Spanish Clothing Vocabulary List in Spanish

Discover key Spanish vocabulary related to clothing. Learn common terms for different types of garments and their uses.

coger la cintura
to catch the waist

The Spanish phrase 'coger la cintura' translates to 'catch the waist' in English. This phrase can be used literally, as in catching someone around the waist, often used in the context of activities like dancing or sports. It can also be used figuratively to mean taking control or getting a grip on a situation. The verb 'coger' is used widely in Spain but can have vulgar connotations in some Latin American countries, so it's important to be mindful of regional differences in usage.

coger la manga
Grab the sleeve

The Spanish phrase 'coger la manga' translates to 'grab the sleeve' in English. In this context, 'coger' means 'to grab' or 'to take', 'la' is the Spanish definite article 'the', and 'manga' translates to 'sleeve'. Hence, the phrase could be used in situations where one needs to grab or hold onto the sleeve of a garment.


The Spanish term 'complementos' can be directly translated to English as 'complements'. In both languages, these are things that complete or bring to perfection the main item. This term can be used in various contexts including grammar, where it describes words, phrases or clauses providing extra information in a sentence, and fashion, where it would refer to accessories that enhance an outfit.


The Spanish word 'cortar' translates to 'cut' in English. It is a verb used to refer to the action of removing or separating something by using a sharp tool, or to stop or interrupt a process or activity. It can be used in various contexts, such as cooking (cutting vegetables), art and craft (cutting paper), or technology (cutting electricity). The conjugation changes depending on the tense and the subject.


The Spanish term 'coser' translates to 'sewing' in English. Sewing is a craft that involves stitching fabric, leather, or a similar material, often with a needle and thread. It is an essential skill in many areas including clothing production and repair, upholstery, and various arts and crafts. The term 'coser' may refer to the act of sewing in a general context or more specifically to the action of using a sewing machine.


The Spanish word 'cosido' translates to 'sewing' in English. It is derived from the verb 'coser' which means 'to sew'. 'Cosido' is often used in a context where something has been sewn together or is in the process of being sewn. It can refer to both the act of sewing or an item being sewn, depending on the context.


The Spanish word 'cremallera' translates to 'zipper' in English. It's primarily used to refer to a device consisting of two flexible strips of fabric with interlocking metal or plastic teeth and a sliding mechanism that is used in clothing, bags and other items to fasten two things together. It's an everyday item that's used worldwide. The term 'cremallera' can also metaphorically refer to anything that binds or connects one thing tightly to another.


The Spanish word 'cuello' translates to 'neck' in English. It refers to the part of the body that connects the head to the rest of the body. This term is used in various contexts, such as anatomy, clothing, and phrases. In anatomy, 'cuello' refers to the physical body part. In clothing, 'cuello' might refer to the neck or collar of a shirt or top. In phrases, an example is 'romper el cuello', a Spanish idiom referring to straining one's neck.

cuello chimenea
chimney collar

The Spanish term 'cuello chimenea' translates to 'chimney collar' in English. It is often used to refer to an area or part of clothing. Specifically, it's a type of high, close-fitting neckline on a garment that resembles a chimney in shape or a collar that folds over to create a similar effect. It can also refer to an actual piece on a chimney which helps regulate smoke dispersion. The exact usage can vary based on context.

cuello de pico

The Spanish term 'cuello de pico' translates to 'V-Neck' in English. This term is often used in reference to clothing, particularly shirts or dresses, to describe a style of neckline that dips down in the shape of the letter 'V'. This type of neckline is popular for its ability to elongate the neck and draw attention to the chest. It can be worn by anyone but is particularly flattering on individuals with larger chests, shorter necks or rounder faces as it can create a more balanced silhouette.

cuello redondo
Round neck

The Spanish term 'cuello redondo' translates to 'round neck' in English. It is primarily used in the context of clothing to refer to a type of neckline that is circular and close to the neck. It is a common feature in shirts, sweaters, and dresses, which is designed to not only offer comfort and freedom of movement but also to provide a clean and classic look that is widely appreciated in various cultures and societies.

de cuadros

The Spanish term 'de cuadros' translates to 'squared' in English. This can be used in a variety of contexts. It might be used in relation to math, where a number squared is the result of multiplying that number by itself. Similarly, 'de cuadros' can also refer to geometry, describing a shape with four equal edges and angles. Additionally, it can be used to describe patterns, such as a squared pattern on fabrics or designs.

de rayas

The Spanish phrase 'de rayas' translates to 'stripes' in English. It is often used in the context of patterns and designs, particularly in fashion or art. For instance, when describing a shirt or a piece of fabric, or identifying patterns in animals' fur or skin. So, if you see something described as 'de rayas' in Spanish, know that it refers to a striped pattern or design.


The Spanish word 'delantal' translates to 'apron' in English. An apron is a garment that is worn over other clothes and covers mainly the front part of the body. It might have several different purposes but it is usually worn to protect clothing, or as a fashion, decorative or symbolic item. Commonly, aprons are worn at home, by chefs, and by persons who handle certain machinery, amongst others.

desfile de moda
fashion show

The term 'desfile de moda' in Spanish directly translates to 'fashion show' in English. A fashion show is a special event, typically held by fashion designers, in which models parade on a runway to promote and display the designer's new clothing collection. This terminology is used widely in the fashion industry and is recognized internationally.


The Spanish word 'encoger' translates to 'shrink' in English. It is generally utilized when talking about reduced size, decrease or contraction of some items, or even to suggest the act of pulling back in fear or concern. It can be used in diverse situations and objects including describing clothes that become smaller when washed in high temperatures, or people who shrink back due to cold weather or fear.


The Spanish word 'escotado' is an adjective in English referred to as 'low-cut'. It is generally used to describe clothing such as dresses, blouses, or shirts, mainly women attire, which has a low neckline extensively exposing the neck, chest, and often cleavage. It is a term used in the fashion industry for the design of clothes and is synonymous with terms like 'decote'.?


The Spanish word 'estampado' translates to 'printed' in English. This word is often used to describe objects or materials, particularly fabrics, that have had a picture or pattern applied to them by pressure. This could be through a variety of ways such as dyed, painted, or more commonly pressed onto the surface. For example, if a shirt has a colorful design or pattern, you could say that the shirt is 'estampado'. Please note that it's an adjective, so it would often be used in conjunction with the item that has been printed. In usage, the placement and arrangement may change as per Spanish grammar.

estar pasado de moda
to be past fashion

The phrase 'estar pasado de moda' in Spanish denotes the concept of being out of fashion or out of date. This can refer not only to clothes or style but also to anyone or anything that's no longer trendy or popular. The exact translation in English might be 'to be past fashion' or 'to be out of style'. However, it strictly implies the idea of something that was once in vogue but is no longer considered fashionable or up-to-date.


The Spanish word 'falda' translates to 'skirt' in English. In many cultures, it is a garment typically worn by women, and it hangs from the waist and covers all or part of the legs. There are many styles of skirts including mini, maxi, pencil, and pleated skirts. The term 'falda' is commonly used in many Spanish-speaking countries and regions.

falda corta
short skirt

The Spanish term 'falda corta' translates to 'short skirt' in English. It's a common women's attire that ends above the knee. This piece of clothing is versatile and can be styled in many ways. It can be paired with various tops and shoes, making it a popular choice for many occasions, including casual outings, office wear, or special events. The term 'short skirt' or 'falda corta' in Spanish is a staple in women's fashion worldwide.

falda larga
long skirt

The Spanish term 'falda larga' translates to 'long skirt' in English. It is a two-word phrase where 'falda' means 'skirt' and 'larga' means 'long'. This phrase is typically used to describe a style of clothing that extends normally down to the ankles. The long skirt is a common item of clothing globally, popular among many cultures and often seen in a variety of materials and styles.


The word 'gorra' in Spanish translates to 'cap' in English. A 'gorra' is an item of clothing that is typically worn on the head. It has a peak that helps to shade the eyes from the sun. Caps are wore commonly by people all around the world not only as a protective gear against weather conditions but also as a fashion accessory or parts of uniforms.


The Spanish word 'guantes' translates to 'gloves' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a covering for the hands, typically made from cloth, leather, or a similar material. Gloves are often worn for protection against harsh weather conditions, or for safety while doing various tasks and activities. In language usage, 'guantes' is a masculine, plural noun in Spanish.

hacer daño los zapatos
hurt the shoes

The Spanish phrase 'hacer daño los zapatos' literally translates to 'hurt the shoes' in English. However, it's important to note that literal translations do not always preserve the original meaning. In this context, 'hacer daño' might refer to damaging or wearing out the shoes. So, a more nuanced translation might be 'to damage the shoes' or 'to wear out the shoes'.


The Spanish word 'imperdible' is incorrectly translated as 'impermissible' in English. The correct translation of 'imperdible' is 'safety pin'. This term is commonly used in Latin American countries to refer to small, usually metal, fastening devices that are used to hold pieces of fabric or clothing together.


The Spanish word 'jersey' directly translates to 'jersey' in English. The term can be used in a similar context as in English, often referring to a knitted jumper, pullover, or sweater. Despite sharing a term with a type of athletic apparel in English, the Spanish usage of 'jersey' typically does not imply a context of sports or athletics.


The Spanish word 'lana' translates to the English word 'wool'. Wool is a natural textile fibre obtained from sheep and some other animals, including goats, llamas, and certain species of rabbits. It is used in various forms of clothing and textiles due to its various benefits, such as its ability to retain heat, its durability, and its natural resistance to moisture and dirt.

limpiar en seco
dry cleaning

The Spanish term 'limpiar en seco' translates to 'dry cleaning' in English. It is a cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a solvent other than water. It is used to clean fabrics that degrade in water, and removes grease and oil more effectively than washing with water. This can prevent fabrics from shrinking and distorting in shape. In simple terms, 'limpiar en seco' involves cleaning clothes and fabrics without the use of water.


The Spanish word 'lino' corresponds to 'linen' in English. Linen is a type of textile made from the fibers of the flax plant. It is known for its strength, absorbency, and breathability. 'Lino', or linen, is often used for clothing, bed linens, tablecloths, and more. The production of linen is labor-intensive, making it more expensive than other materials.

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