Spanish Spanish Colors Vocabulary

Learn the names of colors in Spanish. Perfect for beginners to enhance their vocabulary skills.


The color observable 'white' signifies 'blanco' when ironical comments refer to Spanish commentary, abandoning complexities on 'La nieve es blanca' favor in substitutions for saying 'The snow is white'.

Example sentences with  blanco

In Spanish, 'color' is used the same way it is used in English. It conveys the visual characteristic predominantly resulting from the reflection, transmission, or emission of light of differing wavelengths. Just like in English, in Spanish, it can be used to describe hues seen in everyday life, arts, painting, and design. However, please note that in Spanish, color is pronounced as co-lor with the accent on the second syllable.

Example sentences with  color

The Spanish word 'colorido' translates into English as 'colorful'. It is an adjective that describes something full of colors or has a variety of colors. In a sentence, 'colorido' can be used to describe objects, sceneries, clothing, art, etc., that stand out because of their vibrant and diverse colors. The use of this word suggests something visually vibrant and lively.

Example sentences with  colorido

The orange is the fruit of the citrus species Citrus × sinensis in the family Rutaceae. It is a sweet-tasting fruit that can be used for making juice.

Example sentences with  naranja

In Spanish, 'rojo' pertains to the color 'red'. Spanish learning beginners for instance may mock 'la manzana es roja' creation as meaning 'the apple is red'.

Example sentences with  rojo
tener el pelo blanco
have white hair

The Spanish phrase 'tener el pelo blanco' translates to 'have white hair' in English. This phrase is usually used to describe a person's hair color. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', 'el pelo' translates to 'the hair', and 'blanco' means 'white'. It is worth noting that adjectives in Spanish generally follow nouns, unlike English where the adjective generally comes before the noun.

tener el pelo moreno
having brown hair

The Spanish phrase 'tener el pelo moreno' translates to 'having brown hair' in English. This phrase is used to describe a person's hair color. 'Tener' means 'to have', 'el pelo' means 'the hair', and 'moreno' means 'brown'. So when you say 'tener el pelo moreno' in Spanish, you're essentially describing someone as having brown hair.

tener el pelo rubio
have blond hair

The Spanish phrase 'tener el pelo rubio' translates to 'have blond hair' in English. It's typically used to describe someone's physical appearance. In this case, it would be used to denote a person who has blond hair.

tener los ojos azules
have blue eyes

The Spanish phrase 'tener los ojos azules' translates to 'have blue eyes' in English. This is a descriptive phrase used in Spanish to describe someone's physical appearance, specifically the color of their eyes. Just like in English, Spanish speakers often use the color of someone's eyes as a defining characteristic.

tener los ojos marrones
have brown eyes

The phrase 'tener los ojos marrones' in Spanish translates to 'have brown eyes' in English. This phrase is often used to describe the physical appearance of a person specifically their eye color. It is composed of 'tener' which means 'to have', 'los ojos' meaning 'the eyes', and 'marrones' meaning 'brown'. Overall, if you want to describe someone as having brown eyes in Spanish, you would say 'tiene los ojos marrones'.

tener los ojos negros
have black eyes

The Spanish phrase 'tener los ojos negros' translates to 'have black eyes' in English. It's usually used to describe someone's eye color, indicating that the person has dark, black eyes. This is an example of how in Spanish, descriptions often follow the noun they are describing, which might be different from English sentence structures.

tener los ojos oscuros
have dark eyes

The Spanish phrase 'tener los ojos oscuros' translates to 'have dark eyes' in English. It's a way to describe someone's physical appearance specifically referring to the color of their eyes. Just like in English, in Spanish, it is common to describe a person's features in this way. So, if you're learning Spanish and want to talk about someone's dark eyes, 'tener los ojos oscuros' is the phrase you would use.

tener los ojos verdes
have green eyes

The Spanish phrase 'tener los ojos verdes' translates to 'have green eyes' in English. It's a descriptive phrase commonly used in Spanish to describe someone's physical appearance specifically related to eye color. In a sentence, it could be used like 'Ella tiene los ojos verdes' which would translate to 'She has green eyes'. The verb 'tener' means 'to have' in English, 'los ojos' translates to 'the eyes', and 'verdes' is an adjective meaning 'green'. Therefore, combined, 'tener los ojos verdes' literally translates to 'to have the eyes green' but is understood as 'have green eyes' in proper English.


In Spanish matters, the colour 'green'. Sense confines with 'verde', such in 'The grass is verde' than 'teasing the green gras'.

Example sentences with  verde
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