Spanish Industry and Energy Vocabulary

A comprehensive collection of terms related to Industry and Energy, translated from English to Spanish.

obrero (especializado)
worker (specialized)

The Spanish word 'obrero (especializado)' translates to 'worker (specialized)' in English. It is frequently used in contexts such as job descriptions, worker union terminology, and discussions around skilled labour. Referring to an individual with specific skills in their line of work, 'obrero (especializado)' is often used to distinguish a normal worker from someone that has a high level of expertise or specialization in a particular area. For instance, in the construction industry an 'obrero (especializado)' would be someone who has specific skills such as a plumber, electrician, or carpenter.

Example sentences with  obrero (especializado)

The Spanish word 'operario' translates to 'operator' in English. In the industrial or manufacturing context, an 'operario' is a person who operates equipment or machinery. It can also broadly refer to a person executing an action or operation, similar to the way 'operator' is used in English. The term emphasizes the role of executing or managing a process or system. It's worth noting the usage of the word may vary in different Spanish-speaking regions.


The Spanish word 'pastor' translates to 'pastor' in English. In religious context, a pastor is a minister in charge of a Christian church or congregation. However, in Spanish language, the word 'pastor' can also mean shepherd, which is a person who herds, tends, and guards sheep. The context and usage of the word will determine its exact meaning.

Example sentences with  pastor

The Spanish word 'pesca' translates to 'fishing' in English. It can refer to the activity of catching fish, either for sport or with the intent of gathering food. 'Pesca' is a common term used in Spanish-speaking countries and coastal regions where fishing is a prevalent activity or industry. Besides its literal meaning, it may also be used in some idioms and expressions.

Example sentences with  pesca
pesca fluvial
River fishing

The Spanish term 'pesca fluvial' translates to 'river fishing' in English. River fishing is a type of fishing that refers to the act of catching fish in rivers. It is a popular activity for sports and recreation. It generally requires specific types of equipment and techniques that are suitable for fishing in flowing waters. The types of fish caught typically depend on the river's ecosystem.

Example sentences with  pesca fluvial
pesca marítima
Maritime fisheries

The Spanish term 'pesca marítima' directly translates to 'maritime fisheries' in English. This terminology refers to the industrial harvesting of wild fish and other seafoods in the vast expanse of saltwater bodies. Often considered a global industry, maritime fisheries provide a significant portion of the world's food supply and livelihood for millions of people. The term 'pesca marítima' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking coastal countries, where this industry is a critical economic component.

Example sentences with  pesca marítima
pescado blanco
white fish

The Spanish term 'pescado blanco' translates to 'white fish' in English. In culinary and cultural context, it usually refers to fish species that have light-colored, mild-flavored flesh, including species such as cod, haddock, and hake. These fishes are often used in a variety of dishes across many cuisines due to their versatile flavor profile and texture. The term 'white fish' is an umbrella term and doesn't refer to a specific species, but rather many fish that share similar characteristics. 'Pescado blanco' is commonly found in Spanish-speaking regions' seafood cuisine.

Example sentences with  pescado blanco
pescado de mar
sea fish

The Spanish term 'pescado de mar' directly translates to 'sea fish' in English. This will often refer to any kind of fish that is sourced or caught from the sea as opposed to freshwater sources. The 'pescado' part of the term refers to 'fish' and the 'de mar' part simply means 'of the sea'. However, this can be broadly used to talk about a variety of fish species, including those that are often caught for food.

Example sentences with  pescado de mar
pescado de río
river fish

The term 'pescado de río' in Spanish translates to 'river fish' in English. This is a common term used to refer to fish that inhabit rivers and streams, as opposed to those that live in the sea or ocean. Furthermore, 'pescado' specifically refers to fish that has been caught for food, distinguishing it from 'pez', which is the general term for fish.

Example sentences with  pescado de río

The word 'plantación' in Spanish translates to 'plantation' in English. A plantation is a large farm or estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar, tobacco, or cotton are cultivated, usually by resident laborers. Similarly, a 'plantación' in Spanish refers to an extensive agricultural estate, especially one in tropical or subtropical areas, on which a crop of a specific kind is grown, typically on a large scale and by using mostly manual labor or low-wage labor force.

Example sentences with  plantación
polígono industrial
industrial polygon

The Spanish term 'polígono industrial' translates as 'industrial polygon' in English. In a practical context, it refers to a defined area or zone that has been set aside for industrial development, often on the outskirts of a town or city. Industrial polygons are common features in many Spanish-speaking countries, providing a centralized location for various types of industries. They can range from small local business parks to large regional industrial centers, hosting companies from a wide variety of sectors like manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics.

Example sentences with  polígono industrial

The Spanish word 'producción' translates to 'production' in English. In business, it refers to the process of creating, making, or manufacturing an item or items, often in large quantities. Similarly, in the movie and entertainment industry, 'producción' refers to the process of making a movie, TV show, or stage performance. Like its English counterpart, 'producción' can also refer to the amount of something that is made or grown, especially by farming. This word is a noun and is often used in economic, business, industrial, and agricultural contexts.

producirse un corte (en el suministro) de electricidad
power outage

The Spanish phrase 'producirse un corte (en el suministro) de electricidad' translates to 'power outage' in English. In literal terms, it can be broken down into 'producirse' meaning 'to occur', 'un corte' meaning 'a cut', '(en el suministro)' meaning 'in the supply', 'de electricidad' meaning 'of electricity'. The phrase describes a situation where the supply of electricity is interrupted or stopped, which in English is more commonly referred to as a 'power outage'.


The term 'quicio' does not translate to 'trade' in English. It is a Spanish word that translates to 'doorjamb' or 'hinge' in English, and it typically refers to the part of a door frame where the door is hung. The phrase 'estar en el quicio de la puerta' means to be at the threshold or on the brink of something.

flock flock

The Spanish word 'rebaño' is translated into English as 'flock'. It refers to a group of animals, particularly birds or sheep, that move together and are often raised or kept by a person for farming purposes or commercial uses. This term indicates the common behavior of these animals to stay close to each other for protection or breeding.

Example sentences with  rebaño

The Spanish term 'recolección' translates to 'collection' in English. It can be used to refer to the act of collecting something, for instance, a collection of coins, stamps, or any other items. Additionally, it can be applied to refer to agricultural settings, denoting the gathering or harvest of crops. The word 'recolección' can be broken down into the root word 'recolectar', meaning 'to collect', and the suffix '-ción', used to denote action or effect in Spanish verbs.

Example sentences with  recolección
recursos naturales
natural resources

The Spanish term 'recursos naturales' translates to 'natural resources' in English. These are resources that exist without any human intervention and occur naturally within environments. They include things like water, soil, wood, vegetation, animals, and fossil fuels. Natural resources are utilized by humans for various purposes, including energy production, manufacturing, and the provision of food and shelter. It is essential for human civilization but needs to be carefully managed to prevent depletion and to maintain a balanced environment.

Example sentences with  recursos naturales

The Spanish word 'red' translates to 'network' in English. It is usually used in the context of social networking (red social), network of contacts (red de contactos), or a computer network (red de ordenadores). However, just like in English, 'red' is a versatile word in Spanish and its meaning can change depending on the context. Do note, 'red' also means 'net' or could refer to color- red.

Example sentences with  red
reparación de equipos
repair of equipment

The Spanish phrase 'reparación de equipos' translates into English as 'repair of equipment'. This phrase is commonly used in various contexts especially in the technical and mechanical fields. It refers to the act of fixing, mending, or bringing back to a good condition, any sort of equipment or machinery that might have been damaged or dysfunctional.

Example sentences with  reparación de equipos
reparación de máquinas
repair of machines

The Spanish phrase 'reparación de máquinas' translates to 'repair of machines' in English. Within a mechanical or industrial context, this may refer to the fixing or mending of broken or malfunctioning machinery. An individual skilled in this area may be known as a mechanic or machinery technician. The scope of their work can vary largely, ranging from small appliances to larger industrial machines.

Example sentences with  reparación de máquinas
reparación de piezas
repair of parts

The Spanish phrase 'reparación de piezas' translates to 'repair of parts' in English. It is generally used in the context of mending or fixing broken parts of an item or a machine. This could relate to various fields such as auto repair, technological repair, or device maintenance. The word 'reparación' involves restoring something from a condition of damage or dysfunction back to its original, functional state, while 'piezas' refers to the separate parts or components of a larger entity.

Example sentences with  reparación de piezas
revolución industrial
industrial revolution

The term 'revolución industrial' translates to 'industrial revolution' in English. Industrial revolution refers to the period of major industrialization that occurred during the late 1700s and early 1800s. This period saw the advent of new manufacturing processes, transforming economies that were largely based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. Major changes in agriculture, mining, manufacturing and transport had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the time. It began in Great Britain and eventually spread to Western Europe and the United States.

Example sentences with  revolución industrial

The term 'riego' refers to the process, technique, or method of watering plants, fields, or landscaped areas. It is a critical activity in the farming, gardening, and agricultural sectors, regulating water utilization to seed or assist in the growth of plants. The term irrigation in English matches the understanding of 'riego' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  riego
sector mayoritario

The Spanish phrase 'sector mayoritario' translates to 'majority sector' in English. This phrase typically refers to the part or section of a population, group, or entity which represents the majority, or holds a larger amount of some quantity, resources, or representation compared to other parts. For example, in politics, the 'sector mayoritario' could refer to the political party or group that has the most members or representatives. Similarly, in business, it might refer to the aspect or department of a company which generates the highest revenue, or the particular segment in an industry or market that has the greatest share.

Example sentences with  sector mayoritario
sector primario
Primary sector

The term 'sector primario' in Spanish translates to 'primary sector' in English. The primary sector of the economy includes any industry involved in the extraction and collection of natural resources; such as farming, forestry, fishing and mining. In less developed economies, the primary sector will comprise the biggest part of the economy, as it will represent the largest share of the workforce and total economic output.

Example sentences with  sector primario
sector servicios
sector services

The 'sector servicios' in Spanish refers to the service sector in English. It is an essential part of the economy that creates and delivers services, rather than producing goods. This sector includes industries like hospitality, transportation, entertainment, finance, insurance, healthcare, and other professional or business services. It is a vital component of a country's economy and provides employment to a substantial portion of the population.

Example sentences with  sector servicios
sector terciario
tertiary sector

The term 'sector terciario' translates to 'tertiary sector' in English. This is actually an economic term that refers to the portion of an economy that is made up by services, rather than products or goods. Industries included in this sector are such as retail, tourism, hospitality, entertainment, and other service-based companies. It is also often associated with the service industry. It is one of the three major divisions in the three-sector theory, the others being the primary sector which pertains to raw materials and basic agriculture, and secondary sector concerning manufacturing and construction.

Example sentences with  sector terciario
to sow

The Spanish word 'sembrar' translates to 'to sow' in English. This term is frequently used in an agricultural context, but it can also be used metaphorically. For instance, you might sembrar seeds in the ground, which means you are sowing seeds. Alternatively, you could also sembrar an idea in someone's mind, which means you are planting an idea.

Example sentences with  sembrar

The Spanish word 'técnico' translates to 'technical' in English. It is an adjective that describes the applied, practical, or specialized aspect of something such as knowledge, skills, occupations, or studies. It can also refer to anything technical such as technical skills, technical analysis, and technical documentation. The plural form of 'técnico' is 'técnicos'. An example sentence using 'técnico' might be, 'Él tiene conocimientos técnicos en informática',which translates to 'He has technical knowledge in computing'.

Example sentences with  técnico
terreno estéril
sterile land

The Spanish phrase 'terreno estéril' can be translated into English as 'sterile land'. In a biological or agricultural context, this can refer to a patch of land that is unproductive and incapable of sustaining or fostering the growth of crop plants or other plant life. 'Terreno' in Spanish translates to 'land' or 'terrain', whilst 'estéril' translates to 'sterile', a term generally used to describe something that is unproductive or barren. Thus, the two words together, 'terreno estéril', create a phrase that signifies an inhospitable, non-fertile space of land that cannot be used for productive plant growth or farming activities.

Example sentences with  terreno estéril
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