Spanish Basic Spanish Vocabulary: Household Items

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for different items found around the house. Suitable for beginners just starting their Spanish learning journey.

iluminación suave
soft lighting

The Spanish phrase 'iluminación suave' translates to 'soft lighting' in English. Soft lighting is a term used in photography and cinematography to describe a style of lighting that reduces the contrast and produces softer shadows, especially useful in creating flattering portraits or creating a cozy ambience in interior design. This concept, as in English, in Spanish can be applied in several contexts such as photography, cinematography, interior design and more.

iluminación tenue
dark lighting

The Spanish phrase 'iluminación tenue' translates to 'dark lighting' in English. It is commonly used to describe an environment or setting that is not strongly lit, often creating a subdued or romantic atmosphere. This phrase is usually used when discussing interior design, photography, visual arts, or atmospheric conditions.

iluminar un espacio
illuminate a space

The Spanish phrase 'iluminar un espacio' translates to 'illuminate a space' in English. It is commonly used to denote the action of shedding or providing light in a certain area or space, making it brighter or more visible. This could be achieved through various means such as turning on lights or using other light sources.

iluminar una habitación
illuminate a room

The Spanish phrase 'iluminar una habitación' translates to 'illuminate a room' in English. This can refer to both literal illumination, such as turning on a light to brighten a room in a physical sense, or metaphorical illumination, such as clarifying an idea or issue within a discussion taking place in a room. In any use, it suggests the process of making something clearer and more visible.


The Spanish word 'interruptor' translates to 'switch' in English. It's typically used to refer to a device for making, breaking, or changing the connections in an electrical circuit as in a light switch ('interruptor de luz'). Though less common, it can also be used metaphorically as it is in English, such as switching topics in conversation.


Juguete is the Spanish word for toy, a common object in a child's life.

Example sentences with  juguete

A lamp is a device that produces light. They are used in residential and commercial properties as supplementary lighting.

Example sentences with  lámpara

The Spanish word 'lavabo' refers to a 'basin' or 'sink' where one can wash their hands or face. However, it's often also used to refer to the porcelain fixture found in a bathroom (a 'toilet' in English), particularly in some dialects or regions. This can sometimes be confusing, as 'toilet' in English-speaking contexts more often refers to the specific fixture used for waste disposal (more accurately translated to 'inodoro' in Spanish), whereas 'lavabo' encompasses the broader bathroom sink area in general.


The Spanish word 'lavado' translates to 'washing' in English. It is primarily used to describe the process of cleaning things, especially clothes and dishes. This term can be associated with household chores and industrial processes such as vehicle washing and brainwashing. The word 'lavado' shows the past participle of the verb 'lavar' which means to wash. For instance, you can use it in a sentence like 'El lavado de los platos es tu responsabilidad', which means 'The washing of the dishes is your responsibility' in English.

washing machine

The Spanish word 'lavadora' translates to 'washing machine' in English. It is a household appliance used for washing laundry such as clothes, bed linens, and towels. This word is feminine in Spanish, so it should be used with feminine articles like 'la' or 'una'. For example, 'la lavadora' means 'the washing machine', and 'una lavadora' means 'a washing machine'.

lavar la ropa
wash clothes

The Spanish term 'lavar la ropa' translates into English as 'wash clothes'. It is a common phrase used in daily conversation to refer to the action of cleaning one's clothes, typically in a washing machine or by hand. You might hear or use this phrase when discussing household chores or plans for the day. It integrates the verb 'lavar' meaning 'to wash' and the noun 'ropa' meaning 'clothes'.

lavar los platos
wash dishes

The Spanish phrase 'lavar los platos' translates to 'wash dishes' in English. This is a common household task where dishes, cutlery, and cookware are cleaned after meals. The verb 'lavar' means 'to wash', and 'los platos' means 'the dishes'. In Spanish, the verb typically comes before the object, similar to English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, primarily in conversations related to cooking, cleaning, or domestic chores.


The Spanish word 'lavavajillas' translates to 'dishwasher' in English. It is a compound word that is made up of two words, 'lava' which means 'wash' and 'vajillas' meaning 'dishes'. So, the literal translation would be 'washes dishes'. In Spain and other Spanish speaking countries, this term is commonly used to refer to the machine used in kitchens for washing dishes and cutlery automatically. A dishwasher is a very useful appliance that saves time and effort in the kitchen.


The Spanish word 'lejía' translates to 'bleach' in English. It is often used to refer to a strong chemical substance that is used for cleaning and removing stains. This term can be found in various contexts, particularly in household chores or industrial cleaning processes. Its use is common in many Spanish-speaking countries.

librarse de la suciedad
get rid of dirt

The Spanish phrase 'librarse de la suciedad' translates to 'get rid of dirt' in English. It implies the act of cleaning or removing dirt, unwanted elements, or impurities from a particular space or surface. This phrase is often used in the context of cleaning or tidying up tasks, where one might need to free a space from dirt, dust, or undesired filth.


The Spanish word 'limpiacristales' does not mean 'cleanliness' in English. Instead, it is a compound word translating to 'window cleaner' or 'glass cleaner'. This term refers to a person who cleans windows or to a product that is specifically used to clean glass surfaces.

limpiar a fondo
thoroughly cleaned

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar a fondo' has a specific meaning in English that describes a detailed and profound cleaning process. It is typically used when reference is made to a cleaning procedure that involves careful attention to every corner or aspect of a place or object. In English, the phrase 'limpiar a fondo' can thus be translated as 'thoroughly cleaned'.

limpiar de arriba abajo
clean from top to bottom

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar de arriba abajo' translates to 'clean from top to bottom' in English. This is often used to describe a thorough cleaning of a space, where every part of the area, from the highest point to the lowest point, is cleaned. For example, if cleaning a house, one might 'limpiar de arriba abajo', cleaning from the attic down to the basement.

limpiar el baño
clean the bathroom

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar el baño' translates to 'clean the bathroom' in English. It is comprised of two parts: 'limpiar', which is a verb that means 'to clean', and 'el baño', which is a noun phrase that means 'the bathroom'. This is a common phrase that might be used in a household context, for example, to instruct someone to clean the bathroom.

limpiar en seco
dry cleaning

The Spanish term 'limpiar en seco' translates to 'dry cleaning' in English. It is a cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a solvent other than water. It is used to clean fabrics that degrade in water, and removes grease and oil more effectively than washing with water. This can prevent fabrics from shrinking and distorting in shape. In simple terms, 'limpiar en seco' involves cleaning clothes and fabrics without the use of water.

limpiar la casa
clean the house

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar la casa' translates to 'clean the house' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of household chores or duties, and it could mean literally cleaning the house, such as sweeping, dusting, or mopping, or it may refer to overall tidying such as putting things away or decluttering. The verb 'limpiar' literally means 'to clean' and 'la casa' means 'the house'.

limpiar la cocina
clean the kitchen

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar la cocina' translates to 'clean the kitchen' in English. It is a common phrase used in households to indicate the task of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen. 'Limpiar' is a verb which means 'to clean' and 'la cocina' refers to 'the kitchen'. Therefore, when combined, the phrase 'limpiar la cocina' refers to the act of cleaning the kitchen.

limpiar por encima
clean up

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar por encima' translates to 'clean up' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of tidying a house or workspace. It can refer to a quick, surface-level clean, like dusting or sweeping, or it could involve a more thorough cleaning process including putting things away, washing dishes, and so forth. The contextual use in a sentence determines its exact English equivalent.


The Spanish word 'limpieza' translates to 'cleaning' in English. It's a feminine noun often used to refer to the activity of removing dirt, marks, or unwanted substances from an area or object. It's also used in a household context to refer to the routine of maintaining a clean living space. This term is not just limited to physical cleaning, it can also refer to cleaning in a more metaphorical sense such as 'limpieza de corazón' which means 'cleansing of the heart', indicating an emotional or spiritual cleaning.


The Spanish word 'limpio' translates to 'clean' in English. It can be used as an adjective in various contexts, such as describing a tidy and clean room as 'una habitación limpia', or indicating the act of cleaning as 'limpiar'. This term can also reflect symbolic meanings of being clean, like a clean record in terms of law. In all, 'limpio' as a Spanish word shares a similar range of applications with the English word 'clean'.


The Spanish word 'linterna' refers to a portable device used to illuminate areas. It is commonly used for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, or during power outages. An English equivalent of 'linterna' would be 'flashlight'. It is interesting to note that, while a 'linterna' produces light, it is not the same as a lamp ('lámpara' in Spanish) which is typically a fixed light source often used within homes for general illumination.

luz alegre
cheerful light

The Spanish phrase 'luz alegre' is translated in English as 'cheerful light'. The phrase is a combination of two words, 'luz' which means light, and 'alegre' which means cheerful. Therefore, 'luz alegre' can be used to denote a light that is cheerful, or perhaps even joyful or uplifting. Such phrasing can be used metaphorically to describe a mood, atmosphere, or demeanor that is positive and bright.

luz directa
direct light

The Spanish term 'luz directa' translates to 'direct light' in English. It is used to describe light that travels straight from the source without changing direction or being scattered. For instance, sunlight that has not been diffused by clouds is considered 'luz directa'. This term is often used in both daily conversations and in various fields such as photography, theater, and physics.

luz indirecta
indirect light

The Spanish term 'luz indirecta' translates into English as 'indirect light'. It's a type of light that has been diffused or reflected off other surfaces, resulting in a soft, even glow which prevents sharp shadows. This is commonly used in photography, interior design, and lighting design to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

luz suave
soft light

The Spanish phrase 'luz suave' translates to 'soft light' in English. The word 'luz' is Spanish for 'light' and 'suave' is Spanish for 'soft'. The phrase is typically used to refer to a gentle, soothing form of luminance, such as the soft glow of a candle or a relaxed, warm ambient lighting. This term can be used in a variety of contexts, from poetry and literature to everyday conversation.

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