Spanish Finance Vocabulary

Learn essential Spanish terms used in finance sector to improve business communication and understanding.

abrir una cuenta
open an account

The Spanish phrase 'abrir una cuenta' translates directly to 'open an account' in English. This phrase is typically used in banking or financial contexts, when you want to start a new bank account or other type of financial account. Similarly, it could also be used on an online platform or website when creating a new user account.


The Spanish word 'abundancia' translates to 'abundance' in English. It refers to a large quantity of something or the state of having a lot of something. It can be used to describe anything that exists in large amounts or numbers, whether physically (such as abundance of food, resources, etc.) or figuratively (such as abundance of love, happiness, etc.). This term is often associated with prosperity, wealth and affluence, but can also refer to ample amount of not-so-positive things such as an abundance of problems or troubles.


The Spanish word for 'action' is 'acción'. It is used similarly to how it's used in English. It can denote activity or movement, and it can also be used metaphorically, as in taking action on an issue. Just like in English, 'acción' is a versatile word in Spanish and can be used in many different contexts.

Example sentences with  acción

The Spanish word 'accionista' translates to 'shareholder' in English. Shareholders are individuals or institutions that legally own one or more shares of the stock in a public or private corporation. Shareholders may be referred to as members of a corporation. Legally, a person is not a shareholder in a corporation until their name and other details are entered in the corporation's register, as evidence of their ownership of shares. The term 'accionista' is commonly used in business and finance.

agente de bolsa

The Spanish term 'agente de bolsa' translates to 'broker' in English. A broker, or 'agente de bolsa', is a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others. This term is commonly used in the context of finance and business. In a stock exchange setting, a broker can be referred to as a 'stock broker', who is responsible for buying and selling stocks and other securities on behalf of investors.

Example sentences with  agente de bolsa
agilizar un pago
expedite payment

The Spanish phrase 'agilizar un pago' refers to the action of making a payment process faster or more efficient. In English, it is commonly translated as 'expedite payment'. Expediting a payment means taking steps to ensure that the payment reaches the recipient rapidly, often through express or accelerated methods. This can be particularly important in contexts such as business transactions, where prompt payment can be crucial to maintaining good relationships and ensuring continuity of services.

Example sentences with  agilizar un pago
ahorrar dinero
save money

The Spanish term 'ahorrar dinero' translates to 'save money' in English. It refers to the process of setting aside a portion of your income or resources, avoiding unnecessary expenditures. This practice is often done to secure future financial emergencies, long-term financial goals, or just as a strategy for wealth development.


The Spanish word 'ahorro' translates to 'savings' in English. It is often used in the context of finance, where it refers to money that an individual or organization has saved, typically through a bank or official scheme. 'Ahorro' could also refer to the act of saving in terms of reducing expenses or the act of preserving something from loss or depletion.


The Spanish word 'amortizar' translates to 'amortize' in English. The term relates to finance and economics, and it essentially means to gradually reduce or write off the initial cost of an asset. Typically, this is done through regular payments over a particular period of time. The idea is that, eventually, the full amount of the debt or loan will be paid off in full.

aplazar un pago
postponement of payment

The Spanish term 'aplazar un pago' refers to the act of postponing or delaying a payment. This could be for various reasons such as financial difficulties, negotiation of terms, or awaiting fund disbursement. It is a commonly used phrase in finance and banking sectors where the due date for debt repayment can be shifted forward in time.

Example sentences with  aplazar un pago
aval (bancario)
guarantee (banking)

The Spanish term 'aval bancario' translates to 'guarantee' in English, specifically within the context of banking. This refers to the legal promise by a bank to cover a liability in case the debtor fails to fulfill their financial obligations. In other words, an 'aval bancario' provides assurance that a debt will be paid, acting as a form of security for the creditor.

bajar la bolsa
lower the stock

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la bolsa' translates to 'lower the stock' in English. In a financial context, it can depict a decline or decrease in the value of stocks in a particular market. When used in normal conversation, it could also signify the reduction or lowering down of something that is held in high regard.

Example sentences with  bajar la bolsa
bajar los intereses
lower interest

The phrase 'bajar los intereses' in Spanish translates to 'lower the interest' in English. It's commonly used in economic and financial contexts where interest rates are involved. For instance, it can refer to the action taken by a financial institution or central bank to reduce the rates at which money is lent. It may also be used more broadly to convey the idea of reducing interest or enthusiasm in something.

Example sentences with  bajar los intereses

The Spanish word 'balancearse' translates to 'to balance oneself' in English. This word is a verb and often used when discussing physical activities such as walking along a balance beam or standing on one foot. It's about maintaining an equilibrium or stability. It may also have a more abstract usage such as trying to balance different aspects of life.

Example sentences with  balancearse

The Spanish word 'banca' translates to 'banking' in English. This term is used to describe the system that is involved in borrowing, lending, exchanging, and safeguarding money. As a part, banking deals with credit, currency, and transactions between individuals, businesses, and entities. This system is crucial for the functioning of an economy, facilitating various transactions and operations. It is an essential part of personal finance and business operations.


In Spanish, 'banco' refers to a financial institution where customers can save or borrow money. For example, 'Voy al banco a sacar dinero', which means 'I am going to the bank to withdraw money'. It can also mean a 'bench' or 'seat', relying on context for the correct interpretation.

Example sentences with  banco
Banco Mundial (BM)
World Bank (BM)

The term 'Banco Mundial (BM)' translates to 'World Bank (BM)' in English. The World Bank is a unique global partnership operating from 189 countries to fight poverty and boost shared prosperity. It provides technical and financial assistance to developing countries for development programs (for example, bridges, schools, roads, etc.) that are expected to improve the economic outlook and quality of life for people in those countries.

Example sentences with  Banco Mundial (BM)

The Spanish word 'banquero' can be translated into English as 'banker'. A 'banker' is a person who works in a bank, typically holding a significant managerial or executive role. They are involved in financial operations, like lending money, managing accounts and transactions, and advising clients on financial matters. The term 'banquero' can reference different positions within a bank, from a bank manager who supervises the operations of a branch to banking executives who make larger scale decisions affecting the whole banking institution.


The Spanish word 'beneficio' is used similarly to the English word 'benefit'. It can refer to an advantage or profit gained from something, or a payment made by an insurance system or government agency. It's used in various expressions and contexts such as business or legal terminology, healthcare, events, and more. Like in English, it can also be used as a verb in Spanish.

Example sentences with  beneficio

The Spanish word 'beneficios' translates to 'benefits' in English. This term is often used in a business or organizational context to refer to monetary or non-monetary rewards that employees receive in addition to their normal wages. Benefits can include health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and various others. In a broader sense, this term can also refer to the positive impacts or advantages that come from a certain action or decision.

Example sentences with  beneficios
blanquear dinero
to launder money

The Spanish phrase 'blanquear dinero' translates to 'launder money' in English. This is a financial term used when illegally obtained money is processed through several transactions to conceal its origin, making it appear as if it stemmed from legal sources. Essentially, it involves 'cleaning' the 'dirty' money, hence the use of the term 'launder' which means to cleanse or wash.

caja de ahorros
savings bank

The Spanish term 'caja de ahorros' translates to 'savings bank' in English. A 'savings bank' is a type of financial institution where people primarily deposit funds with the expectation of earning interest over time. It's generally used by individuals for long-term saving and investment strategies.

caja fuerte

The Spanish phrase 'caja fuerte' translates into English as 'safe.' It literally means 'strong box.' This term is used predominantly for safes in businesses or for personal use at home. These are typically sturdy, lockable boxes used to store valuable items such as money, documents, or jewelry. The concept of a 'safe' signifies security and protection, being designed to protect such valuable items from theft, damage, or fire.

cajero automático

The Spanish term 'cajero automático' directly translates to 'automatic cashier' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a machine from which clients of a financial institution may make withdrawals or deposits, check their account balances or transfer funds between accounts. This device is known in English using the acronym 'ATM', which stands for 'Automated Teller Machine'.

Cámara de Comercio
Chamber of Commerce

The term 'Cámara de Comercio' in Spanish translates literally to 'Chamber of Commerce' in English. These are local organizations of businesses whose goal is to further the interests of businesses in the area. Business owners in towns and cities form these local societies to advocate on behalf of the business community. They may address issues such as local development, tourism, special events, and public policy.

cambiar dinero
change money

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar dinero' translates to 'change money' in English. This term is often used in situations regarding currency exchange, such as when one wants to convert one currency to another when travelling. It can also be used metaphorically in a variety of contexts to suggest a change in the type or value of money one has.


The Spanish word 'cambio' is used in much the same way as its English equivalent 'change', indicating a change or transformation in state, condition, form, or appearance. It is a versatile word that can be used in a various number of contexts such as financial (when speaking about exchange rates or money), personal (when talking about lifestyle changes), as well as for shifts in attitude, climate or even clothes.

Example sentences with  cambio
carecer de recursos
lack of resources

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de recursos' stands for an English phrase 'lack of resources'. It is commonly used in contexts where there is a shortage or insufficiency of means to accomplish something, such as inadequate funds, materials, staff, or other assets needed to function effectively. These resources can be of any kind - financial, natural, human, etc. It's used in both formal and informal contexts, and across multiple sectors, such as business, personal life, education, government policies, and others.


The Spanish word 'caro' translates to 'expensive' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that costs a lot of money. Synonyms for 'caro' might include 'costoso' or 'preciado'. It can be used in various contexts, just like its English equivalent. For example, you could say 'El coche es muy caro' which translates to 'The car is very expensive'.


In Spanish, the word 'carta' is commonly used to refer to a written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger. It can be a personal letter or an official letter. However, keep in mind that 'letter' can also be translated as 'letra', specifically when referring to a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech.

Example sentences with  carta
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