Spanish Finance Vocabulary

Learn essential Spanish terms used in finance sector to improve business communication and understanding.

ser gratis
be free

The Spanish phrase 'ser gratis' translates to 'be free' in English. This phrase often refers to something being without cost or charge. For instance, if you go to a museum and there's no entrance fee, in Spanish, you might say 'El museo es gratis.' Which translates to 'The museum is free.' It's important to note that 'ser gratis' may also imply certain liberties or freedoms in certain contexts, but it's predominantly used to denote the absence of a financial cost.

Example sentences with  ser gratis
Sociedad Anónima (S. A.)
Anonymous Society (S.A.)

The Spanish term 'Sociedad Anónima (S. A.)' translates to 'Anonymous Society (SA)' in English. It is the equivalent of a corporation, primarily used in Spain, Latin America, and other countries that utilize Spanish commercial law. This term is used to denote a type of business organization wherein shareholders have limited liability to the company's debt, and shares are not publicly tradable. It is known as 'Anonymous Society' because the ownership of the company isn't associated with specific individuals but with whoever owns the shares.

Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)
Limited Society (S.L.)

The Spanish term 'Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)' translates to 'Limited Society (SL)' in English. This is a type of private company structure in Spain, similar to a limited liability company (LLC) in other countries. It means the owners of the company have their liabilities for the company's debts limited to the amount they have invested in the company. This structure is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises and is characterized by its flexibility and simplicity in terms of decision-making and management.

Example sentences with  Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)
solicitar tarjeta de cliente
request customer card

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar tarjeta de cliente' translates to 'request customer card' in English. It's used in business or service contexts where a company may offer a card to its customers for various benefits. This could be a loyalty card, a credit card, or any other type of card that might require an application or request process. The verb 'solicitar' is often used in formal or business contexts to mean 'request' or 'apply for'. 'Tarjeta de cliente' refers to a 'customer card' of some sort.

Example sentences with  solicitar tarjeta de cliente
solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad
request loyalty card

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad' translates to 'request loyalty card' in English. This is often used in retail or service industry contexts, where a customer might use this phrase to ask for a loyalty card from a store or company. Having a loyalty card usually allows the customer to accrue points or rewards for their purchases, incentivizing them to continue shopping with the same establishments for future purchases.

Example sentences with  solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad
solicitar un crédito
request a credit

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar un crédito' translates to 'request a credit' in English. This phrase is commonly used in financial contexts where one is attempting to apply for a form of credit, whether it be a credit card, a loan, or a credit line increase. Keep in mind that 'crédito' can refer to different types of credit, so the exact meaning can depend on the specific situation.

solicitar un préstamo
request a loan

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar un préstamo' translates to 'request a loan' in English. This phrase could be used in different contexts, but the most common usage would be in a financial or banking setting. When somebody needs money that they do not currently have, for instances like starting a business, buying a car or a house, they may need to 'solicitar un préstamo' from a financial institution like a bank. This means they would need to go through the process of applying for and receiving money with the agreement that it will be paid back over time, possibly with interest.

solicitar una hipoteca
request a mortgage

The Spanish term 'solicitar una hipoteca' translates to 'request a mortgage' in English. This typically refers to the process by which an individual, family, or business approaches a financial institution to ask for funds to purchase real estate. The real estate serves as collateral in this transaction, ensuring the lending institution can recoup its investment if the borrower is unable to make their loan payments. Therefore, when someone 'solicita una hipoteca', they are initiating this financial process.

subir los intereses
raise interest

The Spanish phrase 'subir los intereses' translates to 'raise interest' in English. It is commonly used in the financial context when the rate of interest on a loan or other form of credit is increased. In banking, it might refer to the central bank raising the interest rates. However, it can also refer to attracting more attention or curiosity about something in a literal sense, though this use is less common.

sucursal bancaria
Bank branch

The term 'sucursal bancaria' in Spanish translates to 'bank branch' in English. A 'sucursal bancaria' is a physical location of a bank, separate from the bank's central branch or headquarters, at which it provides customers with a full range of services such as cash withdrawals, deposits, financial consultations, etc. This term is generally used in the context of physical banking or business operations.


The Spanish word 'tacaño' translates to 'cheap' in English. Being 'tacaño' doesn't only refer to the price or value of something being low but is most commonly used to describe a person who doesn't like to spend money. It may hold a negative connotation, indicating that the person is stingy or frugal to an extreme extent. It is an adjective and like other Spanish adjectives, may change in form depending on the gender and number of the noun it modifies.

talonario de cheques

The Spanish term 'talonario de cheques' translates to 'checkbook' in English. This is a book of blank checks with a register for recording checks written. A checkbook is provided by a bank to the account holder to withdraw money from his/her own account or to pay it to someone else. It is an important tool in banking transactions. In many countries, people may carry a 'talonario de cheques' to make payments, instead of carrying cash, for convenience and safety reasons.


The Spanish word 'tarifa' translates to 'rate' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as transportation cost (rate per mile/kilometer), data usage (rate per gigabyte), finance (interest rate), or other services where fees are determined based on certain criteria. For example, a taxi might charge you a 'tarifa' based on your distance travelled. The context will often determine the exact interpretation of 'tarifa'.


The Spanish word for 'card' is 'tarjeta'. It can refer to a credit card, business card, postcard, or any general card. Similar to English, it is context dependent. For example, 'tarjeta de crédito' means 'credit card', while 'tarjeta de visita' is 'business card'. Therefore, you can use 'tarjeta' in various situations just like the use of 'card' in English.

Example sentences with  tarjeta
tarjeta de crédito
credit card

The Spanish phrase 'tarjeta de crédito' translates to 'credit card' in English. It is commonly used in financial contexts, businesses, and daily life. A 'tarjeta de crédito' allows you to borrow money against a line of credit, known as the card's credit limit, before paying it back later. Much like in English speaking cultures, it is an important concept in banking and commerce in Spanish speaking societies.


The word 'tasa' in Spanish refers to 'rate' in English. It is often used in context of rate of interest, growth, exchange and so on. For example, 'tasa de interés' means interest rate. It can also be used in expressions like 'a tal tasa' which means 'at such rate'. Make sure to use it in right context as Spanish language have different words for different contexts.

Example sentences with  tasa
tener tarjeta de cliente
have customer card

The Spanish phrase 'tener tarjeta de cliente' translates into English as 'have customer card'. This phrase might be used in an environment such as a store or business, where customers may have loyalty or membership cards. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', 'tarjeta' translates to 'card', and 'cliente' means 'customer'. Therefore, when someone says 'tener tarjeta de cliente', it means they possess, or they are referring to, a card associated with being a customer of a particular establishment.

Example sentences with  tener tarjeta de cliente
tener tarjeta de fidelidad
have a loyalty card

The Spanish phrase 'tener tarjeta de fidelidad' translates to 'have a loyalty card' in English. This phrase is commonly used in scenarios related to shopping or business transactions. A loyalty card is a card issued by a store or chain to a consumer, typically affixed to a keychain or kept in a wallet, that can be used to earn points, benefits, or discounts on future purchases. In Spanish, the phrase could be used in a similar context, such as when a store clerk asks a customer if they have a loyalty card with the establishment.

Example sentences with  tener tarjeta de fidelidad
tener un interés del + [número cardinal] + por ciento
have an interest of + [ cardinal number] + percent

The Spanish phrase 'tener un interés del + [número cardinal] + por ciento' literally translates to 'to have an interest of + [cardinal number] + percent' in English. This phrase is typically used in financial, business, or investment contexts to denote a certain amount of financial interest or stake someone has in a particular venture, investment or project. For example, 'tener un interés del 30 por ciento' means to have a 30 percent interest.

Tercer Mundo
Third World

The term 'Tercer Mundo' is Spanish for 'Third World'. It is used in socioeconomic contexts often referring to underdeveloped or developing nations, typically in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The term originated during the Cold War, dividing the nations into three categories: First World referred to the US, Western Europe, and their allies; Second World referred to the Soviet Union, China, and their allies; 'Tercer Mundo' or Third World referred to neutral and non-aligned countries, many of which were impoverished. However, in the modern context, it is more commonly used to describe nations that face economic challenges and higher rates of poverty.

tipo de interés (fijo)
interest rate (fixed)

The Spanish term 'tipo de interés (fijo)' translates to 'interest rate (fixed)' in English. An interest rate can be loosely defined as the amount a lender charges a borrower for the use of their resources. When this rate is fixed, it does not vary throughout the life of the loan. The borrower will always need to pay the stipulated rate, regardless of any changes in the financial market conditions or the economy. Fixed interest rates offer the advantage of predictable repayments, which can make budgeting easier for individuals and businesses.

Example sentences with  tipo de interés (fijo)
tipo de interés variable
variable interest rate

The Spanish term 'tipo de interés variable' translates to 'variable interest rate' in English. It is a financial term often used in banking and for loans or mortgages. It refers to an interest rate that may change over time according to changes in benchmark interest rates, rather than remaining fixed.

Example sentences with  tipo de interés variable
tirar el dinero
throw away the money

The phrase 'tirar el dinero' in Spanish figurative sense signifies to squander or waste money. It is commonly used in contexts where someone is perceived to be spending money recklessly or without careful thought. In a literal sense, this phrase can be translated as 'throw away the money' in English, but it is important to understand its frequently used figurative connotation.

Example sentences with  tirar el dinero

The Spanish word 'vuelta' translates to 'round' in English. It can be used in many contexts. For example, in sports and games, 'vuelta' refers to a round or a turn. In the context of travel or movement, 'vuelta' may refer to a trip or a return. It can also refer to a flip or a revolution, in terms of circular movement. The precise meaning depends on its usage in a sentence or phrase.

Example sentences with  vuelta
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