Spanish Conjunction in Spanish

Explore the role of conjunctions in Spanish. Learn how to use conjunctions to connect words, phrases, and clauses.


The Spanish 'antes' is used in sentences similar to how 'before' is used in English. This word can be used both in the context of time, such as 'I eat before I workout', translating to 'Yo como antes de hacer ejercicio', and also in a comparison, such as 'I prefer coffee before tea', translating to 'Prefiero el café antes que el té'.

Example sentences with  antes

The Spanish word 'aunque' directly translates to 'though' in English and it is commonly used to express a contrast or contradiction, similar to how 'though' is used in English. For instance, you could use 'aunque' in a sentence such as 'Aunque llovió, todavía fuimos al parque,' which translates to 'Even though it rained, we still went to the park.'

Example sentences with  aunque

The Spanish word 'cualquiera' is an equivalent to the English word 'either'. It is generally used as a pronoun or an adjective. It is used to indicate a choice between two alternatives, just like 'either' in English. For example, 'Puedes elegir cualquiera de las opciones' meaning 'You can choose either of the options'. However, it can also be used as 'any' in some cases, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  cualquiera

The Spanish word 'cuando' is used as an adverb, conjunction, or pronoun, similar to the English 'when'. It can be used to ask about or state the time at which something happens, or to introduce a clause indicating the time at which the action in the main clause takes place. For example, '¿Cuando vas a comer?' means 'When are you going to eat?'

Example sentences with  cuando

In Spanish, 'like' is translated as 'gusta'. It is primarily used in expressing likes and preferences. It is usually followed by a verb in infinitive form in expressions such as 'Me gusta correr', which translates 'I like to run'. However, it is essential to know that the Spanish verb to like 'gustar' doesn't work the same way as it does in English. Instead of 'I like', it is closer to 'it pleases me'.

Example sentences with  gusta

The Spanish word 'mientras' is used to mean 'while', typically indicating simultaneous events or a condition that is true as long as something else is happening. For instance, you might say 'Escucho música mientras estudio' to mean 'I listen to music while I study'. It can also be used to imply a contrast, similar to how 'while' is used in English.

Example sentences with  mientras

The Spanish word 'sin' is used in exactly the same way as the English word 'without'. It's a preposition used to express the absence or lack of something. For instance, 'Estoy sin dinero' means 'I'm without money'.

Example sentences with  sin
una vez

The Spanish word 'una vez' translates to 'once' in English. It is used to refer to a single occasion or instance. It can also be used to indicate a particular point in time where something occurred or an event happened.

Example sentences with  una vez
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