Spanish Hygiene Vocabulary in Spanish

Learn common Spanish terms related to hygiene. This valuable collection includes words for personal care and cleanliness.

lavarse los dientes
Wash your teeth

The Spanish phrase 'lavarse los dientes' translates to 'brush your teeth' in English. It's a common phrase used to instruct or remind someone to clean their teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste, typically as part of a daily hygiene routine in the morning and evening. The literal translation is 'wash your teeth', but the normal English phrase is 'brush your teeth'.

Example sentences with  lavarse los dientes
limarse las uñas
file your nails

The Spanish phrase 'limarse las uñas' translates to 'file your nails' in English. This term is commonly used in the context of manicure or self-care routines, where you use a special tool called a nail file to shape and smooth the edges of your nails. Practicing such routine can help maintaining healthy and well-groomed fingernails. 'Limarse' comes from 'lima' or 'file' in English, and 'uñas' translates into 'nails'. Therefore, the literal translation of 'limarse las uñas' would be 'to file the nails'.

Example sentences with  limarse las uñas
llevar el pelo limpios
have clean hair

The Spanish phrase 'llevar el pelo limpios' translates to 'have clean hair' in English. This term is used to imply that someone maintains good personal hygiene, specifically concerning the cleanliness of their hair. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from casual conversations to more formal discussions about personal grooming and hygiene.

Example sentences with  llevar el pelo limpios
llevar el pelo sucios
have dirty hair

The Spanish phrase 'llevar el pelo sucios' translates to 'have dirty hair' in English. This phrase is used when someone hasn't washed their hair, typically implying it is visibly dotted or coated with dirt or dust. In the right context, it may also be a metaphor expressing a person's unhygienic lifestyle or untidy presentation.

Example sentences with  llevar el pelo sucios
llevar las manos limpios
Keep your hands clean

The Spanish phrase 'llevar las manos limpios' translates to 'keep your hands clean' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts, such as hygiene promotion or moral advice. Literally, it means to 'carry your hands clean', and is a good example of how idioms may not translate directly between Spanish and English, instead conveying a message or idea.

Example sentences with  llevar las manos limpios
llevar las manos sucios
have dirty hands

The Spanish phrase 'llevar las manos sucios' translates to 'to have dirty hands' in English. It can be used literally to refer to someone whose hands are physically dirty. It can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who is involved in something dishonest or immoral, similar to the English phrase 'to have dirty hands'.''

Example sentences with  llevar las manos sucios
llevar los dientes limpios
have clean teeth

The Spanish phrase 'llevar los dientes limpios' translates to 'have clean teeth' in English. This phrase is a routine hygiene reminder, implying a proactive approach towards maintaining good oral health. This phrase can be used in varied contexts but primarily in habits related to personal grooming and health. The verb 'llevar' generally means 'to carry' but in this context, it is more accurately translated as 'to have'.

Example sentences with  llevar los dientes limpios
llevar los dientes sucios
have dirty teeth

The Spanish phrase 'llevar los dientes sucios' roughly translates to 'have dirty teeth' in English. This is a direct, literal translation. It is not a widely used expression or idiom, but you could use it to refer to someone who has not brushed their teeth and has noticeable dirt or food on them. Maintaining oral hygiene is an important global practice, and references to dirty teeth can be seen as insulting or embarrassing comments about personal hygiene.

Example sentences with  llevar los dientes sucios
maquinilla de afeitar
shaver chin

The Spanish phrase 'maquinilla de afeitar' translates to 'shaving razor' in English. It is used in reference to a small handheld device that is applied to the skin to remove unwanted hair. These tools can be manual or electric, and they are commonly used by both men and women for shaving purposes such as facial hair, leg hair, and so on.

Example sentences with  maquinilla de afeitar
pasta de dientes

The Spanish term 'pasta de dientes' translates to 'toothpaste' in English. It is a paste or gel dentifrice used with a toothbrush to clean and maintain the health of teeth. Toothpaste is used to promote oral hygiene, serving as an abrasive that aids in removing dental plaque, and food from the teeth. These usages control halitosis and deliver active ingredients such as fluoride to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Example sentences with  pasta de dientes
pastilla de jabón
bar of soap

The Spanish phrase 'pastilla de jabón' translates to 'bar of soap' in English. It is a common item in hygiene and daily routine, especially in the bathroom where it is used for washing hands or body. It exists in various kinds, colors, shapes, and scents in the market.

Example sentences with  pastilla de jabón

The Spanish word 'peine' translates to 'comb' in English. It is a noun and it refers to a device made of solid material, usually with a series of narrow teeth, that is used for untangling, cleaning or arranging hair. The word 'peine' is masculine and its plural form in Spanish is 'peines'.

Example sentences with  peine
pelo brillante
bright hair

The Spanish term 'pelo brillante' translates to 'bright hair' in English. This phrase may be used to describe hair that shines or catches the light in a significant way, often implying that the hair is healthy, clean, or styled in a certain manner. The adjective 'brillante' can be used with other nouns as well, always indicating some kind of brightness or shine.

Example sentences with  pelo brillante
pelo graso
greasy hair

The Spanish term 'pelo graso' translates to 'greasy hair' in English. This phrase is commonly used to talk about hair that has an oily appearance and texture. Glands in the skin, known as sebaceous glands, typically produce an oil called sebum that keeps our hair healthy. However, these glands can sometimes produce too much oil, resulting in 'pelo graso' or greasy hair.

Example sentences with  pelo graso
pelo sano
Healthy hair

The phrase 'pelo sano' in Spanish translates to 'healthy hair' in English. This term is commonly used to describe hair that is in good condition, which means it is strong, shiny, and free from damage like split ends or dryness. In other words, 'pelo sano' refers to hair that is well-maintained and nourished, demonstrating a good level of care and attention.

Example sentences with  pelo sano

The Spanish word 'perfume' translates to 'perfume' in English. It is a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or clothes. The term originated from the Latin words 'per', meaning 'through' and 'fumus', meaning 'smoke'. Hence, 'perfume' refers to a substance that emits a pleasant aroma.

Example sentences with  perfume
perfume dulzón
sweet perfume

The Spanish term 'perfume dulzón' translates into English as 'sweet perfume'. It refers to a fragrance or scent that is sweet in nature. It can be used to describe a variety of odors, from the scents of flowers to the fragrances of certain foods or drinks. The adjective 'dulzón' portrays a particularly rich or concentrated sweetness, signaling a strong, pleasant, inviting scent. This phrase may be used in contexts like descriptions of smells in everyday conversation, literary description, or product marketing.

Example sentences with  perfume dulzón
perfume fresco
Fresh perfume

The phrase 'perfume fresco' in Spanish translates to 'fresh perfume' in English. It is often used to describe scents that are light, clean, and invigorating. This is frequently used in the context of personal care or beauty products such as colognes, body sprays, and perfumes where freshness denotes a pleasing, revitalizing fragrance.

Example sentences with  perfume fresco
perfume fuerte
Strong perfume

The Spanish term 'perfume fuerte' translates to 'strong perfume' in English. This phrase can refer to a scent that is bold and potent. In the context of perfumery, the strength of a perfume can refer to the intensity and longevity of its fragrance. An example of usage could be: 'El perfume fuerte puede ser abrumador', which means 'The strong perfume can be overwhelming'.

Example sentences with  perfume fuerte
perfume intenso
intense perfume

The Spanish phrase 'perfume intenso' translates to 'intense perfume' in English. This can refer to a strong or potent fragrance. For example, if a perfume has a very noticeable scent that lasts for a long time, it could be described as 'perfume intenso' in Spanish. This term can be used in both a positive and negative context depending on personal preferences for scents.

Example sentences with  perfume intenso
to shave

The Spanish word 'raparse' translates to 'to shave' in English. In a sentence, you may use it to describe the act of cutting off hair close to the skin with a razor or any other bladed implement. This could be for any body part like the face, legs, or head. The verb 'raparse' is commonly used in the context of shaving one's own hair, particularly the head.

Example sentences with  raparse
recogerse el pelo
picking up the hair

The phrase 'recogerse el pelo' in Spanish translates to 'picking up the hair' in English. It is often used in contexts relating to hairstyling or grooming, where one gathers their hair to secure it in place, such as in a ponytail or bun. This phrase can be used in different situations - it could mean getting your hair out of the way while you're doing some work, or it could refer to a specific hairstyle that involves pulling your hair up and away from your face.

Example sentences with  recogerse el pelo
recortarse la barba
cut the beard

'Recortarse la barba' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'cut the beard' in English. It is often used in personal grooming context where men do regular maintenance of their facial hair. It is a common phrase and is used in everyday language in Spanish speaking societies.

Example sentences with  recortarse la barba
sales de baño
bath salts

The Spanish term 'sales de baño' directly translates to 'bath salts' in English. They are a type of designer drug that are often disguised as actual bath salts. They can come in powder, crystal, or liquid form. The compounds found in these 'bath salts' are similar to naturally occurring substances like salt, but they have been chemically modified to produce similar effects as drugs. The term 'sales de baño' might also refer to a product used in bathing for moisture absorption and skin relaxation.

Example sentences with  sales de baño
secador de pelo

The Spanish phrase 'secador de pelo' translates to 'hairdryer' in English. This term is used to refer to a device which blows air (either hot or cold) to speed up the process of evaporating water from the hair. Hairdryers are a common tool used after washing hair, for styling, and in hair salons. While using a hairdryer can save time and create desired hairstyles, excessive use can cause hair damage due to heat. Therefore, it is often recommended to use a hairdryer in moderation and with heat protection products.

Example sentences with  secador de pelo
seda dental
dental floss

The Spanish term 'seda dental' directly translates to 'dental silk' in English, but it is commonly referred to as 'dental floss'. Dental floss is a tool that is designed to clean the tight spaces between the teeth and the gap between the base of the teeth and the gums. It is an important part of oral hygiene and is usually used daily to remove food particles and plaque from places where a toothbrush cannot reach.

Example sentences with  seda dental

The Spanish word 'suciedad' translates to 'dirt' in English. This term can both literally and figuratively mean unclean or impure substances or entities. For example, in its literal sense, it could refer to the soil or grime that one might find on unclean surfaces or outdoor environments. Figuratively, it could also represent a state of moral or spiritual impurity or corruption. Like in English, the usage of the word 'suciedad' in Spanish can significantly vary based on the context.

tener el pelo limpios
have clean hair

The Spanish phrase 'tener el pelo limpios' translates to 'have clean hair' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of hygiene and personal grooming. In Spanish, 'tener' means 'to have', 'el pelo' means 'the hair', and 'limpios' means 'clean'. Therefore, when these words are combined, they form the phrase 'tener el pelo limpios', which English speakers would understand as 'to have clean hair'.

Example sentences with  tener el pelo limpios
tener el pelo sucios
have dirty hair

The Spanish phrase 'tener el pelo sucios' translates to 'have dirty hair' in English. In this phrase, 'tener' means 'to have', 'el pelo' means 'the hair', and 'sucios' means 'dirty'. The phrase is typically used to describe someone's physical appearance, specifically referring to the cleanliness of their hair. It's an example of how literal descriptions can be constructed in Spanish grammar through combining verbs like 'tener' with adjectives like 'sucios'.

Example sentences with  tener el pelo sucios
tener las manos limpios
have clean hands

The Spanish phrase 'tener las manos limpios' translates to 'have clean hands' in English. It can be used literally to refer to the state of having physically clean hands. Alternatively, it can also be used metaphorically to imply being free from guilt or corruption, similar to the usage of the phrase in English.

Example sentences with  tener las manos limpios
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