish term 'fiebre baja' is translated as 'low fever' in English. This term is commonly used in the medical field and it refers to a temporarily high body temperature, usually because of an illness. A low fever is a mild elevation of the body temperature, typically ranging between 99.5°F (37.5°C) and 100.3°F (38.5°C).

Example sentences with  fiebre baja
financiar las medicinas
financing medicines

The Spanish phrase 'financiar las medicinas' translates to 'financing medicines' in English. This generally refers to the provision of necessary funds in order to purchase, produce or distribute medications. This could be done by an individual, organization or government body. The phrase could be used in a variety of situations, such as discussing health care policies, pharmaceutical investments, or personal expenses related to health care.

physical therapy

The Spanish word 'fisioterapia' translates to 'physical therapy' in English. Physical therapy is a healthcare specialty that includes the evaluation, assessment, and treatment of individuals with limitations in functional mobility. 'Fisioterapia' is commonly used in medical contexts, particularly in rehabilitation after injuries or diseases which have affected a person's ability to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives.

Example sentences with  fisioterapia

The word 'geriatría' in Spanish translates to 'geriatrics' in English. 'Geriatrics' is a branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health and care of old people. It includes services provided to keep old age people fit and healthy, as well as diagnosing and treating diseases that they may face. So, 'geriatría' concerns the overall well-being and medical care of the elderly.

Example sentences with  geriatría

The term 'ginecológico' in Spanish translates to 'gynecological' in English. It is used to refer to anything related to the branch of physiology and medicine that deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system. It is often used in medical contexts, such as a gynecological examination or a gynecological clinic.

Example sentences with  ginecológico

The word 'ginecólogo' is a masculine noun in Spanish, deriving from Greek roots. It refers to a medical doctor specialized in the female reproductive system, who often provides care to women throughout their pregnancy period as well. This medical specialist can diagnose and treat various women-related health issues such as menstrual problems, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and others. In English, the term for 'ginecólogo' is 'gynecologist'.

Example sentences with  ginecólogo

The word 'gotas' in Spanish translates to 'drops' in English. This word can be used in several contexts. In the physical sense, it can refer to the small particles of a liquid that fall, for example, 'gotas de lluvia' would mean 'raindrops'. Furthermore, it can be used in a medicinal environment when referring to liquid medication that is administered in droplet form, such as 'gotas para los ojos', meaning 'eye drops'. It's a common word used in various situations in Spanish language.

Example sentences with  gotas
gozar de buena salud
good health

'Gozar de buena salud' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'enjoy good health' in English. It is often used to refer to someone who is in good physical condition or who does not have any health problems. It can also be used more figuratively to indicate that something is functioning well or in a good state, similar to how 'in good health' can be used in English.

Example sentences with  gozar de buena salud
hacer efecto un medicamento
to make a medicine take effect

The phrase 'hacer efecto un medicamento' in Spanish translates to 'to make a medicine take effect' in English. This phrase is often used when discussing medicinal use, referring to the time it takes for a medication to start having an impact after it has been administered. It represents an action where the consumption of medicine results in a therapeutic effect which could be instant or could need a considerable amount of time depending on the nature of the medicine.

Example sentences with  hacer efecto un medicamento
hacer turnos
take turns

The Spanish phrase 'hacer turnos' translates to 'take turns' in English. It is typically used in contexts where individuals, often in a group, perform an action one after another, rather than simultaneously. This could be in a game setting, work-related tasks, or other activities that require shared responsibility or participation.

Example sentences with  hacer turnos
hacer una guardia
make a guard

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una guardia' when translated to English, equates to 'make a guard'. However, this is a direct, literal translation. This phrase is often used in medical contexts in Spanish-speaking countries and can better be translated as 'to be on duty' or 'to be on shift'. For instance, a doctor or a nurse doing their routine shift in a hospital are said to 'hacer una guardia'.

Example sentences with  hacer una guardia
hacer una receta (médica)
get a prescription (medical)

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una receta (médica)' translates to 'get a prescription (medical)' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of healthcare, where a patient visits a doctor or a healthcare professional to receive a written instruction (a prescription) for medication or other treatment. The use of this phrase may vary in different Spanish-speaking regions, but its general meaning remains consistent.

Example sentences with  hacer una receta (médica)
hacerse implantes

The Spanish term 'hacerse implantes' translates to 'getting implants' in English. This term is commonly used in medical contexts, referring to the surgical procedure where a foreign material, often in a form of a prosthetic, is inserted into the body to replace or enhance a certain part. It can be used in various situations such as dental implants, breast implants, or any other kinds of artificial insertions into the body for medical or cosmetic purposes.

Example sentences with  hacerse implantes
hacerse un empaste
Make yourself a pack

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse un empaste' does not exactly translate to 'make yourself a pack' in English. Instead, it's more accurately translated as 'to get a filling'. This phrase is commonly used in a dental context to refer to the process where a cavity in a tooth is filled with a substance by a dentist to prevent further decay. The three words in the phrase can be separately translated as 'hacerse' meaning 'to get', 'un' meaning 'a', and 'empaste' meaning 'filling'.

Example sentences with  hacerse un empaste
hacerse una prótesis
getting a prosthesis

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse una prótesis' translates to 'getting a prosthesis' in English. It is often used in medical contexts, referring to the process of obtaining an artificial device to replace a missing body part such as a limb, tooth, eye, or heart valve. This could be due to various reasons such as disease, injury, or a condition present at birth. The phrase could also be used metaphorically in some circumstances.

Example sentences with  hacerse una prótesis
hacerse una revisión
get a checkup

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse una revisión' translates to 'get a checkup' in English. This phrase is often used in a medical context, such as when scheduling a routine physical examination or assessment with a doctor. Much like the English equivalent, 'hacerse una revisión' is a common phrase that one may encounter in various circumstances, particularly those involving healthcare and medical situations.

Example sentences with  hacerse una revisión
hacerse unas pruebas de orina
get some urine tests.

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse unas pruebas de orina' translates to 'get some urine tests' in English. This might be used in a medical context when someone needs to have their urine tested for various reasons. It can be for routine check-ups, diagnosis of a disease, or monitoring the condition of a disease. The term directly translates to 'to have oneself some urine tests' as a suggestion or a necessity.

Example sentences with  hacerse unas pruebas de orina
hacerse unas pruebas de sangre
get some blood tests.

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse unas pruebas de sangre' translates to 'get some blood tests' in English. This is a common phrase used in medical settings. For example, a doctor might tell a patient to 'hacerse unas pruebas de sangre' to screen for potential illnesses or conditions. It's often used in the context of routine check-ups or if a medical professional believes there may be underlying health issues that need to be assessed with blood tests.

Example sentences with  hacerse unas pruebas de sangre

The Spanish word 'hernia' translates to 'hernia' in English. It refers to a medical condition that occurs when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. Hernias are most common in the abdomen, but they can also appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin areas. Most hernias are not immediately life-threatening, but they don't go away on their own and can require surgery to prevent potentially serious complications.

Example sentences with  hernia
hilo dental

The Spanish term 'hilo dental' directly translates to English as 'dental floss'. It refers to a cord of thin filaments used to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a toothbrush is unable to reach. Its use is recommended for an essential part of personal oral hygiene and dental health.

Example sentences with  hilo dental
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