Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

asistir al enfermo
attending the sick

The Spanish term 'asistir al enfermo' translates to 'attending the sick' in English. It is a verb phrase used to describe the act of providing assistance or care to someone who is ill. Similar to how it functions in English, 'asistir al enfermo' is used in a variety of contexts, such as healthcare, personal care, or general discussion about care-giving.


The Spanish word 'aspirina' translates to 'aspirin' in English. This is a common medication, often used to relieve minor aches and pains, reduce fever, and also used as an anti-inflammatory drug. It is part of a group of medications known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Additionally, in low doses, it is also used to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Example sentences with  aspirina
ataque al corazón
heart attack

The Spanish term 'ataque al corazón' translates into English as 'heart attack'. A heart attack is a serious medical condition in which the flow of blood to the heart is blocked, usually by a blood clot. This can cause damage to or destroy part of the heart muscle. Symptoms may include chest discomfort or pain, shortness of breath, light-headedness, fainting, etc. Immediate medical attention is required in the event of a heart attack.

Example sentences with  ataque al corazón
ataque de ansiedad
Anxiety attack

The Spanish term 'ataque de ansiedad' translates to 'anxiety attack' in English. This term refers to a sudden episode of intense fear or anxiety and physical symptoms, based on a perceived threat rather than an actual danger. Symptoms can involve a sense of impending doom, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, sweating, dry mouth, and nausea. This is a medical condition that can intensely affect the person’s life if not properly managed or treated.

Example sentences with  ataque de ansiedad
ataque epiléptico
Epileptic attack

The Spanish term 'ataque epiléptico' translates to 'epileptic attack' in English. It is often used in medical contexts or in personal discussions relating to health conditions. The phrase refers to the sudden occurrence of symptoms due to excessive electrical activity in the brain, commonly known as a seizure. The symptoms can vary widely and might include temporary confusion, staring spell, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of consciousness or awareness, and fear, anxiety or deja vu. People who frequently experience these episodes are typically diagnosed with epilepsy, hence the English translation as 'epileptic attack'.

Example sentences with  ataque epiléptico
atender a un enfermo
attending to a sick person

The Spanish phrase 'atender a un enfermo' translates to 'attending to a sick person' in English. It is typically used in healthcare settings, such as hospitals and clinics, where doctors, nurses, and other medical staff are responsible for attending to or caring for sick individuals. The verb 'atender' signifies paying attention to or taking care of, 'un' translates to 'a,' and 'enfermo' means 'sick person.' So in essence, this phrase conveys the act of taking care of a sick person's health needs.

Example sentences with  atender a un enfermo
ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)
ATS (Health Technical Assistant)

The word 'ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)' is a Spanish term used to represent the English term 'Health Technical Assistant'. This career resides in the medical field, usually supporting doctors in achieving their medical duties. Their responsibilities range from administrative tasks, preparing patients for procedures, and even performing some basic clinical tasks. In English-speaking countries, they might also be referred to as 'Nursing Associates' or 'Physician Assistants'.

Example sentences with  ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)

The word 'ayudante' in Spanish is translated to 'assistant' in English. An ayudante can be someone who helps another person complete certain tasks or duties, much like an assistant would in a work setting. This could involve a variety of tasks depending on the context, from helping to manage scheduling and correspondence, to lending a hand in physical or more hands-on tasks. Just like in English, 'ayudante' can be applied in many different contexts in Spanish, from a personal assistant in a business setting to an assistant in a classroom or educational setting.


The Spanish word 'azúcar' translates to 'sugar' in English. It is a common term used in food and beverage preparation and is derived from Arabic. The word can be used to describe both the sweet soluble crystalline substance often derived from sugarcane and beet, and used to sweeten food and drink, and also, in a general sense, to refer to anything sweet or pleasant.

bebé prematuro
premature baby

The Spanish phrase 'bebé prematuro' translates to 'premature baby' in English. This term refers to a baby that is born before the start of the 37th week of pregnancy. In other words, a baby born more than three weeks before the estimated date of delivery is considered premature. Such babies often require special care and attention, as their systems might not be fully developed at birth.

first aid kit

The word 'botiquín' in Spanish translates to 'first aid kit' in English. In different contexts, it refers to a box containing medical supplies and equipment needed to provide immediate healthcare in emergency situations. Its usage includes immediate attention to wounds, injuries, or sudden illnesses until full medical treatment is available. Therefore, it's a crucial element in emergency preparedness.

Example sentences with  botiquín

The Spanish word 'bronquitis' translates to 'bronchitis' in English. Bronchitis is a medical condition where the bronchial tubes, which carry air to the lungs, become inflamed. It can be caused by infection or exposure to irritants such as smoke or dust. Symptoms of bronchitis may include coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, mild fever, fatigue, and chest discomfort.

Example sentences with  bronquitis

The Spanish word 'cadáver' translates to 'corpse' in English. It is used to refer to the dead body of a human being. The term is often used in formal, scientific, or legal contexts, like forensic investigations, medical reports, or crime novels. It can also be used in everyday conversations when discussing death or fatal incidents. It does not carry negative connotations as such but is often associated with serious or somber topics due to its meaning.


The term 'camilla' in Spanish translates to 'stretcher' in English. This is a device used for moving patients who require medical attention. Stretcher or 'camilla' is typically a lightweight and portable item, often used in situations such as emergency medical situations, out-of-hospital care situations, military and rescue settings. In general, it plays a vital role in transporting individuals to medical facilities quickly and efficiently.

Example sentences with  camilla
stretcher bearer

The Spanish word 'camillero' translates to 'stretcher bearer' in English. A 'camillero' is typically a person responsible for carrying injured or sick individuals, often in a hospital or emergency context. In English, the term 'stretcher bearer' is rarely used colloquially, and is primarily found in medical or emergency service settings.

Example sentences with  camillero

The word 'cansarse' in Spanish is a verb and it refers to the process of becoming tired or weary. It doesn't uniquely mean 'tired' as a state, but suggests a gradual progression towards that state. For instance, when you slowly become tired after a long day of work, you would use 'cansarse' to express that sensation in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'cápsula' translates to 'capsule' in English. It can refer to a small case or container, typically cylindrical, designed to hold medicines. In a broader sense, it can also refer to anything that encapsulates or contains something else. For example, in biology, it refers to a tough sheath or membrane that encloses something in an organism. In technology, it can refer to a part or compartment of a spacecraft. 'Cápsula' captures a range of meanings related to containment and protection.

Example sentences with  cápsula
célula madre
stem cell

The term 'célula madre' in Spanish translates to 'stem cell' in English. Stem cells are specialized cells that can differentiate into various cell types in the body, playing a crucial role in growth, development, and healing. In many tissues, they function as a sort of internal repair system, dividing without limit to replenish other cells. This term is commonly used in biology and medicine.

centro de salud
health centre

The Spanish phrase 'centro de salud' translates to 'health centre' in English. This can refer to a facility, often associated with hospitals or medical centres, where individuals go to receive health care services. Such services may include medical treatments, check-ups, or health education. In some contexts, it might also be called a community health centre, especially when describing a place that offers comprehensive health care services within a local or community setting.

Example sentences with  centro de salud

The Spanish term 'cirugía' translates to 'surgery' in English. It is often used in medical contexts, referring to the process where a doctor operates on a patient, usually to treat an illness or injury, or to improve their physical condition or appearance. The individual who performs the cirugía is called a 'cirujano,' meaning 'surgeon' in English.

Example sentences with  cirugía

The Spanish word 'cirujano' directly translates to 'surgeon' in English. A surgeon is a medical practitioner specialized in the art of surgery. This profession requires many years of education and training to acquire the skill and knowledge needed. In a medical context, it refers to a doctor who operates on patients in need of invasive bodywork such as repairing injuries, removing tumors, and carrying out transplants, among other medical procedures.

Example sentences with  cirujano

The Spanish word 'clínica' translates to 'clinic' in English. It is used in the same context, meaning a healthcare facility that is primarily focused on the care of outpatients. Clinics can be publicly managed or privately managed and typically cover the primary healthcare needs of populations in local communities, contrary to larger hospitals which offer specialist treatments and admit inpatients for overnight stays.

cobertura sanitaria
health coverage

The Spanish term 'cobertura sanitaria' translates to 'health coverage' in English. In a general context, it refers to the provision of healthcare services by a country or an organization. These services can range from regular health check-ups, treatments to surgeries, and more. It's typically included in many employment benefits and public services. Its purpose is to ensure that individuals have access to necessary health care services without experiencing financial hardship.


The Spanish word 'cólico' translates into English as 'colic'. This term is commonly used in health contexts. In babies, it refers to severe, often fluctuating pain in the abdomen that is caused by the spasm of a hollow or tubular organ, often seen with gas and constipation. In adults, it's often linked to gall or kidney issues. It is a medical term, and anyone dealing with these symptoms should seek advice from a healthcare professional.

Example sentences with  cólico
compañía de seguros
insurance company

The Spanish term 'compañía de seguros' translates to 'insurance company' in English. An insurance company is a business that provides coverage, in the form of compensation resulting from loss, damages, injury, treatment or hardship in exchange for premium payments. The company calculates the risk of occurrence then determines the cost to replace (pay for) the loss to determine the premium amount.


The Spanish word 'comprimido' translates to 'compressed' in English. This can refer to a reduction in size or volume through applied pressure, or in the case of computers, it can mean a reduction in file size for storage or transmitting data more efficiently. It can also refer to a compressed or condensed form of a substance, such as a tablet.

Example sentences with  comprimido
consulta del dentista
dentist consultation

The term 'consulta del dentista' in Spanish translates to 'dentist consultation' in English. This usually means an appointment or meeting with a dentist to check the health condition of one's teeth. This can also include discussions regarding any dental procedures, cleanings, or treatments that may be required. Remember, regular 'consulta del dentista' is essential to maintain healthy dental hygiene.

Example sentences with  consulta del dentista
consulta del ginecólogo
gynecologist consultation

The Spanish phrase 'consulta del ginecólogo' translates to 'gynecologist consultation' in English. This involves a medical appointment with a specialist known as a gynecologist who deals with the health of the female reproductive systems like the vagina, uterus, and ovaries. Such consultation often involves routine check-ups, diagnosis, and treatment of issues related to women's reproductive health.

Example sentences with  consulta del ginecólogo
consulta del médico
doctor's consultation

The term 'consulta del médico' in Spanish translates to 'doctor's consultation' in English. This phrase refers to a scheduled meeting or appointment with a doctor for seeking or receiving medical advice, examination, or treatment, typically in a healthcare setting such as a clinic or hospital.

Example sentences with  consulta del médico

The Spanish verb 'contagiar' translates to 'spread' in English. It's commonly used in medical context or when talking about ideas, emotions, etc., to describe how something is being transmitted or dispersed from one place or person to others. In its reflexive form 'contagiarse', it can be used to express getting infected by a disease. Different conjugation forms can be used depending on the tense, mood or the subject.

Example sentences with  contagiar
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