Spanish Spanish Farewell Language Learning

Explore a collection of Spanish farewell phrases to broaden your language learning journey!


This is a common Spanish farewell, used when you don’t expect to see the person again for a while.

Example sentences with  ¡Adiós!
¡Hasta luego!
See you later

This phrase can be used when leaving or saying goodbye. You use it when you expect to see the person again soon.

Example sentences with  ¡Hasta luego!
Adiós para siempre
Goodbye forever

This is a very strong and formal farewell, used when you do not expect to see the person again.

Example sentences with  Adiós para siempre

This is a very informal way of saying goodbye, equivalent to 'bye' in English.

Example sentences with  Chao

The Spanish word 'despedida' translates to 'goodbye' in English. This word is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to bid farewell or say goodbye to someone. Similar to its English equivalent, 'despedida' is used when parting ways at the end of any social gathering, event, or everyday conversations. It can also be used formally or informally depending on the context.

say goodbye

The Spanish term 'despedir' translates to 'say goodbye' in English. It's a verb usually used in the formal or informal departure context. It's also utilized to denote letting someone go from their job. In English contexts, we might use it like 'despedirse de alguien' (to say goodbye to someone) or 'despedir a alguien del trabajo' (to fire someone from his or her job).

Hasta entonces
Until then

This farewell is used when you have specified a time or event when you will see the person again.

Example sentences with  Hasta entonces
Hasta la próxima
Until next time

This phrase is used when you expect to see the person again at an unspecified time in the future.

Example sentences with  Hasta la próxima
Hasta la vista
Until we meet again

A more formal way of saying goodbye, similar to 'until we meet again' in English.

Example sentences with  Hasta la vista
Hasta mañana
See you tomorrow

This phrase is used when you expect to see the person the next day.

Example sentences with  Hasta mañana
Hasta pronto
See you soon

This is used when you expect to see the person again soon but maybe not immediately.

Example sentences with  Hasta pronto
Nos vemos
We'll see each other

This is a common and casual way of saying goodbye when you expect to see the person again.

Example sentences with  Nos vemos
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