Spanish Clothing Vocabulary List in Spanish

Discover key Spanish vocabulary related to clothing. Learn common terms for different types of garments and their uses.

ropa de calle
street clothes

The word 'ropa de calle' in Spanish translates to 'street clothes' in English. Street clothes refer to everyday clothing suitable for public appearances, as opposed to clothing designed for special activities such as sports, work, or sleeping. The term 'ropa de calle' can be often heard in many Hispanic cultures to describe casual, everyday wear.

ropa de cama
bed linen

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de cama' translates to 'bed linen' in English. This term refers to the material essentials and covering, such as sheets, blankets and pillowcases, that are typically used on a bed.

ropa de deporte
sports clothing

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de deporte' translates to 'sports clothing' in English. It is a collective term that includes various items of clothing worn for sports or physical exercise. Types of sports clothing can depend on the sport being played, and it primarily serves to provide comfort and safety. For example, 'ropa de deporte' can reference jerseys, tracksuits, swimwear, shoes specially designed for sports, among other items. The use of appropriate 'ropa de deporte' is an integral part of many sports.

ropa de hombre
men's clothing

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de hombre' directly translates to 'men's clothing' in English. This can refer to any garments, accessories or footwear traditionally worn by men. It is a common phrase used in retail and fashion contexts, where it is used to distinguish men's wear from women's or children's clothing.

ropa de invierno
winter clothes

The Spanish term 'ropa de invierno' translates to 'winter clothes' in English. These are articles of clothing typically worn during the colder winter months. Depending on the region, this could include items such as coats, sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves, and thermal underwear. 'Ropa de invierno' is integral to regions with cold winters, as they help to provide warmth and protect from the harsh weather conditions.

ropa de montaña
mountain clothes

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de montaña' translates to 'mountain clothes' in English. These are items of clothing designed for activities in mountainous areas, such as climbing, hiking or camping. They are typically made of materials that are durable, protect against the elements, and provide comfort during physical exertion. This can include items like coats, boots, gloves, hats, and specialized equipment for specific activities such as skiing or mountaineering.

ropa de mujer
women's clothing

The term 'ropa de mujer' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'women's clothing' in English. It encompasses all types of clothing items specifically designed, manufactured, and marketed for women. This may include dresses, skirts, blouses, pants, lingerie, and other types of clothing items that are typically associated with women's fashion. This term is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries to denote women's sections in clothing stores, fashion trends, or the concept of women's attire in general.

ropa de niño
child clothing

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de niño' translates to 'child clothing' in English. It is used to refer to clothes specifically designed and made for children. These may include items such as shirts, pants, dresses, and coats among others. The term encompasses a wide range of clothing items, styles, and sizes, all catered to the needs and tastes of children.

ropa de temporada
seasonal clothes

The Spanish term 'ropa de temporada' translates to 'seasonal clothes' in English. This phrase refers to the range of clothes that are specifically designed and worn during a particular season. For instance, light, breathable fabrics for summer, or heavy, warm clothes for winter. The term ‘ropa de temporada’ helps in categorizing and understanding these specific types of clothes worn in different seasons of the year.

ropa de verano
summer clothes

The phrase 'ropa de verano' in Spanish translates to 'summer clothes' in English. It refers to any type of clothing that is specifically designed for, or typically worn during, the summer season. This can include lightweight t-shirts, shorts, dresses, sandals, and other breathable and comfortable items of clothing. The phrase describes clothing that is suitable for warm, sunny weather, often used in outfits for beach trips, picnics, and other outdoor activities.

rozar los zapatos
spray the shoes

The phrase 'rozar los zapatos' in English does not mean 'spray the shoes'. It translates to 'to brush the shoes' or 'to graze the shoes'. However, the use of this phrase in specific contexts may vary. In general, 'rozar' means to touch or scrape lightly, and 'los zapatos' means the shoes. Therefore, the phrase can be understood as to barely touch or lightly scrape the shoes.


The Spanish word 'sandalias' translates to 'sandals' in English. As a common item of summer footwear, sandals are open shoes consisting of a sole fastened to the foot by straps. In several English-speaking cultures, the phrase 'flip flops' might also be used interchangeably. The term 'sandalias' is of the feminine form and must agree in gender and number with other Spanish language descriptors.

Example sentences with  sandalias
sentar como un guante
fit like a glove

'Sentar como un guante' is a Spanish idiom that translates literally to 'to sit like a glove'. However, in context, this phrase is used to connote a perfect fit or match in terms of situations, objects, or even relationships. It is similar to the English idiom 'fits like a glove'. For example, it can be used to describe a dress that fits perfectly, a job role that matches someone's skills impeccably, or a partnership that works excellently.

sentar como un tiro
sitting like a shot

The phrase 'sentar como un tiro' is a Spanish idiom that does not translate literally to 'sitting like a shot' in English. It is used to express that something did not sit well or was not well received. For example, it can be used in situations where some news or a comment was upsetting or caused discomfort, similar to the English phrase 'went down like a lead balloon'.


The Spanish word 'sombrero' translates to 'hat' in English. It is a type of headwear, often with a brim and a crown. Sombreros are especially common in Mexico and Latin America and are associated with traditional dress and folklore. In practical usage, they are designed to protect the wearer from the sun or rain.


The Spanish word 'traje' translates to 'suit' in English. This term refers to a set of outer clothes made of the same fabric which typically consists of a jacket and trousers or a skirt. They are often worn for business or formal occasions. Variations of suits can include a waistcoat and can be tailored to fit the individual. The term 'traje' can also imply a costume or a dress depending on the context.

traje de fiesta
Party suit

The Spanish term 'traje de fiesta' translates to 'party suit' in English. It refers to a suit or outfit that one would wear for formal or celebratory occasions. These may be elaborate and decorated, or simply more elegant and refined than casual or day-to-day clothes. 'Traje de fiesta' can refer to a full suit, including a jacket and trousers, for men, or a fancy dress or outfit for women. The specifics may vary based on local culture and personal style.

traje de noche
Night suit

The Spanish phrase 'traje de noche' directly translates to 'night suit' in English. In some contexts, this could be understood as formal evening attire such as a tuxedo for men or an evening gown for women, which are typically worn for black tie events. However, in a more literal context, it could also refer to nightwear or sleepwear including items such as pajamas. The precise meaning often depends on the cultural and situational context in which the phrase is used.

traje de novia
wedding suit

The Spanish term 'traje de novia' translates to 'wedding suit' in English. The phrase is typically used to refer to the outfit that a bride wears during a wedding ceremony. This outfit varies depending on the culture and tradition of the wedding party, but often consists of a long white dress. The word 'traje' translates to 'suit' or 'outfit', and 'novia' translates to 'bride'. Therefore, 'traje de novia' is the traditional attire that a bride wears on her wedding day.


The Spanish word 'uniforme' translates to 'uniform' in English. It is a common noun that refers to an identifying set of clothes that members of a particular group, such as students or soldiers, wear to distinguish themselves from others. Uniforms are usually designed to promote unity and can often be seen in schools, sports teams, and military organizations.

vestido de fiesta
Party Dress

The Spanish term 'vestido de fiesta' can be translated into English as 'party dress'. It is a type of clothing typically worn by women on special occasions or social gatherings, such as parties. This term can be further broken down into 'vestido' meaning 'dress' and 'fiesta' meaning 'party' in English.

vestido de noche
evening dress

The term 'vestido de noche' in Spanish translates to 'evening dress' in English. This is a type of dress usually worn by females to formal events that take place in the evening or night. It is often made out of high-quality, fancy materials and may have details such as ruffles, lace, sequins, or other embellishments. The length, style, and design of an evening dress can vary greatly, but all are meant to provide an elegant and sophisticated look for special occasions.

vestido de novia
wedding dress

The Spanish phrase 'vestido de novia' directly translates to 'bride's dress' in English, which in practical language usage means 'wedding dress'. In Spanish, 'vestido' denotes 'dress', 'de' is a shorthand for 'of' or 'from', and 'novia' translates to 'bride'. Therefore, 'vestido de novia' refers to the special attire a bride wears on her wedding day. This term encapsulates a significant cultural symbol of matrimony and is a fundamental component of wedding ceremonies around the world.

vestir de corto
short dress

'Vestir de corto' is a Spanish phrase rather than a single word. It does not directly translate to 'short dress' in English. Instead, it's an expression used usually in Spain that refers to children's clothing, implying something like 'dressing as a child' or 'wearing short clothes', since children typically wear shorter clothes compared to adults. However, in different context it could be interpreted differently.

vestir de gala
dress up gala

The Spanish phrase 'vestir de gala' translates directly to 'dress up gala' in English. However, it is more commonly understood as dressing in formal or fancy clothes, usually for a special occasion such as a party or event. It implies a significant level of detail, preparation, and elegance in one's appearance, similar to wearing a tuxedo or evening gown at a gala dinner.

vestir de largo
dress long

The Spanish phrase 'vestir de largo' translates as 'dress long' in English. It is often used when referring to formal wear, often requiring women to wear long dresses or gowns. It is commonly used in the context of formal events and occasions such as weddings, galas, and balls. It's important to note that this phrase is associated with an element of culture and tradition, making it a good example of the uniqueness of language.

zapatillas de deporte

The Spanish phrase 'zapatillas de deporte' translates to 'sneakers' in English. These are generally comfortable shoes designed for sports and other physical exercise, although they are now also widely worn as casual footwear. The term 'sneakers' is mostly used in the Northeastern United States, South Florida, North Carolina, parts of Canada and New Zealand. The same type of shoes are known by different names in other English-speaking countries, like joggers in Australia, trainers in the UK, gym shoes or kicks in other areas of the US, and runners in Canada.


A piece of footwear used to protect and comfort the human foot while doing various activities.

Example sentences with  zapatos
zapatos abiertos
open shoes

The Spanish term 'zapatos abiertos' translates to 'open shoes' in English. This term refers to a category of footwear designed to be worn in warmer weather or indoor environments. Examples include sandals, flip-flops, and certain types of slippers. In general, 'zapatos abiertos' are shoes that expose a significant part of the foot, providing comfort and ventilation.

zapatos cerrados
closed shoes

The Spanish term 'zapatos cerrados' translates to 'closed shoes' in English. This phrase is generally used to describe a variety of shoe styles that fully cover the foot, unlike sandals or flip-flops which have open designs. These could be sports shoes, formal shoes, or casual shoes as long as they fully encase the foot providing full coverage and protection.

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