Spanish Kitchenware and Table Vocabulary

A collection of Spanish words related to kitchenware and table settings. Ideal for beginners learning Spanish.


The word 'abrelatas' in Spanish translates to 'opener' in English. It is a compound word made from 'abre', which means 'open', and 'latas', which means 'cans'. So, an 'abrelatas' is a tool used to open cans.

batería de cocina
Kitchen battery

The Spanish term 'batería de cocina' does not directly translate to 'kitchen battery' as it might seem. Instead, it is used in Spanish to refer to a 'cookware set'. This term is typically used to describe a complete set of pots, pans, and other cooking utensils that are typically required in a kitchen for the preparation of meals.


The Spanish word 'bol' translates to 'bowl' in English, which refers to a round, deep dish or container typically used to hold food, liquid, etc. It can be made of various materials such as plastic, ceramic, metal or glass. Bowls are common kitchenware items and are used for serving, mixing, or preparing foods.


The Spanish word 'botella' translates to 'bottle' in English. It is a noun often used to refer to a rigid container with a neck that's narrower than the body and a 'mouth'. Bottles are often made of glass, clay, plastic, aluminum or other impervious materials, and typically used to store liquids such as water, milk, soft drinks, beer, wine, medicine, ink, or oil.


The Spanish word 'cazo' translates to 'saucepan' in English. It is a deep, long-handled pan used especially for cooking food over an open fire or on a stove. This term can be found used in various recipes and menus in Spanish-speaking countries, implying to use a saucepan for the cooking process.

cazuela (de barro)
pot (of clay)

The Spanish term 'cazuela (de barro)' translates to 'pot (of clay)' in English. It refers to a type of cookware, traditionally made of clay (or 'barro' in Spanish), that is used for numerous cooking methods such as simmering, boiling, or stewing. In many Spanish-speaking cultures, the 'cazuela de barro', often just referred to as 'cazuela', is a critical, often-used tool in the kitchen, essential for creating a vast variety of dishes.

cocinar un plato
cook a dish

In English, the term 'cocinar un plato' means 'cook a dish'. It's generally used in the context of preparing a meal. This phrase can be directly translated to English as 'cook a dish', meaning the process of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients. This phrase can be used in various settings in Spanish speaking countries, where cooking is a fundamental part of the culture and daily life. 'Cocinar un plato' can refer to preparing any meal, from a simple breakfast to a complex dinner.


The Spanish word 'colador' translates to 'colander' in English. A colander is a kitchen utensil with perforations at its base, typically a bowl-shaped one. It is used for draining off liquids after cooking or washing food objects like pasta, rice or vegetables. Therefore, if you hear or read the word 'colador' in Spanish, you would understand that it signifies a tool predominantly used in the kitchen for these purposes.

contenedor de plástico
plastic container

The Spanish phrase 'contenedor de plástico' translates to 'plastic container' in English. A 'plastic container' is a generic term for any wide range of tubs, lids, jars, and buckets designed to contain various items. These containers are typically durable and made from different types of plastics. They are mostly used for storing food, yet can be utilized for a broad choice of other purposes, including storing liquids like water or gasoline, and non-liquid items like toys or tools.

copa de champán
glass of champagne

The Spanish phrase 'copa de champán' translates to 'glass of champagne' in English. It is a compound noun made of the word 'copa', denoting a receptacle or container, used specifically for drinking liquids, similar to the English word 'glass'. The word 'de' acts as a preposition, in this case equivalent to the English 'of'. And lastly, 'champán' is the Spanish word for 'champagne', a type of sparkling wine. Therefore, when combined, 'copa de champán' represents a drinking glass filled with or intended for champagne.

copa de vino
glass of wine

The Spanish phrase 'copa de vino' translates to 'glass of wine' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as dining out at a restaurant, celebrating a special occasion, or pairing a meal with a certain type of wine. For example, 'Una copa de vino tinto' means 'A glass of red wine'. It's important to note that 'copa' refers specifically to a 'glass' for drinking, not the material glass.

cortar en dados finos
cut into thin dice

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en dados finos' translates to 'cut into thin dice' in English. It is a culinary term often used in recipes to describe the way vegetables, fruits, or meats should be cut before cooking. The process involves cutting food into small square pieces, usually about 0.25 to 0.5 inches on each side, to cook evenly and quickly. This term is commonly used when preparing ingredients for soups, salads or sauces.

cortar en dados gruesos
cut into thick dice

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en dados gruesos' directly translates to 'cut into thick dice' in English. This phrase is typically used in cooking instructions when preparing ingredients. The phrase is instructing to chop or cut the ingredient into noticeably large, cube-like pieces, similar to dice. The size is relatively larger than that of typical dicing methods, hence 'thick' or 'grueso' in Spanish.

cortar en dados pequeños
cut into small dice

The phrase 'cortar en dados pequeños' in Spanish translates to 'cut into small dice' in English. This is a culinary term often used to instruct how certain ingredients, specifically vegetables or meat, should be cut into uniform, small, cube-like pieces, resembling dice. This style of cut is usually for aesthetic consistency and to ensure the ingredients cook evenly.

cortar en tacos finos
cut in fine tacos

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en tacos finos' translates directly to 'cut in fine tacos' in English. However, 'tacos' in this context does not refer to the Mexican dish. In culinary terms, 'taco' in Spanish is a piece of something, particularly food. So, this phrase can mean to cut or chop something, often a food item, into small, fine pieces or chunks.

cortar en tacos gruesos
cut into thick tacos

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en tacos gruesos' translates to 'cut into thick tacos' in English. It's a culinary term commonly used in cooking recipes or instructions. The word 'cortar' means 'to cut', 'en' is a preposition usually translated as 'into' in this context, 'tacos' refer to 'tacos' or 'pieces', and 'gruesos' means 'thick'. So, it basically describes the process of cutting something into thick chunks or pieces, not necessarily referring to the food item taco in English context.

cortar en tacos pequeños
cut in small tacos

The phrase 'cortar en tacos pequeños' is a culinary term in Spanish. It instructs to cut ingredients into small pieces, similar to the size of small tacos. This is typically done to prepare the ingredients for a wide variety of dishes, such as stews, soups, or salads. Knowing this phrase could be especially useful for those with interest in cooking and recipe translation from Spanish to English.

cortar en trozos finos
cut into thin pieces

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en trozos finos' translates to 'cut into thin pieces' in English. This phrase is commonly used in cooking instructions where ingredients need to be prepared and fractioned into smaller sizes. It could refer to chopping a variety of items, like vegetables, fruits, or meats, into small, thin pieces for a particular recipe. Proper usage of this phrase always involves some form of culinary context.

cortar en trozos gruesos
cut into thick pieces

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en trozos gruesos' translates to 'cut into thick pieces' in English. This phrase is commonly used in cooking instructions or recipes where ingredients need to be prepared in certain sizes. The verb 'cortar' means 'to cut', 'trozos' means 'pieces', and 'gruesos' means 'thick'. Thus, when you 'cortar en trozos gruesos', you are instructed to cut something into large or thick pieces.

cortar en trozos pequeños
cut into small pieces

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en trozos pequeños' translates to 'cut into small pieces' in English. In this context, 'cortar' means 'to cut', 'en' refers to 'into' or 'in', 'trozos' translates to 'pieces', and 'pequeños' means 'small'. Thus, this phrase is often used in cooking instructions or when dividing something into multiple smaller parts.


The word 'cristalería' in Spanish translates to 'glassware' in English. This term generally refers to objects made of glass, more specifically, objects used to serve food or beverages. This includes items such as glasses, plates, bowls, jars, bottles, etc. In a broader sense, it can also refer to places where glass is made or sold.


The term 'cubertería' is used in the Spanish language to refer to a collection of tools colloquially known as 'cutlery' in English. This can usually be found in a dining setting and primarily includes spoons, forks, and knives. It is considered an essential part of dining etiquette and a requirement for eating a majority of meals.


The word 'cuchara' is a noun in Spanish language which translates to the word 'spoon' in English. It is widely used in the household, dining, or kitchen context and refers to the utensil commonly used to stir, serve, or consume food. The plural form is 'cucharas'.


The word 'cucharilla' in Spanish translates to 'teaspoon' in English. This is a diminutive form of 'cuchara', the basic Spanish term for a spoon. In a kitchen context, 'cucharilla' typically refers to a small spoon often used for stirring coffee or tea, much like the usage of 'teaspoon' in English.


'Cucharón' is a Spanish word referring to a large long-handled spoon with a cup-shaped bowl, used for serving soup, stew or sauce. In English, this tool is known as a 'ladle'. Its everyday use makes it a commonly known household item. Understanding this word could be particularly useful for conversations around cooking or meals.


The Spanish word 'cuchillo' translates to 'knife' in English. It is commonly used for a tool or weapon with a cutting edge or blade, often attached to a handle or hilt. One of the earliest tools used by humanity, knives appeared at least two-and-a-half million years ago, as evidenced by the Oldowan tools. The 'cuchillo' is used in the kitchen for food preparation, or as a utensil.


The Spanish word 'ensaladera' translates to 'salad bowl' in English. It is a common item found in kitchens and is used for preparing, mixing and serving salads. It's a compound word in Spanish, where 'ensalada' means 'salad' and '-era' is a suffix indicating where something is kept, in this case, where salad is kept. Note, 'ensalada' itself means 'salad', but 'ensaladera' refers specifically to the container or bowl for salad.

fregar los platos

'Fregar los platos' in Spanish translates to 'washing the dishes' in English. The verb 'fregar' can be interpreted as 'to scrub' or 'to wash', and 'los platos' means 'the dishes'. Thus, it refers to the task of cleaning the dishes after a meal. It is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking households to assign or indicate this particular chore.

jarra de agua
water jug

The phrase 'jarra de agua' in Spanish directly translates to 'water jug' in English. This term is used to refer to a container, often made of glass or pottery, generally with a narrow mouth and a handle, that is used for storing and serving beverages such as water. The usage of this term is very common in households and restaurants for serving water to drink.

jarra de cerveza
jug of beer

The Spanish term 'jarra de cerveza' translates to 'jug of beer' in English. It is made up of two components: 'jarra', which means jug, and 'cerveza', which means beer. So, when combined, 'jarra de cerveza' essentially means a jug (or a large container usually with a handle and a lid) filled with beer. This term is widely used in Spanish-speaking locations, such as restaurants and bars, to order a generous serving size of beer.

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