Spanish Medicine in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary that focuses on medical terminologies and phrases.


(Hidro)masaje is a Spanish term that refers to a hydro massage. A hydro massage is a treatment procedure applied by water and air pressure, either simultaneously or alternatively, to relieve muscular tension and stimulate circulation. It is often performed in specialized facilities like spas and wellness centers. This treatment method is believed to alleviate muscle and joint pain, improve blood circulation, and encourage relaxation and general well-being. Hydro massages can include whirlpool baths, pressurized jets in swimming pools, or individual hydro massage machines.

Example sentences with  (hidro)masaje

The Spanish term 'aborto' corresponds to the term 'abortion' in English. It commonly refers to the termination of a pregnancy before it can survive independently, sometimes medically induced for a range of reasons, such as preserving the life or health of the mother or due to the fetus's poor health or prognosis. It can also occur spontaneously, in which case it is commonly referred to as a miscarriage. The term applies to a broad range of scenarios under the umbrella of pregnancy termination before survival outside the uterus is possible. It is a term used in both medical and social contexts.

aborto espontáneo

The term 'aborto espontáneo' in Spanish translates to 'miscarriage' in English. This refers to the naturally occurring expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently, typically between the 12th and 24th weeks of pregnancy. The occurrence of a miscarriage can be a traumatic experience emotionally and physically. The term is widely used in medical contexts.

aborto involuntario

The Spanish term 'aborto involuntario' translates to 'miscarriage' in English. This term refers to a pregnancy that ends on its own within the first 20 weeks of gestation. The medical language is sometimes confusing, but essentially, it is an unintentional, natural end to a pregnancy before the fetus has reached a viable gestational age, which is often devastating for those who experience it.

aborto voluntario
voluntary abortion

The term 'aborto voluntario' in Spanish translates to 'voluntary abortion' in English. This refers to a procedure that is voluntarily decided by the woman to end a pregnancy within legal limits. It's often performed during the first trimester of pregnancy (first 12 weeks) but can be performed under certain circumstances in later stages as well. The term does not specify the method of abortion used, as a number of different medical and surgical techniques could be used, depending on the stage of pregnancy and the woman's health condition.

acidez de estómago
stomach acidity

The Spanish phrase 'acidez de estómago' translates to 'stomach acidity' in English. This term refers to a medical condition where stomach acid frequently flows back up into the esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. This backwash (acid reflux) can irritate the lining of the esophagus and might cause heartburn, a burning sensation felt in the chest just behind the breastbone that typically occurs after eating and spreads to the neck, throat, and jaw.

Example sentences with  acidez de estómago

The word 'agravarse' in Spanish translates to 'aggravated' in English. It's often used to describe situations that have worsened or intensified. For example, in medical contexts, it can indicate that a condition or symptom has become more severe. In legal or social contexts, it might refer to a situation or dispute that has escalated.

Example sentences with  agravarse
agua oxigenada
oxygenated water

The Spanish term 'agua oxigenada' translates to 'oxygenated water' in English. It is a liquid solution containing one or more oxygen atoms bonded to other elements, often used in medical or cosmetic applications. These might include wound cleaning, hair bleaching, stain removal, or teeth whitening. In essence, 'agua oxigenada' is a multi-purpose solution that has found widespread use due to its oxidizing properties.

Example sentences with  agua oxigenada
aguas medicinales
medicinal waters

The term 'aguas medicinales' in Spanish translates to 'medicinal waters' in English. These are waters that contain minerals and other substances that can have health benefits according to traditional beliefs. These waters are often found in natural springs or wells, and are sometimes bottled and sold for therapeutic use. They are a common feature in spas and wellness centers. They may be used for drinking or bathing, and are said to help with various health issues, although their actual medicinal properties can vary and are not always scientifically proven.

Example sentences with  aguas medicinales
aguas termales
thermal waters

The phrase 'aguas termales' in Spanish translates to 'thermal waters' in English. These are naturally occurring waters that have been heated by geothermal energy, often found in volcanic areas. They are known for their therapeutic properties and are frequently used in spas and baths for their ability to relax and heal the body. Many thermal waters have a rich mineral content that can provide additional health benefits.

Example sentences with  aguas termales

The Spanish word 'agudizarse' is a verb that translates to 'sharpen' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the action of making something sharp or more pointed in a physical sense, such as a pencil or knife. However, it can also figuratively describe the action of enhancing or making more acute a skill, sense, or intellectual capacity. An important thing to note is that 'agudizarse' generally implies a progressive or ongoing sharpening process.

Example sentences with  agudizarse

The Spanish word 'alcohol' translates directly to 'alcohol' in English. It is a noun and refers to a colorless volatile liquid that is produced by fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, and spirits. It is often associated with socializing and can be found in many different forms around the world. Like in English, 'alcohol' in Spanish can also refer to the use, consumption, or industry of drinks containing this substance.

Example sentences with  alcohol
alimento nutritivo

The Spanish term 'alimento nutritivo' translates to 'nutritious food' in English. This term is often used to describe food items that are high in nutrients essential for the body's growth, development, and overall health. These can include foods rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, good fats, and complex carbohydrates. 'Alimento nutritivo' is therefore a concept deeply linked with balanced diets and health-conscious practices.


The Spanish word 'ambulancia' translates to 'ambulance' in English. An ambulance is a specially equipped vehicle that is used to transport sick or injured individuals to, from, or between places of treatment such as hospitals and clinics. The word 'ambulancia' in Spanish and 'ambulance' in English originated from the same root, namely the Latin word 'ambulare', meaning 'to walk or move about', which is a reference to early medical care where patients were moved by lifting or wheeling.


The Spanish word 'ambulatorio' translates to 'ambulatory' in English. This term is usually used in the medical field, signifying the ability or process of walking, or something related to walking. It can also refer to a medical procedure or service that doesn't require an overnight stay at a hospital, which is to say, an outpatient procedure or service. Furthermore, 'ambulatorio' could refer to a health center where this type of outpatient service takes place.

Example sentences with  ambulatorio

The word 'analgésico' translates to 'analgesic' in English. An analgesic is a type of medication used to relieve pain. It is commonly available in pharmacies without a prescription for minor ailments such as headaches or toothaches. The word 'analgésico' is derived from the Greek 'an-', meaning 'without', and 'algos', meaning 'pain'. Hence, analgésico literally means 'without pain' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  analgésico
análisis clínicos
clinical analysis

The Spanish phrase 'análisis clínicos' translates to 'clinical analysis' in English. It refers to various types of medical procedures conducted in a laboratory setting aiming to acquire information about a patient's health. Such procedures may include blood tests, urine tests, tissue examinations, and other health screenings used to diagnose, treat or prevent disease.

Example sentences with  análisis clínicos
análisis de orina
urine analysis

The Spanish term 'análisis de orina' translates directly into English as 'urine analysis'. It refers to a series of tests conducted on a urine sample to measure different substances in the urine. It is a routinely conducted medical test used to check for various disorders such as urinary tract infections, kidney diseases, and diabetes.

Example sentences with  análisis de orina
análisis de sangre
blood analysis

The phrase 'análisis de sangre' in Spanish translates to 'blood analysis' in English. It is a general term for various tests performed on a blood sample to provide insights into a person's health. The blood sample can be analyzed to measure the levels of various substances and count of blood cells. Physicians ordered this type of analysis to diagnose diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, anemia, and other blood disorders.

Example sentences with  análisis de sangre

The Spanish word 'anemia' translates directly to 'anemia' in English. It refers to a medical condition where your blood has lower than normal amounts of red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is crucial as it helps red blood cells to deliver oxygen throughout your body. Thus, if you have anemia, your body does not get enough oxygen-rich blood, resulting in feeling tired or weak. It can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe.

Example sentences with  anemia

The Spanish word 'anestesiar' is a verb, which refers to the act of administering anesthesia, a medical practice that is used to prevent patients from feeling pain during surgery. In English, this action is described by the verb 'to anesthetize'.

Example sentences with  anestesiar

Anestesista is the Spanish term for an 'anesthetist' in English. This person is a medical professional who is specialized in anesthesiology, the branch of medicine dedicated to the relief of pain and total care of the surgical patient before, during, and after surgery. They play a crucial role in monitoring and adjusting a patient's anaesthetic levels during surgical procedures as well as in providing preoperative consultations and postoperative pain management.

Example sentences with  anestesista

Anorexia, in Spanish, also pertains to the same condition as in English. It stands for a psychological and possibly life-threatening eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss. The person afflicted with this disorder experiences an intense fear of gaining weight and has a distorted body image, which enforces restrictive eating and often excessive exercising.

Example sentences with  anorexia

The Spanish word 'antibiótico' translates to 'antibiotic' in English. Antibiotics are medicines that help stop infections caused by bacteria. They do this by killing the bacteria or by keeping them from copying themselves or reproducing. The term 'antibiotic' comes from the Greek words 'anti' meaning 'against' and 'bios' meaning 'life'. The word 'antibiótico' shares a similar etymology in Spanish, and is used in healthcare and everyday language.

Example sentences with  antibiótico

The Spanish word 'antiinflamatorio' means 'anti-inflammatory' in English. 'Anti-inflammatory' pertains to reducing inflammation or swelling. This term is mostly used in the medical field, often in reference to drugs or medications that help temper the body's inflammation response to injury, infection, or disease. Familiar examples of anti-inflammatory substances include aspirin, ibuprofen, and corticosteroids, among others.

Example sentences with  antiinflamatorio
ardor de estómago
stomach burning

The Spanish phrase 'ardor de estómago' translates to 'stomach burning' in English. It's commonly used to describe a sensation of discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, often associated with indigestion or heartburn. The phrase can be used in medical or everyday contexts.

Example sentences with  ardor de estómago
asistencia domiciliaria
domestic assistance

The Spanish term 'asistencia domiciliaria' translates to 'domestic assistance' in English. This generally refers to supportive in-home services provided by trained personnel to people who need help with daily tasks, such as housekeeping, meal preparation, personal care, medications and companionship. This support can be particularly beneficial for older adults, people with physical or mental health conditions, or people recovering from an illness or surgery.

Example sentences with  asistencia domiciliaria
asistencia médica
medical care

The Spanish term 'asistencia médica' translates to 'medical care' in English. It refers to the professional service provided by doctors, nurses, or other healthcare professionals. This includes consultation, diagnosis, treatment, or preventative measures regarding a person's health condition. 'Asistencia médica' could imply assistance in a general healthcare setting or in specialized fields such as dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, optometry, psychology, or other health professions. It often involves services delivered in a healthcare facility such as a hospital, clinic, or a primary healthcare center.

Example sentences with  asistencia médica
asistencia sanitaria
health care

The Spanish phrase 'asistencia sanitaria' translates to 'health care' in English. It refers to the organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community. In many countries, asistencia sanitaria encompasses services provided by hospitals, doctors, nurses, dentists, or pharmacists. It includes preventive, curative, and palliative interventions whether directed to individuals or to populations.

asistente social
social worker

The Spanish term 'asistente social' translates to 'social worker' in English. A social worker is a professional who helps individuals, families, and groups enhance their individual and collective well-being. Their task often involves providing support and resources for navigating various social, medical, and legal challenges. In Spanish speaking regions, 'asistente social' is the professional designated to perform these tasks.

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