Spanish Jobs Vocabulary in Spanish

Explore our Spanish vocabulary list focused on various types of jobs and professions.


The Spanish word 'conductor' translates to 'driver' in English. It is used to refer to someone who operates and controls a vehicle such as a car, bus, or train. It holds the same connotations of responsibility and control as it does in English. In Spanish, it can also specifically refer to someone who conducts an orchestra or the person leading a choir.

Example sentences with  conductor

The Spanish word 'conserje' translates to 'janitor' in English. A janitor is a person who is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of a building. They may perform a variety of tasks such as sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, repairing fixtures, and maintaining cleanliness. In some contexts, a 'conserje' might also be involved in security duties or overseeing the operation of a building, similar to a building superintendent in English.


The Spanish word 'contratado' is often used in multiple contexts such as employment and legalities, and it can primarily be translated to 'hired' in English. This term is commonly utilized to represent the action of being contracted by a company or individual for a job or service. So, although the word 'contratado' might be considered similar to the English word 'contract', it is more frequently used in a context where someone has agreed to provide a service or perform a job for a specific period.

crítico de cine
film critic

The Spanish term 'crítico de cine' translates to 'film critic' in English. This term refers to a person whose job is to write or broadcast their expert opinion and analysis about movies. They typically review films in publications, broadcast media, or online platforms, considering aspects such as plot, theme, cinematography, editing, performances, and overall execution. Their insights often inform audiences and can impact a movie's popularity and reception.

Example sentences with  crítico de cine

The Spanish word 'dentista' translates to 'dentist' in English. A 'dentista' is a professional who is qualified to treat diseases and other conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones. This word is widely recognized and used in many Spanish-speaking countries around the globe.

Example sentences with  dentista
desempeñar un cargo ejecutivo
to carry out an executive post

The Spanish phrase 'desempeñar un cargo ejecutivo' translates to 'carry out an executive post' in English. This phrase is often used in professional contexts, particularly in the world of business and management. When someone is said to 'desempeñar un cargo ejecutivo', it means that they occupy a high-ranking position (an executive post) within an organization, and are responsible for carrying out important leadership and decision-making tasks. The phrase refers not just to holding this position, but the act of fulfilling the role and responsibilities associated with it.


The Spanish word 'diplomático' translates to 'diplomat' in English. A diplomat is a person appointed by a government to conduct diplomatic negotiations and maintain political, economic, and social relations with another country. Diplomats are representatives of their own government to the government of another country or to an international organization. In Spanish, the same role is described by the word 'diplomático'.

Example sentences with  diplomático
director de orquesta
orchestra director

The Spanish term 'director de orquesta' translates to 'orchestra director' in English. An orchestra director, also often referred to as a conductor, is an individual who leads an orchestra, directing the musicians through performances of musical compositions. The director uses a rhythmic hand motion to guide the musicians and control the tempo of the music. The role of the orchestra director is essential in maintaining synchronization and harmony among the performers in the orchestra.

Example sentences with  director de orquesta
director de RR. HH.
HR director

The Spanish term 'director de RR. HH.' translates to 'HR director' in English. An HR director, or Human Resources director, is a senior position in any organization responsible for managing human resources operations and strategies. Their tasks often include overseeing recruitment and hiring processes, managing employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training, shaping HR policies, and ensuring legal compliances. This position usually requires strong leadership, strategic planning, and excellent communication skills.


A 'diseñador' in Spanish is equivalent to 'designer' in English. This term refers to a person specialized in conceiving and creating design, which may be applicable to diverse fields depending on the context. Some prevalent examples include, but are not limited to, fashion designer, graphic designer, interior designer, etc. Rooted in creativity and practicality, a diseñador's job generally requires a high aesthetic sense and problem-solving capacity.

Example sentences with  diseñador

A 'doctor' refers to a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill. This term can be used for both male and female practitioners.

Example sentences with  doctor

The term 'economista' in Spanish translates to 'economist' in English. An economist is a professional in the economic sciences who seeks to analyze and interpret economic trends and issues. Economists study how societies and individuals allocate resources to produce goods and services, and how they distribute these goods and services among different people. They use their knowledge to provide advice to businesses, government agencies, and individuals to help them make informed decisions.


The Spanish word 'edil' translates to 'mayor' in English. In local governments, ediles are responsible for the governance and administration of a city or town. They play crucial roles in making important decisions, implementing policies, and managing public services. It's an important political position, usually elected by the citizens of the place.

Example sentences with  edil
ejercer como abogado
as a lawyer

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer como abogado' translates to 'to practice as a lawyer' in English. This phrase would typically be used in a professional context, such as when describing one's job or occupation. For instance, one might use 'ejercer como abogado' when telling someone that they work as a lawyer. 'Ejercer' refers to the act of practicing or carrying out a job or profession, and 'abogado' is the Spanish word for lawyer.

ejercer como veterinario
exercise as a veterinarian

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer como veterinario' translates to 'exercise as a veterinarian' in English. This phrase is typically used in a professional context, referring to the act of working or practicing professionally as a veterinarian. A veterinarian is a medical professional who provides treatment for animals, so to 'ejercer como veterinario' means that someone is engaging in this profession, taking care of animal health, treating illnesses and injuries, and working towards the prevention and treatment of animal diseases.

ejercer de abogado
exercising counsel

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer de abogado' translates to 'exercising counsel' in English. It typically refers to the professional actions of a lawyer, including giving legal advice and acting on behalf of clients in legal matters. It can be used in various contexts where legal assistance is provided. In other words, when someone 'ejerce de abogado', they are performing duties and responsibilities related to the law profession.

ejercer de veterinario
exercise of veterinarian

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer de veterinario' is not literally translated as 'exercise of veterinarian' in English. Instead, it is used to mean 'to practice as a vet' or 'to work as a veterinarian'. It's a verbal phrase that implies the action of practicing a particular profession. In this case, the profession is being a veterinarian. So, this Spanish phrase would be used in contexts where the subject is performing actions related to their job as a vet.


The term 'empleado' refers to an individual who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business. It is typically used in both formal and casual contexts, similar to the term 'employee' in English.

Example sentences with  empleado
empleado de banca
bank employee

The Spanish phrase 'empleado de banca' translates to 'bank employee' in English. A bank employee is an individual who works for a bank. This role can include various responsibilities, such as accepting deposits and loan payments, providing customer service, and aiding clients with account details. The employee could work in multiple departments in a bank, such as a teller at the front desk, a loan officer, or a bank manager, among others. This word is often used in professional and formal contexts.


The Spanish word 'empresario' translates to 'entrepreneur' in English. An 'empresario' refers to a person who initiates or manages a business or businesses, typically demonstrating a high degree of innovation and risk. They are generally seen as innovators, leaders, or creators in the sectors they operate in, and they use their skills and initiatives to create new projects and ideas.


The Spanish word 'enfermera' translates to 'nurse' in English. A 'nurse' is a trained health professional who is skilled in promoting and supporting a person's health and well-being. Nurses are usually part of the healthcare team and they provide various services, depending on their training and their jurisdictions.


'Enfermero' refers to a person who is trained to care for sick or injured people. This term typically refers to a male nurse.

Example sentences with  enfermero

The word 'entrenador' in Spanish translates to 'coach' in English. A 'coach' refers to someone who instructs or trains a team or individual in a sporting activity. Similarly, an 'entrenador' in Spanish-speaking countries may be responsible for everything from training amateur athletes to managing professional teams. It can also refer to a private trainer who assists with personal fitness goals. The term can be used in various contexts, not just in sports but also in any area where guidance and instruction are needed.

enviar el currículum
send the resume

The Spanish phrase 'enviar el currículum' translates to 'send the resume' in English. It is commonly used in professional settings, both digitally and in person, when one is applying for a job or position. 'Enviar', the first word, means 'to send'. 'El currículum' is the object being sent - this is the 'resume', which is a document listing one's work experience, skills, and education. So, when a person is instructed to 'enviar el currículum', they are being asked to send their resume.

enviar un correo electrónico
send an email

The Spanish phrase 'enviar un correo electrónico' translates to 'send an email' in English. It is a commonly used term in the digital communication context. 'Enviar' means 'send', 'un' means 'an', 'correo' means 'mail', and 'electrónico' means 'electronic', hence when put together, it translates to 'send an electronic mail'. It's commonly used in both personal and business contexts, much the way 'send an email' is used in English.

escribir el currículum
write the resume

The Spanish phrase 'escribir el currículum' translates to 'write the resume' in English. It is used when someone is preparing a summary of their past work experience, skills, and education, typically for job applications. Just like in English-speaking countries, this document allows potential employers to review a candidate's qualifications for a position.


'Escritor' refers to a person who writes books, stories, or articles as a job. It's generally used to refer to a male writer.

Example sentences with  escritor

The Spanish word 'escultor' translates to 'sculptor' in English. A sculptor is an artist who shapes materials such as wood, stone, or metal into a particular form. They use various methods including carving, chiselling, moulding, casting, and welding to create their artworks. Similarly, an 'escultor' in Spanish-speaking cultures would perform these same tasks, creating intricate works of art from raw materials.

Example sentences with  escultor
estar de canguro

The Spanish phrase 'estar de canguro' translates to 'babysitting' in English. It is a colloquial expression often used in Spain, and its literal translation is 'to be as a kangaroo'. This is in relation to how kangaroos carry their young in their pouch, analogous to taking care of children. It is used when someone is temporarily taking care of someone else's child or children.

estar en paro
being unemployed

The Spanish phrase 'estar en paro' translates to 'being unemployed' in English. This phrase is often used in Spain to describe a state of joblessness. It's important to know that in Latin American countries, other terms may be used for the same concept. This phrase is commonly used in context in various aspects including casual conversation or formal settings.

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