Spanish Jobs Vocabulary in Spanish

Explore our Spanish vocabulary list focused on various types of jobs and professions.

ocupar un cargo público
public office

The phrase 'ocupar un cargo público' in Spanish translates to 'occupy a public office' in English. This term is often used in the context of politics and governance, for instance, when someone is elected or appointed to a position in government. The direct English translation may not capture the exact meaning of the phrase, however, the underlying concept remains the same. It refers to the responsibility and duty undertaken by an individual when they become a public representative or officer.

ocupar un cargo vitalicio
to hold a key role

The Spanish word 'oficio' translates to 'office' in English. However, it is important to note that 'oficio' can also mean 'trade' or 'profession' depending on the context. It is often used in the contexts of work or administrative affairs. In addition, when in the plural form, 'oficios' may refer to chores or household tasks. Therefore, while 'oficio' can mean 'office' it has a variety of uses in different situations.


The Spanish word 'operario' translates to 'operator' in English. In the industrial or manufacturing context, an 'operario' is a person who operates equipment or machinery. It can also broadly refer to a person executing an action or operation, similar to the way 'operator' is used in English. The term emphasizes the role of executing or managing a process or system. It's worth noting the usage of the word may vary in different Spanish-speaking regions.


The Spanish word 'orgánico' does not translate to 'professional' in English. Instead, it translates to 'organic.' It's often used to describe natural products that don't contain artificial chemicals, or it could refer to things related to organs, in a biological sense.

Example sentences with  orgánico
parish priest

The Spanish word 'párroco' translates to 'parish priest' in English. In the context of the Catholic Church, a parish priest is a priest appointed by the bishop to represent him to the local parish, which is a subdivision of the diocese that has its own church. The parish priest is the highest-ranking clergyman in the church and is responsible for administering spiritual care to his parishioners.

Example sentences with  párroco

The Spanish word 'pediatra' translates to 'pediatrician' in English. A pediatrician is a medical doctor specializing in the treatment and care of children's health. They usually handle the health of a child, which includes physical, behavioral, and mental health issues. Pediatricians are proficient in diseases and treatments specific to young and growing bodies, from minor health issues to serious diseases. Hence, 'pediatra' is a very important term in Spanish relating to healthcare professionals.

Example sentences with  pediatra

The Spanish word 'peluquería' translates to 'hairdresser' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a person who cuts or styles hair as a profession in a salon or a barber shop. Apart from cutting and styling, hairdressers often also offer other services such as hair coloring and treatments. The term can also refer to the salon or shop where these professionals work. 'Peluquería' is a feminine noun in Spanish.

perder el empleo
lose the job

The Spanish phrase 'perder el empleo' translates to 'lose the job' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of unemployment, indicating an individual has been laid off or terminated from their position of work. It's a common phrase used in the domain of work and employment.


The Spanish word 'periodista' translates to 'journalist' in English. A journalist is a person who collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the public. They can work in various media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and online platforms. The primary goal of a journalist is to inform, educate and entertain the public while adhering to ethical norms and standards.


The word 'pianista' is a noun in Spanish. It corresponds to the English word 'pianist'. A 'pianista' is a person who plays the piano. In performing genres, a pianist could be an accompanist, improviser, session musician and it is seen as an essential skill in classical music, musical theatre, jazz, blues, and many other music genres.

Example sentences with  pianista

'Pintor' refers to a person who paints, especially as a job. Although it's often used to refer to a male painter, it can be used gender-neutrally.

Example sentences with  pintor

The Spanish word 'poeta' translates to 'poet' in English. A 'poet' is a person who writes poems, which are works of literature that express feelings, ideas or a particular style of writing with the use of language in a rhythmical and emotional way. The term 'poeta' in Spanish is used in a similar context representing an individual who is adept at producing creative writings that may captivate, inspire, or provoke thought in readers.

Example sentences with  poeta

'Policía' refers to a member of a police force. It's a gender-neutral term.

Example sentences with  policía

The Spanish word 'portero' translates to 'doorman' in English. A doorman is an employee of a building (often a residential building or hotel) who stands at the door, greets residents and guests, and may perform services such as receiving mail or luggage. Similarly, a 'portero' performs the same duties in Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word 'profesión' translates to 'profession' in English. A profession typically refers to a type of job that requires special education, training or skill. This could include fields such as medicine, law, education, engineering, among others. Therefore, if someone in Spain asks about your 'profesión', they are interested in knowing what you do for a living.


The term 'profesor' in Spanish corresponds to the English term 'professor'. It is used to refer to an teacher in a university or college or a teacher in general. Similar to English, context can influence the level of education the 'profesor' is associated with.

Example sentences with  profesor

Psicólogo is a Spanish term that denotes a professional trained in psychology, usually possessing a degree and responsible for studying and interpreting human behavior, thoughts, emotions, and actions. In English, this professional is known as a psychologist. A psychologist can work in a variety of different contexts, such as counselling, research, education, corporate settings or in the mental health field, offering therapy and support for mental health issues.

puesto de trabajo

The Spanish phrase 'puesto de trabajo' translates to 'job' in English. The term refers to the role or position a person holds in a business or organization, typically involving specific duties, responsibilities, and skills. This could be anything from a retail job, a corporate position, to a self-employed job. It's an essential concept in the contexts of career, occupation, and professional life.

Example sentences with  puesto de trabajo
responsable de ventas
responsible for sales

In English, 'responsable de ventas' translates to 'responsible for sales'. This term is often used in business dynamics where a specific individual or a group is designated to manage, monitor, and implement strategies related to selling a company's products or services. Their primary responsibilities may include developing sales strategies, setting sales targets, managing the sales team, and maintaining customer relationships. As 'responsable' is a noun, it can be used in a sentence where a noun is suitable.


The Spanish word 'secretaría' translates to 'secretary' in English. This term is often used to describe a person employed by an individual or in an office who performs routine clerical and organizational tasks. They may organize files, draft messages, schedule appointments and support other staff.

ser camarero
to be a waiter

The term 'ser camarero' in Spanish translates to 'to be a waiter' in English. This refers to the job or profession of serving customers in restaurants, bars, cafes, and other dining or refreshment establishments. As a commonly used term across Spanish-speaking countries, 'ser camarero' could be seen in job descriptions, articles, or casual conversation related to this profession.

ser ingeniero
being an engineer

The term 'ser ingeniero' translates directly to 'to be an engineer' in English. The phrase 'ser' means 'to be', indicating a state, profession, or characteristic, and 'ingeniero' is a noun meaning 'engineer'. So 'ser ingeniero' essentially refers to the profession or state of being an engineer. It could be used in various contexts such as expressing one's profession (Soy ingeniero - I am an engineer), expressing a desire, a goal (Quiero ser ingeniero - I want to be an engineer) or even in a hypothetical situation (Si fuera ingeniero - If I were an engineer).


The Spanish term 'sociólogo' directly translates to 'sociologist' in English. A 'sociólogo' is an expert in or a student of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. It encompasses the study of social institutions and their interlocking nature, as well as various social, cultural, political, economic, and historical forces that mold human behavior in society.

Example sentences with  sociólogo

The Spanish word 'suplente' translates to 'alternate' in English. In the context of a team or group, an alternate or 'suplente' is someone who can replace another person. It is used to refer to someone who is second in line or a backup. In sports, for instance, the 'suplente' would come in to replace another team member who is unable to play. The term embodies the concept of being ready to step in when necessary, even if it's not typically the main role.


The Spanish word 'sustituto' translates to 'substitute' in English. It is used in situations to denote someone or something that takes the place or function of another, similar to how 'substitute' is used in English. It could refer to a person, as in a substitute teacher, or an object or concept, as in a substitute ingredient in a recipe.

taxi driver

The Spanish word 'taxista' directly translates to 'taxi driver' in English. It refers to a person who drives a taxi for a living, which is a type of vehicle that provides public transportation for one passenger, or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride. Similar to English, this term is used universally within Spanish-speaking countries and its understanding is integral for general comprehension and communication.

tener un cargo de responsabilidad
a responsibility post

The term 'tener un cargo de responsabilidad' in Spanish translates to 'to have a post of responsibility' in English. This typically implies taking on a role or a job with substantial decision-making responsibilities. It can be related to any field such as business, government, education etc., where certain responsibilities and duties need to be fulfilled. The role may require the individual to handle important tasks, manage people, or make critical decisions, thereby carrying a significant degree of responsibility.

tener un cargo directivo
have a managerial position

In Spanish, 'tener un cargo directivo' translates to 'have a managerial position' in English. The phrase becomes more understandable when broken down to individual words. 'Tener' means 'to have', 'un' means 'a', 'cargo' means 'charge, responsibility, or position', and 'directivo' means 'directive or managerial'. So when the words are put together, it conveys the idea of possessing a managerial position or being in charge of something.

tener un cargo público
holding a public office

The Spanish phrase 'tener un cargo público' translates to 'holding a public office' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of someone performing a duty in a role that serves the community or nation, such as a mayor, senator, or president. These roles often require election or appointment and involve responsibilities such as making decisions, creating laws, or implementing policies for the public's interest.

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