Spanish Basic Spanish Vocabulary: Household Items

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for different items found around the house. Suitable for beginners just starting their Spanish learning journey.

luz tenue
dark light

'Luz tenue' in Spanish is often referred to in English as 'dim light' or 'soft light'. The phrase directly translates to 'faint light', highlighting a low intensity or subtle illumination. This term is commonly used in descriptions of lighting conditions, particularly in photography, interior design and other visual arts, where the intensity and quality of light can significantly impact the perception of the subject or space.


The word 'mantenimiento' is a Spanish term commonly used to refer to 'maintenance' in English. It is usually utilized in various contexts like vehicle maintenance, system maintenance, software maintenance, etc. In most cases, it pertains to the process of preserving, keeping, or sustaining something in its original or existing state, making sure it performs its functions efficiently. Just like the term 'maintenance' in English, it has broad usage extending beyond a single domain, and can be used essentially for any language need requiring the concept of upkeep or preservation.


The Spanish word 'mecedora' translates to 'rocking' in English. It is commonly used to describe the act of moving softly and rhythmically back and forth, usually as a form of relaxation. The term is often associated with a 'rocking chair', a type of chair with two curved bands attached at the bottom, which allows it to rock back and forth. Such chairs are also referred to as 'mecedoras' in Spanish.

mesa auxiliar
side table

The Spanish term 'mesa auxiliar' translates to 'side table' in English. In terms of furniture, a side table, or mesa auxiliar, is often placed next to a main piece of furniture like a sofa or a bed. It's used as a convenient surface to place objects such as lamps, books, glasses, or decorative items. It's a versatile piece that can be found in many rooms of a house, assisting in both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

mesa de centro
center table

The Spanish term 'mesa de centro' translates to 'center table' in English. This is a type of table that is commonly placed in the center of a living room. It is often used to hold items like magazines, drinks, or decorative pieces. The table serves both a functional and decorative purpose. In some households, it may also be referred to as a coffee table.

mesa de comedor
dining table

The Spanish phrase 'mesa de comedor' directly translates to 'dining table' in English. A 'mesa de comedor' is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating meals. This usually stands in a dining room where family members gather to eat meals together. In many homes, the dining table is also a center for activities like doing homework, crafting, and games, making it an essential piece of furniture in most houses.

mesilla de noche
night table

The Spanish word 'mesilla de noche' translates to 'night table' in English. This is typically a small table or cabinet designed to stand beside a bed or elsewhere in a bedroom. It is often used to support things that might be useful during the night, such as a lamp, alarm clock, glasses, a book, a drink, or medication.


The Spanish word 'microondas' translates to 'microwave' in English. A microwave is an appliance used for heating food quickly by exposing it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. This induces polar molecules in the food to rotate and produce thermal energy in a process known as dielectric heating. In Spanish-speaking countries, 'microondas' is commonly used in households and restaurants for rapid heating of food.


The Spanish word 'nevera' translates to 'fridge' in English. It's a common household appliance used for storing and preserving food and beverages at low temperatures. The term 'nevera' can be used in various contexts related to food storage, cooling, or refrigeration.

pasar el aspirador
pass the vacuum

The Spanish phrase 'pasar el aspirador' refers to the action of using a vacuum cleaner on a surface. This can be translated to 'pass the vacuum' in English. Typically, the phrase is used in household contexts and indicates the cleaning of floors or carpets using a vacuum cleaner. It literally suggests the movement of the vacuum cleaning machine across a certain space to remove dirt, just like one would pass a comb through hair to remove tangles. The phrase may also metaphorically indicate a thorough and meticulous examination or search, like a vacuum cleaner suctioning up all that it comes into contact with.

pasar el trapo
to wipe down

The Spanish term 'pasar el trapo' translates to 'wipe down' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of cleaning, specifying an action where one uses a cloth, or 'trapo' in Spanish, to clean or dust off a surface. For instance, you may 'pasar el trapo' to the kitchen counter or the dining table, which implies wiping down these surfaces with a cloth. Hence, it can also be used as an instruction or request in a household or workplace setting asking someone to clean a certain area or object.


The Spanish word 'picadora' translates to 'chopper' in English. This can refer to multiple things such as a tool used to chop food into smaller pieces, a type of motorcycle, or even a type of helicopter. The context in which 'picadora' is used will determine its exact meaning in English.

pieza de repuesto
spare part

The Spanish term 'pieza de repuesto' translates to 'spare part' in English. It refers to an extra component kept on hand to replace a part that may fail or need replacement in various types of machinery, electronic devices, or other types of equipment. This term is prevalent in various types of industries and is an essential aspect of effective equipment maintenance, often helping to prevent extended periods of downtime and support efficient operations.

pintura brillante
brilliant painting

The Spanish term 'pintura brillante' translates to 'brilliant painting' in English. It is a descriptive phrase used to denote artwork, typically a painting, that is especially impressive, vibrant or has outstanding qualities. 'Pintura' stands for painting and 'brillante' means brilliant. Similar expressions can be formed by replacing 'pintura' with another form of artwork, and 'brillante' can be used as an adjective to describe any object or person that stands out due to its exceptional qualities.

pintura mate
matt painting

The term 'pintura mate' in Spanish translates to 'matt painting' in English. This refers to paintings that have a dull and non-reflective finish. A matt painting finish is typically used to prevent light from reflecting off the surface of the painting, allowing you to clearly see the artwork without glare. Matte paint is often used in photography and cinematographic contexts, as well as in artworks or just for decoration at home or workplace.


The word 'piso' is the Spanish translation for English word 'floor'. It is used in the same way as 'floor' is used in English: to refer to the surface of a room on which one stands. It can also denote the level of a building. For example, 'vivo en el quinto piso' means 'I live on the fifth floor'. It's important to note that 'piso' refers to the inside of a building. For outside surfaces, 'suelo' would be more appropriate to use.

Example sentences with  piso

The Spanish word 'planchado' translates to 'ironing' in English. It is derived from the verb 'planchar' which means 'to iron'. The word 'planchado' is commonly used in context related to house chores and laundry. It refers to the process of using a heated tool, an iron, to remove wrinkles from fabric. This term is widely used in both casual and formal communication.

poner un electrodoméstico
put an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'poner un electrodoméstico' translates to 'put an appliance' in English. This phrase involves action such as placing or arranging an appliance (like a refrigerator, oven, microwave, and so on) in a certain spot or position. It is commonly used in everyday scenarios, such as moving furniture or setting up kitchen appliances in homes or workplaces.

programar un electrodoméstico
program an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'programar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'program an appliance' in English. In a literal sense, it refers to setting or altering the controls of a domestic device such as a washing machine, oven, or other electrical household appliances to perform a specific task at a pre-set time. It can be used across multiple contexts, such as in technological, domestic, and home appliance discourse.


A door is a hinged barrier used to close off an entrance. It usually has a handle that you use to open it.

Example sentences with  puerta
quitar el polvo
remove the dust

The Spanish phrase 'quitar el polvo' translates directly to 'remove the dust' in English. It is usually used in the context of cleaning, like dusting furniture or objects. 'Quitar' is the verb that means 'to remove', while 'el polvo' is the noun phrase that means 'the dust'. Both combined form the action phrase that indicates the removal or cleaning of dust.

quitar la suciedad
remove dirt

The Spanish phrase 'quitar la suciedad' translates into English as 'remove dirt'. It is composed of 'quitar' which means to remove or take away, and 'la suciedad' which translates to dirt or filth. Hence, when you come across this phrase, it generally implies the act of cleaning or tidying up, specifically by getting rid of dirt, dust, grime or other similar unclean substances.

quitar un electrodoméstico
remove an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'quitar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'remove an appliance' in English. When 'quitar' is used in this context, it means to physically take away or remove an object or item. 'Electrodoméstico' is a generic term used in Spanish to refer to any electrically-powered household item or appliance such as a refrigerator, a kitchen stove, a toaster, etc. Therefore, when someone says 'quitar un electrodoméstico', they are referring to the act of removing or taking away a household electrical appliance from its usual place.

quitar una mancha
remove a stain

The Spanish phrase 'quitar una mancha' translates to 'remove a stain' in English. The verb 'quitar' means 'to remove' and 'una mancha' means 'a stain'. This phrase can be used in various contexts related to cleaning or laundry where there is a need to remove a stain from a surface or fabric.


The Spanish word 'radio' translates to the English word 'radio'. Much like its English counterpart, the Spanish 'radio' can refer to either the electronic device that receives wireless communications for broadcasting sound or the medium of communication wherein audio content is transmitted via radio waves. It also refers to the concept of broadcasting or the transmission of information and entertainment through spoken word and music.


The Spanish word 'recogedor' translates to 'collector' in English. The term can be used broadly to refer to a person, device, or container that collects anything. In a more specific context, it can indicate a dustpan, the tool that collects swept-up dust and debris. However, it is best to understand the usage in the specific context it is used.

recoger la basura
collect the trash

The Spanish phrase 'recoger la basura' translates to 'collect the trash' in English. The verb 'recoger' means 'to collect' or 'to pick up', and 'la basura' stands for 'the trash'. Therefore, this phrase is commonly used in contexts such as household chores or jobs related to waste management.

recoger la casa
pick up the house

The phrase 'recoger la casa' in Spanish doesn't literally mean 'pick up the house'. In fact, it is a Spanish idiom which translates to 'tidy up the house' or 'clean up the house'. It's used when referring to putting things in their proper places around the house or clean up any mess or clutter.


A refrigerator is a popular household appliance that consists of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump that transfers heat from its inside to its external environment so that its inside is cooled to a temperature below the room temperature.

Example sentences with  refrigerador
ropa de cama
bed linen

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de cama' translates to 'bed linen' in English. This term refers to the material essentials and covering, such as sheets, blankets and pillowcases, that are typically used on a bed.

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