Spanish Finance Vocabulary

Learn essential Spanish terms used in finance sector to improve business communication and understanding.


The Spanish word 'guardar' is used similarly to the English word 'save'. It can mean to conserve or keep something, such as saving food for later. It is also used in a technological context, for saving a document or file on a computer. Remember to conjugate it according to the subject of the sentence.

Example sentences with  guardar
haber deflación

The Spanish phrase 'haber deflación' translates to 'deflation' in English. This is used in the economic context to refer to a general decrease in the price levels of goods and services. It is considered an economic indicator and is the opposite of inflation, which denotes increased prices. Understanding these concepts is vital for comprehending economic discussions in Spanish.

Example sentences with  haber deflación
haber inflación

The Spanish phrase 'haber inflación' translates to 'there is inflation' in English. It is used to indicate or predict the general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing power of money, a phenomenon known as inflation. This phrase is often used in economic contexts and financial discussions.

hacer un balance
make a balance

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un balance' directly translates to 'make a balance' in English. This phrase is usually used in a financial or business context, in terms to evaluate or examine various aspects of something, for instance the income and expenditure of a company, or the positives and negatives of a situation to weigh them against each other. However, it can also be used more broadly to mean making an evaluation or assessment of any situation.

Example sentences with  hacer un balance
hacer un giro (postal)
make a twist (postal)

The phrase 'hacer un giro (postal)' in Spanish translates to 'make a twist (postal)' in English. However, in a context, it often refers to sending money through a postal money order. A giro is a method of sending money that is used mainly in Europe and Latin America that helps people without access to a bank account. Postal refers to the method of sending it, which is through the postal system. So 'hacer un giro (postal)' commonly implies making a postal money order.

Example sentences with  hacer un giro (postal)
hacer un ingreso
make an income

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un ingreso' translates to 'make an income' in English. This particular phrase is often used in a financial context or discussion, where a person's earnings or revenues from a particular source or activity are being described. Obligatory usage can mostly be seen in professional or formal circumstances. It may also be used in more casual discussions as well, but its meaning stays constant - to generate or earn income, which is of course monetary in nature.

hacer un presupuesto
make a budget

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un presupuesto' translates to 'make a budget' in English. This phrase pertains to creating an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time, typically used in financial planning. The word 'hacer' means 'to make', 'un' means 'a', and 'presupuesto' translates to 'budget'. Thus, in contextual usage, it refers to the process of planning one's financial resources.

hacer un recibo
make a receipt

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un recibo' translates to 'make a receipt' in English. This phrase can be used in a business context where transactions are being made and a receipt is required as proof of purchase. The verb 'hacer' means 'to make' or 'to do', 'un' is an indefinite article that translates as 'a', and 'recibo' is a noun that means 'receipt'. Therefore, when combined, 'hacer un recibo' means 'to make a receipt'.

Example sentences with  hacer un recibo
hacer un traslado
make a transfer

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un traslado' translates to 'make a transfer' in English. This phrase can be used in different contexts such as transferring money, moving an object from one place to another, or transferring information. It implies the act of moving something, often from one location or place to another. The word 'hacer' means 'make' or 'do', and 'traslado' means 'transfer'. Combined, they form a phrase that signifies an action of change or movement of something.

hacer una ampliación de capital
make a capital expansion

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una ampliación de capital' translates to 'make a capital expansion' in English. This is a financial term often used in the business context. It refers to the increase in capital of a company by issuing new shares. It's a strategy to raise money for expanding a business, to reduce debt, or to fund new projects. The process can include either issuing additional shares or increasing the value of existing shares.

hacer una factura
make an invoice

'Hacer una factura' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'make an invoice' in English. In business and commerce, this phrase is often used to describe the process of creating an itemized bill for goods sold or services provided, typically listing quantities, prices, and details about the goods or services. Its usage is common in fields such as accountancy, sales, and management.

Example sentences with  hacer una factura
hacer una reducción de capital
to reduce capital

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una reducción de capital' translates to 'to reduce capital' in English. This is typically used in financial and business contexts, referring to the action of decreasing a company's capital. The reduction can be carried out through different methods, like by decreasing the nominal value of the shares, reducing the number of shares, or by even direct withdrawal of resources.

Example sentences with  hacer una reducción de capital
hacer una transferencia (bancaria)
make a transfer (banking)

The term 'hacer una transferencia (bancaria)' in Spanish translates directly into English as 'make a transfer (banking)'. This refers to the process of shifting funds from one account to another within the same bank or different banks. The transfer can be scheduled or done immediately, based on the individuals' preference. Transfer types can include online transfers, wire transfers, or Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers. This is a commonly used term in personal or business banking.


The Spanish word 'hipoteca' translates to 'mortgage' in English. A mortgage is a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years. You can also use the mortgage to buy other kinds of property. If you fail to make these payments, the organization can take the property from you. Similarly, 'hipoteca' in Spanish would describe the same legal and financial scenario.


In Spanish, the word 'importe' is a noun, and it is primarily used in economic or trade contexts. Unlike the English word 'import', which can mean the act of bringing goods or services into a country from abroad, 'importe' typically refers to the amount of money a product, a service, or a transaction is worth, similar to 'amount' or 'sum' in English. It can also denote the money value of a foreign goods or service being brought into the country. It's also frequently used in tax and customs contexts. So, while 'importe' can be loosely related to the concept of 'import', it's important to note the differences in its usage and meaning.

Example sentences with  importe

The Spanish word 'ingresar' translates to 'entry' in English. It is often used in contexts referring to the act of entering a place or enrolling in an institution. Additionally, it can also mean the process of putting money into a bank account, similar to the English 'deposit'. This is a common term used in various scenarios in Spanish language.

ingresar dinero
enter money

The Spanish phrase 'ingresar dinero' translates to 'enter money' in English. This is most commonly used within the context of financial transactions, such as depositing money into a bank account. It may also be used in numerous other scenarios that demand for a financial transaction or adding an amount of money into a system. Thus, this phrase is particularly useful when conversing about banking and finance.

ingresos brutos
Gross income

The Spanish phrase 'ingresos brutos' translates directly to 'gross income' in English. It refers to the total earnings or revenue generated by an individual or business before taking into account any deductions such as taxes, operating expenses, capital costs and other relevant business expenditures.

ingresos elevados
high income

The Spanish phrase 'ingresos elevados' translates to 'high income' in English. In Spanish, 'ingresos' means 'income' or 'earnings', and 'elevados' means 'high' or 'elevated'. Together, they denote a substantial amount of money that an individual, a business, or a country receives in a specific period, typically from providing goods, services, or through investments. Examples of use in a sentence can include: 'Ellos tienen ingresos elevados debido a sus exitosos negocios' which means 'They have high income due to their successful businesses'.

ingresos extra
Extra income

The Spanish phrase 'ingresos extra' translates to 'extra income' in English. This term typically refers to any upcoming funds or financial increase that a person does not usually receive in their regular salary or main source of income. This extra income may come from different sources like a second job, freelance work, investments, or side businesses, among other activities that generate money outside of essential earnings.

ingresos netos
net income

The Spanish term 'ingresos netos' translates to 'net income' in English. This phrase is often used in financial contexts. It represents the amount of revenues that exceeds the costs and expenses incurred by a business or individual. The net income can be found by subtracting the total expenses from the total revenues. This term is key in analyzing the financial health of a business or the financial state of an individual.

ingresos periódicos
Recurrent income

The term 'ingresos periódicos' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'recurrent income' in English. It refers to a steady and predictable flow of income that is received regularly, perhaps on a monthly or yearly basis. This could be salaries, wages, rent from properties, dividend from investments, etc. It is usually in a fixed amount and is expected to continue over a long period of time. These predictable and continuous cash inflows contribute to the financial stability of individuals, families, and businesses alike.


Investment refers to the action or process of investing money for profit. In business, it may also refer to purchasing goods or services with the expectation of earning a profit or increasing operational capabilities.

Example sentences with  inversión

The Spanish word 'inversor' translates to 'investor' in English. An 'inversor' or 'investor' is an individual or entity that allocates capital with the expectation of receiving some sort of return or profit. They may invest in business ventures, real estate, commodities, stocks, bonds, or a variety of other opportunities with potential for economic growth.

invertir dinero
invest money

The Spanish phrase 'invertir dinero' translates into English as 'invest money'. It refers to the act of using money in a way that you hope will increase its value over time. This could involve buying assets such as shares or property, or putting it into a business. The process of investing money often involves a level of risk as the value of investments can go up as well as down.


The Spanish word 'liberalización' translates into English as 'liberalization'. Liberalization is a term used mainly in economics to refer to a reduction in restrictions and regulations which results in an economic environment favoring greater freedom and less government intervention. It can also be used more generally to refer to any sort of relaxation or abolishing of restrictions or controls in social or cultural contexts. The term is often used in discussions about trade, industry, and politics.

llevar cambio
bring change

The Spanish phrase 'llevar cambio' translates to 'bring change' in English. This could be used in scenarios such as financial transactions or general discussions where someone needs to bring change or coins. It's also an essential phrase to know when dealing with purchases or expenses in everyday Spanish communication.

llevar la contabilidad
to keep the books

The phrase 'llevar la contabilidad' in Spanish translates into English as 'to keep the books'. This expression is an idiomatic phrase used in the context of financial record keeping. It specifically refers to the activity of systematically recording, organizing, and analyzing financial transactions of a business or an individual. Activities involved may include recording sales, purchases, income and payments. This term is commonly used in both business terminology and in everyday language when referring to personal finances.

llevar las cuentas
keep the accounts

The Spanish phrase 'llevar las cuentas' translates to 'keep the accounts' in English. It is usually used in business or personal finance contexts to refer to the act of managing or overseeing financial matters, including tracking income, expenses, and transactions to ensure correctness and accuracy.

llevar suelto
Get loose.

The Spanish phrase 'llevar suelto' translates to 'get loose' in English. This could be used to refer to something that was once tightly bound or held together, but is now becoming freed or detached. It might refer to a literal physical object, as in a button that is about to fall off a shirt, or used figuratively in the context of a person or situation that is becoming less restrained or more relaxed.

Example sentences with  llevar suelto
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