Spanish Finance Vocabulary

Learn essential Spanish terms used in finance sector to improve business communication and understanding.

pedir un presupuesto
request a budget

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un presupuesto' translates to 'request a budget' in English. It is usually used in a business or financial context when a company or individual wishes to obtain an estimate of the expected cost of a project or items to be procured. The act of 'requesting a budget' generally involves asking for a detailed breakdown of costs so that they can be adequately planned for in financial planning.

Example sentences with  pedir un presupuesto
pedir un recibo
order a receipt

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un recibo' translates to 'order a receipt' in English. This phrase is commonly used in contexts involving purchases or transactions, such as at a restaurant, retail store, or any other place where goods or services are exchanged for payment. When you 'pedir un recibo', you are asking the seller or service provider to provide a document that verifies your purchase or payment. This can be important for record-keeping or in case any disputes arise about the transaction.

Example sentences with  pedir un recibo
pedir una ampliación de hipoteca
ask for a mortgage extension

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una ampliación de hipoteca' translates to 'ask for a mortgage extension' in English, which is often a request made by mortgage borrowers to their lenders to extend the term of their mortgage loan agreement. This action is typically taken when the borrower has difficulties in meeting the originally agreed mortgage payment schedule and it can be due to various reasons - such like financial hardship, difficulty finding employment, or major unexpected expenses. Thus, by asking for a mortgage extension, the borrower can gain more time to repay their loan, thereby reducing their monthly mortgage payments to a more manageable level.

pedir una factura
order a bill

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una factura' translates to 'order a bill' in English. This phrase is usually used in contexts such as restaurants, shops, or services where you need to request an invoice or receipt for the goods or services you have received. The verb 'pedir' means to ask for or to order something, 'una' is an indefinite article equivalent to 'a' in English, and 'factura' is the Spanish term for a bill or invoice.

Example sentences with  pedir una factura
pedir una hipoteca
ask for a mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una hipoteca' translates to 'ask for a mortgage' in English. This phrase is often used in formal or business settings, particularly when discussing agreements or arrangements involving a financial institution such as a bank. 'Pedir' means 'to ask' or 'to request', 'una' implies the singularity of 'a', and 'hipoteca' translates directly to 'mortgage'. Therefore, when you 'pedir una hipoteca', you're requesting a home loan typically from a bank or another type of lending institution.


The Spanish word 'pérdidas' translates to 'losses' in English. It is often used in context where there is a decrease in quantity, value, or achievement. Similar to its use in English, 'pérdidas' can refer to a variety of losses, including financial losses (pérdidas financieras), losses of life (pérdidas de vidas), or the act of losing a competition (pérdidas en competencias). The word is derived from the verb 'perder' which means 'to lose.'


The word 'plata' in Spanish is translated to 'silver' in English. It refers to both the precious metal known for its shiny white hue and the color that resembles this metal. In some contexts, it can also denote money or wealth, showing its cultural significance. The term is widely used in various fields such as jewelry, finance, and color description. Understanding this term can help understand many Spanish phrases and idioms.

Example sentences with  plata

The Spanish word 'pobreza' translates to 'poverty' in English. It is a noun and often used to denote a state of being poor, lack of means, scarcity or insufficiency. It can also be used metaphorically to describe lack of quality or deficiency in certain attributes. For example, 'pobreza de espiritu' translates to 'poverty of spirit', meaning a lack of courage, strength or vitality.

poner dinero de la cuenta
put money on the account

The Spanish phrase 'poner dinero de la cuenta' translates to 'put money on the account' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of settings, most commonly in financial instances or banking situations. For example, you may use this phrase when talking about depositing money into a bank account. Understanding phrases like this can be crucial for navigating simple day-to-day tasks in Spanish-speaking environments.


The Spanish word for 'price' is 'precio'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, to denote the cost of an item or service. For instance, 'El precio de este vestido es alto' translates to 'The price of this dress is high' in English. You can also use it to ask about the price, '¿Cuál es el precio?' means 'What is the price?'.

Example sentences with  precio
precio de venta al público (PVP)
retail price (RRP)

The Spanish term 'precio de venta al público (PVP)' translates to 'retail price (RRP)' in English. It refers to the price at which a product or service is being sold to the general public. This price typically includes the cost of manufacturing, along with any additional organizational costs. Essentially, it sets a standard for comparison or reference to determine whether the product is priced high or low in various retail outlets.

Example sentences with  precio de venta al público (PVP)

The Spanish word 'préstamo' translates to 'loan' in English. It is commonly used in contexts of finance and banking, where it represents a sum of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, with the agreement that it will be paid back, generally with added interest. The term 'préstamo' can also be used more broadly to refer to the act of borrowing anything from anyone not necessarily relating only to finance.

prestar dinero
lend money

The term 'prestar dinero' is a Spanish term that translates into English as 'lend money'. It refers to the act of giving money to someone with the expectation that it will be paid back, usually with added interest. Lending money is a common financial practice often conducted by banks or other financial institutions, but it can also occur on a more personal scale between friends and family.

Example sentences with  prestar dinero

The word 'propiedad' is used in Spanish to refer to something that belongs to an individual or a legal entity, similar to 'property' in English. It can also be used in various contexts, not dissimilar from the English usage. For instance, it can refer to real estate (real property), personal belongings (personal property), intellectual ownership (intellectual property), etc.

Example sentences with  propiedad

The Spanish word 'prosperidad' translates to 'prosperity' in English. Prosperity refers to the state of being successful typically in terms of wealth, health, happiness or well-being. It often implies a continuous state of growth or abundance.

quebrar una empresa
to bankrupt a company

The Spanish phrase 'quebrar una empresa' translates to 'to bankrupt a company' in English. This term is commonly used in business contexts and refers to the state where a company becomes insolvent, typically due to being unable to meet its financial obligations. The company's liabilities exceeded its assets, which results in an inability to pay off its debts and thus the need for bankruptcy.

Example sentences with  quebrar una empresa
realizar un presupuesto

'Realizar un presupuesto' is a Spanish term that translates to 'make a budget' in English. It refers to the process of creating a plan to spend your money. This plan, known as a budget, allows individuals to determine in advance whether they will have enough money to do the things they need to do or would like to do. Budgeting is considered as a crucial activity to manage your finances, it helps you keep track of your income and expenses, and make careful decisions about where to spend money to achieve your financial goals.


The Spanish word 'recibo' translates in English to 'receipt'. A 'recibo' is a written acknowledgment that something of value has been transferred from one party to another. In additional to the physical goods or services, the receipt often includes the date, price, and particulars of the sale or transaction in it. It serves as a proof of purchase.

Example sentences with  recibo
reclamar un pago
claim a payment

The Spanish phrase 'reclamar un pago' translates into English as 'claim a payment'. This phrase is typically used in context where one is demanding or asking for a payment that is owed to them. For instance, a business may 'reclamar un pago' from a customer who has received a service or product but has yet to remit payment.

Example sentences with  reclamar un pago

The Spanish word 'reintegrar' translates to 'refund' in English. It is often used in financial contexts where a payment previously made needs to be returned or compensated. For example, if you return a purchased item back to the store, the store may 'reintegrar' your money, meaning they give you a refund. Similarly, if a service wasn't provided satisfactorily, you may be eligible for a 'reintegrar'. It's also used in banking terms when referring to refund of a loan.


The Spanish word 'remunerar' is a verb that translates to 'remunerate' in English. It refers to paying someone for work or a service they have performed. In the workplace context, it often describes the act of compensating an employee for their work. This term highlights the monetary aspect of the transaction between two parties, where one provides a service and the other gives compensation in return.

Example sentences with  remunerar
retirar dinero
withdraw money

The Spanish phrase 'retirar dinero' translates to 'withdraw money' in English. This term is often used in a banking or financial context, referring to the action of taking money out of a bank account. It's important to note that 'retirar' could also be used in other contexts to refer to the action of removing or taking away something. Similarly, 'dinero' is a versatile word that refers to money and can be used in various contexts, such as shopping, salary, cost, and more.

to give back

The Spanish word 'retribuir' translates to 'to give back' in English. It is often used to denote a response or reciprocation to a previously received favor, action, or compliment. The use of 'retribuir' implies a sense of gratitude or compensatory action on behalf of the speaker, indicating their intention to return the favor or balance the act of giving and receiving. In general, 'retribuir' is used in situations requiring actions of kindness, repayments, or positive reciprocal behavior.


The Spanish word 'reunión' is used to denote a gathering or assembly of people for a specific purpose. This can be a business meeting, a social gathering, or even a meet-up with friends. Much like 'meeting' in English, 'reunión' can be used in various contexts, yet the purpose remains the same – a planned occasion when people come together, often to make decisions or discuss ideas.

Example sentences with  reunión
revalorizarse la moneda
revaluate the currency

The Spanish phrase 'revalorizarse la moneda' translates to 'revaluate the currency' in English. This typically refers to the process in which the value of a particular currency is adjusted, often due to changes in economic conditions or market trends. In such a process, the objective is often to stabilize the currency by addressing issues such as inflation or depreciation, and to restore confidence in the economic stability of the area that the currency represents. This term is widely used in economic and financial contexts.

Example sentences with  revalorizarse la moneda

The Spanish word 'Rico' translates to 'Rich' in English. In Spanish, it is typically used to describe people who possess a lot of wealth or property. However, it can also be used in a broader sense to refer to things that are rich, like food that has a rich flavor. The usage of the term 'Rico' in Spanish can be context-dependent, just like the word 'Rich' in English.


The Spanish word 'riqueza' translates to 'wealth' in English. It refers to an abundance of valuable possessions or money. This noun illustrates the state of being rich and prosperity. The word 'riqueza' can be used in various contexts such as describing a person's wealth, a country's wealth, or the 'wealth' of knowledge someone has. Just like in English, 'riqueza' can be both tangible, like owning a lot of property, and intangible, like having a wealth of experience or skills.

sacar dinero de la cuenta
take money out of the account

The Spanish phrase 'sacar dinero de la cuenta' translates to 'take money out of the account' in English. In common usage, it refers to the action of withdrawing money from a bank account or similar financial institution. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as while conducting transactions at the bank, using an ATM, or discussing financial matters.


A salary is the amount of money that an employee is paid in return for the work they have done. It's an important aspect managing a business and maintaining employee satisfaction.

Example sentences with  salario
salir gratis
go free

The Spanish term 'salir gratis' translates to 'go free' in English. It's often used in contexts where someone avoids a negative consequence or sanction, such as a fine or punishment, or to denote that something doesn't have a cost or charge. However, like with any language, its exact meaning and usage may vary depending on the context.

Example sentences with  salir gratis
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