Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

enfermedad hereditaria
hereditary disease

The Spanish term 'enfermedad hereditaria' translates to 'hereditary disease' in English. A hereditary disease is a type of health disorder that is passed down from a parent to their child through their genes. These diseases are often inherited in a predictable manner and can involve multiple genes. Examples of hereditary diseases include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and some forms of cancer. They often require management throughout an individual's life and can significantly affect their quality of life.

Example sentences with  enfermedad hereditaria
enfermedad leve
mild disease

The Spanish term 'enfermedad leve' translates to 'mild disease' in English. This means an ailment or health condition which is not severe or life threatening. An example where this term might be used is when talking about a common cold or a minor infection, as these are considered mild diseases.

Example sentences with  enfermedad leve
enfermedad mental
Mental illness

The Spanish term 'enfermedad mental' translates to 'mental illness' in English. This term is used to describe a wide range of mental health conditions and disorders that can affect mood, thinking, and behavior. Such conditions include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and many more. These illnesses can greatly impact an individual’s daily life, making tasks that may seem routine for others significantly more challenging.

Example sentences with  enfermedad mental
enfermedad terminal
terminal disease

The Spanish term 'enfermedad terminal' translates to 'terminal disease' in English. A terminal disease is a type of sickness that can't be cured or adequately treated and is reasonably expected to result in the death of the patient within a short period. This term is more frequently used for progressive diseases such as cancer or advanced heart disease. The term does not suggest that all hope is lost but rather signifies the severity and critical nature of the disease.

Example sentences with  enfermedad terminal

The Spanish word 'enfermera' translates to 'nurse' in English. A 'nurse' is a trained health professional who is skilled in promoting and supporting a person's health and well-being. Nurses are usually part of the healthcare team and they provide various services, depending on their training and their jurisdictions.


'Enfermero' refers to a person who is trained to care for sick or injured people. This term typically refers to a male nurse.

Example sentences with  enfermero

The word 'enfermo' in Spanish translates to 'sick' in English. It is an adjective used to describe someone who isn't feeling well or is suffering from a disease. For instance, if someone has a cold, flu, or other illness, they can be referred to as 'enfermo'. It's also relevant in the medical context and can be used by healthcare professionals to refer to patients.

Example sentences with  enfermo

The Spanish word 'epidemia' translates to 'epidemic' in English. An epidemic is the rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people, usually in a population or region, within a short period. The term can also be applied to an increase in other situations or issues in a similar manner, such as an epidemic of violence or drug usage. In the context of health, epidemics are usually managed by medical professionals and public health officials.

Example sentences with  epidemia

The Spanish word 'escáner' translates directly into 'scanner' in English. It is a noun used to define a device that scans documents and converts them into digital data. In a broader application, 'escáner' can also refer to a device or a procedure used to scan or examine something in detail, such as medical or security scanners.

Example sentences with  escáner

The information you have is incorrect. 'Escocer' does not mean Scotch in English. It is a Spanish verb that typically translates to 'to sting', 'to smart', or 'to burn' in English. These translations point out the sensation one may feel on the skin when a wound or cut is irritated. However, it can also refer to emotional hurt. The word is used in various contexts, depending on the situation.

Example sentences with  escocer
adhesive plaster

The Spanish word 'esparadrapo' translates to 'adhesive plaster' in English. This term is typically used in medical contexts, referring to a strip of material with an adhesive substance, used for covering wounds or injuries. Like band-aids, adhesive plasters (esparadrapo) are a common item in first-aid kits. They protect the wound from dirt, harmful bacteria, and friction, which could potentially lead to even more damage than the initial injury.

Example sentences with  esparadrapo

The word 'especialista' is a noun in Spanish language. Its English equivalent is 'specialist'. It is commonly used to refer to someone who is an expert in a particular field or subject matter. Like for example, 'especialista en medicina' translates to 'specialist in medicine', denoting a person who has great deal of knowledge, skill, or expertise in the field of medicine.

Example sentences with  especialista
estar (contra)indicado para una enfermedad
being (contra)indicated for a disease

The Spanish phrase 'estar (contra)indicado para una enfermedad' translates to 'being (contra)indicated for a disease' in English. This usually refers to a situation where a specific medication or treatment is strongly advised for a certain disease (indicated), or where a specific medication or treatment should not be used for a certain disease (contra-indicated) because it might be harmful or ineffective.

Example sentences with  estar (contra)indicado para una enfermedad
estar a dieta
being on a diet

The Spanish phrase 'estar a dieta' directly translates to 'being on a diet' in English. This is commonly used to express the state or situation where one is intentionally managing or restricting their food intake for health or weight management purposes. 'Estar' is a verb which denotes a transient or changing state here indicating the temporary nature of a diet, while 'a dieta' means 'on a diet'. Thus altogether, 'estar a dieta' equates to 'being on a diet'.

Example sentences with  estar a dieta
estar a régimen
to be on condition

The Spanish phrase 'estar a régimen' translates to 'be on a diet' in English. This typically implies that someone is following a specific dietary program, often for the purposes of losing weight, maintaining weight or improving their health. Its usage indicates a temporary state, as diets are generally adjusted or changed over time.

Example sentences with  estar a régimen
estar agotado
to be exhausted

The Spanish phrase 'estar agotado' translates to 'to be exhausted' in English. It is often used to express extreme tiredness, both physical and mental. The phrase literal conjunction is 'estar' which means 'to be' in a situational context and 'agotado', an adjective that means 'exhausted' or 'drained'. In use, for example: 'Estoy agotado' would mean 'I am exhausted'.

estar cansado
Being tired

The Spanish phrase 'estar cansado' translates to 'being tired' in English. It is a combination of the verb 'estar' which means 'to be' in a temporary or changing state, and 'cansado' which means 'tired'. Thus, when you say 'estar cansado', you are referring to a temporary state or condition of being tired.

estar convaleciente
being aware

The Spanish phrase 'estar convaleciente' does not translate to 'being aware' in English. Instead, it translates to 'being convalescent.' This means a person is recovering from an illness or medical treatment. It's often used when someone has spent time in the hospital and is now slowly getting better. This phrase depicts a state or period of recovery, usually signifying a gradual return to health.

Example sentences with  estar convaleciente
estar de guardia
to be on guard

The Spanish phrase 'estar de guardia' is translated in English as 'to be on guard'. This is generally used to refer to someone who is staying alert and vigilant, typically in a protective role or for a duty. It could be a police officer on duty or a soldier on watch, but it can also be used in more everyday contexts like a night watchman at a building or even metaphorically to denote remaining vigilant in uncertain situations.

Example sentences with  estar de guardia
estar decaído
being decayed (down)

The Spanish phrase 'estar decaído' translates to 'being down' or 'feeling down' in English. It is used to express a state of feeling low or being mentally or emotionally depressed. The phrase is often used in the context of conversation to convey one's emotional dynamics. Note that it does not mean 'being decayed', which would correspond to a different Spanish verb 'estar en descomposición'. Understanding these nuances is crucial in learning Spanish language.

Example sentences with  estar decaído
estar delicado
to be delicate

The Spanish phrase 'estar delicado' translates directly to 'to be delicate' in English. This phrase can be used to describe a person, object, or situation that is delicate, sensitive, or requires careful handling.

Example sentences with  estar delicado
estar deprimido
being depressed

The Spanish phrase 'estar deprimido' translates to 'being depressed' in English. This is a state of feeling sad, lost, or empty over a prolonged period. It can refer to a clinical condition that requires treatment, or it can refer to temporary feelings of sadness or emotional exhaustion. As with many emotional concepts, the exact meaning can vary somewhat depending on context.

estar en coma
being in a coma

The phrase 'estar en coma' in Spanish translates to 'being in a coma' in English. It is used to describe the state of a person who is unconscious for a prolonged period, typically as a result of illness or injury. In this non-responsive state, the person is alive but is not able to interact with their surroundings or respond to stimuli. The term 'coma' is borrowed directly from the Greek word 'koma', meaning deep sleep.

Example sentences with  estar en coma
estar en malas condiciones
being in bad condition

The Spanish phrase 'estar en malas condiciones' translates to 'being in bad condition' in English. It is used to describe something or someone's poor or deteriorating physical state, often in reference to an object, a place or a person's health. Similarly, it can indicate inappropriate or unfavorable circumstances or conditions, such as a tough situation or a difficult period of time.

estar en urgencias
being in emergency

The Spanish phrase 'estar en urgencias' translates to 'being in emergency' in English. This phrase is generally used in a medical setting to indicate a state of emergency or immediate medical need. It can refer to personally being in such a state, or can be used to describe another person or situation. It can be used literally, for actual medical emergencies, or figuratively, to express a state of urgent need or crisis. To use it in a context, someone might say 'Mi hermano está en urgencias' which means 'My brother is in emergency.'

estar enfermo
to be sick

The Spanish phrase 'estar enfermo' translates to 'to be sick' in English. 'Estar' is a verb that means 'to be' and is used to denote temporary states or conditions. 'Enfermo' is an adjective that means 'sick'. This phrase is used to express the current health condition of a person which may change over time. One might say 'Yo estoy enfermo' to convey 'I am sick'. Remember, 'estar' is used for transient states of being unlike 'ser' which is used for permanent states and intrinsic qualities.

Example sentences with  estar enfermo
estar estresado
Being stressed

The Spanish phrase 'estar estresado' translates to 'being stressed' in English. It is used to express a state of mental or emotional strain or tension, usually resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Similar to its English counterpart, this phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as personal stress due to workload, relationship issues, or general life pressures. This phrase is typically used in conversational and descriptive Spanish.

estar inconsciente
being unconscious

The Spanish term 'estar inconsciente' translates to 'being unconscious' in English. It is a phrase used to describe the condition where a person is not awake, aware, or able to respond to their environment. It's typically employed in medical contexts, like when someone sleeps deeply due to illness or medical treatment or when someone faints or loses consciousness due to an accident or a sudden health emergency.

Example sentences with  estar inconsciente
estar indispuesto
to be indisposed

The Spanish phrase 'estar indispuesto' translates to 'to be indisposed' in English. It is primarily used to express feeling unwell or not feeling good in health. It could also mean being unavailable or not having the means or ability to do something. This phrase is generally used in formal communications or contexts, and it conveys a sense of delicacy or avoidance in directly mentioning an illness or inconvenience.

Example sentences with  estar indispuesto
estar mal
being bad

The Spanish phrase 'estar mal' translates to 'being bad' in English. It is generally used to express a state of ill health, emotional trouble, or general discomfort in a person or a situation. Such as when one's well-being or circumstances are not good or have turned unfavorable. Please note that Spanish often requires a verb to be attached before 'estar mal' to form a complete and meaningful sentence. Therefore, it is significant in conveying someone's feeling or situation.

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