Spanish Industry and Energy Vocabulary

A comprehensive collection of terms related to Industry and Energy, translated from English to Spanish.

terreno fértil
fertile land

The Spanish phrase 'terreno fértil' translates in English to 'fertile land.' This is a term often used in farming, agriculture, and gardening to refer to land or soil that is highly suitable for growing plants and crops. Fertile land contains the necessary nutrients and conditions to promote healthy plant growth and high crop yields. The term 'fertile' implies richness and productivity in the context of the earth or soil, while 'terreno' simply refers to a piece of land or territory.

Example sentences with  terreno fértil

The word 'tractor' in Spanish corresponds directly to the term 'tractor' in English. It is a vehicle used mainly in farming for pulling or pushing agricultural machinery or trailers, for plowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, planting, and similar tasks.

Example sentences with  tractor

The Spanish word 'transportes' translates to 'transport' in English. It is a commonly used word in a variety of contexts. For instance, it can refer to the movement of people, goods, or animals from one location to another. This term could apply to different modes of transport, including cars, buses, trains, airplanes, ships, bicycles, etc. In essence, 'transportes' encompasses all mechanisms that facilitate mobility or transfer.

Example sentences with  transportes
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