Spanish List of Country Names in Spanish

This page provides a comprehensive list of country names translated from English to Spanish. Improve your vocabulary with these translations.


The Spanish word 'alemán' translates to 'German' in English. It could refer to the German language, a person from Germany, or anything related to the country Germany, similar to how 'German' is utilized in English. Its use can vary depending on the context, just like other adjectives denoting nationality or language.


The word 'español' is a noun in Spanish language translated to English as 'Spanish'. 'Español' refers to the language that originated in Spain and is officially spoken in 21 countries today. It is the second most spoken first language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese.

Extremo Oriente
Far East

The term 'Extremo Oriente', translated in English as 'Far East', refers to the easternmost part of a geographic region, often in reference to the continent of Asia. It includes nations such as China, Japan, South Korea, and sometimes even Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and the Philippines. The term is widely used in historical, social, and geographic contexts.

Example sentences with  Extremo Oriente

The word 'japonés' is a Spanish term that translates into 'Japanese' in English. It may be used to refer to anything relating to Japan - its people, language, or culture. Used as an adjective, 'japonés' describes something as being of Japanese origin. It links not only to the geographical country of Japan but also encompasses the rich historical, cultural, and linguistic dimensions associated with it. Therefore, when one is referring to a Japanese food, person, language or any other element, the term 'japonés' is used in the Spanish language.


The word 'mexicano' is an adjective in the Spanish language, relating to Mexico, its people, culture or language. In English, it translates to 'Mexican'. For example, it can be used to describe a person who is from Mexico (un hombre mexicano), Mexican food (comida mexicana), or the Mexican culture (la cultura mexicana).


The Spanish word 'nacionalidad' translates to 'nationality' in English. It is used to indicate a person's country of origin or, in some cases, the nation they identify with. This can refer to where they were born, where they currently live, or where their ancestors are from. The concept of 'nacionalidad' is important in legal and societal contexts, often influencing a person's rights, responsibilities, and identity. It's commonly used in legal documents, forms, and discussions of heritage or citizenship.

Oriente Medio
Middle East

The term 'Oriente Medio' is a geographical reference used in Spanish language, and when translated into English, it means 'Middle East'. This refers to the region stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to Iran, including countries like Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and so on. The term, Middle East, is widely used in English to wonder about the eastern part of the 'middle half' of the globe.

Example sentences with  Oriente Medio
Oriente Próximo
Near East
Example sentences with  Oriente Próximo
ser de Bali
being from Bali

The Spanish phrase 'ser de Bali' translates to 'being from Bali' in English. This phrase is commonly used to denote someone's origin or where they come from. In this particular case, if someone says 'Yo soy de Bali' in Spanish, they are identifying themselves as a person from Bali. The verb 'ser' is used in Spanish to indicate origin.

ser de Laos
being from Laos

The Spanish phrase 'ser de Laos' translates to 'Being from Laos' in English. This phrase is used to express nationalities, suggesting that the person is originally from the Southeast Asian country of Laos. In Spanish, nationality and origin are commonly expressed with the verb 'ser', followed by 'de' and then the country name.

ser de Mozambique
being from Mozambique

The Spanish phrase 'ser de Mozambique' translates to 'being from Mozambique' in English. This phrase indicates a person's origin or nationality, specifically relating to the southeastern African country of Mozambique. This is often used to express someone's identity or cultural background in the Spanish-speaking context.

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