Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

contagiar un catarro
catch a cold

'Contagiar un catarro' in Spanish translates to 'catch a cold' in English. It is used when someone is expressing that they have become ill with a cold, usually due to exposure from someone else who is already sick. This phrase is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences with  contagiar un catarro
contagiar un virus
infected a virus

The Spanish phrase 'contagiar un virus' translates to 'infect a virus' in English. In a medical context, this phrase is used when a virus is transmitted or spread from one being (human or otherwise) to another. This can occur through various modes, including direct or indirect physical contact, airborne transmission, and more. Understanding such phrases can be crucial in times of global health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, where speedy and clear communication about viral infections is of utmost importance.

Example sentences with  contagiar un virus

The Spanish word 'contagio' translates to 'contagion' in English. It is used in reference to the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact. Also refers to the process by which a certain behavior, attitude, or emotion is unknowingly transmitted from one individual to another in close proximity.

Example sentences with  contagio

The Spanish word 'convalecencia' translates to 'convalescence' in English. The term 'convalescence' refers to the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness or surgery. It is the period spent in overcoming an illness or recovering from a surgical operation, characterized by rest, medical attention, and gradual return to normal activities. This time allows the body to heal and regain strengths.

Example sentences with  convalecencia
Cruz Roja
Red Cross

Cruz Roja is a Spanish term that translates to 'Red Cross' in English. The Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness education in over 180 countries worldwide. It was founded to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering.

Take care

The word 'cuidar' in Spanish translates to 'take care' in English. It is often used in the context where one is told to look after or be cautious about something or someone such as in the case of caregiving or overseeing safety. For instance, you may 'cuidar a los niños' which means to take care of the kids. Furthermore, it could be used to express worry or concern toward a particular issue or situation.

cuidar a un enfermo
Take care of a sick person

The Spanish phrase 'cuidar a un enfermo' translates to 'take care of a sick person' in English. It is a verb phrase used to describe the act of providing care, attention, or protection to someone who is not feeling well or who has a medical condition. This care may include ensuring that the person is comfortable, administering medications, and monitoring the person's health condition. It can be used in various contexts such as family, professional health care, or even in referring to taking care of oneself when ill.

Example sentences with  cuidar a un enfermo

The Spanish word 'curación' translates to 'healing' in English. It is often used in a medical context or to denote the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. 'Curación' can be used to refer to a physical recuperation from illness or injury, as well as emotional or mental recovery, similar to the multiplicity of meanings 'healing' can hold in English.

Example sentences with  curación

The Spanish word 'curar' translates to 'cure' in English. It's a verb and it is generally used to describe the actions taken by healthcare professionals to restore health to someone who is ill. In a broader context, it can also be used as a term to express the action of rectifying or fixing something, similar to how 'cure' can be used in English.

Example sentences with  curar
curar a un enfermo
cure a sick man

The Spanish phrase 'curar a un enfermo' translates to 'cure a sick man' in English. It is generally used in medical contexts. The verb 'curar' means 'to cure' or 'to heal'. 'Un enfermo' refers to a 'sick man'. So in Spanish, when you say 'curar a un enfermo', you're talking about providing medical treatment to a person who is ill in order to heal him.

Example sentences with  curar a un enfermo
curar(se) una herida
cure(s) a wound

The term 'curar(se) una herida' in Spanish translates to 'cure(s) a wound' in English. It is derived from the verb 'curar' which means 'to cure' or 'to heal' and is commonly used in medical or health contexts. When 'se' is added to the verb, it becomes reflexive, indicating the action is done to oneself. 'Una herida' translates to 'a wound'. So 'curar(se) una herida' specifically means to cure or heal one's own wound.

Example sentences with  curar(se) una herida
curarse de

The Spanish phrase 'curarse de' translates to 'be cured of' in English. It is generally used in the context of recovery from a disease or condition. For instance, 'curarse de una enfermedad' would mean 'to be cured of a disease'. This phrase implies not only the physical process of healing but also the time and methodology that is involved in the process of restoring health.

Example sentences with  curarse de

The Spanish word 'curativo' translates to 'healing' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that has a healing property or a healing effect on wounds or illnesses. It is related to the verb 'curar' which means 'to heal'. It can be used in various contexts in the Spanish language like medical, emotional, and even spiritual healing.

Example sentences with  curativo
dar arcadas
give arches

'Dar arcadas' does not translate to 'give arches' in English. It is a Spanish phrase that has a more idiomatic meaning, usually used to express the act of retching or dry heaving. This phrase is commonly used when someone is feeling nauseous or sick, perhaps as a reaction to a particular sight, smell, or taste that is repugnant or disagreeable. Remember, direct translations between languages may not always make sense and it's important to understand the cultural and contextual usage of phrases.

Example sentences with  dar arcadas
dar de alta
to register

The Spanish phrase 'dar de alta' translates into English as 'to register.' This is commonly used in various contexts, such as registering for an event, a service or in a system. It can also mean to discharge from a hospital, so the correct interpretation depends on the context. In business scenarios, 'dar de alta' operates similarly to how we would use 'register' or 'sign up' in English.

Example sentences with  dar de alta
dar de baja

The Spanish phrase 'dar de baja' is translated as 'discharge' in English. However, it's not always referring to medical or military discharges, as the word 'discharge' often implies in English. 'Dar de baja' can also be used in a variety of contexts, including 'cancelling a service'. For instance, if you want to cancel a subscription in Spanish, you could say 'Quiero dar de baja mi suscripción'. Therefore, 'dar de baja' can mean 'discharge', 'cancel', 'write off', or 'withdraw' depending on the context.

Example sentences with  dar de baja
dar el alta (médica)
discharge (medical)

The phrase 'dar el alta (médica)' in Spanish directly translates to 'give the high (medical)' in English. However, it doesn't make sense when translated word by word. This phrase is commonly used in medicinal context in Spanish-speaking regions and it means 'discharge (medical)' in English. To provide someone with 'alta médica' means to formally declare that this person no longer needs medical treatment or can leave the hospital or clinic. For instance, after a period of treatment, when the patient has recovered enough, the doctor will 'dar el alta médica'.

Example sentences with  dar el alta (médica)
dar náuseas

The Spanish term 'dar náuseas' is an idiomatic expression that literally translates to 'give nausea'. However, it is usually used to denote the act of feeling nauseous or to express that something is causing nausea. For instance, 'This smell gives me nausea' could be translated as 'Este olor me da náuseas'. In certain contexts, it could also be used to express strong dislike or discomfort towards something or someone.

dar un desmayo

The Spanish phrase 'dar un desmayo' translates to 'faint' in English. In other words, when someone 'da da un desmayo', it means they lose consciousness for a short period, often due to lack of oxygen or a sudden drop in blood pressure. This phrase can be used medically or casually to describe the action of fainting.

Example sentences with  dar un desmayo
dar un infarto
give a heart attack

The Spanish phrase 'dar un infarto' is translated into English as 'give a heart attack'. It is often used in a medical context to refer to the occurrence of a sudden interruption or insufficiency of the blood supply to the heart, typically resulting from a blockage in a coronary artery. While literally translated it seems to imply the act of causing someone else a heart attack, it is typically used to describe a person experiencing a heart attack themselves.

Example sentences with  dar un infarto
dar un tratamiento
give a treatment

The Spanish phrase 'dar un tratamiento' translates to 'give a treatment' in English. It is often used in medical contexts to refer to the act of administering a specific course of medical care to a patient. It can also be used more broadly to mean the act of dealing with or managing a certain situation. For instance, in a salon a stylist might 'dar un tratamiento' to someone's hair, meaning that they provide a specific hair treatment or service.

Example sentences with  dar un tratamiento
dar una parálisis
give a paralysis

The Spanish phrase 'dar una parálisis' translates in English to 'give a paralysis'. This phrase is typically used in metaphorical situations in a Spanish speaking context. It does not literally mean causing someone to have a physical paralysis. Instead, it could be used to express causing someone to be extremely shocked or surprised to the point where they are momentarily 'paralysed' and unable to respond or take action.

Example sentences with  dar una parálisis
dar una reacción alérgica
give an allergic reaction

The Spanish phrase 'dar una reacción alérgica' translates to 'give an allergic reaction' in English. The phrase represents the act of a body's immune system responding in a harmful manner when exposed to certain substances. In English, the words 'give an allergic reaction' are often used in medical contexts or when discussing issues related to health and wellness.

Example sentences with  dar una reacción alérgica
dar una receta (médica)
give a prescription (medical)

The Spanish phrase 'dar una receta (médica)' literally translates to 'give a prescription (medical)' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, where a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a nurse practitioner, provides a directive, or a 'prescription' to a patient to procure certain medications for their treatment. The action of giving this direction or order is what the phrase 'dar una receta (médica)' describes.

Example sentences with  dar una receta (médica)
darse una crema
give some cream

The phrase 'darse una crema' in Spanish can be directly translated to English as 'give some cream', however, the interpretation can be very different depending on the context. In a culinary context, 'darse una crema' might literally mean to give or apply a certain type of cream or sauce. In skincare or cosmetic contexts, the phrase is used to refer to the act of applying a cream to one's body or face. While teaching English to Spanish learners, it's crucial to highlight the importance of context in interpreting and understanding idioms or phrases like this one.

Example sentences with  darse una crema

The Spanish word 'debilidad' translates to 'weakness' in English. It can be used to express physical weakness, such as in the case of a person or animal that is not strong, or when someone is not well due to illness. It can also imply emotional or moral weakness, suggesting that someone could easily be persuaded or influenced. Furthermore, 'debilidad' could be applied in the context of a structure or system being likely to fail or collapse, highlighting a lack of strength or robustness.

Example sentences with  debilidad

The Spanish word 'degenerar' translates to 'degenerate' in English. This is a verb that means to decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally. A molecule can degenerate, meaning it changes to a simpler form. A situation can degenerate, meaning it gets worse. A person can also degenerate in terms of their behavior or character, generally referring to declining standards, morals or manners.

Example sentences with  degenerar

The Spanish word 'dentista' translates to 'dentist' in English. A 'dentista' is a professional who is qualified to treat diseases and other conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones. This word is widely recognized and used in many Spanish-speaking countries around the globe.

Example sentences with  dentista

The term 'dermatología' is a Spanish word which translates to 'dermatology' in English. Dermatology is a branch of medicine that concerns with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. It might also include problems related to hair, nails, and mucous membranes. A person specializing in this field is known as a dermatologist. The word 'dermatología' in Spanish is used in the same context.

Example sentences with  dermatología

The Spanish word 'desmayarse' translates to 'fainting' or 'to faint' in English. It is a reflexive verb and often used to describe a temporary loss of consciousness due to a sudden drop in blood flow to the brain. This term is frequently used in healthcare settings or casual conversation when speaking about feeling unwell or experiencing extreme emotions.

Example sentences with  desmayarse
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