Spanish Industry and Energy Vocabulary

A comprehensive collection of terms related to Industry and Energy, translated from English to Spanish.


The Spanish word 'aceite' translates to 'oil' in English. In the context of cooking, 'aceite' is used to refer to a variety of oils used in food preparation, such as 'aceite de oliva' meaning 'olive oil'. 'Aceite' can also be used in a non-culinary context to refer to oils used in other areas like machinery and automobiles, similar to how 'oil' is used in English.

actividad industrial
industrial activity

The Spanish term 'actividad industrial' translates to 'industrial activity' in English. This phrase is used to refer to any form of business or production activity that aims at manufacturing products in an industrial set-up. The industrial activities can range from small scale enterprises like handicrafts or bakeries to large scale operations such as automobile manufacturing or oil refining.

Example sentences with  actividad industrial

The word 'agricultura' in Spanish translates to 'agriculture' in English. Agriculture is the practice of cultivating land, raising crops or livestock, making it a crucial part of human survival since it provides food and resources. In the context of Spanish language or culture, 'agricultura' might refer to various agricultural practices, industries, or aspects of life. Examples of its use include phrases like 'agricultura sostenible' (sustainable agriculture) or 'economía agricultura' (agricultural economy)

Example sentences with  agricultura

The Spanish word 'andamio' translates to 'scaffolding' in English. Scaffolding refers to a temporary structure used to support workers and materials during the construction, repair, or maintenance of buildings or other structures. It's generally made of metal pipes or tubes, and it's assembled in such a way to be safe, stable and allow workers to reach high places of a building. 'Andamio' can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to a support or base for an argument or concept.

Example sentences with  andamio
animal de carga
beast of burden

The Spanish term 'animal de carga' translates into English as 'beast of burden'. It is used to refer to an animal, usually a large, strong one such as a horse or an ox, that is used for carrying or pulling heavy loads. The term 'beast of burden' demonstrates the role these animals have traditionally been used for in terms of manual labour and transport.

Example sentences with  animal de carga
aves de corral

The Spanish term 'aves de corral' translates to 'poultry' in English. This term broadly refers to domesticated birds kept by humans for their meat, eggs, or feathers. These typically include chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. In both languages, the term does not refer to the animals when they are in the wild, only when they are raised on farms or similar settings.

Example sentences with  aves de corral
barco pesquero
fishing boat

The Spanish term 'barco pesquero' translates directly into English as 'fishing boat'. It is composed of two words: 'barco' means boat, and 'pesquero' means fishing-related. So, 'barco pesquero' refers to a boat used specifically for the purpose of catching fish, which may include various types of fishing vessels such as trawlers, longliners, or seiners. It's used in both coastal and deep sea fishing activities.

Example sentences with  barco pesquero

The Spanish word 'campesino' translates to 'peasant' in English. It is often used to describe a person who lives and works in rural areas, primarily engage in agriculture. It's a term used frequently in regard to the classic agricultural society structure where a small, rural population focuses on farming and raising livestock. 'Campesino' may also refer to a person of low social status in some contexts; however, it mostly carries a connotation of simplicity, hard work, and a close connection to the land.


The Spanish word 'carbón' translates to 'coal' in English. Coal is a black or dark brown rock primarily used as a source of energy. It is often associated with industrial processes such as heating, electricity generation, and is also used in the steel-making process. Just as coal is fundamental to certain traditional economic activities, the term 'carbón' carries the same implications in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  carbón

The Spanish word 'carpintería' translates to 'carpentry' in English. 'Carpentry' is a skill or occupation of cutting, shaping, and joining timber to construct buildings or furniture. Hence 'carpintería' would be the equivalent in Spanish language, referring to the art of working with wood, constructing, assembling, and fixing wooden structures.


The word 'cemento' is a Spanish term that translates to 'cement' in English. It is often used in construction-related discussions. Cement, in both languages, refers to a fine powder that hardens when mixed with water and is used for making buildings, roads, and structures. Learning this word is particularly beneficial for those who are involved in the construction industry or civil engineering field.


The Spanish word 'construcción' translates to 'construction' in English. The term is often used in the building industry, referring to the act or process of building, erecting or constructing buildings, roads, or other structures. It can be used in various contexts, such as 'construcción de un puente' meaning 'construction of a bridge'. It is a noun in Spanish language and can be included in professional vocabulary for those involved in architecture, civil engineering or any building-related jobs.

Example sentences with  construcción

The Spanish word 'constructora' translates to 'construction' in English. It is mainly used to refer to a company or a person that builds or constructs buildings, roads, and other structures. It forms part of the construction industry where infrastructure or buildings are constructed from scratch or existing ones are renovated or maintained.


The Spanish word 'contratista' translates to 'contractor' in English. In the professional sphere, a 'contractor' is an individual or a business that provides services or completes tasks for other companies or individuals typically for a specified project and for a limited time. This contract-based work can span across different fields, such as construction, consulting, and freelancing among others.

Example sentences with  contratista

The Spanish word 'cosechar' translates to 'harvest' in English. It is often used in the context of agriculture, where it refers to the process of gathering ripe crops from the fields. However, it can also be used metaphorically to express the result of any work or effort. For example, one can 'cosechar' the benefits of hard work. Like many Spanish verbs, 'cosechar' can be conjugated differently based on tense, mood and subject.

Example sentences with  cosechar
crecimiento industrial
industrial growth

The term 'crecimiento industrial' in Spanish translates to 'industrial growth' in English. This term is often used in economic and business contexts and refers to an increase in the size or number of industries in a specific region or country. Such growth is typically measured in economic terms and can be influenced by multiple factors, including advancements in technology, increases in skilled labor, and favorable governmental policies. Industrial growth can lead to a variety of socio-economic changes, including job creation and increases in standard of living.

Example sentences with  crecimiento industrial

The Spanish word 'cuadra' translates to 'block' in English. In urban Spanish-speaking areas, this term often refers to a city block, which is the distance between one street and the next. In other contexts, it could be used to describe a block of items or a block of content. However, it is always important to consider the context in which 'cuadra' is used to understand its exact meaning, as like with many words in many languages, its interpretation can change.

Example sentences with  cuadra

The Spanish word 'cultivo' translates to 'cultivation' in English. Cultivation refers to the act of preparing and using land for crops or gardening. It is an agricultural term essentially depicting the process in which humans make attempts to alter or manipulate the natural ecosystem, typically for the growth of crops or other activities such as gardening. This includes activities like plowing the land, sowing seeds, watering the plants, and taking care of the crops till they are ready to be harvested. In Spanish, all these activities can be collectively referred to as 'cultivo'.

Example sentences with  cultivo

The Spanish word 'desarrollo' is used in contexts similar to the English word 'development'. It could describe growth or advancement in various circumstances, such as physical, emotional, or intellectual development, as well as economic or infrastructural progression. The use of 'desarrollo' can be found across many areas including personal growth, social sciences, technology, and business sectors.

Example sentences with  desarrollo
desarrollo industrial
industrial development

The Spanish phrase 'desarrollo industrial' translates to 'industrial development' in English. When used in context, it refers to the period or process of transitioning to an industrialized economy. Typically, it involves changes in technology and productivity, infrastructure improvements, and potential impacts on environments and societies. 'Desarrollo' individually means 'development' and 'industrial' means 'industrial', but together, they describe the idea of progressing or expanding production, industries, or manufacturing activities within a country or region.

Example sentences with  desarrollo industrial

The Spanish word for 'energy' is 'energía'. It is used in the same contexts as in English, representing a source of power used for operations or physical activities. It can be used in scientific and everyday contexts. It can also be used metaphorically to represent vitality or intensity. Like in English, 'energía' is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Example sentences with  energía
energía eléctrica
Electric power

The Spanish term, 'energía eléctrica', translates to 'electric power' in English. Electric power is a form of energy that involves the flow of electric current from one point to another, which can be harnessed to do work, such as powering machines, devices, or home appliances. Thus, when referring to 'energía eléctrica' in a Spanish context, one could be discussing topics related to electricity supply, usage, or even electric power generation.

Example sentences with  energía eléctrica
energía nuclear
nuclear energy

The Spanish term 'energía nuclear' translates to 'nuclear energy' in English. Nuclear energy is a type of power made by using nuclear reactions. It's generated when the nuclei of atoms are split or fused, creating a large amount of energy. This power is harnessed in nuclear power plants for electricity. Although nuclear energy is efficient and produces a lot of power, it can also be dangerous, as seen in nuclear disasters like Chernobyl.

Example sentences with  energía nuclear
energía solar
solar energy

The term 'energía solar' in Spanish translates to 'solar energy' in English. Solar energy is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. It is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available, and the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the world. Solar technologies can harness this energy for a variety of uses, including generating electricity, providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and heating water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use.

Example sentences with  energía solar

The Spanish term 'equipamiento' translates to 'equipment' in English. This term refers to the necessary items for a particular purpose. For example, the 'equipamiento' needed for a kitchen might include an oven, a stove, and a refrigerator. It can also be used in the context of a professional environment. For instance, the 'equipamiento' needed for a doctor's office might include medical instruments, diagnostic machines, and office furniture.

Example sentences with  equipamiento

The Spanish word 'establo' translates to 'stable' in English. In context, it refers to the building where domesticated animals, especially horses, are kept. It is often used in the context of farming and equestrian activities. It's essential to observe that the Spanish term 'establo' has a similar usage and meaning as the English term 'stable'. Therefore, one can understand and use it effortlessly in conversations related to farming, horse-riding, or country life in general.

Example sentences with  establo

The Spanish word 'explotación' translates into English as 'exploitation'. It is used to describe a situation where someone benefits unfairly from the work or resources of another. This could occur in a variety of contexts, such as within economic systems, in interpersonal relationships, or in relation to natural resources. 'Explotación' can carry negative connotations, as it often implies that the person or resource being exploited is not receiving their fair share in return.

Example sentences with  explotación

The Spanish word 'fabricación' translates to 'manufacturing' in English. It is used in the context of industrial production, where raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale. Another associated meaning could be 'making' or 'creating' something, often in large quantities. It can also relate to the process or methods used to turn raw materials into finished goods. Thus, you would use 'fabricación' when speaking about the creation or production process in industries and factories.

Example sentences with  fabricación

The Spanish verb 'fabricar' translates to 'manufacture' in English. This verb is often used in the context of industrial production, where raw materials are transformed into finished goods. 'Fabricar' may also generally denote the act of creating, constructing, or producing something physically or figuratively.

Example sentences with  fabricar

The Spanish word 'finca' translates to 'estate' in English. In Spanish speaking countries, a 'finca' can refer to a large piece of land, often with a house or farm on it. It is similar to what English speakers would understand as a ranch, plantation, or a large homestead. The word is often used to describe rural properties used for agricultural or farming purposes. However, it can also refer to any property, including urban buildings and houses.

Example sentences with  finca
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