Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.


The word 'diabetes' in Spanish directly translates to 'diabetes' in English. It is a term used to describe a group of diseases that affect how your body uses blood sugar, or glucose. Diabetes is a long-lasting medical condition that leads to high levels of sugar in the blood. The cause of diabetes depends on your genes, family history, ethnicity, health and environmental factors.

Example sentences with  diabetes

The Spanish verb 'diagnosticar' translates to 'diagnose' in English. It refers to the process of identifying a disease or condition from its signs and symptoms. In the medical field, when a doctor examines a patient to determine which illness or condition they may have, they are 'diagnosing' them. So, in Spanish, a doctor would 'diagnosticar' a patient.

Example sentences with  diagnosticar

The Spanish word 'diagnóstico' is translated into English as 'diagnosis'. It is often used in the medical field, meaning the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.

Example sentences with  diagnóstico

The Spanish word 'dietético' translates to 'diet' in English. It is an adjective that is commonly used in context related to food and nutrition. This word is often found in health and wellness conversations, as well as in stores and markets, usually to describe food products that are specially produced or prepared for a specific dietary requirement. For example, a food item labeled as 'producto dietético' would be a 'diet product' in English.

Example sentences with  dietético

The Spanish word 'digestivo' translates to 'digestive' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe processes or systems within an organism that relate to the breakdown and absorption of food. It can be used in various contexts, especially in medical and health-related discussions. For instance, the term 'sistema digestivo' refers to the 'digestive system'.

Example sentences with  digestivo
disfrutar de buena salud
enjoy good health

The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de buena salud' translates to 'enjoy good health' in English. It is often used to wish someone well-being and vitality, similarly to how in English we might say 'Stay healthy'. The phrase is structured with 'disfrutar de', meaning 'enjoy', followed by 'buena salud', which directly translates to 'good health'. It is a positive phrase, reflecting a wider cultural emphasis on the importance of health in Spanish-speaking societies.

Example sentences with  disfrutar de buena salud

The Spanish word 'diurético' translates to 'diuretic' in English. A diuretic is a substance or compound that promotes diuresis, which is increased production of urine. Though it can be applied to drugs, beverages like coffee and tea, and even some foods and herbs are also known to have diuretic effects. It has medicinal uses, especially in the field of cardiology. It's often prescribed for conditions like high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney disorders, and swelling caused by excess fluid in the body.

Example sentences with  diurético

A 'doctor' refers to a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill. This term can be used for both male and female practitioners.

Example sentences with  doctor

The Spanish word 'doler' translates as 'to hurt' or 'pain' in English. It is a verb and it usually refers to physical or emotional pain. For example, when someone is injured they might say 'Me duele' which means 'It hurts me'. It can also be used to describe emotional pain, such as 'Me duele el corazon' which translates to 'My heart hurts'.

Example sentences with  doler
dolor abdominal
abdominal pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor abdominal' translates to 'abdominal pain' in English. It is a common phrase used in medical contexts or in general to express discomfort or pain specifically in the abdominal region, thus sharing the same meaning with its English counterpart. The word 'dolor' translates to 'pain', and 'abdominal' remains the same in both languages, indicating the specific area of discomfort.

Example sentences with  dolor abdominal
dolor agudo
Acute pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor agudo' translates to 'acute pain' in English. The term 'acute' typically refers to a condition that presents with sudden or severe symptoms. Therefore, 'dolor agudo' in Spanish is generally used to describe severe, intense, or sharp pain that starts suddenly and usually doesn't last a long time. This phrase can be used in a variety of medical and non-medical contexts.

Example sentences with  dolor agudo
dolor crónico
Chronic pain

The Spanish term 'dolor crónico' translates to 'chronic pain' in English. Chronic pain is a type of pain that persists for a long time, usually longer than six months. It can range from mild to severe, and it makes daily life and tasks harder to complete. The term is often used in medical and health-related contexts.

Example sentences with  dolor crónico
dolor intestinal
intestinal pain

The Spanish term 'dolor intestinal' translates to 'intestinal pain' in English. This phrase is often used in medical contexts, referring to the discomfort or pain a person may experience around their abdominal area because of reasons such as indigestion, food poisoning or more serious conditions like appendicitis or ulcers. Understanding such phrases can be helpful especially in healthcare settings where accurate and immediate translation is necessary for patient care.

Example sentences with  dolor intestinal
dolor lumbar
lumbar pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor lumbar' translates to 'lumbar pain' in English. Lumbar pain refers to discomfort or distress in the lower back area between the ribs and the pelvis; this area is known as the lumbar region. A wide range of factors may contribute to lumbar pain, including poor posture, heavy lifting, or underlying health conditions like degenerative disc disease.

Example sentences with  dolor lumbar
dolor punzante
puncture pain

The Spanish term 'dolor punzante' translates to 'puncture pain' in English. This term is usually used in a medical context to describe sharp, intense pain that comes on suddenly, similar to what one might experience if they were to receive a puncture wound or a sharp blow to the body. It can also be used in a more metaphorical sense to describe emotional anguish that feels as sharp and sudden as physical pain.

Example sentences with  dolor punzante
dolor sordo
dull pain

The Spanish term 'dolor sordo' translates into English as 'dull pain'. This phrase could describe a physical pain that is not sharp or intense but rather is persistent and discomforting. It's often used in medical contexts, but can also be used more broadly to describe a constant, underlying feeling of discomfort or distress.

Example sentences with  dolor sordo
donar órganos
donate organs

The Spanish phrase 'donar órganos' translates to 'donate organs' in English. This is a term frequently used in healthcare and medical contexts. Organ donation is the process by which an individual decides to donate their organs upon death, to be used for transplantation into another person. This act can save lives or improve the quality of life for those in need of an organ transplant.

Example sentences with  donar órganos
donar óvulos
donate eggs

The phrase 'donar óvulos' in Spanish translates to 'donate eggs' in English. This term can be used in various contexts but is usually associated with the process where a woman provides her eggs to another individual or couple who is incapable of conceiving a child on their own. Donating eggs involves a medical procedure and is considered a generous act of helping those who have difficulties in conceiving a child.

Example sentences with  donar óvulos
donar sangre
donate blood

The Spanish term 'donar sangre' translates to 'donate blood' in English. It is a common phrase used in medical contexts or charitable situations where individuals are encouraged to give their blood voluntarily for the purpose of transfusions or medical research. While 'donar' stands for 'donate', 'sangre' means 'blood'. In action and purpose, the Spanish phrase 'donar sangre' shares the same spirit and intention as the English phrase 'donate blood'.

Example sentences with  donar sangre
dosis diaria
daily dose

The Spanish term 'dosis diaria' directly translates to 'daily dose' in English. It is a commonly used phrase suggesting the amount of a specific substance or activity that should be consumed or undertaken in a single day. The phrase is frequently used in medical contexts to prescribe medications, but can also be applied to vitamins, exercise, and other health-related behaviors.

Example sentences with  dosis diaria
dosis mínima
minimum dose

The phrase 'dosis mínima' in Spanish translates to 'minimum dose' in English. This phrase is commonly used in medicine, and it refers to the smallest amount of a drug or other substance that produces a therapeutic response or the smallest amount necessary for the desired effect.

Example sentences with  dosis mínima
dosis recomendada
recommended dose

The Spanish term 'dosis recomendada' directly translates into English as 'recommended dose'. This phrase is commonly used in medical and pharmaceutical contexts. It refers to the advised or prescribed amount of a certain medication or treatment that should be taken or administered, usually within a specified period of time. Following the 'dosis recomendada' is imperative for safety, efficacy, and the overall positive outcome of the treatment.

Example sentences with  dosis recomendada
echarse unas gotas
Get some drops.

'Echarse unas gotas' is a Spanish phrase that translates directly to 'get some drops' in English. However, its meaning can vary depending on context. In a medical context, it could refer to applying drops, such as eye or ear drops. In a more colloquial setting, it can figuratively mean to take a short nap or have a quick rest, as 'drops' could refer to moments or a short period of time. It's an example of how idiomatic expressions in different languages may not always have a one-to-one translation.

Example sentences with  echarse unas gotas

The Spanish word 'ecografía' translates to 'ultrasound' in English. Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of structures within the body. Doctors use ultrasound to view the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and other organs. It's often used to monitor the development of unborn babies in pregnant women.

Example sentences with  ecografía
efectos secundarios
side effects

The Spanish term 'efectos secundarios' translates to 'side effects' in English. It is commonly used in medical contexts to refer to the undesirable effects of medication or treatment, beyond the desired therapeutic effect. For example, a doctor might explain the 'efectos secundarios' of a certain drug to a patient, which might include symptoms like nausea, dizziness, or other reactions.

Example sentences with  efectos secundarios

The Spanish word 'embarazo' translates to 'pregnancy' in English. It's a noun that refers to the period of time during which a woman carries a developing fetus inside her womb, typically a period of approximately nine months. In a wider context, 'embarazo' can also be used in Spanish to refer to a state of being embarrassed or feeling awkward in certain situations, although it's crucial to note that this usage is less common and the context is essential to understand the meaning.


The word 'enfermedad' is used similarly in Spanish as 'disease' is in English. It refers to a particular abnormal or pathological condition that affects part or all of an organism, not caused by external injury. It is often used in medical and general conversation contexts.

Example sentences with  enfermedad
enfermedad contagiosa
contagious disease

The Spanish term 'enfermedad contagiosa' translates into English as 'contagious disease'. A contagious disease is any disease that can be spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect contact, or via airborne transmission. Examples of such diseases include the flu, common cold, and COVID-19. Most contagious diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses, and they can have a range of symptoms from mild to severe, depending on the specific disease.

Example sentences with  enfermedad contagiosa
enfermedad crónica
Chronic disease

The Spanish phrase 'enfermedad crónica' translates to 'chronic disease' in English. This refers to a health condition that is persistent or long-term in nature. Chronic diseases usually develop over a period of time and are generally not curable, but they can be managed or controlled through continuous medical care and lifestyle changes. Examples of chronic diseases include heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and cancer.

Example sentences with  enfermedad crónica
enfermedad grave
serious illness

The term 'enfermedad grave' in Spanish translates to 'serious illness' in English. This refers to a health condition that is severe in nature and can impact an individual's everyday life significantly. It often requires more complex and immediate medical attention. Examples of serious illnesses include cancer, heart disease, or any other life-threatening ailment.

Example sentences with  enfermedad grave
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