Spanish Finance Vocabulary

Learn essential Spanish terms used in finance sector to improve business communication and understanding.

céntimo (de euro)
cent (of euro)

The word 'céntimo (de euro)' in Spanish pertains to the smallest unit of the euro currency, which is the official currency used by many countries in the European Union. This is synonymous with the term 'cent' in English. Just like a cent is to a dollar, a céntimo is to a euro. It represents one hundredth of a euro. The usage of this word is common in situations dealing with economics, banking, finance, currency exchange, and daily expenses in those countries that use euro as their official currency.

cerrar una cuenta
close an account

The Spanish phrase 'cerrar una cuenta' translates to 'close an account' in English. This phrase is frequently used in financial circumstances, both personal and business, to describe the action of permanently stopping all activities of a bank account, email account, or other types of managed accounts.

cheque (de viaje)
cheque (travel)

The Spanish word 'cheque (de viaje)' translates to 'cheque (travel)' in English. This mostly refers to a kind of check issued by a bank or other financial institution which is preloaded with a certain amount that enables the holder to access that amount in cash from banks or ATMs in foreign places where the holder is traveling to, providing a safer and more convenient alternative to carrying large amounts of cash.

cheque al portador
bearer check

The Spanish phrase 'cheque al portador' translates to 'bearer check' in English. This is a type of check that is payable to whoever is in possession of it, instead of a specific person or entity. It is a form of financial instrument that does not designate a specific payee, thereby allowing the holder or bearer of the check to cash or deposit it. It is therefore important to keep such checks secure, as they can be used by anyone who has them in their possession.

cheque cruzado
crossed check

The term 'cheque cruzado' in Spanish translates to 'crossed check' in English. This is a type of check that requires the banking institution to only process it through a bank account. The main purpose is to ensure that the check is not directly encashed, but only deposited into the payee's account, adding an extra layer of security. Therefore, 'cheque cruzado' implies a safer and more secure means of check-based transaction in the banking and financial world.

Example sentences with  cheque cruzado
cheque en blanco
white check

A 'cheque en blanco' in Spanish refers to what is known in English as a 'blank check'. This phrase represents a situation where one is given unlimited freedom in making decisions or spending money, or, in a more literal sense, a check with no determined value written, which the recipient can fill out as desired.

cheque nominativo

The Spanish term 'cheque nominativo' translates to 'paycheck' in English. It refers to a written document, issued by an employer to their employee, instructing a bank to pay a specified amount of money from a specified bank account. The recipient of the paycheck, who is the employee, can deposit the check into their bank account, or cash it directly. A paycheck often forms a significant part of an employee's salary or wages.

cheque postal
postal cheque

The Spanish term 'cheque postal' translates to 'postal cheque' in English. It refers to a financial instrument, usually a type of cheque, sent by mail to a payee who then cashes it through the postal system. Functioning similarly to regular bank cheques, the 'cheque postal' offers a more secure method for sending money through mail because it can be replaced if lost or stolen.

cheque sin fondos
bounced check

The term 'cheque sin fondos' refers to what is known in English as a 'bounced check'. This is a kind of non-sufficient funds (NSF) check, or dishonored check, which a bank rejects and returns, typically because the writer of the check does not have enough funds to cover the value of the check in their account.

cobrar intereses
interest receivable

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar intereses' translates directly to 'charge interests' in English. However, in a financial context, it is frequently used to mean 'interest receivable'. This refers to the process of gaining interest on the capital that has been lent or invested. It is a term often used in the banking and finance industry, particularly in relation to loan repayment terms. 'Cobrar intereses' is a common phrase to encounter in agreements or contracts that involve lending or borrowing money.

cobrar un sueldo
to get a salary

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar un sueldo' translates to 'to get a salary' in English. It can be used in various contexts where someone is receiving their regular payment for work, typically expressed on a monthly basis. It is a common phrase used in workplaces and in discussions about jobs and earnings.

cobrar una minuta

The phrase 'cobrar una minuta' in Spanish does not directly translate to 'cash' in English. Instead, it refers to the act of billing or charging for a small service or job. It is often used in legal and professional contexts where services are detailed and billed. In these cases, 'minuta' refers to the itemized bill or invoice for the services rendered. The verb 'cobrar' means to collect or charge, so 'cobrar una minuta' means to charge or bill for a service or to collect payment for a service rendered.


The Spanish word 'cobro' translates to 'collection' in English. It's widely used in terms of monetary collection or payment. For instance, in a financial context, if someone is in charge of 'cobro', they are responsible for collecting payments or debts. This word can be used in various scenarios including banks, businesses, or individual transactions where money is being collected.

conceder un préstamo
grant a loan

The Spanish phrase 'conceder un préstamo' translates to 'grant a loan' in English. It is often used in financial contexts where a bank or a lending institution provides funds to a borrower, with the expectation that the funds will be paid back at a later date, usually with interest. This phrase is typically used in business conversations or formal documentation regarding financial transactions.

conceder una beca

The Spanish phrase 'conceder una beca' translates to 'grant a scholarship' in English. It is most often used in educational contexts where financial assistance is provided to students. Such assistance is given based on various criteria and it grants students with a reduction or total cover of their education-related expenses. In a broad context, 'conceder' means to 'grant' while 'una beca' translates to 'a scholarship'.

conceder una hipoteca
grant a mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'conceder una hipoteca' translates to 'grant a mortgage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in legal and banking contexts, where it refers to the process of giving an individual permission to borrow a certain amount of money which is secured against property. This is done with specified terms and conditions outlined in a contract, which may include the repayment schedule, interest rates, and potential consequences if the borrower fails to meet their obligations.

condiciones de financiación
conditions of funding

The Spanish phrase 'condiciones de financiación' translates to 'conditions of funding' in English. It refers to the specific terms or conditions established by a lending party (like a bank or financial institution) that a borrower must agree to and uphold in order to receive funds. These conditions might cover items like the loan's interest rate, repayment schedule, collateral requirements, and more.

Example sentences with  condiciones de financiación
condiciones de pago
conditions of payment

'Condiciones de pago' is a Spanish term used in business or financial contexts. It means 'conditions of payment' in English. This refers to the specific terms, conditions, or practices agreed upon between a seller and a buyer regarding payment for goods or services. Generally, these terms include the time allowed for payment, any cash discount, and the type of payment system required.

Example sentences with  condiciones de pago
consultar los últimos movimientos
check the latest movements

The Spanish phrase 'consultar los últimos movimientos' translates to 'check the latest movements' in English. It can be used in various contexts, but it commonly refers to checking recent activity or updates. For example, within a financial context, it may refer to reviewing the most recent transactions in a bank account. In other cases, it could be used to describe checking the latest updates or changes in a situation or plan.


In Spanish, the word for 'cost' is 'costo'. It is used in similar contexts as it is in English. For example, when talking about the expense of an item or a service, you could say 'el costo de este producto es...' which means 'the cost of this product is...'

Example sentences with  costo
cotizar a la baja
to the low

'Cotizar a la baja' is a Spanish phrase used in financial contexts. It directly translates to 'quote downwards' in English. However, in practice, it refers to the process where the value or price of something (usually a stock or commodity in financial markets) is going down or expected to go down. It is similar to 'bearish' in English financial lingo.

cotizar en bolsa
stock exchange

The term 'cotizar en bolsa' is a Spanish phrase utilized in finance and commerce. It directly translates to 'to be listed on the stock exchange' in English. This term is typically used to denote when a company's shares are publicly traded on a stock exchange, allowing investors to buy and sell those shares. In essence, the phrase refers to a company's leap from private ownership to public trading, granting it an expanded ability to raise funds through the sale of equity.

Example sentences with  cotizar en bolsa
crisis financiera
financial crisis

The Spanish term 'crisis financiera' translates to 'financial crisis' in English. It refers to a situation where the value of financial institutions or assets drops significantly. This is often associated with a panic or a run on the banks, in which investors sell off assets or withdraw money from savings accounts because they believe that the value of those assets will drop if they stay at a financial institution.

Example sentences with  crisis financiera

The Spanish word 'cuenta' is commonly used to refer to an 'account'. It can be specifically used to refer to different types of accounts like bank account (cuenta bancaria), email account (cuenta de correo electrónico), or account on a social network (cuenta de redes sociales). For example, 'Tengo una cuenta en el banco' translates to 'I have an account at the bank'. This word can also mean 'bill' or 'check' in a restaurant setting, but for the purpose of this translation we are focusing on its primary meaning.

Example sentences with  cuenta
cuenta corriente
current account

The Spanish phrase 'cuenta corriente' translates to 'current account' in English. In financial terms, a current account is a type of deposit account that allows withdrawals and deposits. Virtually it is also used in businesses by many for quick access to their money for transactions. Similarly, 'cuenta corriente' in Spanish is used to describe a bank account for everyday use, where you can store money, receive direct deposits, and pay bills.


The word 'cuota' in Spanish translates to 'quota' in English. A quota refers to a predetermined or fixed limit or target. It can be used in different contexts like in business to refer to sales targets, in international trade for import and export limits, or in education to refer to reserved seats. Therefore, the usage and interpretation of 'cuota' would depend on the specific context in which it is being employed.

Example sentences with  cuota
dejar dinero
leave money

The phrase 'dejar dinero' in Spanish translates to 'leave money' in English. This means to physically leave, abandon, or set aside a particular amount of money somewhere. The phrase can be used in various contexts, such as in scenarios where you need to leave money for bills, or for someone else to pick up. In many cases, it implies a sense of obligation or necessity.

denegar un préstamo
refuse a loan

The Spanish term 'denegar un préstamo' translates to 'refuse a loan' in English. It refers to a situation where a lender (usually a bank or other financial institution) decides not to grant a requested loan to a potential borrower. This decision may arise for a variety of reasons, such as the borrower having a poor credit history, not meeting certain necessary criteria, failing to provide necessary documentation, or due to lender's policy. The borrower is then said to have been 'denied a loan', or in Spanish, they have had their 'préstamo denegado'.

depreciarse la moneda
depreciate the currency

The phrase 'depreciarse la moneda' in Spanish translates to 'depreciate the currency' in English. This term is very common in economics and finance. It refers to a decrease in the value of a country's currency compared to the value of other currencies. When a currency depreciates, the exchange rate decreases. Consequently, more units of a certain currency are needed to buy one unit of another currency. This can be due to various factors, including economic instability, inflation, interest rates, etc.

Example sentences with  depreciarse la moneda
deuda externa
external debt

The Spanish term 'deuda externa' translates to 'external debt' in English. External debt refers to the total debt a country owes to foreign creditors, inclusive of the government, private sector, and foreign individuals. This debt can be a result of the country's government, businesses and individuals borrowing from foreign lenders. Typically, external debt is used for funding domestic investment to stimulate economic growth and is repaid using the country's foreign exchange earnings.

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