Spanish Hygiene Vocabulary in Spanish

Learn common Spanish terms related to hygiene. This valuable collection includes words for personal care and cleanliness.

arreglo personal
personal arrangements

The Spanish phrase 'arreglo personal' translates to 'personal arrangements' in English. It refers to the individual or private plans, preparations, or adjustments a person makes according to their preference, schedule, or specific needs. This term can be used in various contexts, such as personal grooming (getting ready), scheduling personal appointments or events, and organizing private affairs or responsibilities.

Example sentences with  arreglo personal
to clean up

The Spanish word 'asear' translates to 'to clean up' in English. It is a verb and is often used in reference to cleaning or tidying up a space such as a room or a house. It can also refer to preparing oneself by cleaning and grooming. This versatile word holds an important place in day-to-day conversations. It is a practical verb that one can use in various situations, making it a valuable addition to any Spanish language learner's vocabulary.

Example sentences with  asear
aseo personal
personal toilet

The term 'aseo personal' in Spanish translates to 'personal hygiene' in English. It is generally used to refer to practices that individuals perform to take care of their physical health and well-being. This includes a variety of activities such as showering, brushing teeth, washing hands, and more. It does not directly translate to 'personal toilet', which would refer specifically to a bathroom appliance, but instead pertains to the broader practice of keeping oneself clean.

Example sentences with  aseo personal

The Spanish word 'bañarse' is a reflexive verb which, in English, is translated as 'to bathe'. It denotes the action of washing oneself, typically in a bathtub. Just like in English, 'bañarse' can be used in various contexts such as 'bañarse en la piscina' which means 'to swim in the pool'. It's important to note that when using reflexive verbs in Spanish, personal reflexive pronouns are needed.

Example sentences with  bañarse

The Spanish word 'bañera' translates to 'bath' in English. It is a noun, commonly used in the context of bathing or describing bathroom fixtures. The word 'bañera' could also refer to a bathtub, the container in which one takes a bath. Like in English, it's used in many contexts in conversation.

Example sentences with  bañera
bañera de hidromasaje
Hot tub

The Spanish phrase 'bañera de hidromasaje' translates to 'hot tub' in English. In detail, 'bañera' means 'bath' or 'bathtub', and 'de hidromasaje' means 'of hydromassage or whirlpool'. So, it refers to a large tub filled with hot water used for hydrotherapy, relaxation, or pleasure. Some hot tubs have powerful jets for massage purposes. It's a common element in a bathroom or in spas and are also known for their therapeutic uses, similar to a Jacuzzi, which is a brand name that has, in some places, become synonymous with hot tub.

Example sentences with  bañera de hidromasaje
bolsa de aseo
toilet bag

The Spanish term 'bolsa de aseo' can be directly translated to English as 'toilet bag'. This commonly refers to a small portable bag that typically contains toiletries such as soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving material, and so on, usually for travel or camping purposes.

Example sentences with  bolsa de aseo
cabina de ducha
Shower cabin

The Spanish phrase 'cabina de ducha' translates to 'shower cabin' in English. It refers to a small, enclosed structure within a bathroom, where one can take a shower. This structure is typically equipped with a showerhead and other necessary faucets, and it often has a door or curtain to keep water from splashing out into the rest of the bathroom.

Example sentences with  cabina de ducha
cepillarse el pelo
brush your hair

The phrase 'cepillarse el pelo' in Spanish stands for 'brush your hair' in English. It is a reflexive verb phrase, which are common in Spanish language. 'Cepillarse' comes from the verb 'cepillar' which means to brush, and 'el pelo' simply means the hair. So, when put together, this phrase gives an instruction to brush one's hair. In general, when instructions are given in Spanish, they are regularly given in the reflexive form.

cepillarse las uñas
brush your nails

The Spanish phrase 'cepillarse las uñas' translates to 'brush your nails' in English. In the Spanish language, 'cepillarse' is a reflexive verb meaning to brush oneself. 'Las uñas' signifies 'the nails'. Thus, when used together, it indicates the action of brushing one's nails. This phrase is often used in the context of personal hygiene and grooming.

cepillarse los dientes
brush your teeth

The Spanish phrase 'cepillarse los dientes' translates to 'brush your teeth' in English. This refers to the common practice of dental hygiene involving a brush and toothpaste to clean one's teeth, typically performed daily to maintain good oral health. The verb 'cepillarse' is a reflexive verb meaning 'to brush oneself'.

Example sentences with  cepillarse los dientes
cepillo de dientes

The Spanish phrase 'cepillo de dientes' translates to 'toothbrush' in English. This is a tool used in personal oral hygiene to clean one's teeth, usually in conjunction with toothpaste or mouthwash. The brush generally has a small head of bristles that is held against the teeth, while the handle of the brush is held by hand.

Example sentences with  cepillo de dientes

The Spanish word 'champú' translates to 'shampoo' in English. It is used to refer to a liquid substance or preparation, often containing several synthetic detergents, that is used for cleaning hair. It is usually applied on wet hair, massaged onto the scalp, and rinsed off afterwards. Its purpose is to remove dirt, dandruff, oils, and other particles that can be present on the hair. Shampoo may also contain ingredients for added shine, volume, smoothness, or to prevent hair loss.

Example sentences with  champú
champú anticaspa
Anticaspa shampoo

The Spanish phrase 'champú anticaspa' translates to 'antidandruff shampoo' in English. This is a type of hair cleansing product that is specifically designed to treat and prevent dandruff, a common scalp condition. It typically contains ingredients that work to eliminate excess scalp flake, soothe irritation, and maintain a balanced scalp environment to minimize future dandruff flare-ups.

Example sentences with  champú anticaspa
champú antipiojos
Anti-pioid shampoo

The Spanish term 'champú antipiojos' translates to 'anti-lice shampoo' in English. This is a type of shampoo specifically formulated to kill or repel lice, which are small insects that can infest the hair. It is often used during lice outbreaks in schools or other communal environments.

Example sentences with  champú antipiojos

The Spanish term 'colonia' translates to 'colony' in English. A colony is often understood as a territory or a group under the political control of another country, typically a distant one. This primarily historic concept stands crucial to understand several historic timelines and relations. The word can also refer to a group of people of one nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country. The word 'colonia' in Spanish holds the same meaning.

Example sentences with  colonia
colonia dulzón
sweet cologne

The Spanish phrase 'colonia dulzón' translates to 'sweet cologne' in English. It is a compound noun made up of 'colonia', meaning cologne and 'dulzón', meaning sweet or sugary. This can refer to a pleasantly scented cologne with a sweet, often fragrant smell. It is used in the context of personal hygiene and beauty products.

Example sentences with  colonia dulzón
colonia fresco
fresh cologne

The Spanish phrase 'colonia fresco' translates to 'fresh cologne' in English. It is often used to describe a type of cologne that has a clean, fresh smell, typically with light, natural undertones such as citrus or marine scents. In this context, 'colonia' refers to 'cologne' or 'perfume', while 'fresco' implies a 'fresh' or 'cool' quality. This phrase is commonly used in marketing or in everyday conversational Spanish when discussing personal grooming products.

Example sentences with  colonia fresco
colonia fuerte
strong colony

The Spanish phrase 'colonia fuerte' directly translates to 'strong colony' in English. It refers to a group or community that is strong, either in terms of its physical nature or its resilience, camaraderie, and strength in numbers. The phrase could be used in a variety of contexts, such as describing a robust community of people, strong and positive relationships within a group, a powerful ant colony, or an influential and unyielding political grouping.

Example sentences with  colonia fuerte
colonia intenso
intense cologne

The Spanish term 'colonia intenso' translates to 'intense cologne' in English. It is a combination of two words, where 'colonia' refers to cologne, a type of perfume or fragrant liquid that is used for a pleasant smell, and 'intenso' refers to the degree or level of the scent that is intensely strong or concentrated. It is often used to describe a cologne with a strong or heavy scent.

Example sentences with  colonia intenso
cortarse las uñas
cut the nails

The phrase 'cortarse las uñas' in Spanish translates to 'cut the nails' in English. This is usually used in the context of personal grooming, where one trims the nails on their fingers or toes. Spanish-speakers would use 'cortarse las uñas' to say that they're going to cut their nails or that someone needs to cut their nails. Like in English, this can be used literally or figuratively to suggest tidying up or getting rid of something unnecessary.

Example sentences with  cortarse las uñas

The word 'cortaúñas' is incorrect's translation. In English, it translates to 'nail clippers' and not 'shorts'. 'Cortaúñas' are a handheld tool used to trim fingernails and toenails. They are usually made of metal and have sharp edges to cut the nails cleanly. This tool is a common item found in grooming kits and is a basic hygiene necessity.

Example sentences with  cortaúñas

The Spanish word 'crema' translates to 'cream' in English. In Spain, 'crema' can refer to a type of custard dessert, similar to crème brûlée, but it is also commonly used to describe any type of cream, such as those used in cooking or cosmetic creams. It's a versatile word that may refer to a variety of creamy texture products, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  crema
cuchilla de afeitar
razor blade

The Spanish term 'cuchilla de afeitar' translates to 'razor blade' in English. This is a blade used typically in shaving equipment like razors, which help remove unwanted hair from the face or body. Due to its sharpness, it's essential to use a razor blade carefully to avoid cuts or nicks. It's a common item found within bathroom supplies or personal grooming tools.

Example sentences with  cuchilla de afeitar
cuidado personal
personal care

The term 'cuidado personal' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'personal care'. 'Cuidado' signifies care, which implies the idea of looking after, and 'personal' translates as 'personal', meaning of or belonging to a particular person. The concept of 'cuidado personal' thus encompasses daily activities and tasks that you perform for your personal health, hygiene, and well-being. It can include things like bathing, grooming, clothing, nourishment, and ensuring personal safety.

Example sentences with  cuidado personal
darse un baño caliente
give yourself a hot bath

The Spanish phrase 'darse un baño caliente' translates into English as 'give yourself a hot bath'. This is an informal phrase that one might hear in Spanish-speaking households. Essentially, it is referring to the act of taking a relaxing, warm bath, especially after a long day. The phrase is descriptive and could also be seen as serving as a reminder about the importance of self-care.

Example sentences with  darse un baño caliente
darse un baño de espuma
give yourself a foam bath

The Spanish phrase 'darse un baño de espuma' translates into English as 'give yourself a foam bath'. This phrase is used to describe the act of indulging in a relaxing bubble bath. However, it can also be metaphorically used to describe a situation where a person treats, pampers, or indulges themselves with something enjoyable. This phrase is not typically used in formal contexts and is more common in relaxed, informal settings or in literary pieces.

Example sentences with  darse un baño de espuma
darse un baño frío
give yourself a cold bath

The phrase 'darse un baño frío' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'give yourself a cold bath' in English. It can be broken down into 'darse' (give oneself), 'un' (a), 'baño' (bath), and 'frío' (cold). It's often used to imply the action of immersing oneself in cold water, which could be literally to cool down or symbolically to refresh and invigorate oneself. However, like all languages, context is key in Spanish, and the phrase might not always be used in this exact way.

Example sentences with  darse un baño frío
darse un baño relajante
taking a relaxing bath

The Spanish phrase 'darse un baño relajante' translates to 'taking a relaxing bath' in English. It is a phrase typically used to denote the action of indulging in a peaceful and therapeutic bathing experience, often featuring soothing elements like warm water, bath oils, candles, and tranquil music. This phrase can often be heard in contexts relating to self-care and relaxation practices.

Example sentences with  darse un baño relajante
darse una ducha caliente
having a hot shower

The Spanish phrase 'darse una ducha caliente' translates to 'having a hot shower' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context when one is getting ready for the day or preparing for bed in Spanish-speaking households. The word 'ducha' can be used to refer to both the act of showering and the shower itself, much like in English. Meanwhile, 'caliente' is an adjective in Spanish that is used to describe something that is hot or warm.

Example sentences with  darse una ducha caliente
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