Spanish Industry and Energy Vocabulary

A comprehensive collection of terms related to Industry and Energy, translated from English to Spanish.


The Spanish word 'fontanería' translates to 'plumbing' in English. It refers to the system of pipes, tanks, fittings, and other apparatus required for the water supply, heating, and sanitation in a building. Professionals who manage these systems are known as plumbers, or 'fontaneros' in Spanish. Plumbing could concern anything from the installation and repair of piping systems, plumbing fixtures and equipment, to suspecting water or gas leaks and unblocking pipes or drains.


The Spanish word 'gallinero' translates to 'henhouse' in English. A 'henhouse' is a house or enclosure for female chickens or hens to live and lay their eggs. This term is often used in rural or farming contexts to refer to the specific area where chickens are kept. Henhouses provide safety and shelter for the chickens, protecting them from various weather elements and predators.

Example sentences with  gallinero

The Spanish word 'ganadería' refers to 'cattle farming' or 'ranching' in English. It denotes a form of animal husbandry where domestic cattle are raised to produce commodities such as meat, dairy products, and leather. This term can also be expanded to include the overall business of raising livestock, which may additionally include species such as sheep, pigs, horses, and various types of poultry.

Example sentences with  ganadería
cattle ranch

The Spanish term 'ganadero' translates to 'cattle ranch' in English. It is derived from the Spanish word 'ganado', which means 'cattle', and the -ero suffix, which can indicate profession or occupation. Therefore, a 'ganadero' is a person or business involved in raising cattle for various purposes such as milk or meat production. In other words, it's a place where cattle are kept and bred, forming a significant part of the agricultural industry in Spanish-speaking areas.

Example sentences with  ganadero

The Spanish term 'ganado' translates to 'livestock' in English. It generally refers to cattle or domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as meat, milk, fur, wool and others. The term covers a wide range of animals including cows, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and sometimes even bees and buffalo.

Example sentences with  ganado

The Spanish word 'grúa' translates to 'crane' in English. It's a noun that is used to refer to a type of large machinery used to move heavy objects by suspending them from a beam, or a type of bird known for its long legs, neck, and bill. In certain contexts, 'grúa' can also refer to a tow truck in Spanish.

Example sentences with  grúa

The Spanish word 'hierro' translates to 'iron' in English. In both languages, this word can be used to refer to the hard, malleable, magnetic heavy metal that is a part of our everyday life, used in making infrastructure, machinery, ships, automobiles, and various other things. It is also a nutritional element essential for human health, responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.


The Spanish word 'huerta' translates to 'orchard' in English, referring to a plantation of trees or shrubs that bear fruits or nuts. Often consisting of a variety of trees, such as apple, pear, or peach trees, an orchard is usually intended for commercial production. However, in a domestic context, it might refer to a smaller area where fruit trees are cultivated for personal use.

Example sentences with  huerta

In Spanish, 'industria' is a feminine noun that means 'industry'. It is used largely in the same context as it is in English, for example, referring to a particular form or branch of economic or commercial activity. It may also translate to 'industriousness' in some contexts.

Example sentences with  industria
industria ligera
light industry

The Spanish term 'industria ligera' translates in English to 'light industry'. Light industries require less capital investment compared to heavy industries and produce smaller consumer goods such as clothing, food, and electronics. They typically don't use heavy machinery or have as harmful impacts on the environment in their production processes. 'Industria ligera' is used in the context of categorizing and discussing sectors and types of manufacturing and business.

Example sentences with  industria ligera
industria pesada
heavy industry

The term 'industria pesada' in Spanish translates as 'heavy industry' in English. This term is frequently used in economic contexts and categorizes industries that are capital intensive, that is, they require a significant amount of capital to produce goods or services. Such industries include automobile manufacturing, ship building, steel production, chemical production, and mining. These industries often have a substantial environmental impact due to the volume and nature of their outputs.

Example sentences with  industria pesada
industria siderúrgica
steel industry

The Spanish term 'industria siderúrgica' translates to 'steel industry' in English. The steel industry is a sector of the economy involving production and trading of steel, a key material in building infrastructure and manufacturing of goods. Siderúrgica refers specifically to any industry related to iron and steel, and is a compound of the words 'sidero-', meaning iron, and '-úrgica' deriving from the Greek word 'ergon', meaning work.

Example sentences with  industria siderúrgica
industria textil
Textile industry

The Spanish term 'industría textil' translates to 'textile industry' in English. The textile industry is a sector of the economy dedicated to the production of cloth, fabric, and other materials through weaving, knitting, spinning, and other processes. The industry includes fashion, clothing, carpets, and drapery manufacturing. It is a sector that plays a significant role in a nation's economy and has a rich history globally.

Example sentences with  industria textil

The Spanish term 'industrialización' translates to 'industrialization' in English. It refers to the process or period of social and economic change where human societies transform from primarily agricultural to industrial and manufacturing societies. This term is often associated with increased technology usage, shift in economy, and notable impact on sociocultural aspects.

Example sentences with  industrialización
instalación de equipos
installation of equipment

The Spanish phrase 'instalación de equipos' translates to 'installation of equipment' in English. This could refer to the set up or fixing up of a variety of mechanical, electrical, or electronic devices, systems, or machinery. This term is typically used within technical and commercial contexts and can be applied across a broad swath of industries—from telecommunications and computing to construction and engineering.

Example sentences with  instalación de equipos
instalación de máquinas
installation of machines

The Spanish phrase 'instalación de máquinas' translates to 'installation of machines' in English. It refers to the process of setting up machines in a suitable state for operation, which often involves constructing or otherwise establishing the machine in a specific location, connecting it to power and other essential services, and ensuring it is ready for its intended use. The phrase can be used in various contexts in both languages, such as in manufacturing, information technology, or any other field where machines are utilized.

Example sentences with  instalación de máquinas
instalación de piezas
installation of parts

The Spanish term 'instalación de piezas' translates to 'installation of parts' in English. This phrase can pertain to a wide array of contexts, from the assembly of machinery or technology to the setting up of furniture or artwork. Essentially, it refers to the process of fitting, attaching, or setting up individual components (or 'parts') into a structured whole or system. Respective fields where one might commonly encounter this term include engineering, computing, interior designing, and mechanics.

Example sentences with  instalación de piezas

The Spanish word 'invernadero' translates to 'greenhouse' in English. A greenhouse is a structure with walls and roof made chiefly of transparent material, such as glass, in which plants requiring regulated climatic conditions are grown. These structures range in size from small sheds to industrial-sized buildings. In Spanish, 'invernadero' can be used in various contexts, but its primary usage remains in the reference to the aforementioned structure used in botany and agricultural science.

Example sentences with  invernadero
jefe de obra
construction manager

The Spanish term 'jefe de obra' translates to 'construction manager' in English. A 'jefe de obra' is an individual in charge of supervising and managing a construction project or site. They are responsible for coordinating personnel, managing resources and materials, ensuring safety regulations are followed, and overseeing the general success of the construction process. They act as the primary point of contact between different stakeholders such as architects, engineers, and clients.

Example sentences with  jefe de obra

The Spanish word 'labrador' translates directly to 'labrador' in English. It is also a term used to describe a worker in the field, such as a farmer. However, in most contexts, especially in relation to pets, 'labrador' refers to a breed of dog known for its loyalty and friendly nature. Labradors are often used as service dogs due to their trainability and are well-loved as family pets.

Example sentences with  labrador

The Spanish word 'ladrillo' translates to 'brick' in English. A 'brick' is a type of building material and it is often used in construction of buildings primarily due to its durability. A 'brick' is generally rectangular in shape and it can be made from various types of materials such as clay, concrete, and lime. The word 'ladrillo' in Spanish refers to the same concept.


The word 'logística' in Spanish translates to 'logistics' in English. It refers to the careful organization and implementation of complex operations. Often used in a business context, 'logistics' involves the measurement of planning, execution, and control of the production, delivery, and storage of goods, services, and related information from the source of origin to the final consumer.

Example sentences with  logística

The word 'manada' in Spanish does not exactly translate to 'packed' in English. Instead, it typically refers to a 'herd', 'pack' or 'group' especially of wild animals or in a broader context, it can also refer to a group of people. It's commonly used to describe a large number of animals of the same species moving together.

Example sentences with  manada
mantenimiento de equipos
maintenance of equipment

The Spanish term 'mantenimiento de equipos' directly translates to 'maintenance of equipment' in English. This phrase is commonly prefaced by the specific type of equipment being maintained, as in 'mantenimiento de equipos de computación' (maintenance of computer equipment). It refers to the process of keeping equipment in functional condition, or restoring it to a working condition after malfunction. This involves troubleshooting, repairing, cleaning, and updating the equipment as necessary.

Example sentences with  mantenimiento de equipos
mantenimiento de máquinas
maintenance of machines

The phrase 'mantenimiento de máquinas' in Spanish translates to 'maintenance of machines' in English. This phrase refers to the procedure of keeping machinery in working order through periodic inspection, cleaning, servicing, and necessary repair or replacement of worn-out or non-working parts. It encompasses a wide range of activities from routine actions such as lubrication, refitting, screw tightening, and performance checking, to more complex tasks like complete machinery overhauls. This term is commonly used in industries and factories where machinery is frequently used and maintained.

Example sentences with  mantenimiento de máquinas
mantenimiento de piezas
maintenance of parts

The Spanish phrase 'mantenimiento de piezas' translates to 'maintenance of parts' in English. This phrase is commonly used in industries like manufacturing or mechanical engineering, where routine or preventative maintenance of different parts or components is crucial. It is used to indicate actions designed to keep equipment in working order or prevent potential breakdowns.

Example sentences with  mantenimiento de piezas

The word 'maquinaria' in Spanish translates to 'machinery' in English. The term refers to machines, either collective or functioning together as a system, used in an industrial or manufacturing setting. Whether complex or simple, indices or heavy-duty, the aim of machinery is to aid in automating tasks and processes thereby making production and other industrial activities more efficient. Examples of machinery can include everything from a sewing machine to large-scale industrial equipment.

Example sentences with  maquinaria
materia prima
raw material

The term 'materia prima' in Spanish translates to 'raw material' in English. Raw materials are the basic substances or components used in manufacturing or primary production. They are often natural resources such as oil, iron, and wood. For instance, in the production of furniture, the 'materia prima' could be wood. This term can apply to industries such as manufacturing, construction, or even cooking where primary ingredients could be referred to as 'materia prima'.

Example sentences with  materia prima

The Spanish word 'montaje' translates to 'assembly' in English. This can be used in various contexts such as a physical assembly of objects or people, or in a technological context such as the assembly of a software application. In arts and media, it may refer to the process of arranging or editing different pieces into a whole, like a film or music montage.

nave industrial
industrial ship

'Nave industrial', a term in Spanish language, refers to 'industrial ship' in English. This might be a term used in context of transportation, engineering or logistics where an industry-specific or large-scale vessel or structure is involved. However, it's often used in Spanish to describe an 'industrial warehouse' or 'industrial building', not a literal ship. It could be a place where manufacturing, storage, or other industry-related activities are performed.

Example sentences with  nave industrial
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