Spanish Feelings Vocabulary in Spanish

A comprehensive collection of words in Spanish related to different types of feelings and emotions.

tener un sentimiento profundo
having a deep feeling

The Spanish phrase 'tener un sentimiento profundo' translates to 'having a deep feeling' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe deep emotional experiences or profound feelings of love, empathy, sadness, joy, etc. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', 'un' is an indefinite article that means 'a', 'sentimiento' means 'feeling', and 'profundo' translates to 'deep'. Therefore, the phrase as a whole represents a strong emotional state or sensation.

tener un sentimiento puro
having a pure feeling

The phrase 'tener un sentimiento puro' in Spanish translates to 'having a pure feeling' in English. This phrase is typically used to express a feeling or emotion that is sincere and not influenced by other things. It's often associated with feelings of love or happiness, but it can refer to any emotion. It's important to remember that 'tener' is the verb 'to have' in English, 'un' is the article 'a' in English, 'sentimiento' is the noun 'feeling', and 'puro' is the adjective 'pure'. This phrase is an example of how adjectives in Spanish often appear after the noun they describe, which is different from the typical word order in English.

tener una depresión aguda
having an acute depression

The Spanish phrase 'tener una depresión aguda' translates to 'having an acute depression' in English. This phrase is typically used in medical or psychological contexts to describe a severe, often sudden onset of depression. This term can refer to a serious medical condition that requires immediate attention and intervention. Acute depressions can be caused by various factors such as trauma, life changes, or even medical conditions and might include symptoms such as persistent sadness, lack of interest, sleep disturbances among others. It is a serious term and should be used with understanding of its weight and consequences.

tener una depresión profunda
having a deep depression

The Spanish phrase 'tener una depresión profunda' translates to 'having a deep depression' in English. This phrase might be used to express a severe emotional or psychological state a person might be going through. It's a medical phrase referring to the mental health condition of depression when it's severe or deeply affecting someone. It might also be used metaphorically to describe feeling very sad or in a very low emotional state.


'Triste' describes the state of feeling or appearing unhappy or depressed.

Example sentences with  triste

The Spanish word 'tristeza' translates to 'sadness' in English. It is a noun often used to express a feeling of sorrow, unhappiness or grief. It may refer to an emotional response to various upsetting or disappointing events or situations. Similar to its English counterpart, 'tristeza' can be used in a variety of contexts and can describe a wide range of intensities of sadness.

vencer una depresión aguda
to overcome acute depression

The Spanish phrase 'vencer una depresión aguda' translates as 'to overcome acute depression' in English. In this statement, 'vencer' means to overcome or conquer, 'una' is an indefinite article corresponding to 'a', 'depresión' stands for depression, a state of feeling extremely unhappy and without hope, and 'aguda' specifies it as acute, which means very serious or severe in medical terms. So all together, 'vencer una depresión aguda' refers to a strenuous process of overcoming a severe episode of depression.

vencer una depresión profunda
to overcome a deep depression

The Spanish phrase 'vencer una depresión profunda' translates to 'overcome a deep depression' in English. This is an action or achievement, typically used to describe the process of successfully dealing with or gaining control over a difficult emotional condition or situation, specifically a severe or intense state of sadness, often with no obvious cause, referred to as a deep depression.

volver loco
Go mad

The Spanish phrase 'volver loco' corresponds to the English expression 'go mad'. This expression is used in various contexts, commonly to refer to losing one's mind or going crazy. It can also be applied to situations of extreme frustration or confusion. It also carries a certain degree of emotional intensity, often expressing exasperation or anger. As with similar phrases in any language, it's important to bear in mind the tone and context in which it's used to fully understand its meaning.

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