Spanish Interjection Learning Module

Interactive platform offering resources for understanding Spanish 'Interjections'. Enhance learning with quizzes and flashcards.


The Spanish word 'absolutamente' is an adverb used to express complete agreement or to emphasize something. It is the equivalent to the English adverb 'absolutely'. It is often used in conversations to affirm or agree with the speaker.

Example sentences with  absolutamente

The Spanish word 'ayuda' is commonly used in the same way the English word 'help' is used. It can be used to ask for assistance, to offer support, or as a noun referring to the act or instance of helping. It's versatile and can be found in various contexts, just like 'help' in English.

Example sentences with  ayuda

The Spanish word for 'quite' is 'bastante'. This word is used as an adverb to mean to a moderate, considerable extent or degree in English. In Spanish, 'bastante' signifies abundance and is often used to describe something being enough or more than enough but can also be used much as 'quite' is used in English, to reinforce or give an unspecified quantity of something.

Example sentences with  bastante

The Spanish word 'hermoso' is an adjective used to describe something or someone as beautiful or handsome. It can be used in a variety of contexts, much like its English equivalent. For example, you can use 'hermoso' to describe a beautiful view ('vista hermosa'), a beautiful woman ('mujer hermosa'), or a beautiful day ('día hermoso'). It is a common term in both spoken and written Spanish.

Example sentences with  hermoso
más tarde

The Spanish phrase 'más tarde' translates to 'later' in English. It is most commonly used to indicate a future time. Just like in English, it can be used in the context of postponing something to a later time or referring to a time coming after the present time.

Example sentences with  más tarde

The Spanish equivalent for the word 'look' is 'mirar'. 'Mirar' is commonly used in everyday Spanish language. It is a regular verb and conjugates according to the subject and tense. For example, 'Yo miro' means 'I look'. It is often used in a range of contexts, such as asking someone to look at something, stating that one is looking at something, or discussing looking in the general sense.

Example sentences with  mirar

The Spanish term 'palabra' literally translates into 'word' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, to represent a single distinct meaningful unit of language that has spelling and pronunciation. It can be used in a sentence like 'una palabra en español' which means 'a word in Spanish.'

Example sentences with  palabra

The Spanish word 'parar' is equivalent to the English word 'stop'. It can be used in many different contexts, such as telling someone to stop doing something (¡Para!) or indicating a cessation of motion (El bus va a parar). It performs the same linguistic function as 'stop' in English.

Example sentences with  parar

The Spanish equivalent for English word 'yeah' is 'sí'. It is used in a similar context where an agreement or acknowledgment is necessary. However, it may vary in some colloquial settings and different dialects of Spanish.

Example sentences with  

The Spanish word 'suficiente' is the direct translation for the English term 'enough'. It is used in a similar context as in English, being used to describe when there is as much of something as is needed or wanted. It can be used both in the context of quantity ('I have enough money') and quality ('He is good enough').

Example sentences with  suficiente
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