Spanish Basic Spanish Vocabulary: Household Items

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for different items found around the house. Suitable for beginners just starting their Spanish learning journey.


The Spanish word 'centrifugar' translates to 'to centrifuge' in English. It is a verb used in context involving processes which separate substances or parts of substances through centrifugation. Centrifugation refers to the process of moving or spinning around a central axis. Thus, 'centrifugar' often finds use in scientific, technical or medical fields of discussion.

cobrar la factura del agua
collect water bill

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar la factura del agua' translates to 'collect water bill' in English. This is typically used in a context where a person or entity is responsible for gathering or accepting payment for the water services provided. For instance, it can be used when a landlord collects the water bill from their tenants or when a utility company is seeking payment for water usage.


A stove is an enclosed space in which fuel is burned to provide heating, either to heat the space in which the stove is situated, or to heat the stove itself and items placed on it.

Example sentences with  cocina
cocina de gas
gas kitchen

The Spanish phrase 'cocina de gas' translates to 'gas kitchen' in English. This is a common phrase for describing kitchens that use gas for cooking. In a broader sense, it can also refer to kitchens equipped with gas-powered appliances, like stove and oven, typical in many households globally. It's important to note that the individual translation of 'cocina' is 'kitchen' and 'de gas' means 'of gas' or 'gas', and together they form the compound term 'gas kitchen'.

cocina eléctrica
Electrical kitchen

The Spanish term 'cocina eléctrica' translates to 'electric stove' in English. This phrase comprises two words, 'cocina' meaning 'kitchen' or 'stove', and 'eléctrica' meaning 'electric'. In context, it is commonly referred to an appliance powered by electricity and used for cooking food, rather than using gas or fire. It is integral to a kitchen, offering a safe, effective, and convenient way of preparing meals.


The word 'colchoneta' in Spanish translates to 'mattress' in English. In a household, a 'colchoneta' is a rectangular shaped pad used as a bed or on a bed frame. It serves as a place to sleep or relax. It's easily recognizable due to its softness intended for comfort during sleep or relaxation. This structure sometimes incorporates materials such as hair, straw, cotton, foam rubber, or an arrangement of metal springs.

Example sentences with  colchoneta
conectar un electrodoméstico
connect an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'conectar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'connect an appliance' in English. This could involve plugging in an electrical item such as a fridge, stove, or other household appliance to a power source. It is often used in the setting of managing domestic chores or electrical installations. Hence, if you are asking someone to 'conectar un electrodoméstico', you are asking them to connect an appliance.


The word 'congelador' in Spanish translates to 'freezer' in English. A freezer is a cold storage unit, typically a compartment of a refrigerator, in which food can be frozen and stored for long periods. The act of freezing slows down the reproduction of microorganisms, thus, preserving the food. In Spanish, both the verb 'congelar' and the noun 'congelador' originate from the Latin word 'congelare' which means to freeze. Therefore, 'congelador' is the Spanish equivalent of the English word 'freezer'.

contenedor de basuras
garbage container

The Spanish term 'contenedor de basuras' translates to 'garbage container' in English. A garbage container is a large outdoor bin for temporary storage of waste material or trash until it is collected by waste disposal personnel. This commonly used and important item is often found in households, commercial establishments, and public spaces.


The English explanation of the word 'contraventana' is incorrect. In Spanish, 'contraventana' is not translated to 'counterpart'. The correct translation would be 'storm window' or 'shutter', and it refers to a second window installed on the outside or inside of a main window, used for insulation and protection against bad weather.


The Spanish word 'cortina' translates to 'curtain' in English. It is commonly used in the context of home decor, particularly in living spaces like living rooms and bedrooms. Curtains are pieces of fabric or other materials that hang in front of windows or separate spaces, which could block light, sound, drafts, or anything else that you don't want to have in a particular space.

crear ambientes
create environments

The Spanish phrase 'crear ambientes' translates to 'create environments' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts. In a physical sense, it could refer to creating a specific atmosphere or space, such as in interior design or architecture. In a more abstract sense, it could relate to creating certain conditions or circumstances, such as creating an environment conducive to learning or productivity. Thus, 'crear ambientes' implies the act of forming, producing, or causing something to exist or occur.


The Spanish term 'decoración' translates to 'decoration' in English. Decorating is the practice of making something look more attractive by adding extra items or detailing. It could refer to changing the aesthetics of any area or object according to specific tastes or trends. For instance, it is commonly used when discussing interior design or party planning, where one might 'decorate' a room or a venue with various items like lights, flowers, banners, etc. Additionally, 'decorating' could also refer to the visual aspects of food presentation in culinary arts.


The Spanish word 'decorar' translates to 'decorate' in English. This is a verb used to describe the action of making something look more attractive or festive by adding items or changing its color or appearance. It is commonly used in various contexts such as interior design, event planning, or art and craft activities where one might 'decorate' a room, a Christmas tree, or an art project respectively. As a regularly conjugated -ar verb, its conjugation varies when used with different subjects and in different tenses.

dejar la cama hecha
leave the bed made

The Spanish phrase 'dejar la cama hecha' translates to 'leave the bed made' in English. It is a common phrase used to express the act of tidying up one's bed after use. In a broader sense, it may also represent the virtue of cleaning up after oneself, encouraging habits of cleanliness and orderliness.

dejar la casa limpia
leave the house clean

The Spanish phrase 'dejar la casa limpia' translates to 'leave the house clean' in English. It is typically used in a context where one is instructed or expected to clean up a house, room or space, before leaving it. This can be within their own home, or a place they have visited. The term could also have more metaphorical implications, suggesting that one should fix or address any problems they have caused before moving on.

dejar la casa recogida
leave the house collected

The Spanish phrase 'dejar la casa recogida' translates to 'leave the house collected' in English. This phrase is often used to mean cleaning up or tidying the house before leaving it. The verb 'dejar' translates to 'to leave', 'la casa' means 'the house', and 'recogida' is a form of the verb 'recoger' which means 'to collect' but can also mean 'to pick up' or 'to tidy up' in this context.

dejar la mesa puesta
leave the table on

The Spanish phrase 'dejar la mesa puesta' is a figurative expression translated in English as 'leave the table on'. In a literal sense, it means to leave the table set up with utensils, dishes, napkins, etc, even when no meal is being served at the moment. This is often used in contexts where one is expecting guests to arrive for a meal later, or when they have left the table setting as it is after a meal, without clearing it up.


The Spanish word 'desinfectar' translates to 'disinfect' in English. It is a verb that describes the process of cleaning something, typically with chemicals, to destroy bacteria. In medical contexts, this could refer to sterilizing an area before a procedure to prevent infection. In everyday use, it might refer to sanitizing a surface to make it safe and clean.


The Spanish word 'detergente' translates to 'detergent' in English. Detergent is a water-soluble cleaning agent which combines with impurities and dirt to make them more soluble, and differs from soap in not forming a scum with the salts in hard water.


The Spanish verb 'ducharse' translates to 'to shower' in English. In Spanish, the reflexive form 'ducharse' refers to oneself taking a shower. It is a regular -ar verb and follows typical verb conjugation rules in Spanish, except in reflexive form, it requires reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se). For example, 'me ducho' translates as 'I shower' in English.

Example sentences with  ducharse

The Spanish term 'DVD' is the same as the English term 'DVD'. Both abbreviations stand for 'Digital Versatile Disc' or 'Digital Video Disc'. Just like in English, DVD in Spanish refers to an optical disc storage format invented and developed in 1998 and 1999 by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic which is used for storing, playing and interacting with large amounts of digital data, such as movies and other video content, as well as audio and other digital information.

electrodoméstico de bajo consumo
low consumption appliance

The Spanish phrase 'electrodoméstico de bajo consumo' translates to 'low consumption appliance' in English. It refers to any household device designed to use energy as efficiently as possible, thus reducing the amount of power needed for operation. Examples of low consumption appliances might include energy-star rated refrigerators, washing machines, or air conditioners. These types of appliances are often sought after for their benefits to the environment and potential to save on electricity bills.

electrodoméstico de diseño
designer appliance

The Spanish phrase 'electrodoméstico de diseño' translates to 'designer appliance' in English. This term is often used in the context of high-end, stylishly designed home appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, or ovens, typically used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a home. The association with 'designer' implies a premium quality, innovative features, and often a higher price tag compared to conventional appliances.

electrodoméstico de fácil manejo
easy-to-use appliance

The Spanish phrase 'electrodoméstico de fácil manejo' translates directly to 'easy-to-use appliance' in English. It refers to an electrical machine in your home that is designed to perform a specific domestic function and is user-friendly or simple to operate. The term could apply to any number of household appliances including, but not limited to, refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines, or ovens that are designed with user accessibility and simplicity in mind.

electrodoméstico de gama alta
high-end appliance

The Spanish phrase 'electrodoméstico de gama alta' translates to 'high-end appliance' in English. This refers to a household appliance that is typically of superior quality, greater functionality, and higher cost than standard models. It could be a refrigerator, oven, washing machine or any other household device. This type of appliance is often constructed with better materials for longevity, can come with advanced features such as smart home compatibility, and may offer energy-saving technologies.

electrodoméstico de gama baja
low-end appliance

'Electrodoméstico de gama baja' translates to 'low-end appliance' in English. In other words, it refers to an appliance that is affordable or less expensive than similar items. Despite having a lower price, these appliances may not offer as many features or be as durable as higher-end appliances. This term is often used in the context of shopping for and comparing home appliances.

electrodoméstico de gama media
mid-range appliance

The term 'electrodoméstico de gama media' in Spanish refers to 'mid-range appliance' in English. This means that the appliance falls into an intermediate category in terms of quality, performance, and price. Typically, mid-range appliances offer more features and capabilities than basic or low-end models, but may not include all the advanced features, high-end materials, or cutting-edge technologies available in premium or high-end appliances. Mid-range appliances are often a balance of affordability and functionality, and can be a good choice for those who want more features or higher quality than budget models provide, but do not want to pay for high-end options.

electrodoméstico de gran capacidad
high capacity appliance

The Spanish term 'electrodoméstico de gran capacidad' translates to 'high capacity appliance' in English. This term is often used in home settings and refers to household appliances that have the ability to perform at a high level or hold a large volume. These can include things like refrigerators, washing machines, dryers or dishwashers. Understanding of this term may be especially useful in situations related to purchase, repair or general discussions about household appliances.

electrodoméstico de pequeñas dimensiones
small size appliance

The phrase 'electrodoméstico de pequeñas dimensiones' in Spanish refers to a small size appliance in English. These are typically household appliances like a toaster, microwave, or a blender which are small in size but perform important functions within a home. They are portable and can easily be placed on a counter or a table. The usage of such appliances are widespread, making tasks in the kitchen and home quicker and easier.

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