Spanish Basic Spanish Vocabulary: Household Items

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for different items found around the house. Suitable for beginners just starting their Spanish learning journey.

sacar la basura
take the trash out

The phrase 'sacar la basura' in Spanish translates to 'take the trash out' in English. It is a common household chore phrase that is used to instruct someone to remove the garbage from the house and dispose it properly in designated waste management facilities or containers. 'Sacar' generally means 'to take out' and 'la basura' translates to 'the trash'. The phrase embodies the notion of cleanliness, orderliness and environmental consciousness in Spanish-speaking societies.

salir una mancha
to get a stain

The Spanish phrase 'salir una mancha' refers to the occurrence of a stain. It is used when a stain or mark appears on something, particularly on fabrics or surfaces. Its English equivalent is 'to get a stain'. The phrase can be used in various contexts, for example, to describe a stain appearing on a person's clothing or on a piece of furniture. 'Salir' generally means 'to go out' or 'to leave', but in this context, it signifies the emergence or appearance of the 'mancha', which means 'stain'.


The word 'secado' in Spanish refers to the process of removing water or moisture from something, often by exposure to air or heat. This can refer to the drying of various things, such as clothes after washing, or crops after harvesting. In English, this process is referred to as 'drying'.

separar ambientes
separate environments

The Spanish term 'separar ambientes' translates to 'separate environments' in English. It is often used in the context of interior design or architecture, where it refers to the practice of dividing a space into separate sections or environments, each with its own purpose or aesthetic. For example, in a home, one might 'separar ambientes' to create distinct spaces for sleeping, cooking, and entertaining. This phrase can also be used more broadly to discuss creating distinctions or separations in other contexts.

separar zonas
separate areas

The Spanish phrase 'separar zonas' translates to 'separate areas' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as explaining geographical boundaries, dividing spaces in interior design, or in any other situation where one needs to distinguish between different sections, areas, or regions. As a verb phrase, it might be used to instruct the act of demarcating or establishing a boundary between areas.


'Silla' is the Spanish noun for chair. Chairs are pieces of furniture designed to accommodate one person, typically having four legs and a back.

Example sentences with  silla

A sofa is a piece of furniture for seating two or more people in the form of a bench, with armrests, which is partially or entirely upholstered, often fitted with springs and tailored cushions.

Example sentences with  sofá

The Spanish word 'suavizante' translates to 'softener' in English. It is commonly used in the context of laundry, where 'suavizante de ropa' would mean 'fabric softener'. It can also be used to refer to something that smoothens or eases a situation or substance. Its adjective form 'suavizante' can be used to describe something or someone that has a smoothing, softening or soothing effect.


The Spanish word 'suciedad' translates to 'dirt' in English. This term can both literally and figuratively mean unclean or impure substances or entities. For example, in its literal sense, it could refer to the soil or grime that one might find on unclean surfaces or outdoor environments. Figuratively, it could also represent a state of moral or spiritual impurity or corruption. Like in English, the usage of the word 'suciedad' in Spanish can significantly vary based on the context.


The Spanish word 'sucio' translates to 'dirty' in English. It's an adjective that commonly describes an object, place, or person that is unclean. For example, you might use it to describe a room that needs to be cleaned ('La habitación está sucia') or clothes that are dirty ('La ropa está sucia').

sustituir una pieza
replace a piece

The Spanish phrase 'sustituir una pieza' translates to 'replace a piece' in English. It is often used in contexts where one item is being substituted with another or in scenarios involving repair or alteration of objects, machines, or systems by replacing one of its components.

tareas domésticas
domestic tasks

The Spanish phrase 'tareas domésticas' translates to 'domestic tasks' in English. It refers to the various chores or duties that are usually done in a household setting. This could include things like cleaning, doing the dishes, doing laundry, taking care of children, and so on. In other words, 'tareas domésticas' refers to the everyday tasks and responsibilities needed to maintain a household.

televisión (TV)
television (TV)

Televisión, often abbreviated as TV, is a Spanish word which translates to television in English. The term television, in both languages, refers to a system or a device that receives broadcast signals and transforms them into visual images and sound. These signals can be delivered via various mediums such as over-the-air, via satellite, or through cable.

televisión por cable
cable television

The Spanish term 'televisión por cable' directly translates to 'television by cable' in English, but it is commonly referred to as 'cable television.' This term is used to describe a system that provides television programming to consumers via radio frequency signals transmitted through coaxial cables, or in more recent systems, light pulses through fiber-optic cables. It differs from traditional broadcast television (over-the-air television) in which the television signal is transmitted over the air by radio waves and received by a television antenna attached to the television.

televisor de pantalla plana
Flat-screen television

The word 'televisor de pantalla plana' in Spanish translates to 'flat-screen television' in English. It refers to a type of television with a flat and thin panel display, which is significantly lighter and less bulky than traditional glass tube televisions. These televisions are designed to hang on a wall or be placed on a stand, and offer high-definition picture. The term 'televisor de pantalla plana' encompasses several different types of technology, including LED, LCD, and plasma screens.

televisor de plasma
plasma television

The term 'televisor de plasma' translates to 'plasma television' in English. A plasma television is a type of flat-panel display that uses tiny cells containing plasma; ionized gas that responds to electric fields to form an image. This technology produces high definition visuals making it popular for watching movies and sports. Unlike traditional cathode ray tube televisions, plasma screens can be made very large and still maintain clear pictures.

tender la ropa
hang out the washing

The Spanish phrase 'tender la ropa' translates to 'hang out the washing' in English. This phrase is often used to describe the act of hanging wet, clean laundry on a clothesline or similar object to dry in open air. It is a common domestic chore and is part of the process of laundering clothes, used in places where using a dryer may not be an option or preference.

tener la cama hecha
have the bed made

The phrase 'tener la cama hecha' is a figurative expression in Spanish that translates to 'have the bed made' in English. In common usage, it refers to the notion of keeping things in order, specifically, keeping one's bed clean and tidy after use. More metaphorically, it can be used to signify having one's affairs or tasks in order and can be applied in various contexts beyond just the literal making of one's bed. It is a common phrase that emphasizes discipline, cleanliness, and organization in one's daily life.

tener la casa limpia
having the house clean

The phrase 'tener la casa limpia' in Spanish translates to 'having the house clean' in English. This phrase is often used to indicate the action or the necessity of keeping one's home tidy and free from dirt or clutter. It could be used in different contexts such as in discussion about domestic chores, in showing pride in one's living space, or in emphasizing on good hygiene and cleanliness.

tener la casa recogida
keep the house tidy

The Spanish phrase 'tener la casa recogida' literally translates to 'have the house picked up'. Yet, in common usage, we understand it to mean 'keep the house tidy'. This phrase is usually used to emphasize the need for ongoing cleanliness and order in a household, rather than a single instance of cleaning. It imparts a sense of responsibility and pride in maintaining a neat and welcoming living environment.

tener la mesa puesta
have the table set

The Spanish phrase 'tener la mesa puesta' translates into English as 'have the table set'. It is often used in the context of preparing for a meal, where the table is set with cutlery, crockery, and other items needed for the meal. In a broader sense, this phrase can also mean to make necessary preparations or to get everything ready for upcoming events or tasks.


The Spanish word 'timbre' translates to 'doorbell' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the device at one's home entrance that visitors use to signal their arrival. It can also be used in a broader context to denote any type of bell or buzzer used to grab attention or signal the start or end of a period or event.

tono cálido
warm tone

The Spanish phrase 'tono cálido' translates to 'warm tone' in English. It is commonly used in the context of art, design and photography to denote a color scheme that includes reds, yellows, oranges, and other colors associated with warmth or heat. Aside from this, it can also metaphorically refer to the 'warmth' or positivity of a situation, conversation or person's demeanor.

tono frío
cold tone

The Spanish term 'tono frío' translates to 'cold tone' in English. It is often used in visual arts, fashion, and beauty industries to refer to colors or shades that are seen as cool or lack warmth, such as blues, greens, or purples. The concept can also be metaphorically applied in a broader context to describe a distant or unemotional attitude or atmosphere.

tono neutro
neutral tone

The term 'tono neutro' in Spanish translates to 'neutral tone' in English. It is often used in contexts such as linguistics, sound engineering, and music to describe a tone that is not favoring any particular pitch or frequency. In a broader sense, it can also refer to an unbiased or impartial standpoint or demeanor, especially in communication.

tono pastel
pastel tone

The Spanish term 'tono pastel' translates to 'pastel tone' in English. This term is commonly used in the realms of art and design, and it pertains to the color scheme that is light in hue or saturation. Pastel colors can be described as pale, soft, and washed-out colors. They are typically soothing to the eye, with a subdued, muted quality like those seen in common Easter decorations or springtime color palettes.

tono suave
soft tone

The Spanish phrase 'tono suave' translates to 'soft tone' in English. This can refer to a mellow or gentle sound, often used in the context of music, speech, or color gradient. For instance, in music, a 'soft tone' might refer to a piece that is soothing or calming. In speech, it can denote the calm and warm manner in which someone speaks. In the context of color or design, a 'soft tone' could refer to muted, pastel, or less saturated colors.


The word 'video' has the same spelling and meaning in both English and Spanish. It refers to the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images. In Spanish, it can be used in the same contexts as in English, for instance in 'hacer un video' which means 'make a video'.

Example sentences with  video
lace curtain

The Spanish word 'visillo' refers to a lace curtain in English. These are light, often netted curtains made of lace that are primarily used for decorative purposes. They add subtle elegance to windows and entrances, allowing soft light to pass through while maintaining privacy. So if you hear the word 'visillo', you can now picture a delicate lace curtain in your mind.


The Spanish word 'vitrina' translates to 'showcase' in English. This can refer to a glass display case found in a store or museum, wherein objects are exhibited. Moreover, 'vitrina' can also represent a metaphorical way of displaying or showing off one's abilities or qualities, similar to how items are displayed in a showcase.

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