Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.

tener la tensión alta
have high blood pressure

The Spanish phrase 'tener la tensión alta' is an idiom that directly translates in English to 'have the tension high'. In a more contextual translation, it actually means 'have high blood pressure'. This phrase is often used in medical contexts or daily discussions about health. It's not uncommon to hear it used in conversations related to stress, diet, lifestyle, or medical diagnoses. For example, someone might say they 'tienen la tensión alta' because they are stressed about an upcoming event, have been consuming unhealthy food, or have received a concerning medical diagnosis.

Example sentences with  tener la tensión alta
tener la tensión baja
have low blood pressure

The Spanish term 'tener la tensión baja' translates to 'have low blood pressure' in English. This is a health-related phrase commonly used in medical contexts. It denotes the condition where the pressure in a person's arteries is considered too low. Symptoms can include dizziness, fainting, fatigue, or blurred vision. It's important to understand as it might be used in Spanish speaking medical institutions or in casual conversations concerning health issues.

Example sentences with  tener la tensión baja
tener mala salud
having bad health

The Spanish phrase 'tener mala salud' translates to 'having bad health' in English. This phrase is used to express the current condition of someone's health which is not in good shape. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', 'mala' means 'bad' and salud stands for 'health'. Therefore, when combined together, the phrase stands for the English expression 'having bad health'.

Example sentences with  tener mala salud
tener malestar
Have discomfort

The Spanish phrase 'tener malestar' translates to 'have discomfort' in English. This phrase is used when someone is experiencing uneasiness, discomfort, or a general state of illness. It may refer to physical discomfort, such as the feeling when one is sick or has a minor injury, or psychological discomfort, such as the unease experienced in a stressful situation. The verb 'tener' means 'to have' and 'malestar' symbolizes discomfort, unease or malaise.

Example sentences with  tener malestar
tener mareos
Having dizziness

The Spanish phrase 'tener mareos' translates to 'having dizziness' in English. It's a common expression used when one is feeling light-headed or experiencing a sense of spinning, commonly associated with conditions like vertigo. This phrase can be used in various contexts, especially in healthcare or when describing one's physical or health condition. It's important to note that 'tener' is a verb that means 'to have', and 'mareos' is a noun that means 'dizziness'.

Example sentences with  tener mareos
tener molestias
have discomfort

The Spanish phrase 'tener molestias' translates to 'have discomfort' in English. It is used to describe a state of physical unease, generally caused by an illness or a condition. In a sentence, it can be used as 'Estoy teniendo molestias en el estómago' which means 'I am having discomfort in my stomach'. This phrase 'tener molestias' is made up of the verb 'tener' (to have) and the noun 'molestias' (discomforts).

Example sentences with  tener molestias
tener náuseas
having nausea

The Spanish phrase 'tener náuseas' translates to 'having nausea' in English. In Spanish, 'tener' means 'to have' and 'náuseas' means 'nausea'. It's a common phrase used in medical contexts or in daily conversation when someone is feeling sick or unwell. Remember, in Spanish, adjectives often come after the noun they modify, which is why 'náuseas' comes after 'tener'.

Example sentences with  tener náuseas
tener sida

The Spanish phrase 'tener sida' translates to 'have AIDS' in English. It is used to convey that someone possesses or is diagnosed with AIDS, a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. It's worth noting however, that terms related to diseases and health conditions should be used with utmost care and respect to avoid causing any offense.

Example sentences with  tener sida
tener tos
have coughs

The term 'tener tos' in Spanish translates to 'have coughs' in English. It is often used to express the physical condition of having a cough, such as during an illness or when experiencing irritation in the throat. Similar to its usage in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts. For instance, to say 'I have a cough' in Spanish, one would say 'Yo tengo tos'.

Example sentences with  tener tos
tener una enfermedad
having a disease

The Spanish phrase 'tener una enfermedad' can be translated into English as 'having a disease'. This phrase is often used in a medical context or when discussing health. The verb 'tener' means 'to have' and 'una enfermedad' means 'a disease'. Therefore, when combined the phrase essentially means being in the state of possessing a health condition or disease.

Example sentences with  tener una enfermedad
tener una salud de hierro
have an iron health

The phrase 'tener una salud de hierro' in Spanish literally translates to 'have an iron health' in English. This phrase is used to describe a person who has very good health and rarely gets sick, much like iron which is a strong and durable metal. It is often used to commend and describe individuals who have strong immunity or remarkable physical health.

Example sentences with  tener una salud de hierro
therapeutic therapy

The Spanish word 'terapéutico' is translated to English as 'therapeutic'. This adjective is often used in contexts relating to treatment or therapy designed to heal or alleviate symptoms of illness or injury. In general, 'terapéutico' pertains to the process of treating a physical or mental disorder, usually through various medical or psychological methods. It's a commonly used term in the fields of medicine, psychology, and healthcare.

Example sentences with  terapéutico

The Spanish word 'terapia' translates to 'therapy' in English. The term 'therapy' derives from the Greek word 'therapeia' meaning 'healing' or 'curing'. In a broad sense, therapy refers to an attempt to remedy a health problem, usually following a diagnosis. In the context of psychology, therapy refers to techniques aimed at improving mental health, emotional well-being and life skills. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, and many others, all of which are also represented by the term 'terapia' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  terapia

The Spanish word 'termómetro' translates to 'thermometer' in English. A thermometer is a tool that is utilized to measure temperature in various contexts such as weather forecast, medicine, cooking, and scientific research. The word 'termómetro' comes from the Greek words 'thermo' meaning 'heat' and 'metron' meaning 'measure'. In Spanish speaking countries, this device is used in the same way as in English speaking countries, for checking body temperature, weather temperature, cooking process, etc.

Example sentences with  termómetro

The Spanish word 'tirita' translates to 'bandaid' in English. This word describes a small piece of sticky tape or adhesive bandage used for covering and protecting small wounds or abrasions on the skin. The term 'tirita' is commonly used in Spain and Latin American countries. Remember, as is the case with many words, there may exist regional differences in usage.

Example sentences with  tirita
tolerar un medicamento
tolerate medicine

The Spanish phrase 'tolerar un medicamento' translates to 'tolerate medicine' in English. To 'tolerate medicine', in a medical context, means a patient's ability to accept a drug without suffering harmful side effects or complications. It often refers to the body's capacity to handle or withstand a medication, especially without adverse effects. In a broader context, 'tolerate' refers to the ability to endure or bear something, whether it's a substance, situation, or behaviour.

Example sentences with  tolerar un medicamento
tomar la píldora
take the pill

The Spanish phrase 'tomar la píldora' translates to 'take the pill' in English. This is often used in medical contexts where an individual is being instructed to consume a certain medication in the form of a pill. It can also infer the consumption of a contraceptive pill, which is known as 'the pill' in English colloquial language.

tomar un medicamento
take a medicine

The Spanish phrase 'tomar un medicamento' translates to 'take a medicine' in English. It is typically used in the context of healthcare, such as when a healthcare professional, like a doctor or nurse, instructs a patient to consume a certain medication. It can also pertain to self-administration of medicine as part of maintaining personal health. This term can include a variety of types of medicine, from over-the-counter drugs to prescription medication.

Example sentences with  tomar un medicamento
tomar una medicina
take medicine

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una medicina' translates directly to 'take a medicine' in English. It is an instruction often used in healthcare or medical situations, where one is advised to ingest or apply a certain medication. In a broader context, this phrase might also be used symbolically to suggest accepting a solution or remedy for a problem.

Example sentences with  tomar una medicina
tomar(se) la tensión
take the blood pressure

The phrase 'tomar(se) la tensión' in Spanish translates to 'take the blood pressure' in English. It is typically used in medical or health-related contexts for indicating the action of measuring the blood pressure. The phrase may be used by healthcare professionals or individuals keeping track of their own health status. For instance, if someone is going to perform this action, they may say: 'Voy a tomarme la tensión' which means 'I am going to take my blood pressure' in English.

Example sentences with  tomar(se) la tensión
transfusión de sangre
blood transfusion

The Spanish term 'transfusión de sangre' translates directly into English as 'blood transfusion'. This is a medical treatment where blood is moved from one body into another. It may be used in a variety of situations, such as when an individual has lost a lot of blood due to an accident or surgery, if their body isn't producing enough blood, or if they have a disease that affects their blood's ability to function properly.

Example sentences with  transfusión de sangre

The Spanish word 'transmitir' translates to 'transmit' in English. It is mainly used to refer to the action of conveying or passing on a thing, idea, condition, or information from one place, person, or thing to another. It can be used in different contexts such as broadcasting a message or a program on radio or television, sending out signals using a radio or radar station, causing a disease or an emotion to be passed on to another, and so on.

Example sentences with  transmitir

The Spanish word 'trastorno' translates to 'disorder' in English. It's a noun that can be applicable in various contexts such as psychological, mental, or physical health to refer to an irregularity, disturbance or malfunction. For instance, in medical English, 'trastorno' could be utilized to indicate a disorder such as 'trastorno bipolar', which means 'bipolar disorder'. It can also be used in everyday circumstances to denote disruption or chaos.

Example sentences with  trastorno
trastorno digestivo
digestive disorder

The Spanish term 'trastorno digestivo' translates to 'digestive disorder' in English. This term refers to a medical condition that disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. This can include a wide array of conditions like gastritis, acid reflux, stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other related conditions.

Example sentences with  trastorno digestivo
trastorno nervioso
nervous disorder

The Spanish term 'trastorno nervioso' translates to 'nervous disorder' in English. This refers to a broad category of medical conditions that adversely impact the functioning of an individual's nervous system. Symptoms may include anything from a sudden onset of numbness or weakness to longer-term issues like anxiety and depression. This term pervades neurological, psychological, and psychiatric contexts.

Example sentences with  trastorno nervioso
trastorno respiratorio
Respiratory disorder

The Spanish term 'trastorno respiratorio' gets translated into English as 'respiratory disorder'. This refers to any of a number of diseases that can affect the structures and organs that allow us to breathe. These diseases can affect the nasal passages, the bronchi (tubes that carry air into the lungs), or even the small air sacs in the lungs themselves. They include conditions like asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Example sentences with  trastorno respiratorio

The Spanish equivalent of the English word 'treatment' is 'tratamiento'. It is used in the same context as the English language, to refer to the management and care given to a patient or to a medical condition either by diagnosis, cure or preventive regime. It can also denote a process or manner in which something is handled, dealt with or processed, similar to how 'treatment' is used in English outside of the medical context.

Example sentences with  tratamiento

The Spanish word 'traumatólogo' translates to 'traumatologist' in English. A traumatologist is a type of doctor who specializes in treating injuries that occur as a result of trauma, particularly severe or life-threatening types of injuries, such as those sustained in car accidents or violent events. Their primary responsibilities include providing immediate care to emergency patients, diagnosing injuries or disorders, developing treatment plans, and conducting follow-up visits to monitor recovery.

Example sentences with  traumatólogo
turno de día
day shift

The Spanish term 'turno de día' translates to 'day shift' in English. In most business settings, this phrase refers to a period of work that typically takes place during the day, often from morning to early evening. For example, in hospitals or round-the-clock businesses, employees working the 'turno de día' usually work in the daytime.

Example sentences with  turno de día
turno de noche
night shift

The Spanish term 'turno de noche' translates to 'night shift' in English. It commonly refers to a work shift that takes place during the night hours, typically in work places that operate 24 hours a day, such as hospitals, factories, or emergency services. The exact hours can differ, but it often refers to a shift that starts in the late evening and ends in the early morning.

Example sentences with  turno de noche
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