Spanish Basic Spanish Vocabulary: Household Items

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for different items found around the house. Suitable for beginners just starting their Spanish learning journey.

encender un electrodoméstico
turn on an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'encender un electrodoméstico' translates to 'turn on an appliance' in English. This phrase is typically used in conversation to explain the action of starting or activating a household electrical device, such as a washing machine, a microwave, or a television. It's a common expression in both languages and is often used in daily life.


The word 'enchufe' in Spanish translates to 'plug' in English. A plug is a device for making an electrical connection, especially directly into a socket on a piece of equipment. Therefore, 'enchufe' in Spanish is primarily used to refer to an electrical plug or metaphorically to refer to a Connection or Influence someone has.

equipo de música
stereo system

The Spanish term 'equipo de música' translates to 'stereo system' in English. A stereo system is a set of equipment that allows the playback of audio from various sources like radio, compact disc (CD), cassette, or digital audio files. It often includes speakers, an amplifier, and a source playback device. In a broader context, it is also used to refer to home audio systems and professional audio systems.


The word 'escoba' refers to a household tool that is used for sweeping. It is typically made up of a long handle that is directly connected to firmer bristles. This domestic tool is used in cleaning to collect dirt and dust from floors. In English, 'escoba' is translated as 'broom'.


A mirror is an object that reflects an image. In the household context, people often use it to observe their own appearance, for grooming or admiring oneself.

Example sentences with  espejo

The Spanish word 'estantería' translates to 'shelf' in English. It typically refers to a flat horizontal plane used for storage. They are most commonly found in homes, offices, libraries, and many other places, used to hold items such as books, decorative objects, kitchen utensils, and various equipment. In a broader sense, estantería might refer to a bookcase or shelving unit, which is a structure consisting of several shelves.

estar roto/estropeado
to be broken / damaged

The term 'estar roto/estropeado' in Spanish translates to 'be broken / damaged' in English. Especially used in the context of objects, this term is an adjective phrase used to describe something that is not functioning as it is supposed to due to some form of physical or functional damage. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a complicated or unfavorable situation.

estilo clásico
classic style

The Spanish term 'estilo clásico' translates to 'classic style' in English. This refers to the traditional artistic and architectural style that is inspired by the principles of ancient Greek and Roman culture. This style is marked by qualities such as simplicity, symmetry, and proportionality. In the broader context, 'classic style' could also refer to the traditional or conventional method, appearance, or design of anything, be it fashion design, literature, music, or other artistic and non-artistic disciplines.

estilo colonial
colonial style

The term 'estilo colonial' is Spanish for 'colonial style'. This is often used to describe architecture and design prevalent during the colonial period in different parts of the world. It commonly refers to structures built by colonizing nations like Spain, France, England and the Netherlands. 'Estilo colonial' has diverse visual identities, primarily influenced by the colonizer's own architectural style fused with elements from indigenous cultures.

estilo minimalista
minimalist style

The Spanish term 'estilo minimalista' translates to 'minimalist style' in English. This concept is often used in the context of art, fashion, and interior design. The minimalist style focuses on simplicity and considers the saying 'less is more'. Everything unnecessary is removed to bring attention to the most essential elements. In art, minimalist works are typically devoid of personal expression or detailed depictions. In interior design, a minimalist space is characterized by simplicity and a lack of excessive decoration or furniture. In fashion, minimalist style often involves monochrome color schemes and simple, functional designs.

estilo moderno
Modern style

The phrase 'estilo moderno' in Spanish translates to 'modern style' in English. It is commonly used in reference to contemporary, up-to-date fashions or designs. This term is applicable to various fields, such as art, architecture, fashion, interior design, and more. Being of the 'modern style' generally signifies being current, trendy, or aligned with the styles and tastes of the present or recent times.

estilo rústico
rustic style

The term 'estilo rústico' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'rustic style' in English. In design and architecture, 'rustic style' embodies raw, natural beauty, often incorporating elements like wood and stone, and uses more traditional, earthy colors. In Spanish, whenever people refer to the 'estilo rústico', they are speaking about a design or style that represents a warm, natural, and ageless aesthetic typically found in country homes, outdoor settings, or old-fashioned establishments.


The Spanish word 'estropajo' does not exactly translate to 'ruin' in English. Instead, it is most commonly referred to as 'scouring pad' or 'scrub brush'. It is typically used to refer to a coarse or rough cleaning tool often used for scrubbing pots and other kitchen utensils.

estropearse un electrodoméstico
spoil an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'estropearse un electrodoméstico' translates to 'spoil an appliance' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a situation where an household appliance like a refrigerator, oven, or microwave, has broken down or is no longer functioning properly. In other words, it signifies that a home appliance has become damaged or ruined in some way. Therefore, if you hear someone say 'estropearse un electrodoméstico', it can be inferred that there is a faulty or malfunctioning appliance.


The Spanish word 'florero' translates to 'vase' in English. This is a type of container, often decorative, that is used to hold cut flowers. They can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, ceramic, and metal. The word 'florero' can also refer to a person who sells flowers in some Spanish speaking regions.

fregar el suelo
water the ground

The phrase 'fregar el suelo' in Spanish does not translate to 'water the ground' in English. Rather, it translates to 'mop the floor' or 'scrub the floor'. It refers to the act of cleaning the floor with a mop or a brush and a detergent or other cleaning liquid.

fregar los platos

'Fregar los platos' in Spanish translates to 'washing the dishes' in English. The verb 'fregar' can be interpreted as 'to scrub' or 'to wash', and 'los platos' means 'the dishes'. Thus, it refers to the task of cleaning the dishes after a meal. It is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking households to assign or indicate this particular chore.


The Spanish word 'fregona' translates to 'mop' in English. The term is commonly used in Spanish-speaking household settings and refers to a cleaning tool that is typically long-handled and consists of a sponge or a bundle of thick loose strings attached at one end. This tool is used for mopping or cleaning floors.


The Spanish word 'freidora' translates to 'fryer' in English. This term typically refers to a kitchen appliance used for deep frying. It can also refer to a cooking utensil or a part of a stove where frying is done. It is commonly used in both household and commercial kitchens. In Spanish cooking, a 'freidora' is often used for making popular dishes like churros and fried fish.


The Spanish word 'frigorífico' translates to 'refrigerator' in English. A refrigerator is an appliance found in most homes and restaurants, designed to keep food and drinks cool and fresh. The word 'frigorífico' comes from the Latin word 'frigorificus', meaning 'producing cold'. In many Spanish-speaking countries, 'frigorífico' is a common everyday term, just like 'refrigerator' is in English.

to rub

The Spanish verb 'frotar' translates to 'to rub' in English. This term is often used in the context of physical touch where one object is moved in a back and forth motion on the surface of another object. For instance, it's used when describing actions like rubbing a lamp, rubbing your hands together, or rubbing a sore muscle.

frotar una mancha
rub a stain

The Spanish phrase 'frotar una mancha' translates to 'rub a stain' in English. This is typically used in the context of cleaning — for instance, when you are trying to remove a stain from a piece of clothing or other material. In this phrase, 'frotar' is a verb that means 'to rub', and 'una mancha' is a noun phrase that means 'a stain'. It implies the application of a certain level of force or pressure in order to get rid of the unwanted mark or dirt.


The Spanish equivalent for 'room' in English is 'habitación'. It is a noun that is particularly used in terms of representing a part of a house, such as a bedroom or a dining room. For instance, you can say 'Mi habitación está desordenada' which translates to 'My room is messy'. Also note that 'habitación' can be used in hotel context as 'room' in English.

Example sentences with  habitación
hacer la cama
make the bed

'Hacer la cama' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'make the bed' in English. It's a common task related to tidying one's living space after waking up. The verb 'hacer' means 'to do' or 'to make', and 'la cama' means 'the bed'. Together, they form a command or instruction to make the bed neat and tidy.

hacer la compra
make the purchase

The Spanish phrase 'hacer la compra' literally translates to 'make the purchase' in English. However, it is often used in everyday conversation to refer to the act of going shopping, especially for food and household items. For example, you might say 'Voy a hacer la compra' to mean 'I'm going to do the shopping'. This phrase is useful to know when talking about daily activities in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'hierro' translates to 'iron' in English. In both languages, this word can be used to refer to the hard, malleable, magnetic heavy metal that is a part of our everyday life, used in making infrastructure, machinery, ships, automobiles, and various other things. It is also a nutritional element essential for human health, responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.


An oven is a tool which is used to expose materials to a hot environment. In the context of cooking, an oven is to heat food in a controlled and consistent way.

Example sentences with  horno
iluminación alegre
cheerful lighting

The Spanish phrase 'iluminación alegre' translates to 'cheerful lighting' in English. This phrase can be used to describe lighting that brings about a joyful or pleasant atmosphere. This can include colorful, bright, or uniquely arranged lights that contribute to a lively and cheerful setting or mood.

iluminación directa
direct lighting

The Spanish phrase 'iluminación directa' translates to 'direct lighting' in English. Direct lighting implies that the light source is directly visible or that the majority of light is being emitted directly from a lamp or fixture into a space. This could be from any type of light source such as a light bulb or the sun. The light travels in a linear direction and hits objects without being reflected or refracted beforehand. It is often used in lighting design to create shadows or to put focus on a specific object or area.

iluminación indirecta
indirect lighting

Iluminación indirecta is a term used in Spanish speaking countries to refer to a light source that is not directly visible but its light is reflected off surfaces to light the space. This technique is usually used in interior decorating to create a warm and soft atmosphere, reducing shadows and contrast. It is a common practice in the field of interior and theatrical design, photography and cinema. Indirect lighting can be achieved through various methods, such as reflecting light off walls or ceilings, or by using fixtures that conceal the light source, such as cove or valance lighting.

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