Spanish Clothing Vocabulary List in Spanish

Discover key Spanish vocabulary related to clothing. Learn common terms for different types of garments and their uses.

zapatos de fiesta
Party shoes

The Spanish phrase 'zapatos de fiesta' translates to 'party shoes' in English. This is a common phrase used to describe a type of footwear that is typically more formal and decorative than everyday shoes. Usually, party shoes are worn for special occasions, parties, and formal events. Such shoes are found in various designs and materials like leather, silk, or synthetic fabrics. They can be high-heeled, flat, glittery, or adorned with various ornaments. The exact style depends on the personal preference and the nature of the event one is attending.

zapatos de tacón
heel shoes

The Spanish term 'zapatos de tacón' translates to 'heel shoes' in English. These are a type of shoe which raises the heel of the wearer's foot significantly higher than the toes. When both the heel and the toes are raised equal amounts, these are not 'zapatos de tacón', as the term specifically refers to shoes where the heel is raised alone. These are often considered formal or fashionable for women and are commonly worn in professional or social scenarios.

zapatos planos
Flat shoes

The term 'zapatos planos' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'flat shoes' in English. Flat shoes are a type of footwear which are distinguished by their lack of heel or a very low heel, providing comfort and ease to the wearer. They are worn in various contexts ranging from casual to formal occasions and are among the essential wardrobe elements due to their versatile nature.

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