Spanish Basic Spanish Vocabulary: Household Items

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for different items found around the house. Suitable for beginners just starting their Spanish learning journey.

(des)enchufar un electrodoméstico
(un)plugging an appliance

(Des)enchufar un electrodoméstico is a Spanish phrase that refers to the act of (un)plugging an appliance in English. This could be any appliance that needs electricity to function, such as a refrigerator, a washing machine, a microwave, etc. The word 'enchufar' translates to 'plug in', and 'desenchufar' to 'unplug'. An 'electrodoméstico' is any household device that runs on electricity, which we refer to in English as an 'appliance'. Therefore, when someone uses this phrase, they could either be talking about connecting an appliance to a power source or removing it from one.

(pequeño) electrodoméstico
(small) appliance

(pequeño) electrodoméstico is a Spanish term that translates to (small) appliance in English. It represents a type of household device, usually electrical, that performs a specific function. These functions may include cooking, cleaning, or food preservation. Examples of (pequeño) electrodoméstico can include a microwave, blender, toaster, or refrigerator. This term is commonly used in both household and commercial settings.


The Spanish word 'adorno' translates to 'ornament' in English. It is a common noun used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to an object that by its detailed and delicate characteristics enhances or beautifies a space or something specific. It can be used to describe things that are used to enhance the beauty of the environment, like a trinket or a decoration on a Christmas tree. The usage of 'adorno' is as versatile as 'ornament' in English.

advertencias de uso
warnings of use

The Spanish term 'advertencias de uso' translates to 'warnings of use' in English. It is a phrase you would typically encounter in manuals, labels, or user guides, and it alerts the user to any potential hazards or precautions to be aware of when using a product or system. The term may also be found in legal or technical contexts, signifying the risks or dangers that might arise from inappropriate or incorrect use of an item, service or system.


The Spanish word 'aguja' translates to 'needle' in English. It refers to a very fine tool with a hole at one end and a sharp point at the other, typically used for sewing. Needles can be used to pass thread through cloth for the purpose of sewing or can also be used in medical scenarios to inject or extract fluids.


The Spanish word 'alfombra' translates to 'carpet' in English. 'Alfombra' is feminine and its plural form is 'alfombras.' This word is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries and regions to refer to a type of floor covering that is typically made of thick woven fabric. The usage of 'alfombra' is very much like how 'carpet' is implemented in English. Depending on the context, it can mean a large rug or a permanent fixture that is installed to cover the entire floor surface, enhancing the aesthetics and comfort of an indoor space.


A pillow is a bag filled with soft material, that you put your head on when you sleep. They provide comfort and support for the neck and head.

Example sentences with  almohada
ambiente acogedor
cozy atmosphere

The Spanish phrase 'ambiente acogedor' translates to 'cozy atmosphere' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish speaking cultures to describe a warm, welcoming, and comfortable environment. It could be used to describe the vibe or feeling of a small gathering, a welcoming home, a nice restaurant, or any inviting social setting. To break it down, 'ambiente' means 'atmosphere' and 'acogedor' translates to 'cozy'. Thus, these two words combined give us 'cozy atmosphere'.

ambiente cálido
warm atmosphere

The Spanish phrase 'ambiente cálido' translates to 'warm atmosphere' in English. It is often used to describe a friendly, welcoming, or cozy environment. It may refer to the literal temperature of a physical space, such as a room or outdoor location that is comfortably warm. Moreover, 'ambiente cálido' can also describe a situation or a group gathering where the social dynamics are pleasant and inviting.

ambiente íntimo
intimate environment

The Spanish term 'ambiente íntimo' translates to 'intimate environment' in English. This phrase is often used to talk about a physical setting or social situation that is characterized by closeness, familiarity, and privacy. It could refer to a cozy and romantic setting for a date, a private meeting room for high-stakes discussions, or even the emotional atmosphere between two close friends sharing secrets. In all these contexts, an 'ambiente íntimo' is marked by a sense of personal connection and shared understanding.

ambiente moderno
modern environment

The Spanish phrase 'ambiente moderno' translates to 'modern environment' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts including interior design, fashion, digital technology, and more. It refers to surroundings or conditions that are current, up-to-date, or characteristic of present-day trends or styles.

amueblar una habitación
furnish a room

The Spanish phrase 'amueblar una habitación' directly translates to 'furnish a room' in English. It's generally used when discussing interior design or setting up a space within a home, such as a bedroom or living room. For example, if someone is moving into a new place they might say 'Necesito amueblar mi habitación', which means 'I need to furnish my room'. It can refer to adding any type of furniture such as beds, chairs, tables, or shelves, and can also include embellishments like curtains or rugs.

apagar un electrodoméstico
turn off an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'apagar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'turn off an appliance' in English. It is a common phrase used when instructing someone to power down a specific device, such as a TV, computer, oven, or any other electronic appliance. Apagar means 'to turn off' and 'un electrodoméstico' translates to 'an appliance'. This phrase can be found in everyday household conversation as it directly relates to energy conservation and safety measures.

aprovechar la luz
seize the light

The Spanish phrase 'aprovechar la luz' translates to 'seize the light' in English. In a literal sense, this could mean making the most out of natural light, perhaps in art, photography, or everyday life. However, it could also be interpreted metaphorically to mean making the most of an opportunity or moment of clarity. The verb 'aprovechar' means to take full advantage of or to profit from, while 'la luz' refers to light. In English, the phrase 'seize the day' has a similar sentiment, encouraging individuals to make the most of each moment.

aprovechar los espacios
take advantage of the spaces

The phrase 'aprovechar los espacios' in Spanish translates to 'take advantage of the spaces' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts where the idea of utilizing the available space, opportunity, or gap is conveyed. It may be used in a physical context, such as in organizing or decorating a room, or figuratively, like in a conversation or a schedule, where 'spaces' represent pauses or free time.

aprovechar los huecos
take advantage of the gaps

The phrase 'aprovechar los huecos' can be translated to 'take advantage of the gaps' in English. In this context, 'aprovechar' means to take advantage, 'los' means the, and 'huecos' means gaps. It is often used to denote the act of utilizing opportunities, breaks or free time efficiently and effectively. For instance, if there are gaps or free periods in a schedule, a person might 'aprovechar los huecos' to get some other tasks done.


A wardrobe is a standing closet used for storing clothes. The earliest wardrobe was a chest, and it was not until some degree of luxury was attained in regal palaces and the castles of powerful nobles that separate accommodation was provided for the apparel of the great.

Example sentences with  armario
arreglar la casa
fix the house

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar la casa' translates to 'fix the house' in English. This can refer to a variety of tasks related to home improvement, maintenance, or cleaning that aim to make the house a better place. It implies making something in disrepair or disorder orderly or functional again. This phrase could be used in various real-life contexts and scenarios where house repair work, cleaning, or organizing tasks are involved.

averiarse un electrodoméstico
to uncover an appliance

The provided translation seems incorrect. The Spanish phrase 'averiarse un electrodoméstico' actually translates to 'an appliance breaks down' in English. It refers to the situation when a household appliance like a fridge, oven, or washing machine stops working due to a malfunction.


The Spanish word 'barrer' translates to 'sweep' in English. It is most commonly used as a verb to indicate the action of cleaning or clearing a floor, a surface, or another area by brushing or pushing dirt away. Just like 'sweep', 'barrer' can also be applied metaphorically to express a broad or comprehensive action.


The Spanish word 'batidora' translates into English as 'blender'. A blender is a kitchen appliance used to mix, purée, or emulsify food and other substances. This tool maintains a significant role in preparing a variety of meals and drinks, including soups, smoothies, sauces, and more. Therefore, 'batidora' is commonly referred to in daily conversation, cooking guides, and recipes in Spanish-speaking cultures.


The Spanish word 'bombilla' translates to 'bulb' in English. It could refer to a light bulb, which is the most common usage, or used in different contexts it could mean a drinking straw, wherein it refers specifically to the metal straws used to drink traditional South American beverages like 'mate'. The term 'bombilla' derived from the word 'bomb', reflects how the bulb 'explodes' with light.


The Spanish word 'butaca' translates to 'armchair' in English. An 'armchair' is a comfortable chair with side supports for a person's arms. It is often found in living rooms and is usually intended for relaxing or casual seating. 'Butaca', therefore, represents a common piece of furniture in both cultures serving the same purpose of providing comfort for the person sitting.


The word 'cable' in Spanish has a direct translation in English, which is 'cable'. This term can be used in various contexts such as referring to an electrical cable, a cable for television, or any long, thick strings of metal wires bounded together. As you can see, the versatility in usage between the English and Spanish term 'cable' are practically identical.

coffee maker

The Spanish word 'cafetera' translates to 'coffee maker' in English. This is typically a machine or device used to brew coffee. In many households, a cafetera is considered a necessary kitchen appliance. Like the English term, 'cafetera' in Spanish can refer to various types of machines including automatic drip, percolator, French press or even Italian stovetop style, among others.


A piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress and coverings.

Example sentences with  cama
cambiar una pieza
change a piece

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar una pieza' translates to 'change a piece' in English. It can refer to the act of replacing or substituting one item, part, or piece with another. This is often used in contexts such as game playing (changing a game piece), machinery (changing a machine part), or any scenario where one thing is swapped out in favor of another.


The Spanish word 'cartelera' translates to 'poster' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a large printed picture, notice or advertisement that is displayed in a public place. It's often used in the context of advertising or promoting movies, music, or other forms of entertainment, as well as for educational or informative purposes. In a broader sense, 'cartelera' can also refer to a billboard or a marquee.


'Casa' in Spanish means house. This is a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys.

Example sentences with  casa

The Spanish term 'centrifugado' directly translates to 'centrifuged' in English. Centrifuged refers to subjecting something to a process in which a substance spins around a central point or axis. In the context of laboratory situations, it is often used to separate fluids of different densities, or to separate solid particles from a solution. The term can also be used in an everyday context such as clothes in a washing machine during the spin cycle, where water is forced out of the clothes by the centrifugal force.

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