Spanish Jobs Vocabulary in Spanish

Explore our Spanish vocabulary list focused on various types of jobs and professions.

tener un empleo en la Administración
employment in the Administration

The Spanish phrase 'tener un empleo en la Administración' translates to 'employment in the Administration' in English. This phrase could be used in the context of discussing one's job or career, particularly within a government or bureaucratic setting. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', 'un empleo' translates to 'a job', 'en' means 'in', and 'la Administración' refers to 'the Administration'. Therefore the phrase is literally stating 'to have a job in the Administration'.

tener un empleo en una multinacional
having a job in a multinational

The Spanish phrase 'tener un empleo en una multinacional' translates to 'having a job in a multinational' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts, but is most commonly found in professional and business environments. 'Tener' means 'to have', 'un empleo' refers to 'a job', 'en' translates to 'in', and 'una multinacional' is 'a multinational'. Therefore, putting all the words together gives the meaning of working in a multinational company or corporation.

tener un negocio
having a business

The Spanish phrase 'tener un negocio' translates to 'having a business' in English. It is often used to describe one's possession of a business or to indicate that someone is running or owning a business. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, from formal business settings to casual conversations.

tener un trabajo en un banco
have a job in a bank

The Spanish phrase 'tener un trabajo en un banco' translates to 'have a job in a bank' in English. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', 'un trabajo' means 'a job', and 'en un banco' means 'in a bank'. Thus, if you say 'tener un trabajo en un banco' in Spanish, you signify that you work in a banking institution or that you hold a position in a bank.

tener una entrevista (de trabajo)
have an interview (working)

The Spanish phrase 'tener una entrevista (de trabajo)' translates to 'to have an interview (work)' in English. It is used in contexts where one talks about their professional engagements, typically related to job interviews or discussions at the workplace. This phrase can be used both in situations where the interview has already been scheduled ('I will have an interview next week'), and in cases where the individual is expressing their desire or necessity to obtain a job interview ('I need to have an interview to get this job').

tener una peluquería
have a hairdresser

'Tener una peluquería' is a Spanish phrase translating to 'have a hairdresser' in English. This can refer to the action of owning a hairdressing business or having a hairdresser at one's disposal. In possession contexts, it implies ownership. It can also be utilized in other contexts to indicate the act of getting one's hair done by a professional hairdresser. Knowledge of such phrases can enhance your conversation skills in Spanish.

tener una tienda
have a store

The Spanish phrase 'tener una tienda' translates to 'have a store' in English. In a business context, it is often used when someone owns or runs a store. In a more casual setting, the phrase could also be used metaphorically to suggest a surplus of something. For example, 'tener una tienda de dulces' could be literally translated to 'have a candy store' but metaphorically it could be used to imply having a lot of candies.


The Spanish word 'trabajador' is used to denote someone who does work, such as a job or a particular task. Just like in English, it can refer to any type of laborer, from someone who does physical labor to someone who works in an office environment. The word is used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences with  trabajador
trabajador de la construcción
construction worker

The Spanish phrase 'trabajador de la construcción' translates to 'construction worker' in English. In Spanish speaking countries, this term is used to refer to an individual who works on construction sites where buildings are being erected, repaired, or demolished. These workers might be involved in the tasks of constructing, repairing, and demolishing buildings or infrastructure projects. This job often requires physical strength, safety knowledge, and ability to work with various tools and machinery.

trabajador del sector servicios
service worker

The Spanish term 'trabajador del sector servicios' directly translates to English as 'service sector worker'. This refers to an individual who works in the service industry, providing services such as teaching, training, consulting, and customer service, rather than producing goods. The service sector is a broad field encompassing various industries including education, healthcare, hospitality, and more.

trabajador en prácticas
worker in practices

The Spanish phrase 'trabajador en prácticas' translates to 'worker in practices' in English. This is often used to refer to an intern or someone who is gaining practical experience in a workplace. The person is usually learning specific skills or undergoing training related to their field of study or work. It's common in various professions and industries, as it provides beneficial hands-on experience for the worker.

trabajar (en)
work (in)

The Spanish term 'trabajar (en)' translates to 'work (in)' in English. This is a verb that refers to the action of exerting mental or physical effort in order to do, establish, or produce something. This can apply to a variety of contexts, such as 'trabajar en una empresa' meaning 'work in a company', 'trabajar en un proyecto' meaning 'work on a project', and many more.

trabajar como autónomo
to work as autonomous

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar como autónomo' translates to 'work as autonomous' in English. This typically refers to someone who is self-employed and operates their business as an individual, without a traditional employer-employee relationship. Such a person enjoys significant freedom in choosing when, where, and how to work, but also assumes all the risks of running their business.

trabajar de canguro
work as a babysitter

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar de canguro' translates to 'work as a babysitter' in English. This phrase is typically used to refer to the job of taking care of someone else's children in their absence. Babysitting involves activities such as entertaining, feeding, and ensuring the safety of children. It's important to note the action of this job is temporary and usually part-time, often performed by teenagers or young adults looking for extra income.

trabajar para una empresa de servicios
work for a service company

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar para una empresa de servicios' translates to 'work for a service company' in English. This phrase is commonly used to describe one's job or employment responsibilities. For instance, if someone says that they 'trabajan para una empresa de servicios', they are saying that they are employed at or work for a company that provides services, such as a consulting firm, a telecommunications company, or a cleaning service.

trabajar para una empresa de transportes
work for a transport company

The phrase 'trabajar para una empresa de transportes' in Spanish translates to 'work for a transport company' in English. This could mean that you are employed by a company which is engaged in the business of transporting goods or people from one place to another. It includes variety of jobs like vehicle operation, administration or management. In Spanish, 'trabajar' means 'to work', 'para' is used as 'for', 'una empresa' stands for 'a company' and 'de transportes' signifies 'of transports'. All together, it illustrates being employed in a field involving tranportation.


The Spanish word 'traductor' translates to 'translator' in English. A 'traductor' is a person who converts text or speech from one language into another. Translators play a vital role in bridging gaps between different languages and cultures, facilitating communication and understanding. They work in different areas such as business, literature, media and healthcare.

Example sentences with  traductor

The Spanish word 'violinista' is translated as 'violinist' in English. A violinist is a person who plays the violin. This can refer to someone who does this professionally, as part of a symphony orchestra for example, or someone who plays the violin as a hobby. The term can apply to both males and females. In Spanish, the term 'violín' translates to 'violin', and the suffix '-ista' is similar to the English suffix '-ist', used to designate someone who practices a certain skill.

Example sentences with  violinista
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