Spanish Finance Vocabulary

Learn essential Spanish terms used in finance sector to improve business communication and understanding.

mercado de dinero
money market

The phrase 'mercado de dinero' in Spanish translates to 'money market' in English. A money market is a section of the financial market in which financial instruments with high liquidity and short-term maturities are traded. The money market is used by participants as a means for borrowing and lending in the short term, with maturities that usually range from overnight to just under a year.

Example sentences with  mercado de dinero
mercado negro
black market

The term 'mercado negro' in Spanish translates to 'black market' in English. It is used to refer to a type of economic activity where goods or services are sold illegally. These goods or services can be illegal in themselves; for example, drugs or weapons, or they could be legally available goods but sold in an illegal manner such as without paying taxes or surpassing government regulations. The term is used globally and is not unique to Spanish-speaking regions.

Example sentences with  mercado negro
meter dinero de la cuenta
put money into the account

The Spanish phrase 'meter dinero de la cuenta' translates to 'put money into the account' in English. The verb 'meter' means 'to put', 'dinero' means 'money', and 'de la cuenta' means 'into the account'. Therefore, in this case, the phrase is referring to the action of depositing or adding funds into a financial account, such as a bank or savings account.


The Spanish word 'miseria' translates to 'misery' in English. It is a noun predominantly used in Spanish to express a state of great discomfort or distress due to poverty, lack of resources, or extreme unhappiness. Just as 'misery' can be applied in various contexts in English, 'miseria' bears similar multifaceted uses in Spanish.

Example sentences with  miseria

The Spanish word 'moneda' translates to 'currency' in English. It represents a medium of exchange, typically cash, coins or other forms of tender recognized by a legal system for trading goods and services. 'Moneda' is used in many Spanish-speaking countries to denote both a single unit of currency as well as the general concept of money or monetary system. This term plays a crucial role in economy and finance.

moneda extranjera
foreign currency

The phrase 'moneda extranjera' in Spanish translates to 'foreign currency' in English. It is commonly used in financial and business settings. It refers to the money or currency of a foreign country, which could be in the form of paper money, coins, or electronic units of exchange. In essence, if the currency you have is not used in your domestic country and is from a foreign country, it is classified as 'moneda extranjera'. This term is broadly used in businesses, banks, or anywhere else where the exchanging of currencies take place.


The Spanish word 'multinacional' translates to 'multinational' in English. A multinational is a large corporation that produces or delivers services in more than one country. It can also refer to a corporation that has manufacturing or service operations in a number of different countries.

negociar un contrato
negotiate a contract

The Spanish phrase 'negociar un contrato' translates to 'negotiate a contract' in English. This phrase usually refers to the process of discussing and agreeing upon the terms of a contract between two or more parties. In business, it often involves discussions on price, delivery and other relevant details of a transaction or agreement. It's important in ensuring all parties involved understand their roles, benefits, and obligations in the agreement. Therefore, someone who can 'negociar un contrato' may have skills in communication, understanding of contractual law, and/or business.

oficina bancaria
banking office

The term 'oficina bancaria' in Spanish translates to 'banking office' in English. This is the place where banks offer their main services, such as managing accounts, offering loans, accepting deposits, providing mortgages and so on. It's a place people visit to do transactions and banking businesses. In a practical sense, it may refer to both the physical location of the bank branches and the online platforms provided by the banks for their users.

operar en bolsa
operate in the bag

'Operar en bolsa' directly translates to 'operate in the bag' in English, but the meaning is different. In the context of Spanish, this phrase is often used in the finance industry and its English equivalent is 'to trade stocks'. It refers to the buying and selling of securities, like stocks, on the stock market.


The word 'oro' is a masculine noun in Spanish. It translates to 'gold' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the precious yellow metallic element, highly malleable and ductile, and not subject to oxidation or corrosion. 'Oro' is also used in various expressions and phrases in Spanish language. For example, 'vale su peso en oro' literally means 'worth its weight in gold', used to describe something very valuable.

Example sentences with  oro
pagar a plazos
payable on time

The Spanish term 'pagar a plazos' translates to 'pay by installments' in English. The term refers to a common payment method where a total amount is divided into multiple smaller payments spread over a predetermined period of time. This allows for a larger or more costly purchase to be made without the necessity of paying the full amount upfront, instead gradually paying off the debt in portions over time.

Example sentences with  pagar a plazos
pagar al contado
pay the cash

The Spanish phrase 'pagar al contado' translates to 'pay the cash' in English. It refers to the act of making a payment for a product or service immediately with cash, without having to use any type of credit or installment plan. This term is commonly used in commerce and business where transactions are made instantly without any debt or any need for a further settlement of bills. It's often considered a beneficial practice as it avoids the accumulation of debt and interest.

Example sentences with  pagar al contado
pagar con tarjeta
pay with card

The Spanish phrase 'pagar con tarjeta' translates into English as 'pay with card'. This phrase is often used in retail or any customer-facing situation involving transactions. It refers to the action of making a payment for goods or services using a debit or credit card. Different types of cards may be accepted at different establishments, including bank cards, credit cards, or business debit cards. In Spanish-speaking countries, the phrase is commonly used in shops, restaurants or anywhere card payment methods are accepted.

Example sentences with  pagar con tarjeta
pagar en metálico
payable in cash

The Spanish phrase 'pagar en metálico' translates to 'payable in cash' in English. It is mainly used when talking about transactions and payments. In many settings, especially informal ones, it is used to specify that the payment should be made using physical money, as opposed to checks or electronic transfers.

Example sentences with  pagar en metálico
pagar intereses
pay interest

The phrase 'pagar intereses' in Spanish translates to 'pay interest' in English. This phrase is often used in a financial context where one party owes interest to another on a borrowed sum of money. For example, a borrower in a financial agreement may 'pagar intereses' to the lender, meaning they pay interest on the amount borrowed. Similarly, a saver with money in a bank may receive 'intereses' from the bank, paid periodically as a percentage of the deposited amount.

Example sentences with  pagar intereses
pagar la hipoteca
pay the mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'pagar la hipoteca' translates to 'pay the mortgage' in English. This phrase is often used in financial contexts and it refers to the act of making regular payments to reduce or eliminate a debt that is secured by a mortgage, which is a type of legal agreement. The process of 'pagar la hipoteca' typically involves paying both the principal amount loaned and the interest accrued on that loan over a set period.

pagar un crédito
pay a credit

The Spanish phrase 'pagar un crédito' translates to 'pay a credit' in English. It is commonly used in financial contexts. For example, when one has borrowed money in the form of a loan or credit from a bank or similar financial institution, the process of returning or settling that borrowed sum is referred to as 'pagar un crédito'. In English, we might say 'repay a loan' or 'pay off credit'. This concept is fundamental in the realm of personal and business finance.

pagar un préstamo
pay a loan

The Spanish phrase 'pagar un préstamo' translates to 'pay a loan' in English. This phrase can be used in financial contexts where a loan or borrowed money needs to be repaid back to the lender. 'Pagar' means 'to pay' in English, 'un' is a singular indefinite article which translates to 'a', and 'préstamo' translates to 'loan'. Therefore, when these words are combined together, the phrase 'pagar un préstamo' literally means 'to pay a loan' in English.

pagar una hipoteca
pay a mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'pagar una hipoteca' translates to 'pay a mortgage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the financial sector. If you own a property, you would 'pagar una hipoteca' to the bank or financial institution until you repaid the loan that you borrowed to buy the property. The term 'hipoteca' refers to a legal agreement by which a bank, building society, etc. lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt. Both 'pagar' and 'hipoteca' are common words used in financial and everyday conversations in the Spanish language.


The Spanish word 'pago' translates into English as 'payment'. It is a noun that refers to the action of paying. It can refer to the act of giving money to another individual, entity, or organization in exchange for goods, services, or to fulfill a legal obligation. The usage of 'pago' can be seen in various contexts such as bills, fees, and other financial transactions.

países en vías de desarrollo
developing countries

The Spanish term 'países en vías de desarrollo' translates to 'developing countries' in English. These are countries that have a lower living standard, underdeveloped industrial base, and low Human Development Index relative to other countries. They are usually characterized by being less industrialized, having lower incomes per capita, higher rates of illiteracy, and lower health standards.

Example sentences with  países en vías de desarrollo
países pobres
poor countries

The Spanish term 'países pobres' translates to the English term 'poor countries'. This phrase refers to countries that lack certain basic necessities and opportunities usually enjoyed by most countries, such as adequate healthcare, education, and employment. The term 'poor' here describes a state of poverty, in terms of wealth, resources, and opportunities, rather than a lack of moral or personal quality. However, it is important to note that this term can be considered pejorative and may not truly capture the diverse realities and potential of these countries.

países ricos
rich countries

The Spanish term 'países ricos' translates to 'rich countries' in English. This term refers to nations that possess great wealth, either by a high gross domestic product or by a large personal wealth per capita among residents. They are also often recognized for their influence on global matters, such as politics and economy. The wealth of these countries allows them to invest heavily in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other sectors that directly contribute to the high living standards of their citizens.


The Spanish word 'participación' translates to 'participation' in English. It is commonly used in various contexts such as elections, social events, business meetings, and discussions. It denotes the action of taking part in something or getting involved in an activity or event. For example, in a sentence: 'La participación ciudadana es importante para una democracia saludable' translates to 'Citizen participation is important for a healthy democracy'.

Example sentences with  participación
pasar por (la) caja
proceed to checkout

The Spanish phrase 'pasar por (la) caja' translates to 'proceed to checkout' in English. This is commonly used in retail settings, like supermarkets or clothing stores, where after selecting the desired items, you are instructed to 'pasar por la caja', which signals that it's time to go to the cashier or checkout counter to pay for your purchases.

Example sentences with  pasar por (la) caja

The Spanish word 'patrimonio' translates to 'heritage' in English. It is a masculine noun used to describe something that is inherited from past generations. This can include, but is not limited to, tangible objects like property and money, or intangible concepts such as cultural traditions, values, and beliefs. The word 'patrimonio' can also be used in a broader sense to describe something that is considered to be a part of a certain place or people's rich cultural history.

pedir un crédito
ask for credit

'Pedir un crédito' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'ask for credit' in English. It can be used in various contexts, particularly financial, where one might need to request a loan or seek financial aid from a bank or another lending institution. As an action, it implies a formal request for monetary assistance based on certain agreed terms and conditions. Its usage might vary slightly based on the region, culture and specific financial system. It's an essential phrase to understand for anyone dealing with finance in the Spanish language.

pedir un extracto de cuenta
order an account extract

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un extracto de cuenta' translates to 'order an account extract' in English. This phrase could be used when one wants to review their banking transactions or needs an official record of their account activities. Usually, this record includes a detailed list of all the transactions, deposits, withdrawals, and fees associated with that account in a certain period.

pedir un préstamo
ask for a loan

The phrase 'pedir un préstamo' in Spanish translates directly into English as 'ask for a loan'. It is used in business or personal contexts when someone is requesting a defined amount of money from a bank, a financial entity, or another person with the intention of paying it back, usually with interest. This phrase is the Spanish equivalent of how you would discuss initiating a process to borrow money in English.

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