Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

turno de tarde
afternoon shift

The Spanish phrase 'turno de tarde' translates into English as 'afternoon shift'. This phrase is commonly used in work settings and institutions to denote a specific period or span of hours worked in the afternoon. This typically refers to a work schedule that runs during the afternoon until the early evening. The exact time range can vary based on the organization or context it is used in.

Example sentences with  turno de tarde

The term 'UCI' in Spanish refers to 'Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos' that translates to 'Intensive Care Unit' in English. It is a specialized department in a hospital or health care facility that provides intensive treatment medicine. UCI is where critically ill patients are kept. These patients need constant, close monitoring by trained healthcare professionals who can provide advanced medical care and interventions, especially in emergency and life-threatening situations.


The Spanish word 'úlcera' translates to 'ulcer' in English. An 'úlcera', or 'ulcer', refers to a sore that forms on the skin or on a mucous membrane such as the one inside the stomach. It can be caused by various factors including infection, chronic health conditions, or damage. The term 'úlcera' is often used in medical or health-related contexts.

Example sentences with  úlcera
un análisis de orina
a urine analysis

The Spanish phrase 'un análisis de orina' translates to 'a urine analysis' in English. This is a type of test commonly performed in the medical field. It involves analyzing a patient's urine for the presence of certain substances, such as proteins, sugars, or bacteria. The results of this test can help diagnose a range of health conditions, including urinary tract infections, kidney disease, or diabetes.

Example sentences with  un análisis de orina
un análisis de sangre
a blood test

The Spanish term 'un análisis de sangre' translates to 'a blood test' in English. It is a medical procedure performed in a lab where a sample of blood is taken from a patient to analyze it. These tests are common diagnostic procedures that allow doctors to assess the individual's overall health, identify potential disease markers, and monitor ongoing conditions or treatments. They can provide information on the function of organs such as kidneys, liver, thyroid, heart, and are essential in detecting diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, anemia, diabetes among others.

Example sentences with  un análisis de sangre
un control de orina
a urine control

The term 'un control de orina' in Spanish translates to 'a urine control' in English. It is a phrase commonly used in medical settings, referring to the process or procedure where an individual's urine is collected and tested. This could be for general health screening to check the overall status of one's health, or to identify the presence of specific conditions such as infection, diabetes or drug use. The term could also refer to one's ability to control urination, in which case it is associated with the discipline of urology.

Example sentences with  un control de orina
un control de sangre
blood control

The Spanish term 'un control de sangre' translates to 'blood control' in English. It is a phrase usually used within the medical field. The term generally refers to regulating or monitoring the blood levels in one's body. Doctors often conduct these types of tests to check their patients' health status, particularly to check for any abnormalities or diseases that may affect the blood's capacity to function properly. Therefore, having a 'control de sangre' could refer to any type of blood test or blood monitoring procedure.

Example sentences with  un control de sangre

The word 'urgencias' is a Spanish term which is commonly used to refer specifically to the emergency department in a hospital. However, it can also broadly mean 'emergencies' in general. It's related to the Spanish verb 'urgir', which translates to 'to urge' or 'to be urgent'. Therefore, 'urgencias' is used in contexts where there is a need for immediate attention or action due to a critical or urgent situation, similar to the English term 'emergency'.

usar preservativos
use condoms

The Spanish phrase 'usar preservativos' translates to 'use condoms' in English. This is primarily used in the context of promoting safe sex. It is composed of the verb 'usar', meaning 'to use', and 'preservativos', which are the Spanish term for condoms. Despite the direct translation, it is not used in the same range of circumstances that 'use condoms' might be used in English. In certain contexts, it may have humorous or serious implications.


The Spanish word 'vacuna' translates to 'vaccine' in English. Vaccines are a type of medicine that help the body's immune system prepare to fight specific germs or diseases. They are usually given through shots, but can also come in other forms like nasal sprays or oral drops. The goal of a vaccine is to prevent people from getting seriously sick from certain diseases, and they have been crucial in reducing, and in some cases eliminating, the spread of dangerous diseases around the world.

Example sentences with  vacuna

The Spanish word 'vacunación' translates to 'vaccination' in English. Vaccination refers to the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a disease. Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease, but they have been either killed or weakened to the point that they don't make you sick. Some vaccines are given once, others are given numerous times to make our immune system stronger.

Example sentences with  vacunación

The word 'venda' in Spanish translates to 'bandage' in English. It is usually used in a medical context or first aid scenarios, where an injured part of the body must be wrapped or covered for protection and healing. Additionally, this term can be used in a more metaphorical sense to indicate the covering up of a problem or situation.

Example sentences with  venda

The Spanish word 'vomitar' translates to 'vomit' in English. It is a verb used to describe the act of expelling the contents of one's stomach through the mouth, often a result of feeling sick. Just like in English, 'vomitar' is not a pleasant topic, but it's a useful word to know, especially when discussing health or illness in Spanish.

Example sentences with  vomitar
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