Spanish Hygiene Vocabulary in Spanish

Learn common Spanish terms related to hygiene. This valuable collection includes words for personal care and cleanliness.

darse una ducha fría
having a cold shower

The Spanish phrase 'darse una ducha fría' translates to 'having a cold shower' in English. It is typically used when referring to the act of taking a shower with cold water. Similar to English, the phrase can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to indicate a sudden disappointment or unwelcome surprise.

Example sentences with  darse una ducha fría
darse una ducha rápida
take a quick shower

The Spanish phrase 'darse una ducha rápida' translates to 'take a quick shower' in English. It's often used to express the concept of quickly getting ready or freshening up, particularly in the morning or before going out. Like many Spanish phrases, it can be broken down into smaller parts: 'darse' means 'to give oneself', 'una' means 'a', 'ducha' is 'shower', and 'rápida' means 'quick'. Together, they form a commonly used phrase in everyday Spanish conversation.

Example sentences with  darse una ducha rápida
depilarse con crema
to shave with cream

The Spanish phrase 'depilarse con crema' directly translates to 'to shave with cream' in English. This is a gender neutral Spanish phrase typically used to address the method of removing body or facial hair with the use of shaving cream for smoother and safer shaving. 'Depilarse' is the reflexive verb for shaving oneself and 'con crema' means with cream.

Example sentences with  depilarse con crema
depilarse con cuchilla
to shave with blade

The Spanish phrase 'depilarse con cuchilla' translates to 'to shave with blade' in English. In more depth, 'depilarse' can be broken down to 'depilation' which means the removal of hair, 'con' translates to 'with', and 'cuchilla' translates to 'blade'. So put together, the phrase means the act of removing hair with a blade, which is commonly done for grooming purposes.

Example sentences with  depilarse con cuchilla

The Spanish word 'desinfección' translates to 'disinfection' in English. It is derived from the Latin word for 'disinfectionis'. The term describes the process that eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms, except bacterial spores, on inanimate objects. In health care settings, objects usually are disinfected by liquid chemicals or wet pasteurization. The term is different from 'sterilization', which is the process of removing or killing all forms of life and other biological agents. 'Desinfección' is an important technique in disease prevention and is widely used in hospitals, laboratories, and at home.

Example sentences with  desinfección

The Spanish word 'desodorante' translates to 'deodorant' in English. It is a substance that one applies to the body to prevent or mask the smell of perspiration. It can come in various forms such as sticks, sprays, roll-ons, and even natural versions. The equivalent word in Spanish is 'desodorante'.

Example sentences with  desodorante
dientes amarillentos
yellow teeth

The Spanish word 'dientes amarillentos' literally translates to 'yellow teeth' in English. This term is used to describe the color of teeth when they are not white, often due to various factors such as diet, smoking, or lack of proper oral hygiene. It's not a term commonly found in day-to-day conversation but may be used in a dental or medical context.

Example sentences with  dientes amarillentos
dientes blancos
white teeth

The Spanish term 'dientes blancos' translates to 'white teeth' in English. This phrase could be used in contexts such as dental hygiene or aesthetics, referring to the colour and cleanliness of someone's teeth.

Example sentences with  dientes blancos
dientes sanos
healthy teeth

The Spanish term 'dientes sanos' translates to 'healthy teeth' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts, particularly in health or dental care scenarios. When broken down, 'dientes' translates to 'teeth' and 'sano' translates to 'healthy'. Therefore, maintaining 'dientes sanos' would be an objective for someone looking to preserve good oral health.

Example sentences with  dientes sanos

The Spanish verb 'ducharse' translates to 'to shower' in English. In Spanish, the reflexive form 'ducharse' refers to oneself taking a shower. It is a regular -ar verb and follows typical verb conjugation rules in Spanish, except in reflexive form, it requires reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se). For example, 'me ducho' translates as 'I shower' in English.

Example sentences with  ducharse
to lather

The Spanish word 'enjabonar' translates to 'to lather' in English. It is commonly used to describe the act of applying soap or a similar substance and rubbing it over the body to clean it. It is often used in contexts related to washing, bathing, doing the laundry, or dish washing. This verb is generally used in reflexive form, as in 'enjabonarse', which means to apply soap to oneself.

Example sentences with  enjabonar
enjuagarse la boca
rinse your mouth

The Spanish phrase 'enjuagarse la boca' is often used in the context of personal hygiene, especially when talking about dental care. It translates to 'rinse your mouth' in English. The action it refers to involves using water or some other liquid to clean your mouth, often after eating, brushing your teeth, or visiting a dentist. Practicing this regularly can help maintain good oral health, reduce the risk of tooth decay, and refresh your breath.

Example sentences with  enjuagarse la boca
enredarse el pelo
tangle your hair

The Spanish phrase 'enredarse el pelo' translates to 'tangle your hair' in English. It's used to describe the action of hair becoming twisted or knotted, typically resulting from not properly combing or taking care of it. It can be used in a range of contexts, including statements and instructions.

Example sentences with  enredarse el pelo

The Spanish word 'esencia' translates to 'essence' in English. It is often used to describe the intrinsic or indispensable properties that characterize or identify something. Equivalent to the 'core' or 'heart' of an idea or object, 'esencia' refers to the fundamental nature or underlying quality of something.

Example sentences with  esencia
espuma de afeitar
shaving foam

Espuma de afeitar is a Spanish term that translates to 'shaving foam' in English. This substance, often presented in an aerosol can, is commonly used in the process of shaving. Its main purpose is to soften up the hair and skin, making it easier for the razor to glide across the skin and trim the hair without causing damage or discomfort. Additionally, the foam typically contains moisturizing and soothing elements that leave the skin smooth and hydrated after the process.

Example sentences with  espuma de afeitar

The Spanish word 'gel' translates to the English word 'gel'. This is a substance that has a consistency similar to jelly, elastic and often transparent. It is used in various industries including food, cosmetic, medical, and more. For instance, it is often used in hair styling products to help shape and hold hair styles, or in food products for its thickening and stabilizing properties.

Example sentences with  gel
gel de afeitar
shaving gel

The Spanish term 'gel de afeitar' refers to a product widely used in personal hygiene, particularly by men, but also by women. This product is known as 'shaving gel' in English. Shaving gel is a type of cream or gel that is applied to the skin before shaving. It softens the hair and provides a smooth surface, allowing for an easier and more comfortable shave.

Example sentences with  gel de afeitar
gorro de baño
bath cap

The Spanish phrase 'gorro de baño' translates to 'bath cap' in English. This refers to a cover worn over the hair while showering or bathing to prevent the hair from getting wet. It is particularly used by women to protect styled or processed hair from water. Bath caps are also used in swimming to reduce drag and increase speed. In strict terms, 'gorro' translates to 'cap' or 'hat' in English, while 'baño' refers to 'bath' or 'bathroom'. Therefore, when combined, 'gorro de baño' means 'bath cap'.

Example sentences with  gorro de baño
gorro de ducha
shower cap

The Spanish term 'gorro de ducha' translates to 'shower cap' in English. It is a term commonly used to refer to a cover made from plastic or waterproof material that is worn over the hair to keep it dry while taking a shower. In many Spanish-speaking countries, it can be found in stores where personal care or hygiene products are sold.

Example sentences with  gorro de ducha
hacerse la manicura
to get a manicure

The phrase 'hacerse la manicura' in Spanish translates to 'get a manicure' in English. It is used when someone is having their fingernails cleaned, trimmed, shaped, or painted usually at a beauty salon or spa. However, the term can also be used when someone does a manicure for themselves at home. The phrase is mainly used by women, but is not exclusive to them, as men can also 'hacerse la manicura'.

Example sentences with  hacerse la manicura
higiene bucal
oral hygiene

The Spanish term 'higiene bucal' translates to 'oral hygiene' in English. Oral hygiene is the practice of maintaining cleanliness of the mouth and teeth to prevent dental problems such as cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath. Generally, it involves methods such as brushing and flossing the teeth, and using mouthwash. Good oral hygiene is an essential part of personal health and wellbeing.

Example sentences with  higiene bucal
higiene corporal
Body hygiene

The Spanish term 'higiene corporal' translates to 'body hygiene' in English. It refers to the practice of keeping one's body clean in order to prevent illness or maintain health. This can include activities such as bathing, washing hands, brushing teeth, and more. Practicing good body hygiene is important for overall physical health and wellbeing.

Example sentences with  higiene corporal
higiene industrial
industrial hygiene

Industrial hygiene, or 'higiene industrial' in Spanish, refers to the science of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling workplace conditions that may cause workers' injury or illness. Industrial hygienists use environmental monitoring and analytical methods to detect the extent of worker exposure and employ engineering, work practice controls, and other methods to control potential health hazards.

Example sentences with  higiene industrial
higiene personal
personal hygiene

The term 'higiene personal' in Spanish translates to 'personal hygiene' in English. This refers to the cleanliness and care of one's body. Personal hygiene routines may include activities such as showering, washing hands, brushing teeth, and more. The practices aim to maintain health and prevent diseases. Additionally, personal hygiene impacts personal comfort and social interactions.

Example sentences with  higiene personal
hilo dental

The Spanish term 'hilo dental' directly translates to English as 'dental floss'. It refers to a cord of thin filaments used to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a toothbrush is unable to reach. Its use is recommended for an essential part of personal oral hygiene and dental health.

Example sentences with  hilo dental

The word 'jabón' is a common noun in Spanish which translates to 'soap' in English. It's a term that you'll likely hear or use in daily conversation, particularly when discussing hygiene or cleaning. 'Jabón' might refer to things such as a bar of soap you use for washing your hands or a liquid soap used for washing dishes.

Example sentences with  jabón

The word 'lavarse' is a reflexive verb in the Spanish language. In translation to English, it means 'to wash oneself'. It is often used to refer to self-cleaning activities. For example, 'lavarse las manos' translates to 'wash one's hands'. The form 'lavarse' is an infinitive form. It can change according to the tense and the subject in use.

lavarse el pelo
wash your hair

The Spanish phrase 'lavarse el pelo' translates to 'wash your hair' in English. This is usually used in the context of daily hygiene and personal care. It's a reflexive verb phrase, meaning you're performing the action on yourself.

Example sentences with  lavarse el pelo
lavarse la cara
wash your face

'Lavarse la cara' is a Spanish phrase that translates directly to 'wash your face' in English. It is derived from the verb 'lavarse' which means 'to wash oneself', and 'la cara' which means 'the face'. This phrase is often used as a part of daily routine conversations and instructions, similar to how one might use 'wash your face' in English.

Example sentences with  lavarse la cara
lavarse las manos
wash your hands

The phrase 'lavarse las manos' in Spanish translates to 'wash your hands' in English. This is an important phrase, often used in the context of personal hygiene and health. It involves using soap and water to clean your hands, which is a common practice around the world to prevent the spread of germs and disease.

Example sentences with  lavarse las manos
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