Spanish Jobs Vocabulary in Spanish

Explore our Spanish vocabulary list focused on various types of jobs and professions.

estar jubilado

The Spanish term 'estar jubilado' translates to 'being retired' in English. In a more contextual sense, it is used to describe a state of permanent withdrawal from one's occupation or profession, usually due to reaching the age of retirement or for health reasons. The term combines the verb 'estar' denoting a state or condition, and 'jubilado', which is the past participle of 'jubilar', meaning to retire. In use, if someone says 'Yo estoy jubilado', it means 'I am retired' in English.

estudiante en prácticas
student in internship

The term 'estudiante en prácticas' in Spanish refers to a student who is currently obtaining practical experience in their field of study as part of their curriculum. This is usually accomplished through a temporary job placement known as an internship. An internship allows the student to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, often under the supervision and guidance of an experienced professional.


'Farmacéutico' is an individual who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medical drugs. A 'farmacéutico' also offers advice about health issues, symptoms and medications in response to customer enquiries.

Example sentences with  farmacéutico

The Spanish word 'funcionario' translates to 'staff' or 'official' in English. It especially refers to someone who is employed in the public sector or a government worker. It is a noun and it is commonly used in formal or official contexts in Spanish speaking countries. Please note that the meaning can vary slightly depending on the context, but generally it denotes someone holding an official position or office in a governmental or public department.

ganar dinero
earn money

The Spanish term 'ganar dinero' translates to 'earn money' in English. It consists of two verbs - 'ganar' meaning 'to win' or 'to earn' and 'dinero' meaning 'money'. Therefore, if someone says 'Yo quiero ganar dinero', they mean 'I want to earn money'. This phrase is used quite commonly in Spanish-speaking countries where it indicates the desire to work and gain financial reward. It is also used in various contexts, whether it is to express the need to work more hours to earn more money, or to achieve success in a business venture.


The word 'ginecólogo' is a masculine noun in Spanish, deriving from Greek roots. It refers to a medical doctor specialized in the female reproductive system, who often provides care to women throughout their pregnancy period as well. This medical specialist can diagnose and treat various women-related health issues such as menstrual problems, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and others. In English, the term for 'ginecólogo' is 'gynecologist'.

Example sentences with  ginecólogo
guía turístico
tourist guide

The Spanish phrase 'guía turístico' translates to 'tourist guide' in English. This phrase is typically used to refer to an individual who provides assistance, information on cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized tours and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest. In professional terms, a 'guía turístico' has the role of managing and facilitating the client’s holiday through knowledge of the area and by offering insights that the guidebooks and websites do not.

Example sentences with  guía turístico

The word 'guitarrista' is a Spanish term that translates to 'guitarist' in English. This term is often used to refer to someone who plays the guitar, whether as a hobby or professionally. Known for its versatility, the guitar is a popular musical instrument across the globe, which makes the term 'guitarrista' widely recognized in many Spanish-speaking cultures. In the grammatical aspect, 'guitarrista' is a common noun and it's predominantly used in musical contexts.

Example sentences with  guitarrista
hablar con clientes
talk to clients

The Spanish phrase 'hablar con clientes' translates to 'talk to clients' in English. This phrase is often used in business or professional settings where communication with clients is a crucial part of the job role. As a verb phrase, 'hablar con clientes' speaks to engaging in dialogue or conversation with clients for various purposes, such as understanding their needs, negotiating agreements, or addressing their concerns. Learning these business-related phrases is beneficial for professional settings in Spanish speaking regions.

hablar con el jefe
talk to the boss

The Spanish phrase 'hablar con el jefe' translates to 'talk to the boss' in English. The verb 'hablar' means 'to talk or to speak', 'con' is a preposition that means 'with', and 'el jefe' means 'the boss'. Combined, they form the phrase 'talk to the boss'. This could be used in a work context where an employee needs to speak with their supervisor or manager about professional matters.

hacer de canguro

The Spanish phrase 'hacer de canguro' translates to 'to babysit' in English. Despite its direct translation being 'to act as a kangaroo', it is typically used in Spain to refer to the action of taking care of someone else's children for a period of time. This may involve activities such as feeding, playing with them, and putting them to sleep.

hacer fotocopias
make photocopies

The Spanish phrase 'hacer fotocopias' translates to 'make photocopies' in English. It is often used in a workplace or school setting where documentation needs to be duplicated. 'Hacer' is a verb that means 'to make' or 'to do', and 'fotocopias' is the plural form of 'fotocopia' which means 'photocopy'. Therefore, 'hacer fotocopias' literally means to make or do photocopies.


The Spanish word 'huelga' translates into 'strike' in English. It is commonly used to denote situations where workers refuse to do their jobs as a way to protest against working conditions, pay, or other workplace issues. This term can be found not only in labour movements but also used in more general contexts to indicate a stop or halt in activities. For instance, in the sentence 'La huelga de transporte detuvo la ciudad' (The transport strike stopped the city), 'huelga' is conveying an interruption or cessation of an activity.

Example sentences with  huelga

The term 'ilustrador' in Spanish translates to 'illustrator' in English. An illustrator is an artist who specializes in enhancing writing or elucidating concepts by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text or idea. The illustration may be intended to clarify complicated concepts or objects that are difficult to describe textually, which is the reason illustrations are often used in books, magazines, and business reports.

Example sentences with  ilustrador

An 'ingeniero' is a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, public works, and other types of structures. The job of an 'ingeniero' can vary greatly across different fields such as civil, mechanical, and software engineering.

Example sentences with  ingeniero
inspector (de policía)
inspector (police)

The Spanish word 'inspector (de policía)' translates to 'inspector (police)' in English. It refers to a person who inspects something. In this case, it refers to a police officer of a rank above a sergeant. In other contexts, 'inspector' can also refer to a person who ensures that official regulations or standards are being met in various public or local authority departments.

inspector de hacienda
property inspector

The Spanish term 'inspector de hacienda' translates to 'property inspector' in English. In many Spanish-speaking countries, an inspector de hacienda is a government official who is responsible for supervising and examining activities related to taxes, duties, and the assessment of property value. These individuals ensure that all the necessary procedures are carried out in compliance with the country's tax and property laws. Their job is similar to that of a tax inspector or property appraiser in English-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  inspector de hacienda

The Spanish word 'interino' translates into English as 'acting'. It refers to an interim or temporary position where the individual steps into a role to fill in for another person who is absent or when that position is currently vacant. This term is widely used in the business world, government sector, and various institutions.


The word 'jardinera' in Spanish translates to 'gardener' in English. Gardener signifies a person who tends and cultivates a garden either as a hobby or profession. 'Jardinera' can also imply the feminine gender in Spanish due to the 'a' suffix. Hence, it is especially used to address female gardeners. Besides, 'jardinera' further refers to a kind of Spanish vegetable stew, thereby bearing a dual meaning.

Example sentences with  jardinera

The Spanish word 'jefe' translates to 'chief' in English. It is used in professional or organizational contexts to refer to a person who is in charge or leading a group, project, or organization. This could be a job title or a general term for a person in a position of authority.

jefe de obra
construction manager

The Spanish term 'jefe de obra' translates to 'construction manager' in English. A 'jefe de obra' is an individual in charge of supervising and managing a construction project or site. They are responsible for coordinating personnel, managing resources and materials, ensuring safety regulations are followed, and overseeing the general success of the construction process. They act as the primary point of contact between different stakeholders such as architects, engineers, and clients.

Example sentences with  jefe de obra
jefe de personal
chief of staff

The Spanish term 'jefe de personal' translates to 'chief of staff' in English. The 'jefe de personal' is typically a senior official who provides support and advice to a leader, such as a president or chief executive officer, in a political, governmental, or business setting. The exact responsibilities of a 'jefe de personal' can vary greatly depending on the organization, but they often involve coordinating activities, managing staff, and facilitating communication.

Example sentences with  jefe de personal
llamar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)
call someone for an interview (working)

The Spanish phrase 'llamar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)' translates to English as 'call someone for an interview (working)'. This is typically used in the context of a work or job environment, where a recruiter or hiring manager might 'llamar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)' when they are interested in discussing a potential job opportunity with a candidate. This phrase emphasizes the action of reaching out to someone to schedule a formal conversation or evaluation, known as an interview, for a job or work role.


The word 'marinero' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'sailor' in English. It is typically used to refer to someone who works on board a sea vessel. 'Marinero' comes from the Spanish word 'mar', which means 'sea', emphasizing the connection of the sailor to the sea. This term can be used in various contexts, whether literal, as in the occupation, or metaphorical, as in someone who likes to navigate through different situations.

Example sentences with  marinero

The word 'matemático' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'mathematician' in English. This term is used to refer to a person engaged in the field of Mathematics. A 'matemático' is someone who studies, teaches or applies Mathematics in different contexts. This could involve disciplines such as algebra, calculus, geometry, or statistics. The role of a 'matemático' can vary greatly, depending on the context, they might be involved in theoretical research or the practical application of mathematical principles.

Example sentences with  matemático

The word 'monja' in Spanish translates to 'nun' in English. A 'nun' is a member of a religious community of women, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. This term is generally used in the Roman Catholic church, but is also used more broadly to refer to a woman leading a monastic life in other religious traditions too. It's interesting to note that 'monja' is a noun in Spanish, and like other nouns, its article changes based on the gender and number.

Example sentences with  monja

The Spanish word 'novelista' translates to 'novelist' in English. This refers to a person who writes novels, which are extended works of fiction. Novelists often spend a long time developing characters, plot, and setting to create engaging and immersive stories that transport the reader to a different place or time. The profession demands creativity, imagination, understanding of human nature and sometimes, research skills.

Example sentences with  novelista

The word 'oculista' refers to 'oculist' in English. An oculist is a previous term for an ophthalmologist or an eye doctor. They are medical doctors who specialize in eye and vision care. This includes eye exams, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, prescribing medications, and performing eye surgery.

Example sentences with  oculista
ocupar un cargo de responsabilidad

The Spanish phrase 'ocupar un cargo de responsabilidad' may be translated into English as 'to hold a position of responsibility'. This would refer to a position within an organization or context that demands accountability for certain tasks or outcomes. This could refer to a managerial role, or another authoritative position where decisions made directly impact the success, progress or functioning of an entity. It underscores the process of undertaking and managing tasks that have significant effects on others and the entity at large.

ocupar un cargo honorífico
to hold an honorary position

The Spanish phrase 'ocupar un cargo honorífico' means 'to hold an honorary position' in English. It is used when someone holds a position out of honor, not necessarily because they perform daily tasks or duties. This is often an important or respected position, given as a special honor. It could be used in a variety of contexts, including work, socio-cultural activities, community services, amongst others. The phrase involves three words: 'ocupar' meaning 'to hold', 'un cargo' meaning 'a position', and 'honorífico' meaning 'honorary'.

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