Spanish Tag: Communication

Explore words related to the realm of communication, a crucial tool in language learning.

atender una llamada
to attend a call

The Spanish phrase 'atender una llamada' translates to 'attend a call' in English. This phrase is commonly used in contexts or situations where someone needs to answer or respond to a telephone call. It can refer to the action of picking up the phone when it rings, listening to the person on the other end, and responding accordingly.

buzón de voz
voice mail

The phrase 'buzón de voz' in Spanish translates to 'voice mail' in English. Voice mail is a computerized system that allows users to exchange personal voice messages; to select and deliver voice information; and to process transactions relating to individuals, organizations, products, and services, using an ordinary phone. It is usually accessible through a dedicated telephone number and has the functionality to store, forward, playback, and delete messages.

carta formal
formal letter

The phrase 'carta formal' in Spanish translates to 'formal letter' in English. A formal letter is a letter written in formal language, generally used for official communication and correspondence. The language, style, and content of such a letter depend on the purpose of the letter and who is being addressed. 'Carta formal' can be used in personal, academic or business settings where a degree of formality is required.

carta personal
personal letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta personal' translates to 'personal letter' in English. A personal letter is a type of letter (or written communication) exchanged between individuals for personal purposes. Personal letters can include various types of communication such as thank you notes, condolences, invitations, and congratulations. They are less formal than business letters and allow for a personal touch. In Spanish, just like in English, personal letters are a common and important form of communication.

coger el teléfono
pick up the phone

The Spanish phrase 'coger el teléfono' translates directly to 'pick up the phone' in English. It is often used in situations where someone wishes to initiate a phone call or respond to a ringing phone. It could potentially be used in various contexts, such as in a work setting, at home, or when giving instructions.

colgar el teléfono
hang up the phone

The Spanish phrase 'colgar el teléfono' translates to 'hang up the phone' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including both literal and figurative senses. In literal usage, it means to terminate the connection of your phone call by setting down the telephone receiver or pressing an indicated button on a digital device. Figuratively, it implies ending a topic or conversation on the phone. This phrase can be part of common Spanish phrases used in daily life when speaking on the phone.

comunicación a través del ordenador
communication through the computer

The Spanish phrase 'comunicación a través del ordenador' translates to 'communication through the computer' in English. This phrase can pertain to various modes of digital communication, such as emails, instant messaging, video conferencing or social networking. The phrase stresses the medium (the computer) rather than the kind of communication taking place.

comunicarse con alguien por carta
contact someone by letter

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por carta' translates to 'contact someone by letter' in English. It refers to the act of sending someone a written message or information on physical paper, most often using the postal service. This phrase reflects a form of communication that, while less common today due to technology, is still recognized and valued for its personal and thoughtful nature.

comunicarse con alguien por correo
communicate with someone by mail

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por correo' means 'communicate with someone by mail' in English. This phrase is often used in formal or business settings to denote correspondence via traditional mail or electronic mail (email). A derivative of this phrase is 'comunicarse por correo electrónico' which specifically refers to communication via email.

comunicarse con alguien por correo (electrónico)
communicate with someone by mail (electronic)

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por correo (electrónico)' translates to 'communicate with someone by mail (electronic)' in English. This implies getting in touch with someone through either traditional mail or electronic means such as email. It's a common Spanish phrase used in both professional and casual contexts to describe the act of sending and receiving information or messages.

comunicarse con alguien por teléfono
contact someone on the phone

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por teléfono' translates to 'contact someone on the phone' in English. It is a common phrase used when someone wants to initiate a phone call or is suggesting to call another person. The verb 'comunicarse' can be taken to mean 'to communicate', 'con alguien' means 'with someone', and 'por teléfono' means 'on the phone'. Hence, when you put together 'comunicarse con alguien por teléfono', it can be literally translated as 'to communicate with someone on the phone'.

comunicarse por videoconferencia
communicate by videoconference

The phrase 'comunicarse por videoconferencia' in Spanish translates to 'communicate by videoconference' in English. This term is commonly used in professional settings, particularly in the context of remote or virtual meetings. It refers to interacting with others utilizing video technology, allowing participants in different physical locations to see and hear each other in real time, effectively simulating a face-to-face meeting or conversation.

contestador automático
automatic response

The word 'contestador automático' in Spanish corresponds to 'automatic answer or response' in English. It is most commonly used to refer to an automated system, such as a telephone answering machine, that answers incoming calls or messages when the intended recipient is unavailable. This term is typically used in the context of telecommunication or electronic devices.

conversación telefónica
telephone conversation

The term 'conversación telefónica' in Spanish translates to 'telephone conversation' in English. This phrase is generally used to refer to a conversation or communication that is conducted via a telephone. It implies two or more people involved in a particular communication or discussion over the phone. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts and is often seen written as 'phone call' in informal English language.

cortar(se) la comunicación
cut communication

'Cortar(se) la comunicación' is a phrase in Spanish that means to 'cut communication' in English. It is an action used to end or disrupt the interaction or exchange of information between two or more parties. This phrase can refer to various forms of communication, including, but not limited to, verbal speech, digital communication, or even non-verbal signals. The addition of 'se' makes it reflexive, which can further lend the sense of self-isolation or withdrawal from communication. This can be used both in literal and figurative contexts.

cortarse la comunicación
cut off the communication

The phrase 'cortarse la comunicación' in Spanish refers to a situation where the communication is cut off or ended abruptly. It can be used in various contexts such as in a heated discussion where one party stops the conversation abruptly, in telecommunication when a signal or connection is lost, or even in digital chats when a message is blocked or not delivered. The phrase emphasizes the sudden and often unexpected nature of the interruption in communication.

desviar una llamada
divert a call

The Spanish phrase 'desviar una llamada' translates to 'divert a call' in English. This is typically used in the context of telecommunications. It refers to the action of rerouting a phone call from one telephone number to another. This phrase can be used in a variety of situations. For example, you might need to 'desviar una llamada' to another department at work, or to your home phone if your mobile is out of battery.

devolver una llamada
return a call

'Devolver una llamada' is a Spanish phrase that translates directly to 'return a call' in English. Typically, it's used to communicate the act of calling someone back who has previously called you. This phrase might be used in a personal setting, such as returning a phone call to a friend or relative. Additionally, it can also be used in a professional context, might one need to get back to a client or colleague who has tried reaching them earlier.

guía telefónica
phone book

The term 'guía telefónica' in Spanish translates to 'phone book' in English. A phone book, also known as a telephone directory, is a listing of telephone subscribers in a geographical area or subscribers to services provided by the organization that publishes the directory. It allows individuals to look up the phone number of a specific person or business by their name.

hacer una llamada
make a call

'Hacer una llamada' is a Spanish phrase used when someone wants to make a phone call. Just like in English, the phrase can be used in various contexts, such as making a business call, calling a friend, or calling for a service. One might use it in a sentence like 'Necesito hacer una llamada', which translates to 'I need to make a call' in English.

línea (ocupada)
line (occupied)

The Spanish term 'línea (ocupada)' translates to 'line (occupied)' in English. It is commonly used in telecommunications to indicate that a phone line is in use, or 'busy', by another party. Additionally, it can be used more generically to specify that a physical or metaphorical line or route is currently being utilized or occupied, preventing its immediate use by others.

llamar a cobro revertido
call collect

The Spanish phrase 'llamar a cobro revertido' translates to 'call collect' in English. It refers to a type of telephone call where the cost of the call is charged to the receiving party, rather than the one making the call. Typically, this service is facilitated by an operator who will connect the call after the recipient agrees to accept the charges.

marcar un número de teléfono
dial a phone number

The phrase 'marcar un número de teléfono' in Spanish is translated in English as 'dial a phone number'. It is typically used in the context of making a phone call. It refers to the action of inputting a specific sequence of numbers (the phone number) into a telephone or a cell phone. This could be performed by pressing physical buttons on a traditional touch-tone phone, tapping on a screen for modern smartphones, or even using voice commands on more recent phone systems.

ponerse a el teléfono
get on the phone

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse a el teléfono' translates to 'get on the phone' in English. This phrase is used when someone is asked to start using the phone, especially to make a call or answer it. In some contexts, it can also refer to the action of picking up the phone when it rings.

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