Spanish Finance Vocabulary

Learn essential Spanish terms used in finance sector to improve business communication and understanding.

devaluarse la moneda
devaluation of the currency

The phrase 'devaluarse la moneda' in Spanish translates to 'devaluation of the currency' in English. It refers to the decrease in the value of a country's money relative to the value of the money of one or more foreign countries. Such a situation may happen due to various economic factors and can lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of the country's residents. Where the money is worth less, the price of goods and services may rise leading to inflation.

Example sentences with  devaluarse la moneda

The Spanish word for 'money' is 'dinero'. It is used in many of the same contexts as the word 'money' in English. For example, in Spanish, you might say 'No tengo dinero' which translates to 'I have no money' in English. Like English, 'dinero' is an uncountable noun in Spanish, so it does not have a plural form.

Example sentences with  dinero
domiciliar un pago
direct debit a payment

The Spanish phrase 'domiciliar un pago' corresponds to the English phrase 'direct debit a payment'. This essentially refers to an agreement or pre-authorization that a customer gives to a supplier or service provider. The agreement allows the supplier or service provider to collect a specific amount of money directly from the customer's bank account on agreed-upon recurring dates. This is a common method of payment for recurring bills such as utilities, insurance, or mortgages.

domiciliar un recibo
direct debit a receipt

The Spanish phrase 'domiciliar un recibo' translates to 'direct debit a receipt' in English. It refers to a financial arrangement where one gives permission to an organization to collect or debit funds from their bank account. This is usually an agreement made for recurring payments, such as bills or subscriptions. Direct debiting is an efficient and reliable way to make regular payments, ensuring that you never miss a payment date.

dos por (el precio de) uno
two per (price of) one

The Spanish phrase 'dos por (el precio de) uno' is a common expression used in retail or sales scenarios. It directly translates to 'two for (the price of) one' in English. This denotes a special type of deal or offer where the buyer can get two items or units of a product for the cost of a single unit. It is often used to encourage bulk purchases or indicate an ongoing sale. It is generally used to refer to a marketing strategy where customers feel they are getting more for less.

Example sentences with  dos por (el precio de) uno
economía doméstica
domestic economy

The term 'economía doméstica' in Spanish translates to 'domestic economy' in English. It refers to the management of household affairs or the family budget. It encompasses all the financial decisions and activities of a household, including budgeting, income generation, expenditures, and savings. This is a concept used to describe how families manage their money within the home, taking into account all incomes and expenses, with the main goal being the well-being and financial stability of the family.

economía sumergida
submerged economy

The term 'economía sumergida' in Spanish is translated into English as 'submerged economy'. This term is often used to discuss parts of the economy that are hidden from official view, often because they involve illegal activities or are not regulated. These activities aren't typically included in a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), so they are 'submerged' or hidden, hence the term. Examples might include black market transactions, selling counterfeit goods, cash-in-hand work, or any activity that is not reported to tax authorities.


The term 'economista' in Spanish translates to 'economist' in English. An economist is a professional in the economic sciences who seeks to analyze and interpret economic trends and issues. Economists study how societies and individuals allocate resources to produce goods and services, and how they distribute these goods and services among different people. They use their knowledge to provide advice to businesses, government agencies, and individuals to help them make informed decisions.

efectuar un pago
make a payment

The Spanish phrase 'efectuar un pago' translates to 'make a payment' in English. This term is commonly used in financial contexts, where an individual or entity transfers money to another in exchange for goods or services. For instance, a customer might 'efectuar un pago' to a business to purchase their products or a renter might make a payment to their landlord for monthly rent. It generally refers to the act of fulfilling a monetary obligation.

Example sentences with  efectuar un pago
entidad bancaria
banking entity

The Spanish phrase 'entidad bancaria' translates to 'banking entity' in English. This term refers to different types of organizations, such as banks, credit unions, and savings institutions, that provide a variety of financial products and services. These can include lending money, offering savings and checking accounts, providing credit, and more.

entidad financiera
financial entity

The Spanish phrase 'entidad financiera' translates to 'financial entity' in English. It refers to a company or an institution that provides financial services, and it may also involve managing, investing, or lending money. It could be a bank, a credit union, an insurance company, or any other institution involved in the financial industry.

enviar dinero
send money

The Spanish phrase 'enviar dinero' translates to 'send money' in English. This is often used in a financial context when one needs to transfer funds from one party to another. Various methods can be used to 'enviar dinero', such as bank transfers, online payment methods, or cash handovers.

Example sentences with  enviar dinero
estar arruinado
being ruined

The Spanish phrase 'estar arruinado' translates to 'being ruined' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as financial difficulties where someone might be bankrupt or having severe monetary losses. Similarly, it can also denote anything damaged beyond repair, either physically or metaphorically such as in the case of reputation. However, and particularly important, it's not usually associated with emotional states but rather with situations or external conditions.

Example sentences with  estar arruinado
estar en la ruina
to be in ruin

'Estar en la ruina' is a Spanish phrase which translates literally to 'to be in ruin' in English. It is used metaphorically to indicate serious financial trouble or bankruptcy. Essentially, it refers to a state of being in poor condition or in a degraded state. It can apply to physical structures (like buildings) or to abstract concepts (like a person's financial state or a company's status).

Example sentences with  estar en la ruina
estar en números rojos
to be in the red

The phrase 'estar en números rojos' in Spanish translates to 'to be in the red' in English. It is an idiomatic expression typically used in financial contexts. If a person, company, or organization is 'en números rojos', it means they are in debt or experiencing financial loss. Their accounts are negative, figuratively indicated by the red color often used in account books and financial statements to highlight losses or negative amounts.

estar en quiebra
being bankrupt

The Spanish phrase 'estar en quiebra' translates to 'being bankrupt' in English. This particular phrase is often used in business or financial contexts to indicate that a person or organization is unable to repay outstanding debts due to lack of funds. It conveys a state of financial insolvency and is usually a legal declaration made by an entity to acknowledge that they cannot meet financial obligations to their creditors. Understanding such terms can be very helpful in effectively communicating around topics related to finance, economy, or business.

estar sin fondos
without funds

The Spanish term 'estar sin fondos' translates to 'without funds' in English. It is often used in financial or economic contexts to describe a situation where an individual or an entity does not have sufficient money or financial resources to meet their required needs or obligations. Similar phrases in English would be 'to be broke' or 'to be out of money'. It's important to understand that 'estar sin fondos' implies a temporary situation. The individual or entity is currently without funds, but that could change in the future.

Example sentences with  estar sin fondos

The term 'euro' in Spanish is directly translated to 'euro' in English, which is the official currency of 19 of the 27 member states of the European Union. This group of states is known as the Eurozone or Euro area, and includes major countries like Germany, France, and Italy among others. The euro is the second largest reserve currency as well as the second most traded currency in the world after the United States dollar.


The Spanish word 'exportación' translates to 'export' in English. Export refers to sending goods or services from one country for sale in another country. It is a term used in economics and international trade. Used as a noun, exportación indicates the idea or act of shipping goods or services out of the port of a country in question. It has similar usage and context in both languages.

Example sentences with  exportación

The Spanish word 'factura' is used to refer to a document commonly given out by sellers to buyers, stating the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller has provided the one who bought. In English this is known as a 'bill'. Also, in common usage it can refer to the check given in restaurants.

Example sentences with  factura
facturación anual
annual turnover

The Spanish term 'facturación anual' translates to 'annual turnover' in English. It refers to the total sales made by a business over a one year period, without taking into account the cost of goods sold. This term is typically used in business and finance where it is crucial to evaluate and analyze the performance and profitability of a business. Understanding the concept of 'facturación anual' can provide insights into the overall financial health, growth, and sustainability of a business operation.

facturación total
total invoice

The Spanish term 'facturación total' translates to 'total invoice' in English. This phrase is related to finance and business concepts. 'Facturación' refers to the total amount charged for goods or services, typically before any discounts or promotions are applied, while 'total' means that all charges related to a particular transaction have been accounted for. Therefore, it is a complete billing statement for a transaction, and could be used in commercial or financial situations like during business transactions, financial discussions, or in accounting terms.

firmar un cheque
sign a check

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un cheque' translates to 'sign a check' in English. This is an action where an individual puts their signature on a check, which is a document that orders a bank to pay a certain amount of money from a person's account to the person in whose name the check has been issued. In many contexts, without a signature, a check is invalid.

firmar una hipoteca
sign a mortgage

The term 'firmar una hipoteca' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'sign a mortgage' in English. It refers to the act of putting your signature on a legally binding document where you agree to pay back a loan, typically to a bank, given to purchase a particular property, commonly a house. The mortgage acts as a security for the loan. If you fail to pay back, the lender has the right to take the property. It is very crucial to fully understand the terms and conditions before you 'firmar una hipoteca'.


In Spanish, 'fondo' translates to the English word 'background.' However, it is important to understand the context when using this word, as 'fondo' can also mean 'background' or 'bottom' depending on the sentence. For example, in the context of finance or money, 'fondo' refers to a 'fund' or 'pool of money'. However, in a sentence about geography or physical objects, it may refer to the bottom part or background of something.

Example sentences with  fondo
Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The 'Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)' is the Spanish term for the 'International Monetary Fund (IMF)'. The IMF is an international organization that aims to promote global economic growth and financial stability, to encourage international trade, and to reduce poverty around the world. It is made up of 190 member countries, each of which has representation on the IMF's executive board in proportion to its economic importance.

Example sentences with  Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)

The Spanish word 'ganancias' translates to 'profit' in English. This term is widely used in the context of finance and economy, and it refers to the financial benefits that are gained from a business or income-generating activity. In general terms, 'ganancias' means the positive difference between the cost price and the selling price of a product or service, after deducting all the costs associated with its production or provision.

Example sentences with  ganancias

The word 'gastar' in Spanish is equivalent to 'spend' in English. It can apply to spending money, time or resources. The way it is used in Spanish is not unlike English as 'Yo gasto mucho dinero en ropa' would translate to 'I spend a lot of money on clothes'. It is used in a similar context as well, for instance, 'gastar tiempo' means 'to spend time'.

Example sentences with  gastar

The term 'gasto' is a Spanish noun that refers to the act of spending money or resources. It may pertain to any expenditures or outlays in various areas such as personal finance, business transactions, or public sector spending. In English, it is most accurately translated as 'expenditure'. The purpose of an expenditure is often for the acquisition of goods or services. Both English and Spanish use the concept in the same way, to discuss and calculate economic and financial activities.


The Spanish word 'globalización' translates to 'globalization' in English. This is a process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. It involves the interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. This term is commonly used in economics and politics, referring to the way countries and people of the world interact and connect.

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