Spanish Learn Spanish: Environmental Problems & Natural Disasters

An introduction to Spanish vocabulary and phrases focused on environmental problems and natural disasters. Suitable for beginners.

aerosol sprays

The Spanish word 'aerosoles' translates to 'aerosol sprays' in English. These are substances enclosed under pressure and able to be released as a fine spray, typically by means of a propellant gas. They can relate to various products like deodorants, paints, and medicinal products that are stored in a container under high pressure.

Example sentences with  aerosoles
agotarse los recursos naturales
depleting natural resources

The Spanish phrase 'agotarse los recursos naturales' translates to 'depleting natural resources' in English. This phrase is often used in discussions or texts that deal with environmental studies or issues. It refers to the consumption or exhaustion of Earth's natural resources such as water, air, soil, minerals, forests, etc. at a pace which is faster than their natural rate of regeneration. Environmentalists often use this term to describe situations where human activities cause a high degree of resource depletion.

Example sentences with  agotarse los recursos naturales
agricultura ecológica

The term 'agricultura ecológica' is Spanish and translates to 'organic agriculture' in English. Organic agriculture is a method of farming that does not use synthesized chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Instead, it relies on natural ecological processes and cycles, and this is reflected in its alternative name 'ecological agriculture'. This method of agriculture promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity to maintain and increase long-term soil fertility, and it is believed to be more sustainable.

Example sentences with  agricultura ecológica
agujero de la capa de ozono
ozone layer hole

The term 'agujero de la capa de ozono' in Spanish refers to the 'ozone layer hole' in English. This refers to a significant reduction or 'hole' in the Earth's stratospheric ozone layer, which is located above the Antarctic. It is a global issue and results largely from human-made chemicals. Ozone layer depletion allows more harmful ultraviolet B radiation to reach the Earth's surface, leading to health and environmental problems.

Example sentences with  agujero de la capa de ozono
ahorro energético
energy savings

The Spanish phrase 'ahorro energético' translates to 'energy savings' in English. It refers to the reduction of the amount of power used, which leads to preservation of natural resources and also can result in financial savings. This term is often used in the context of sustainability and environmental conservation, and can be applied to a variety of scenarios, from household energy consumption, to industry-level energy use.

Example sentences with  ahorro energético
alimentos transgénicos
gmo foods

The Spanish term 'alimentos transgénicos' translates to 'gmo foods' in English. This term refers to food products that have been derived from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA via genetic engineering. The modification aims at improving the food's trait, such as increasing its resistance to pests. While the use and consumption of GMO foods are widespread, they are also a subject of public debate regarding their safety and impact on the environment.

Example sentences with  alimentos transgénicos
aprovechar los recursos naturales
use of natural resources

The Spanish phrase 'aprovechar los recursos naturales' translates to 'use of natural resources' in English. This phrase is typically used in environmental, economic, and sustainability contexts, referring to the human practice of using various elements of nature for human benefit. These resources include minerals, soil, water, vegetation, and wildlife. The way these resources are used can have implications for the environment, society, and the economy.

Example sentences with  aprovechar los recursos naturales

The Spanish word 'biodiversidad' translates to 'biodiversity' in English. It is a neologism coined in the 80s from the conjunction of 'biology' and 'diversity'. It is a term widely used in environmental and biological sciences. 'Biodiversidad' refers to the wide variety of life on Earth and the natural patterns it forms. This complexity of life not only pertains to the wide number of different species of plants and animals, but also their genetic variation and the diverse ecosystems and landscapes in which they inhabit.

Example sentences with  biodiversidad

The Spanish word 'biomasa' translates to 'biomass' in English. 'Biomass' is a term often used in biology and refers to the total amount of living matter within a given unit of environmental area. It can also be related to renewable energy, where 'biomass' is organic matter used as fuel. Overall, 'biomasa' in Spanish has a direct correlation with the English term 'biomass' and is used in a similar context.

Example sentences with  biomasa

The Spanish word 'biosfera' translates to 'biosphere' in English. A biosphere refers to the part of the Earth, including land, water, and air or atmosphere, in which life exists. This term is widely used in ecology and environmental science, referring to the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere (Earth's crust and upper mantle), hydrosphere (water bodies), and atmosphere (air). The concept of the biosphere was first introduced by a Russian geologist Vladimir Vernadsky in 1926.

Example sentences with  biosfera

The word 'biotecnología' corresponds to the English word 'biotechnology'. Biotechnology refers to the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, or any technological applications that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use. It is a broad and complex field that overlaps with several other scientific disciplines, like genetics, molecular biology, bioengineering, biomanufacturing, etc.

Example sentences with  biotecnología
cambio climático
climate change

The Spanish term 'cambio climático' translates into English as 'climate change'. Climate change is a long-term alteration in the Earth's climate and weather patterns. It particularly refers to the significant changes in global temperatures and precipitation patterns that have been observed over the last century or more. Due to these changes, we can face various environmental issues such as melting glaciers, more frequent natural disasters, disruptions to agriculture and more.

Example sentences with  cambio climático
cartón reciclado
recycled carton

The Spanish term 'cartón reciclado' translates to 'recycled carton' in English. This term is often used in contexts related to waste management and environmental sustainability. Recycled carton refers to carton materials that have gone through a recycling process to be reused again. In both Spanish and English, recycled carton can refer to any product made from reprocessing waste carton into a new material. This is part of a broader societal push to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste, and thus decrease the environmental impact of our consumer habits.

Example sentences with  cartón reciclado
catástrofe natural
natural catastrophe

The term 'catástrofe natural' in Spanish is translated into English as 'natural catastrophe'. This term is used when referring to major adverse events resulting from natural processes of the Earth. It includes events such as floods, earthquakes, hurricane, volcanic eruptions, etc. Usually these events result in extensive loss of life or property and have devastating impacts on the environment as well.

Example sentences with  catástrofe natural
conservar el medio ambiente
conserve the environment

The Spanish phrase 'conservar el medio ambiente' translates to 'conserve the environment' in English. This phrase is used in the context of advocating for protection and preservation of the natural world. Conservation includes activities and practices that aim to reduce waste and excessive consumption, restore and maintain the natural habitat of different species, and enhance the overall health and quality of our environment. In a time of global environmental crisis, understanding and implementing this concept is essential.

Example sentences with  conservar el medio ambiente
conservar la naturaleza
preserve nature

The Spanish phrase 'conservar la naturaleza' translates to 'preserve nature' in English. It is used to emphasize the importance of protecting and maintaining the natural environment against harmful human activities. This phrase is often used in context where sustainability, environmental conservation and biodiversity are areas of discussion.

Example sentences with  conservar la naturaleza

The word 'contaminación' in Spanish translates to 'pollution' in English. Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful materials into the environment, which could be in the form of chemicals, noise, or even heat. These pollutants can have adverse effects on humans, animals, and plants, and can also disturb entire ecosystems. The sources of pollution can be various, including industrial activities, waste disposal, automobile emissions, and many more. Reducing pollution is key to maintaining a healthy and sustainable environment.

Example sentences with  contaminación

The word 'contaminado' in Spanish translates to 'contaminated' in English. It is often used to describe something that has been tainted or polluted in some way such as water, air or foods. It can also be used in a broader sense to suggest a corrupting influence. In Spanish grammar, 'contaminado' would differ in gender and number with the noun it is modifying. It serves as an adjective in a sentence and its placement is typically after the noun.

Example sentences with  contaminado

The Spanish word 'contaminante' translates to 'contaminant' in English. It is commonly used in the context of environmental science and refers to any substance that is introduced into the environment and causes harm or discomfort to it. 'Contaminante' could pertain to the water, air, soil among others. An example of a 'contaminante' could be pollutants from factories that are harmful to the environment.

Example sentences with  contaminante
contenedor de papel
paper container

The Spanish term 'contenedor de papel' translates in English to 'paper container'. This can refer to a variety of objects in daily life. It could mean a small box or envelope made of paper, used to hold or carry things such as a gift or letter. On a larger scale, it might also refer to a paper recycling bin or dumpster specifically designated for disposing of paper waste. The exact meaning therefore, would depend on the context in which it's used.

contenedor de vidrio
glass container

The Spanish phrase 'contenedor de vidrio' directly translates to 'glass container' in English. It is a noun phrase used to describe a container made out of glass, often used for storing or holding things. It can refer to various items in daily life, including but not limited to, a glass jar, bottle, beaker or decorative item. The term is quite common in everyday usage.

cuidar el medio ambiente
environmental care

The Spanish phrase 'cuidar el medio ambiente' translates to 'environmental care' in English. It refers to actions and behaviors that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment. It is often used in discussions about sustainability and environmental policies. This phrase is important in discussions about how individuals and societies can impact nature in positive or negative ways.

Example sentences with  cuidar el medio ambiente
cuidar la naturaleza
take care of nature

The Spanish phrase 'cuidar la naturaleza' translates into English as 'take care of nature'. It is used to emphasize the importance of protecting and preserving the natural environment. Similar phrases in English might include 'preserve the environment' or 'protect nature'. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts and is a common term in discussions about environmental conservation and sustainability.

Example sentences with  cuidar la naturaleza
treatment plant

The Spanish word 'depuradora' translates to 'treatment plant' in English. It is used in the context of waste management, particularly in relation to the treatment of sewage and wastewater. A 'depuradora' is a facility where wastewater undergoes treatment to remove contaminants before the clean water is released back into the environment.

Example sentences with  depuradora
desarrollo sostenible
sustainable development

The Spanish term 'desarrollo sostenible' translates to 'sustainable development' in English. Sustainable development refers to the method or strategy of economic growth which aims to meet the needs of the present population without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves creating an equilibrium between three key elements, which are economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection.

Example sentences with  desarrollo sostenible
desastre natural
natural disaster

The Spanish term 'desastre natural' translates to 'natural disaster' in English. Natural disasters refer to catastrophic events resulting from natural processes of the Earth like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes. They can cause significant damage or loss of life and property, and disrupt the environment and economy. The term is often used in relation to disaster management and planning responses to minimize damage and ensure safety.

Example sentences with  desastre natural

Desertización is a Spanish term that can be translated into English as 'desertization'. It is a process characterized by the degradation of land, especially in dry areas, due to various factors including climate changes and human activities. This process generally results in a decrease in vegetation and wildlife, making the land resemble a desert.

Example sentences with  desertización

The Spanish word 'ecologista' translates to 'environmentalist' in English. An 'environmentalist' is a person who is concerned with or advocates for the protection of the environment. This could be through activities such as recycling, advocating for policy changes, or promoting cleaner forms of energy. The term is widely used in different contexts, but always related to environmental awareness and protection.

Example sentences with  ecologista

The Spanish word 'ecosistema' translates to 'ecosystem' in English. An 'ecosistema' or 'ecosystem' is a complex biological network or interconnected system consisting of all the living organisms in a particular area and their physical environment. These living organisms can include plants, animals, and microorganisms, and the physical environment can include elements such as soil, water, and climate. The organisms in an ecosystem interact with each other as well as with their physical environment, driving the energy flow and nutrient cycling that sustain the ecosystem.

Example sentences with  ecosistema
efecto invernadero
greenhouse effect

The term 'efecto invernadero' refers to the 'greenhouse effect' in English. This is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. This process maintains the Earth’s temperature at a level suitable for life.

Example sentences with  efecto invernadero
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